52 research outputs found

    Silicon ribbon growth by a capillary action shaping technique

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    Substantial improvements in ribbon surface quality are achieved with a higher melt meniscus than that attainable with the film-fed (EFG) growth technique. A capillary action shaping method is described in which meniscus shaping for the desired ribbon geometry occurs at the vertex of a wettable die. As ribbon growth depletes the melt meniscus, capillary action supplies replacement material. Topics discussed cover experimental apparatus and growth procedures; die materials investigations, fabrication and evaluation; process development for 25 mm, 38 mm, 50 mm and 100 mm silicon ribbons; and long grain direct solidification of silicon. Methods for the structural and electrical characterization of cast silicon ribbons are assessed as well as silicon ribbon technology for the 1978 to 1986 period

    Growth of silicon carbide crystals on a seed while pulling silicon crystals from a melt

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    A saturated solution of silicon and an element such as carbon having a segregation coefficient less than unity is formed by placing a solid piece of carbon in a body of molten silicon having a temperature differential decreasing toward the surface. A silicon carbide seed crystal is disposed on a holder beneath the surface of the molten silicon. As a rod or ribbon of silicon is slowly pulled from the melt, a supersaturated solution of carbon in silicon is formed in the vicinity of the seed crystal. Excess carbon is emitted from the solution in the form of silicon carbide which crystallizes on the seed crystal held in the cool region of the melt

    Silicon ribbon growth by a capillary action shaping technique

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    The technique of silicon ribbon growth by the capillary action shaping is assessed for applicability to photovoltaic power device material. Ribbons 25 mm in width and up to 0.5 m in length have been grown from SiC dies, and some new characteristics of growth from such dies have been identified. Thermal modifiers have been studied, and systems were developed which reduce the frozen-in stress un silicon ribbons and improve the thickness uniformity of the ribbons. Preliminary spreading resistance measurements indicate that neither surface striations nor twin boundaries give rise to appreciable resistivity variations, but that large-angle grain boundaries cause local resistivity increases of up to 200%

    Method of increasing minority carrier lifetime in silicon web or the like

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    A silicon dendrite is grown as a ribbon forming two silicon crystal layers which are separated by an interface layer which contains a large number of defects. Significant increase of minority carrier lifetime with homogeneous distribution at the outer surfaces of the two silicon crystal layers is achieved by processing the web in an atmosphere of a selected gas, e.g., oxygen, nitrogen or an inert gas, for about 30 minutes to several hours at a temperature preferably on the order of 900 to 1200 C

    Electrical and Structural Characterization of Web Dendrite Crystals

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    Minority carrier lifetime distributions in silicon web dendrites are measured. Emphasis is placed on measuring areal homogeneity of lifetime, show its dependency on structural defects, and its unique change during hot processing. The internal gettering action of defect layers present in web crystals and their relation to minority carrier lifetime distributions is discussed. Minority carrier lifetime maps of web dendrites obtained before and after high temperature heat treatment are compared to similar maps obtained from 100 mm diameter Czochralski silicon wafers. Such maps indicate similar or superior areal homogeneity of minority carrier lifetime in webs

    Silicon ribbon growth by a capillary action shaping technique

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    The crystal growth method described is a capillary action shaping technique. Meniscus shaping for the desired ribbon geometry occurs at the vertex of a wettable die. As ribbon growth depletes the melt meniscus, capillary action supplies replacement material. A capillary die is so designed that the bounding edges of the die top are not parallel or concentric with the growing ribbon. The new dies allow a higher melt meniscus with concomitant improvements in surface smoothness and freedom from SiC surface particles, which can degrade perfection

    Performance results of cooperating expert systems in a distributed real-time monitoring system

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    There are numerous definitions for real-time systems, the most stringent of which involve guaranteeing correct system response within a domain-dependent or situationally defined period of time. For applications such as diagnosis, in which the time required to produce a solution can be non-deterministic, this requirement poses a unique set of challenges in dynamic modification of solution strategy that conforms with maximum possible latencies. However, another definition of real time is relevant in the case of monitoring systems where failure to supply a response in the proper (and often infinitesimal) amount of time allowed does not make the solution less useful (or, in the extreme example of a monitoring system responsible for detecting and deflecting enemy missiles, completely irrelevant). This more casual definition involves responding to data at the same rate at which it is produced, and is more appropriate for monitoring applications with softer real-time constraints, such as interplanetary exploration, which results in massive quantities of data transmitted at the speed of light for a number of hours before it even reaches the monitoring system. The latter definition of real time has been applied to the MARVEL system for automated monitoring and diagnosis of spacecraft telemetry. An early version of this system has been in continuous operational use since it was first deployed in 1989 for the Voyager encounter with Neptune. This system remained under incremental development until 1991 and has been under routine maintenance in operations since then, while continuing to serve as an artificial intelligence (AI) testbed in the laboratory. The system architecture has been designed to facilitate concurrent and cooperative processing by multiple diagnostic expert systems in a hierarchical organization. The diagnostic modules adhere to concepts of data-driven reasoning, constrained but complete nonoverlapping domains, metaknowledge of global consequences of anomalous data, hierarchical reporting of problems that extend beyond a single domain, and shared responsibility for problems that overlap domains. The system enables efficient diagnosis of complex system failures in real-time environments with high data volumes and moderate failure rates, as indicated by extensive performance measurements

    Combining real-time monitoring and knowledge-based analysis in MARVEL

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    Real-time artificial intelligence is gaining increasing attention for applications in which conventional software methods are unable to meet technology needs. One such application area is the monitoring and analysis of complex systems. MARVEL, a distributed monitoring and analysis tool with multiple expert systems, was developed and successfully applied to the automation of interplanetary spacecraft operations at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. MARVEL implementation and verification approaches, the MARVEL architecture, and the specific benefits that were realized by using MARVEL in operations are described

    Low cost silicon solar arrays

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    Continuous growth methodology for silicon solar cell ribbons deals with capillary effects, die effects, thermal effects and crystal shape effects. Emphasis centers on the shape of the meniscus at the ribbon edge as a factor contributing to ribbon quality with respect to defect densities. Structural and electrical characteristics of edge defined, film-fed grown silicon ribbons are elaborated. Ribbon crystal solar cells produce AMO efficiencies of 6 to 10%