724 research outputs found

    The Hamilton-Jacobi Formalism for Higher Order Field Theories

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    We extend the geometric Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for hamiltonian mechanics to higher order field theories with regular lagrangian density. We also investigate the dependence of the formalism on the lagrangian density in the class of those yelding the same Euler-Lagrange equations.Comment: 25 page

    Does postoperative radiation therapy represent a contraindication to expander-implant based immediate breast reconstruction? An update 2012-2014

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    Post-mastectomy radiotherapy (PMRT) is well known in the plastic surgery community for having a negative impact on expander-implant based immediate breast reconstruction (IBBR), although recently some technical improvements allow better results. Very recent papers would suggest that there is no difference in postoperative complications in patients receiving post-mastectomy radiotherapy using modern techniques. However, study results are often biased by small groups of patients and by heterogeneity of radiotherapy timing, different surgical techniques and measured outcomes

    Energy Extraction From Gravitational Collapse to Static Black Holes

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    The mass--energy formula of black holes implies that up to 50% of the energy can be extracted from a static black hole. Such a result is reexamined using the recently established analytic formulas for the collapse of a shell and expression for the irreducible mass of a static black hole. It is shown that the efficiency of energy extraction process during the formation of the black hole is linked in an essential way to the gravitational binding energy, the formation of the horizon and the reduction of the kinetic energy of implosion. Here a maximum efficiency of 50% in the extraction of the mass energy is shown to be generally attainable in the collapse of a spherically symmetric shell: surprisingly this result holds as well in the two limiting cases of the Schwarzschild and extreme Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m space-times. Moreover, the analytic expression recently found for the implosion of a spherical shell onto an already formed black hole leads to a new exact analytic expression for the energy extraction which results in an efficiency strictly less than 100% for any physical implementable process. There appears to be no incompatibility between General Relativity and Thermodynamics at this classical level.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, to appear on Int. Journ. Mod. Phys.

    Gravitational wave signatures from discrete flavor symmetries

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    Non-Abelian discrete symmetries have been widely used to explain the patterns of lepton masses and flavor mixing. In these models, a given symmetry is assumed at a high scale and then is spontaneously broken by scalars (the flavons), which acquire vacuum expectation values. Typically, the resulting leading order predictions for the oscillation parameters require corrections in order to comply with neutrino oscillation data. We introduce such corrections through an explicit small breaking of the symmetry. This has the advantage of solving the cosmological problems of these models without resorting to inflation. The explicit breaking induces an energy difference or "bias"between different vacua and drives the evolution of the domain walls, unavoidably produced after the symmetry breaking, towards their annihilation. Importantly, the wall annihilation leads to gravitational waves which may be observed in current and/or future experiments. We show that a distinctive pattern of gravitational waves with multiple overlapped peaks is generated when walls annihilate, which is within the reach of future detectors. We also show that cosmic walls from discrete flavor symmetries can be cosmologically safe for any spontaneous breaking scale between 1 and 1018 GeV, if the bias is chosen adequately, without the need to inflate the walls away. We use as an example a particular A4 model in which an explicit breaking is included in right-handed neutrino mass terms

    Deformations of Coisotropic Submanifolds in Jacobi Manifolds

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    In this paper, we attach an LL_\infty-algebra to any coisotropic submanifold in a Jacobi manifold. Our construction generalizes and unifies analogous constructions by Oh-Park (symplectic case), Cattaneo-Felder (Poisson case), L\^e-Oh (locally conformal symplectic case). As a new special case, we attach an LL_\infty-algebra to any coisotropic submanifold in a contact manifold. The LL_\infty-algebra of a coisotropic submanifold SS governs the (formal) deformation problem of SS.Comment: 41 pages, v2: several revisions, title and abstract slightly changed, mathematics unchanged; final version, to appear in J. Sympl. Geom. 16 (2018

    Axion-sourced fireballs from supernovae

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    New feebly interacting particles would emerge from a supernova core with 100-MeV-range energies and produce γ\gamma-rays by subsequent decays. These would contribute to the diffuse cosmic γ\gamma-ray background or would have shown up in the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) satellite from SN~1987A. However, we show for the example of axion-like particles (ALPs) that, even at distances beyond the progenitor star, the decay photons may not escape, and can instead form a fireball, a plasma shell with T1T\lesssim 1 MeV. Thus, existing arguments do not exclude ALPs with few 10 MeV masses and a two-photon coupling of a few 1010 GeV110^{-10}~{\rm GeV}^{-1}. However, the energy would have showed up in sub-MeV photons, which were not seen from SN 1987A in the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO), closing again this new window. A careful re-assessment is required for other particles that were constrained in similar ways.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Violation of area-law scaling for the entanglement entropy in spin 1/2 chains

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    Entanglement entropy obeys area law scaling for typical physical quantum systems. This may naively be argued to follow from locality of interactions. We show that this is not the case by constructing an explicit simple spin chain Hamiltonian with nearest neighbor interactions that presents an entanglement volume scaling law. This non-translational model is contrived to have couplings that force the accumulation of singlet bonds across the half chain. Our result is complementary to the known relation between non-translational invariant, nearest neighbor interacting Hamiltonians and QMA complete problems.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Chronic endometritis and altered embryo implantation: a unified pathophysiological theory from a literature systematic review

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    Purpose: Chronic endometritis (CE) is a frequent hysteroscopic and histological finding which affects embryo transfer implantation during IVF-ICSI cycles. In particular, CE impairs proper decidualization and, subsequently, implantation. Although this correlation has been clearly clarified, a pathophysiological explanation assembling all the studies performed has not been elucidated yet. For this reason, we have structured a systematic review considering all the original articles that evaluated a pathological element involved in CE and implantation impairment. Methods: The authors searched electronic databases and, after screening, collected 15 original articles. These were fully scanned and used to create a summary pathway. Results: CE is primarily caused by infections, which lead to a specific cytokine and leukocyte pattern in order to prepare the uterus to fight the noxa. In particular, the immunosuppression requested for a proper semi-allogenic embryo transfer implantation is converted into an immunoreaction, which hampers correct embryo implantation. Moreover, endometrial vascularization is affected and both irregular vessel density and luminal thickening and thrombosis reduce what we have first identified as endometrial flow reserve. Finally, incorrect uterine wave propagation could affect embryo contact with decidua. Conclusion: This is the first summary of evidence on CE pathophysiology and its relationship with infertility. Understanding the CE pathophysiology could improve our knowledge in embryo transfer success