11,841 research outputs found

    On the nature of the AGILE galactic transient sources

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    The Italian gamma-ray satellite AGILE has recently reported the detection of some variable high-energy sources likely of galactic origin. These sources do not have any obvious counterpart at lower energies. We propose that these sources are produced in proton-dominated jets of galactic microquasars. We develop a model for microquasar jets that takes into account both primary leptons and protons and all relevant radiative processes, including secondary particle emission and gamma-ray attenuation due to pair creation in the jet. We obtain spectral energy distributions that correspond to what is observed by AGILE, with most of the power concentrated between 100 MeV and 10 GeV and reaching luminosities of 1034−3510^{34-35} erg s−1^{-1}. We make detailed spectral predictions that can be tested by the Fermi gamma-ray telescope in the immediate future. We conclude that hadronic jets in galactic accreting sources can be responsible for the variable unidentified gamma-ray sources detected by AGILE.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Letters

    Ab initio analysis of the x-ray absorption spectrum of the myoglobin-carbon monoxide complex: Structure and vibrations

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    We present a comparison between Fe K-edge x-ray absorption spectra of carbonmonoxy-myoglobin and its simulation based on density-functional theory determination of the structure and vibrations and spectral simulation with multiple-scattering theory. An excellent comparison is obtained for the main part of the molecular structure without any structural fitting parameters. The geometry of the CO ligand is reliably determined using a synergic approach to data analysis. The methodology underlying this approach is expected to be especially useful in similar situations in which high-resolution data for structure and vibrations are available.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Models for gamma-ray production in low-mass microquasars

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    Unlike high-mass gamma-ray binaries, low-mass microquasars lack external sources of radiation and matter that could produce high-energy emission through interactions with relativistic particles. In this work we consider the synchrotron emission of protons and leptons that populate the jet of a low-mass microquasar. In our model photohadronic and inverse Compton (IC) interactions with synchrotron photons produced by both protons and leptons result in a high-energy tail of the spectrum. We also estimate the contribution from secondary pairs injected through photopair production. The high-energy emission is dominated by radiation of hadronic origin, so we can call these objects proton microquasars.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in the International Journal of Modern Physics D, proceedings of HEPRO meeting, held in Dublin, in September 200

    On the nature of the AGILE galactic transient sources

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    Context. The Italian gamma-ray satellite AGILE has recently reported, the detection of some variable high-energy sources likely of galactic origin. These sources do not have any obvious counterpart at lower energies. Aims. We propose that these sources are produced in proton-dominated jets of galactic microquasars. Methods. We develop a model for microquasar jets that takes into account both primary leptons and protons and all relevant radiative processes, including secondary particle emission and gamma-ray attenuation due to pair creation in the jet. Results. We obtain spectral energy distributions that correspond to what is observed by AGILE, with most of the power concentrated between 100 MeV and 10 GeV and reaching luminosities of 1034-35 erg s-1. We make detailed spectral predictions that can be tested by the Fermi, gamma-ray telescope in the immediate future. Conclusions. We conclude that hadronic jets in galactic accreting sources can be responsible for the variable unidentified gamma-ray sources detected by AGILE.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Basis set effects on the hyperpolarizability of CHCl_3: Gaussian-type orbitals, numerical basis sets and real-space grids

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    Calculations of the hyperpolarizability are typically much more difficult to converge with basis set size than the linear polarizability. In order to understand these convergence issues and hence obtain accurate ab initio values, we compare calculations of the static hyperpolarizability of the gas-phase chloroform molecule (CHCl_3) using three different kinds of basis sets: Gaussian-type orbitals, numerical basis sets, and real-space grids. Although all of these methods can yield similar results, surprisingly large, diffuse basis sets are needed to achieve convergence to comparable values. These results are interpreted in terms of local polarizability and hyperpolarizability densities. We find that the hyperpolarizability is very sensitive to the molecular structure, and we also assess the significance of vibrational contributions and frequency dispersion

    Metal Abundances of KISS Galaxies III. Nebular Abundances for Fourteen Galaxies and the Luminosity-Metallicity Relationship for HII Galaxies

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    We report results from the third in a series of nebular abundance studies of emission-line galaxies from the KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS). Galaxies with coarse metallicity estimates of 12 + log(O/H) less than 8.2 dex were selected for observation. Spectra of 14 galaxies, which cover the full optical region from [OII]3727,3729 to beyond [SII]6717,6731, are presented, and abundance ratios of N, O, Ne, S, and Ar are computed. The auroral [OIII]4363 line is detected in all 14 galaxies. Oxygen abundances determined through the direct electron temperature T_e method confirm that the sample is metal-poor with 7.61 <= 12 + log(O/H) <= 8.32. By using these abundances in conjunction with other T_e-based measurements from the literature, we demonstrate that HII galaxies and more quiescent dwarf irregular galaxies follow similar metallicity-luminosity (L-Z) relationships. The primary difference is a zero-point shift between the correlations such that HII galaxies are brighter by an average of 0.8 B magnitudes at a given metallicity. This offset can be used as evidence to argue that low-luminosity HII galaxies typically undergo factor of two luminosity enhancements, and starbursts that elevate the luminosities of their host galaxies by 2 to 3 magnitudes are not as common. We also demonstrate that the inclusion of interacting galaxies can increase the scatter in the L-Z relation and may force the observed correlation towards lower metallicities and/or larger luminosities. This must be taken into account when attempting to infer metal abundance evolution by comparing local L-Z relations with ones based on higher redshift samples since the fraction of interacting galaxies should increase with look-back time.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures. ApJ, in pres

