1,249 research outputs found

    Probing Quantized Einstein-Rosen Waves with Massless Scalar Matter

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss in detail the use of scalar matter coupled to linearly polarized Einstein-Rosen waves as a probe to study quantum gravity in the restricted setting provided by this symmetry reduction of general relativity. We will obtain the relevant Hamiltonian and quantize it with the techniques already used for the purely gravitational case. Finally we will discuss the use of particle-like modes of the quantized fields to operationally explore some of the features of quantum gravity within this framework. Specifically we will study two-point functions, the Newton-Wigner propagator, and radial wave functions for one-particle states.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Проект парогазовой ТЭЦ с противодавленческими турбинами

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    Дипломный проект 86страниц, 5рисунков, 10таблиц, 10 источников, 1 приложение, 7 листов графического материала, ТЕПЛОВАЯ СХЕМА, ПАРОГАЗОВАЯ УСТАНОВКА, КОТЕЛ-УТИЛИЗАТОР, ПАРОВАЯ ТУРБИНА СХЕМА КИП и А. Объектом исследования является парогазовый энергоблок. Цель работы – проект парогазового энергоблока. В процессе работы выполнен расчет тепловой схемы расчетный для проектирования отопления режим. режим, проектирование котла-утилизатора, технико-экономические расчеты. В результате выполнения работы показаны преимущества парогазового энергоблока на базе высокотемпературной газотурбинной установки SGT-800, проект позволяет повысить КПД энергоблока в сравнении с традиционными паросиловыми установками. Технико-экономические расчеты показали быструю окупаемость проекта и низкую себестоимость электроэнергии. Пояснительная записка выполнена в текстовом редакторе Microsoft Of- fice Word 2007, чертежи в графических редакторах Компас.Graduation project 86stranits, 5risunkov, 10tablits 10 sources 1 annex, 7 sheets of graphic material, Thermal circuit, combined cycle gas turbine, heat recovery boiler, steam turbine and instrumentation A. SCHEME The object of the research is combined-cycle unit. Objective - combined cycle power project. In the process, calculated the thermal circuit current mode for heating design. mode, design recovery boiler, technical and economic calculations. As a result of the work shows the benefits of combined cycle gas turbine power on the basis of high-temperature gas turbine SGT-800 installation, the project improves the power efficiency compared to conventional steam power plants. Technical and economic calculations have shown a rapid return on the project and the low cost of electricity. The explanatory note is made in the text editor Microsoft Of- fice Word 2007 drawing in the graphic editors Compass

    A time-space varying speed of light and the Hubble Law in static Universe

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    We consider a hypothetical possibility of the variability of light velocity with time and position in space which is derived from two natural postulates. For the consistent consideration of such variability we generalize translational transformations of the Theory of Relativity. The formulae of transformations between two rest observers within one inertial system are obtained. It is shown that equality of velocities of two particles is as relative a statement as simultaneity of two events is. We obtain the expression for the redshift of radiation of a rest source which formally reproduces the Hubble Law. Possible experimental implications of the theory are discussed.Comment: 7 page

    Fine-structure constant variability, equivalence principle and cosmology

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    It has been widely believed that variability of the fine-structure constant alpha would imply detectable violations of the weak equivalence principle. This belief is not justified in general. It is put to rest here in the context of the general framework for alpha variability [J. D. Bekenstein, Phys. Rev. D 25, 1527 (1982)] in which the exponent of a scalar field plays the role of the permittivity and inverse permeability of the vacuum. The coupling of particles to the scalar field is necessarily such that the anomalous force acting on a charged particle by virtue of its mass's dependence on the scalar field is cancelled by terms modifying the usual Coulomb force. As a consequence a particle's acceleration in external fields depends only on its charge to mass ratio, in accordance with the principle. And the center of mass acceleration of a composite object can be proved to be independent of the object's internal constitution, as the weak equivalence principle requires. Likewise the widely employed assumption that the Coulomb energy of matter is the principal source of the scalar field proves wrong; Coulomb energy effectively cancels out in the continuum description of the scalar field's dynamics. This cancellation resolves a cosmological conundrum: with Coulomb energy as source of the scalar field, the framework would predict a decrease of alpha with cosmological expansion, whereas an increase is claimed to be observed. Because of the said cancellation, magnetic energy of cosmological baryonic matter is the main source of the scalar field. Consequently the expansion is accompanied by an increase in alpha; for reasonable values of the framework's sole parameter, this occurs at a rate consistent with the observers' claims.Comment: RevTeX-4, 22 pages, no figures, added a section on caveats as well as several new references with discussion of them in body. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Predicting Urban Heat Island Mitigation with Random Forest Regression in Belgian Cities

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    peer reviewedAn abundance of impervious surfaces like building roofs in densely populated cities make green roofs a suitable solution for urban heat island (UHI) mitigation. Therefore, we employ random forest (RF) regression to predict the impact of green roofs on the surface UHI (SUHI) in Liege, Belgium. While there have been several studies identifying the impact of green roofs on UHI, fewer studies utilize a remote-sensing-based approach to measure impact on Land Surface Temperatures (LST) that are used to estimate SUHI. Moreover, the RF algorithm, can provide useful insights. In this study, we use LST obtained from Landsat-8 imagery and relate it to 2D and 3D morphological parameters that influence LST and UHI effects. Additionally, we utilise parameters that influence wind (e.g., frontal area index). We simulate the green roofs by assigning suitable values of normalised difference-vegetation index and built-up index to the buildings with flat roofs. Results suggest that green roofs decrease the average LST

    Integrin-mediated Cell Attachment Induces a PAK4-dependent Feedback Loop Regulating Cell Adhesion through Modified Integrin αvβ5 Clustering and Turnover

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    This article presents a novel mechanism deployed by cells to tune cell adhesion levels through the autoinhibitory regulation of integrin adhesion involving the activation of PAK4

    Renormalization: the observable-state model

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    The usual mathematical formalism of quantum field theory is non-rigorous because it contains divergences that can only be renormalized by non-rigorous mathematical methods. The purpose of this paper is to present a method of subtraction of this divergences using the formalism of decoherence. This is achieved by replacing the standard renormalization method by a projector on a well defined Hilbert subspace. In this way a list of problems of the standard formalism disappears while the physical results of QFT remains valid. From it own nature, this formalism can be used in non-renormalizable theories.Comment: 23 page

    On the nature of continuous physical quantities in classical and quantum mechanics

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    Within the traditional Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics, it is not possible to describe a particle as possessing, simultaneously, a sharp position value and a sharp momentum value. Is it possible, though, to describe a particle as possessing just a sharp position value (or just a sharp momentum value)? Some, such as Teller (Journal of Philosophy, 1979), have thought that the answer to this question is No -- that the status of individual continuous quantities is very different in quantum mechanics than in classical mechanics. On the contrary, I shall show that the same subtle issues arise with respect to continuous quantities in classical and quantum mechanics; and that it is, after all, possible to describe a particle as possessing a sharp position value without altering the standard formalism of quantum mechanics.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe