126 research outputs found

    Characterisation of different one-stage blower configurations using 3D unsteady numerical flow simulations

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    This paper deals with the CFD investigation of the flow in a one-stage radial flow blower-aggregate. The main aim of this numerical study is to compute the relevant operating characteristics of the blower-aggregate and to determine detailed information about the flow characteristics inside it. The distributions of these flow characteristics in the blower determined by the commercial code ANSYS-FLUENT [1] are available to judge whether the elements of the blower are working properly, or not. The calculated characteristics of operating parameters are compared in this paper with measured data given by experimental tests of the blower-aggregate for their validation [2]. The blower-aggregates investigated numerically are noted by BA₁, BA₂ and BA₃ in this paper

    Effects of clopidogrel in addition to aspirin in patients with acutecoronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation.

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    Background: Despite current treatments, patients who have acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation have high rates of major vascular events. We evaluated the efficacy and safety of the antiplatelet agent clopidogrel when given with aspirin in such patients. Methods: We randomly assigned 12,562 patients who had presented within 24 hours after the onset of symptoms to receive clopidogrel (300 mg immediately, followed by 75 mg once daily) (6259 patients) or placebo (6303 patients) in addition to aspirin for 3 to 12 months. Results: The first primary outcome -- a composite of death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or stroke -- occurred in 9.3 percent of the patients in the clopidogrel group and 11.4 percent of the patients in the placebo group (relative risk with clopidogrel as compared with placebo, 0.80; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.72 to 0.90; P<0.001). The second primary outcome -- the first primary outcome or refractory ischemia -- occurred in 16.5 percent of the patients in the clopidogrel group and 18.8 percent of the patients in the placebo group (relative risk, 0.86, P<0.001). The percentages of patients with in-hospital refractory or severe ischemia, heart failure, and revascularization procedures were also significantly lower with clopidogrel. There were significantly more patients with major bleeding in the clopidogrel group than in the placebo group (3.7 percent vs. 2.7 percent; relative risk, 1.38; P=0.001), but there were not significantly more patients with episodes of life-threatening bleeding (2.1 percent vs. 1.8 percent, P=0.13) or hemorrhagic strokes. Conclusions: The antiplatelet agent clopidogrel has beneficial effects in patients with acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation. However, the risk of major bleeding is increased among patients treated with clopidogrel. (N Engl J Med 2001;345:494-502.) Copyright (C) 2001 Massachusetts Medical Society

    Terminology of fruit set and fruit drop of sour cherry cultivars

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    Fruit set and fruit drop rates of 9 sour cherry cultivars (‘Érdi bôtermô’, ‘Debreceni bôtermô’, ‘Kántorjánosi’, ‘Újfehértói fürtös’,‘Éva’, ‘Petri’ ‘Oblocsinszka’, ‘Pandy 279’ and ‘Csengôdi’) of eight years-old trees grown in Újfehértó, located in the Eastern north part ofHungary which grafted on Prunns mahaleb have been studied. Significant differences have been found in fruit set among cultivars. Theaverage percentage of fruit set was 18.3%, which the ‘Oblocsinszka’ by 32.6% the highest fruit set, while ‘Debreceni bôtermô’ is very similarto ‘Pandy279’ showed lowest (12%) fruit set. Seasonal changes of fruit set and drop shows that there are four abscission peaks. The first fruitabortion wave appears during second week after pollination Thereafter, the second and third dropping period was found during the third andforth weeks after pollination. The forth abscission happened on the forth week after pollination. The highest fruit drop happened on‘Pandy279’ (92.4%) very similar to ‘Éva’ (90%) while the lowest fruit drop observed in ‘Oblocsinszka’ (71.5%

    Terminology of fruit set and fruit drop of sour cherry cultivars

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    Fruit set and fruit drop rates of 9 sour cherry cultivars (‘Érdi bôtermő’, ‘Debreceni bőtermő’, ‘Kántorjánosi’, ‘Újfehértói fürtös’, ‘Éva’, ‘Petri’ ‘Oblocsinszka’, ‘Pandy 279’ and ‘Csengôdi’) of eight years-old trees grown in Újfehértó, located in the Eastern north part of Hungary which grafted on Prunns mahaleb have been studied. Significant differences have been found in fruit set among cultivars. The average percentage of fruit set was 18.3%, which the ‘Oblacsinszka’ by 32.6% the highest fruit set, while ‘Debreceni bőtermő’ is very similar to ‘Pandy279’ showed lowest (12%) fruit set. Seasonal changes of fruit set and drop shows that there are four abscission peaks. The first fruit abortion wave appears during second week after pollination Thereafter, the second and third dropping period was found during the third and forth weeks after pollination. The forth abscission happened on the forth week after pollination. The highest fruit drop happened on ‘Pandy279’ (92.4%) very similar to ‘Éva’ (90%) while the lowest fruit drop observed in ‘Oblocsinszka’ (71.5%

