229 research outputs found

    Thirumoolar's Educational Policies

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    Saivism is one of the oldest religions in our country. The Saiva saints gave ‘Panniru Thirumuraikal (Thirumurai is a twelve-volume compendium of songs or hymns in praise of Shiva)’ to instill in the minds of the people of the world the feeling of God. Thirumanthiram by Thirumoolar is the 10th Thirumarai among the religious books of such a special Thirumarai Panuval (Thirumurai Discourses). Thirumoolar has created a book that explains the good life, the system, and the subtleties of Jnana Yoga (The Path of attaining Knowledge) for all the people of the world to undertake. In Thirumanthiram, Thirumoolar has effectively laid down the principles of education, questioning, and illiteracy for the well-being of the people of the country. Education is the basis of the principle of individual morality. Education is something that enables an individual to excel in life. Education has the power to change society. If every human being is to have good discipline, there must be education. That is why our great sages have emphasized the importance of education in their books. Thirumoolar, a Saiva devotee, has also explained the education of individual life in Thirumanthiram. He has emphasized the significance of wisdom education in enabling man to live as a human being. This thesis explains the educational principles that Thirumoolar proposed for the betterment of individual lives

    A comparative study of oral iron and intravenous iron in iron deficient antenatal mothers

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    Background: The aim of the study is to compare the efficacy, tolerance and compliance between oral iron and intravenous infusion of iron in iron deficient antenatal mother.Methods: This is a prospective randomised clinical and interventional study in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Vinayaka Mission Kirupananda Variyar Medical College and Hospital. The antenatal women attending the antenatal op were screened for Hb status. Those antenatal women of gestational age 16-34 weeks with Hb level between 7-10g% and diagnosed to have iron deficiency anemia by peripheral smear and serum ferritin were included in this study after getting informed consent. The total numbers of 100 mothers were allotted into two major groups, group A and group B of 50 subjects each. Group A: 50 pregnant women given oral iron supplementation (carbonyl iron 100 mg twice a day). Group B: 50 pregnant women given intravenous iron sucrose therapy after calculating the total iron requirement. The rise in hemoglobin in both the groups were comparedResults: In this study the mean rise of hemoglobin in carbonyl iron was 0.914±0.20 gm% whereas in iron sucrose group was 2.43±0.20gm%. This showed that iron sucrose (i.v) had better rise in Hb than carbonyl iron (oral).Conclusions: The present study revealed that intravenous iron sucrose therapy was bettertolerated with higher increase in mean haemoglobin compared to oral iron therapy. There were no serious side effects with intravenous iron sucrose therapy. Intravenous iron sucrose is a good substitute to oral iron therapy in moderate anaemia

    Preclinical and Clinical Study on Azhal Keel Vaayu (அழல் கீல் வாயு)

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    The present studies is to evaluate the Therapeutic efficacy of “Avuri Karpam”(Internal medicine) and “Vatha Noikku Ennai” (External medicine) in the Treatment of “Azhal Keel Vayu” (Osteoarthritis) for the reduction of pain, swelling and to improve the range of movements. Secondary objectives: To study the effectiveness of Varmam along with the efficacy of “Avuri Karpam” (Internal medicine) and “Vatha Noikku Ennai” (External medicine) in the Treatment of “Azhal Keel Vayu (Osteoarthritis)”. To study Azhal Keel Vayu, on the basis of Siddha principles like Envagai thervu, Mukkutram, Kaalam, Naadi, Neerkkuri, Neikkuri etc, in order to evaluate the pathology. To access the predominance of the disease related to age, sex, socio-economic status, habits, family history etc. To evaluate the safety of the trial drug by doing toxicological studies in animal models. To find out any side effect/adverse effect during the trial. The study results showed that 70 % had Good improvement, 22.5 % had Moderate improvement and 7.5 % had mild improvement. Varmam treatment along with the trial drugs showed good prognosis when compared to patients treated only with trial drugs. Hence the study reveals the importance of Varmam in treating Azhal keel vaayu. Clinically, no adverse effects were reported during the trial and the laboratory investigations were also within normal limits. So, the drug is assumed to be safe for humans. Acute toxicity study in animal models reveals that the trial drug “Avuri karpam” is safe. The safety of the trial drug was also proved from this study. Hence the study concludes that, the trial drugs are clinically effective in reduction of pain, swelling, restriction of movements. Because of the encouraging clinical results, it could be concluded that “Avuri karpam (Internally)” and “Vatha Noikku Ennai (Externally)” are effective in the treatment of “Azhal keel vaayu” (Osteoarthritis). However further work with large number of patients should be carried out towards finding the ideal dose response

