457 research outputs found

    Shape-induced magnetic anisotropy in dilute magnetic alloys

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    We extend the theory of the surface-induced magnetic anisotropy to mesoscopic samples with arbitrary geometry. The shape-induced anisotropy of impurity spins in small brick-shaped grains of dilute magnetic alloys is studied in detail. The surface-induced blocking of a magnetic-impurity spin is shown to be very sensitive to geometric parameters of a grain. This implies that the apparent discrepancy between the experimental data of different groups on the size dependence of the Kondo resistivity can result from different microstructure of the used samples. In order to interpret recent experimental data on the anomalous Hall effect in thin polycrystalline Fe doped Au films, we analyse the magnetisation of impurity spins as a function of the impurity position and of the grain shape.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Contralateral breast cancer risk is influenced by the age at onset in BRCA1-associated breast cancer

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    BRCA1/2 mutation carriers diagnosed with breast cancer have a strongly elevated life-time risk of developing a contralateral tumour. We studied the contralateral breast cancer risk in 164 patients from 83 families with a proven BRCA1 mutation in relation to the age at diagnosis of the first primary breast cancer. In the actuarial outcomes after 10 years’ follow-up, 40% of the 124 BRCA1-patients diagnosed with breast cancer < 50 years had developed contralateral breast cancer, vs 12% of the 40 patients > 50 years at first diagnosis (Plogrank= 0.02). These data suggest that age at diagnosis of the first tumour should be taken into account when prophylactic mastectomy in BRCA1-patients is considered. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Electrocorticography of Spatial Shifting and Attentional Selection in Human Superior Parietal Cortex

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    Spatial-attentional reorienting and selection between competing stimuli are two distinct attentional processes of clinical and fundamental relevance. In the past, reorienting has been mainly associated with inferior parietal cortex. In a patient with a subdural grid covering the upper and lower bank of the left anterior and middle intraparietal sulcus (IPS) and the superior parietal lobule (SPL), we examined the involvement of superior parietal cortex using a hybrid spatial cueing paradigm identical to that previously applied in stroke and in healthy controls. In SPL, as early as 164 ms following target onset, an invalidly compared to a validly cued target elicited a positive event-related potential (ERP) and an increase in intertrial coherence (ITC) in the theta band, regardless of the direction of attention. From around 400–650 ms, functional connectivity [weighted phase lag index (wPLI) analysis] between SPL and IPS briefly inverted such that SPL activity was driving IPS activity. In contrast, the presence of a competing distracter elicited a robust change mainly in IPS from 300 to 600 ms. Within superior parietal cortex reorienting of attention is associated with a distinct and early electrophysiological response in SPL while attentional selection is indexed by a relatively late electrophysiological response in the IPS. The long latency suggests a role of IPS in working memory or cognitive control rather than early selection

    Внутриартериальная химиотерапия в комбинированном лечении резектабельного рака желудка с метастазами в печень

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    В Донецком областном противоопухолевом центре разработан и внедрен способ катетеризации печеночной артерии при паллиативных операциях у больных раком желудка с метастазами в печень. По данному способу пролечено 56 больных резектабельным раком желудка с метастатическим поражением печени, что позволило увеличить продолжительность и улучшить качество жизни больных.У Донецькому обласному протипухлинному центрі розроблено та впроваджено спосіб катетеризації печінкової артерії при паліативних операціях у хворих на рак шлунку з метастазами в печінку. За цим способом проліковано 56 хворих на резектабельний рак шлунку з метастатичним ураженням печінки, що дало змогу збільшити тривалість і поліпшити якість життя хворих.A method of catheterization of hepatic artery at palliative surgery in patients with gastric cancer and metastases to the liver was worked out and introduced at Donetsk Regional Antitumor Center. This method was used in 56 patients with operable cancer of the stomach with metastases to the liver, which allowed increasing the duration and improving the quality of life of the patients

    Kondo Effect on Mesoscopic Scale (Review)

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    Following the discovery of the Kondo effect the bulk transport and magnetic behavior of the dilute magnetic alloys have been successfully described. In the last fifteen years new directions have been developed as the study of the systems of reduced dimensions and the artificial atoms so called quantum dots. In this review the first subject is reviewed starting with the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) study of a single magnetic impurity. The next subject is the reduction of the amplitude of the Kondo effect in samples of reduced dimension which was explained by the surface magnetic anisotropy which blocks the motion of the integer spin nearby the surface. The electron dephasing and energy relaxation experiments are discussed with the possible explanation including the surface anisotropy, where the situation in cases of integer and half-integer spins is very different. Finally, the present situation of the theory of dynamical structural defects is briefly presented which may lead to two-channel Kondo behavior.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to the JPSJ Special Issue "Kondo effect -- 40 years after the Discovery

    A family history of breast cancer will not predict female early onset breast cancer in a population-based setting

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: An increased risk of breast cancer for relatives of breast cancer patients has been demonstrated in many studies, and having a relative diagnosed with breast cancer at an early age is an indication for breast cancer screening. This indication has been derived from estimates based on data from cancer-prone families or from BRCA1/2 mutation families, and might be biased because BRCA1/2 mutations explain only a small proportion of the familial clustering of breast cancer. The aim of the current study was to determine the predictive value of a family history of cancer with regard to early onset of female breast cancer in a population based setting. METHODS: An unselected sample of 1,987 women with and without breast cancer was studied with regard to the age of diagnosis of breast cancer. RESULTS: The risk of early-onset breast cancer was increased when there were: (1) at least 2 cases of female breast cancer in first-degree relatives (yes/no; HR at age 30: 3.09; 95% CI: 128-7.44), (2) at least 2 cases of female breast cancer in first or second-degree relatives under the age of 50 (yes/no; HR at age 30: 3.36; 95% CI: 1.12-10.08), (3) at least 1 case of female breast cancer under the age of 40 in a first- or second-degree relative (yes/no; HR at age 30: 2.06; 95% CI: 0.83-5.12) and (4) any case of bilateral breast cancer (yes/no; HR at age 30: 3.47; 95%: 1.33-9.05). The positive predictive value of having 2 or more of these characteristics was 13% for breast cancer before the age of 70, 11% for breast cancer before the age of 50, and 1% for breast cancer before the age of 30. CONCLUSION: Applying family history related criteria in an unselected population could result in the screening of many women who will not develop breast cancer at an early age

    The skeletons of free distributive lattices

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    AbstractThe skeletons of free distributive lattices are studied by methods of formal concept analysis; in particular, a specific closure system of sublattices is elaborated to clarify the structure of the skeletons. Up to five generators, the skeletons are completely described