    New sweet cherry cultivars in intensive plantings

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    The study took place in the largest sweet cherry plantation in West Hungary. The purpose has been the identification of those varieties, which will be suitable for intense cultivation, early fruiting and excellent fruit quality, moreover, the selection of the optimal phytotechnical procedures. At the same time, scion-rootstock combinations have been tested also from the point of view of growing intensity and fruiting in high-density plantation. The dense planting is induced to start fruiting early and yield regularly by special methods.Yielding was stimulated by maintaining the balance of vegetative-generative growth by binding the shoots, by summer pruning, by cuts on the trunk and root pruning. Best experiences have been found in yield and quality in the following varieties: Canada Giant, Carmen, Firm Red, Giant Red, Katalin, Kordia, Regina. Dense planting has been feasible also on vigorous rootstock, like P. mahaleb. Dwarfing rootstocks like P-HL-A, Gisela 6, accelerate the formation of flower buds and yielding earlier with fruits of adequate size. ‘Firm Red’ and ‘Giant Red’ excelled with their large fruit (&gt;27 mm diameter) in all combinations, thus being promising under Hungarian conditions

    Variation between some apricot varieties in regard to flowering phenology in Boldogkôváralja, Hungary

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    The aim of this study was the estimation of blossoming of 14 apricot cultivars in Boldogkôváralja in 2009, 2010 and 2011 seasons. And this will help growers to select appropriate varieties to their weather conditions. For this target the blooming period of 19 apricot varieties of different origin was observed in three subsequent years. There was no large difference in the beginning of blooming in the different years, and the greatest variation between the start date of flowering was about 1 to 3 days as the place of experiment site near to northern border and also, length of flowering period of apricot trees is also inversely related to date when blooming started. The little differences in flowering dates and flowering periods due to the high temperature through the three seasons of study

    New sweet cherry cultivars in intensive plantings

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    The study took place in the largest sweet cherry plantation in West Hungary. The purpose has been the identification of thosevarieties, which will be suitable for intense cultivation, early fruiting and excellent fruit quality, moreover, the selection of the optimal phytotechnicalprocedures. At the same time, scion-rootstock combinations have been tested also from the point of view of growing intensity andfruiting in high-density plantation. The dense planting is induced to start fruiting early and yield regularly by special methods.Yielding wasstimulated by maintaining the balance of vegetative-generative growth by binding the shoots, by summer pruning, by cuts on the trunk androot pruning. Best experiences have been found in yield and quality in the following varieties: Canada Giant, Carmen, Firm Red, Giant Red,Katalin, Kordia, Regina. Dense planting has been feasible also on vigorous rootstock, like P. mahaleb. Dwarfing rootstocks like P-HL-A,Gisela 6, accelerate the formation of flower buds and yielding earlier with fruits of adequate size. ‘Firm Red’ and ‘Giant Red’ excelled withtheir large fruit (&gt;27 mm diameter) in all combinations, thus being promising under Hungarian conditions

    Hazardous element content and consumption risk of 9 apricot cultivars

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    The heavy metals pollution is one of the problems that arise due to the increased uses of fertilizers and other chemicals to meet the higher demands of food production for human consumption. In order to assess possible health risk of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) consumption, levels of Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury and Lead were determined in fresh and dried samples of "Jumbo cot", "Tom cot", "Gold strike", "Gold bar", "Bergeron", "Bergarouge", "Sweet cot", "Yellow cot" and "Zebra" apricot cultivars. Wet digestion of samples with concentrate HNO3 – H2O2 digester mixture and inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectroscopy was used. Highest content of As, Cd, Hg and Pb among all cultivars, were 0.5, 0.04, 1.5 and 0.5mg/kg of dried apricot samples. Fresh fruit samples also contain 0.2, 0.016, 0.6 and 0.2 mg/kg of Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury and Lead respectively. Daily intake of metals, hazard quotient and health risk index to reveal health risk possibility of dried and fresh fruits consumption were calculate and compared

    Variation between some apricot varieties in regard to flowering phenology in Boldogkôváralja, Hungary

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    The aim of this study was the estimation of blossoming of 14 apricot cultivars in Boldogkôváralja in 2009, 2010 and 2011 seasons.And this will help growers to select appropriate varieties to their weather conditions. For this target the blooming period of 19 apricot varietiesof different origin was observed in three subsequent years. There was no large difference in the beginning of blooming in the different years,and the greatest variation between the start date of flowering was about 1 to 3 days as the place of experiment site near to northern border andalso, length of flowering period of apricot trees is also inversely related to date when blooming started. The little differences in flowering datesand flowering periods due to the high temperature through the three seasons of study