    Codestm Drug Delivery: Capecitabine in the Management of Colorectal Cancer

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    INTRODUCTION:Cancer is a general term used to refer to a condition where the body cells begin to grow and reproduce in an uncontrollable way. These cells can then invade and destroy healthy tissue, including organs. Cancer sometimes begins in one part of the body before spreading to other parts. Cancer is a common condition and a serious health problem. More than one in three people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime. There are hundreds of different types of cancer. In 2012 about 14.1 million new cases of cancer occurred globally. It caused about 8.2 million deaths or 14.6% of human deaths. The most common types of cancer in males are lung cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer and stomach cancer. In females, the most common types are breast cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer and cervical cancer. Treatment for cancer will depend on many factors. Such as the stage and location of the disease it includes the surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy. Possible sign and symptoms include a lump, abnormal bleeding, prolonged cough, unexplained weight loss and a change in bowel movements. While these symptoms may indicate cancer, they may have other causes over 100 types of cancers affect humans. Cancers harms the body when altered cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue called tumors. Tumors can grow and interfere with the digestive, nervous and circulatory system.AIM:To prepare and evaluate chitosan nanoparticles loaded capecitabine drug formulation used for colorectal cancer.OBJECTIVES:To prepare capecitabine nanoparticles by ionic gelation method. 1. To study the particle size and morphology of prepared capecitabine nanoparticles. 2. To formulate prepared nanoparticles into tablets. 3. To evaluate the tablets. 4. To study the in-vitro release of prepared tablets.CONCLUSION:The study concludes that the drug capecitabine in nanoparticulate drug delivery system of ionic gelation technique yields 474.4 nm nanosize of particles with good zeta potential and SEM analysis also confirms the surface morphology of nanoparticles with cubic shape. The prepared capecitabine nanoparticles were taken along with magnesium stearate and talc was taken as excipients for preparation of tablets by direct compression method. Evaluation of tablets such as weight variation test, Hardness test, Thickness test, Friability test and disintegration test was carried out and shown that the tablets were within the limit. In -vitro dissolution study was performed for tablet and the release showed 59.4% at end of the 8 hours to target the colon. For release data, drug release kinetics was performed such as zero order kinetics, first order kinetics, Higuchi release and Korsmeyer peppas model. Further, cell line study was carried out using HT 29 (Colon carcinoma) cells. This study confirmed, the formulation showed better cytotoxic activity than capecitabine drug solution

    E-super vertex magic labelling of graphs and some open problems

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    Let G be a finite graph with p vertices and q edges. A vertex magic total labelling is a bijection from the union of the vertex set and the edge set to the consecutive integers 1, 2, 3, . . . , p + q with the property that for every u in the vertex set, the sum of the label of u and the label of the edges incident with u is equal to k for some constant k. Such a labelling is E-super, if the labels of the edge set is the set {1, 2, 3, . . . , q }. A graph G is called E-super vertex magic, if it admits an E-super vertex magic labelling. In this paper, we establish an E-super vertex magic labelling of some classes of graphs and provide some open problems related to it

    Removal of Phosphorous in Waste Water using Natural Coagulants

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    This study aims to explore the feasibility of employing natural coagulants like Cassia alata, Calotropis procera, Hyacinth bean, Banana leaves, Carica Papaya, Acacia mearnsii, Jatropha curcas cactus, tamarind seeds, and watermelon seeds for reducing the content of red phosphorus in industrial wastewater. A series of batch coagulation tests were performed to determine the optimal dosage of coagulants for the purpose of eliminating red phosphorus from the wastewater. The efficacy of each chosen coagulant in removing red phosphorus was depicted graphically. Among the various coagulants evaluated, Hyacinth bean exhibited the highest efficacy in reducing red phosphorus content (75%), surpassing the performance of casuarina leaves and banana leaves. On the other hand, tamarind seeds demonstrated the least effective removal of red phosphorus from the wastewater, achieving a removal rate of 56%. Notably, Hyacinth bean stands out as a potential coagulant for effective removal of red phosphorus, offering promising results akin to its capability in aiding blood clot clearance. By maintaining a pH level of 8 and employing a coagulant dosage of 20 ml, alongside initial and final red phosphorus concentrations of 4372.5 mg/lit and 1072.5 mg/lit respectively, with mixing and settling times of 30 and 45 minutes, the study achieved a significant percentage of red phosphorus removal efficiency


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    Objective: To investigate the in vitro Antidiabetic, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory activity of Clitoria ternatea L. leaves and flowers. Methods: Phytochemicals of leaves and flowers were analysed by using standard methods. In vitro antioxidant studies were carried out for the ethanolic extract of the Clitoria ternatea leaves and flowers using various free radical models such a DPPH, Reducing power assay and Hydrogen peroxide scavenging assay. In vitro antidiabetic assay such as Non-enzymatic glycosylation of haemoglobin assay, Glucose uptake in Yeast cells and Inhibition of salivary-amylase enzyme were carried in ethanolic extract.. In vitro anti-inflammatory activity such as inhibition of albumin denaturation and membrane stabilization assay were performed in ethanolic extract. Results: Preliminary phytochemical screening of ethanolic extract of the Clitoria ternatea revealed the presence of various bioactive components like alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, glycosides, phenol, saponin, terpenoids and tannin in both leaves and flowers. Anthroquinone is absent in both the parts studied. The in vitro antidiabetic potential of plant extract was confirmed through non enzymatic glycation, glucose uptake by yeast cells and amylase inhibition methods. Antiinflammatory activity of Clitoria ternaea was also confirmed. Conclusion: The result of the present study concluded that the ethanolic extracts of Clitoria ternaea L. leaves and flowers possess significant antidiabetic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. The potential pharmacological activity of Clitoria ternaea L. leaves and flowers might be due to the presence of phytochemicals