190 research outputs found

    The alpha-particle in nuclear matter

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    Among the light nuclear clusters the alpha-particle is by far the strongest bound system and therefore expected to play a significant role in the dynamics of nuclei and the phases of nuclear matter. To systematically study the properties of the alpha-particle we have derived an effective four-body equation of the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas (AGS) type that includes the dominant medium effects, i.e. self energy corrections and Pauli-blocking in a consistent way. The equation is solved utilizing the energy dependent pole expansion for the sub system amplitudes. We find that the Mott transition of an alpha-particle at rest differs from that expected from perturbation theory and occurs at approximately 1/10 of nuclear matter densities.Comment: 9 pages RevTex file, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    System interactions in socio-technical transitions: Extending the multi-level perspective

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    This paper discusses contextual issues in sociotechnical systems and transitions under the Multi Level Perspective (MLP). It emphasises inter system interactions, for which a typology is developed drawing on a review and meta level analysis of published transition case studies. The typology is subsequently associated to the MLP transitions pathways. A novel transition pathway, is derived through this process, namely new system emergence, for systems that emerge from contributions of existing antecedent sociotechnical systems

    Pade approximation of the S-matrix as a way of locating quantum resonances and bound states

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    It is shown that the spectral points (bound states and resonances) generated by a central potential of a single-channel problem, can be found using rational parametrization of the S-matrix. To achieve this, one only needs values of the S-matrix along the real positive energy axis. No calculations of the S-matrix at complex energies or a complex rotation are necessary. The proposed method is therefore universal in that it is applicable to any potential (local, non-local, discontinuous, etc.) provided that there is a way of obtaining the S-matrix (or scattering phase-shifts) at real collision energies. Besides this, combined with any method that extracts the phase-shifts from the scattering data, the proposed rational parametrization technique would be able to do the spectral analysis using the experimental data.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Jost Function for Singular Potentials

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    An exact method for direct calculation of the Jost function and Jost solutions for a repulsive singular potential is presented. Within this method the Schrodinger equation is replaced by an equivalent system of linear first-order differential equations, which after complex rotation, can easily be solved numerically. The Jost function can be obtained to any desired accuracy for all complex momenta of physical interest, including the spectral points corresponding to bound and resonant states. The method can also be used in the complex angular-momentum plane to calculate the Regge trajectories. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated using the Lennard-Jones (12,6) potential. The spectral properties of the realistic inter-atomic He4-He4 potentials HFDHE2 and HFD-B of Aziz and collaborators are also investigated.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 2 eps-figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Operational ocean forecasting in the Eastern Mediterranean: implementation and evaluation

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    The Cyprus Coastal Ocean Forecasting and Observing System (CYCOFOS) has been producing operational flow forecasts of the northeastern Levantine Basin since 2002 and has been substantially improved in 2005. CYCOFOS uses the POM flow model, and recently, within the frame of the MFSTEP project, the flow model was upgraded to use the hourly SKIRON atmospheric forcing, and its resolution was increased from 2.5 km to 1.8 km. The CYCOFOS model is now nested in the ALERMO regional model from the University of Athens, which is nested within the MFS basin model. The Variational Initialization and FOrcing Platform (VIFOP) has been implemented to reduce the numerical transient processes following initialization. Moreover, a five-day forecast is repeated every day, providing more detailed and more accurate information. Forecast results are posted on the web page http://www.oceanography.ucy.ac.cy/cycofos. The new, daily, high-resolution forecasts agree well with the ALERMO regional model. The agreement is better and results more reasonable when VIFOP is used. Active and slave experiments suggest that a four-week active period produces realistic results with more small-scale features. For runs in September 2004, biases with remote sensing sea surface temperature are less than 0.6°C with similar expressions of the flow field present in both. Remotely-observed coastal upwelling south of Cyprus and advection of cool water from the Rhodes Gyre to the southern shores of Cyprus are also modeled. In situ observed hydrographic data from south of Cyprus are similar to the corresponding forecast fields. Both indicate the relatively fresh subsurface Atlantic Water and a near-surface anticyclone south of Cyprus for August/September of 2004 and September 2005. Plans for further model improvement include assimilation of observed XBT temperature profiles, CTD profiles from drifters and gliders, and CT data from the CYCOFOS ocean observatory

    Photodisintegration of three- and four- nucleon systems

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    Three- and four-nucleon photodisintegration processes are quite efficiently treated by means of effective two-body integral equations in momentum space. We recall some aspects of their derivation, present previous and most recent results obtained within this framework, and discuss general features, trends and effects observed in these investigations: At low energies final-state interaction plays an important role. Even more pronounced is the effect of meson exchange currents. A considerable potential dependence shows up in the low-energy peak region. The different peak heights are found to be closely correlated with the corresponding binding energies. Above the peak region only the difference between potentials with or without p-wave contributions remains relevant. In the differential cross sections the electric quadrupole contributions have to be taken into account. The remarkable agreement between theory and experiment in pp-dd radiative capture is achieved only when incorporating this contribution, together with most of the above-mentioned effects. In the final part of this report we briefly review also methods developed, and results achieved in three- and four- nucleon electrodisintegration. We, in particular, compare them with a recent access to this problem, based on the construction of nucleon-nucleus potentials via Marchenko inversion theory.Comment: 20 pages LaTeX and 22 postscript figures included, uses epsfig.sty and espcrc1.sty. Invited talk at the XVth International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (22-26 July, 1997, Groningen, The Netherlands). To be published in the conference proceedings in Nucl. Phys.

    Jost Function for Coupled Partial Waves

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    An exact method for direct calculation of the Jost functions and Jost solutions for non-central potentials which couple partial waves of different angular momenta is presented. A combination of the variable-constant method with the complex coordinate rotation is used to replace the matrix Schr\"odinger equation by an equivalent system of linear first--order differential equations. Solving these equations numerically, the Jost functions can be obtained to any desired accuracy for all complex momenta of physical interest, including the spectral points corresponding to bound and resonant states. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated using the Reid soft-core and Moscow nucleon-nucleon potentials which involve tensor forces.Comment: 32 pages, RevTex, only latex pseudo-figure

    In-medium nucleon-nucleon potentials in configuration space

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    Based on the thermodynamic Green function approach two-nucleon correlations in nuclear matter at finite temperatures are revisited. To this end, we derive phase equivalent effective rr-space potentials that include the effect of the Pauli blocking at a given temperature and density. These potentials enter into a Schr\"odinger equation that is the rr-space representation of the Galitskii-Feynman equation for two nucleons. We explore the analytical structure of the equation in the complex kk-plane by means of Jost functions. We find that despite the Mott effect the correlation with deuteron quantum numbers are manifested as antibound states, i.e., as zeros of the Jost function on the negative imaginary axis of the complex momentum space. The analysis presented here is also suited for Coulombic systems.Comment: 6 pages, 1 table, 4 figure