    Stochastic estimation of hydraulic transmissivity fields using flow connectivity indicator data

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    Most methods for hydraulic test interpretation rely on a number of simplified assumptions regarding the homogeneity and isotropy of the underlying porous media. This way, the actual heterogeneity of any natural parameter, such as transmissivity ( math formula), is transferred to the corresponding estimates in a way heavily dependent on the interpretation method used. An example is a long-term pumping test interpreted by means of the Cooper-Jacob method, which implicitly assumes a homogeneous isotropic confined aquifer. The estimates obtained from this method are not local values, but still have a clear physical meaning; the estimated math formula represents a regional-scale effective value, while the log-ratio of the normalized estimated storage coefficient, indicated by math formula, is an indicator of flow connectivity, representative of the scale given by the distance between the pumping and the observation wells. In this work we propose a methodology to use math formula, together with sampled local measurements of transmissivity at selected points, to map the expected value of local math formula values using a technique based on cokriging. Since the interpolation involves two variables measured at different support scales, a critical point is the estimation of the covariance and crosscovariance matrices. The method is applied to a synthetic field displaying statistical anisotropy, showing that the inclusion of connectivity indicators in the estimation method provide maps that effectively display preferential flow pathways, with direct consequences in solute transport

    Magnetic patterning of (Ga,Mn)As by hydrogen passivation

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    We present an original method to magnetically pattern thin layers of (Ga,Mn)As. It relies on local hydrogen passivation to significantly lower the hole density, and thereby locally suppress the carrier-mediated ferromagnetic phase. The sample surface is thus maintained continuous, and the minimal structure size is of about 200 nm. In micron-sized ferromagnetic dots fabricated by hydrogen passivation on perpendicularly magnetized layers, the switching fields can be maintained closer to the continuous film coercivity, compared to dots made by usual dry etch techniques

    Oral health status of patients over 18 years. Preventive Clinic Practicum I, UNNE School of Dentistry, Argentina, 2010

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    Introducción: con el propósito de conocer la situación de salud bucal de pacientes que asisten a la Cátedra Práctica Clínica Preventiva I de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE), se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en septiembre y octubre del año 2010. Métodos: Las variables consideradas fueron: datos socio-demográficos, nivel de conocimientos en salud buco-dental, hábitos de higiene buco-dental y de consumo de hidratos de carbono, estado gingival, higiene bucal, estado de los dientes y acceso a la atención odontológica. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron encuestas estructuradas auto-administradas y las historias clínicas de cada paciente. Se analizaron los datos con los programas estadísticos SPSS 15.0 y Epidat 3.1. Resultados y Conclusiones: si bien predomina un nivel de conocimientos de salud buco-dental bueno, esto no se refleja en los hábitos de higiene oral y en la periodicidad de búsqueda de atención odontológica preventiva. El examen clínico buco-dental reveló higiene buco-dental deficiente, alta prevalencia de gingivitis leve y elevada prevalencia de caries dental y de dientes obturados y perdidos como consecuencia de la misma. Es necesaria la búsqueda de estrategias programadas que permitan optimizar la educación sanitaria y mejorar los comportamientos preventivos de la población de estudio.Introduction: with the intention of identifying the oral health status of patients attending the Preventive Clinic Practicum I at the School of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE), Argentina, a cross-sectional study was conducted between September and October 2010. Methods: the variables taken into account were: socio-demographic data, level of oral health knowledge, oral hygiene habits and carbohydrate consumption, gingival status, oral hygiene, teeth status, and access to dental care. The data were collected by means of structured self-administered surveys and the medical records of each patient, and they were analyzed with the statistical software SPSS® 15.0 and Epidat® 3.1. Results: although a good level of oral health knowledge is predominant, it is not reflected in oral hygiene habits or in the frequency in which individuals seek preventive dental care. The clinical examination revealed poor oral hygiene habits, high prevalence of mild gingivitis and high prevalence of dental caries as well as filled and missing teeth as a result of it. Conclusions: it is necessary to search for strategies to optimize health education and to improve preventive behaviors within the study population.Fil: Dho, María Silvina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Odontologia. Secretaria de Investigacion. Gabinete de Inv.interd.de Prevencion Salud y Epidemologia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Vila, Vilma G.. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Odontologia. Departamento de Clinicas Integradas; ArgentinaFil: Palladino, Alberto C.. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Medicina; Argentin
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