1,474 research outputs found

    Onbeperkt voeren van drachtige zeugen in groepshuisvesting

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    Uit de eerste resultaten van het onderzoek blijkt dat de zeugen gemiddeld tijdens de dracht circa 4,0 kg voer per dag opnemen

    Bedingungen betrieblicher Innovationsprozesse

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    Überlegungen zum Managementkonzept der Lernenden Organisation nehmen seit Jahren einen breiten Raum in Wissenschaft und Praxis ein. Dabei avancierte das Konzept zum Hoffnungsträger für die Steigerung der Innovations- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Unternehmen. Mittlerweile weist eine Reihe von Befunden darauf hin, dass es bei der Umsetzung der theoretischen Überlegungen in die Praxis zu großen Schwierigkeiten kommt. Während von wissenschaftlicher Seite häufig die Praktiker für Umsetzungsprobleme verantwortlich gemacht werden, deutet einiges auf fundamentalere Mängel im Konzept der Lernenden Organisation hin. In dem angefügten Beitrag werden zwei zentrale Missverständnisse herausgearbeitet.Considerations on the management concept of the learning organisation have taken a broad room in science and practice for years. The concept advanced to the 'carrier of hope' for the increase of innovative ability and competitiveness of enterprises. In the meantime a number of findings point out that difficulties arise at the interchange from theory into practice. While practitioners are frequently held responsible for these problems by the scientific side, it is rather indicated that there are fundamental deficiencies in the concept of the learning organisation. In the attached contribution two central misunderstandings are worked out

    Ammoniakemissie bij onbeperkt gevoerde drachtige zeugen

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    De ammoniakemissie per dierplaats per jaar bedroeg in de zomerronde 2,30 kg en in de winterronde 2,35 kg

    Towards interoperability of entity-based and event-based IoT platforms: The case of NGSI and EPCIS standards

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    With the advancement of IoT devices and thanks to the unprecedented visibility and transparency they provide, diverse IoT-based applications are being developed. With the proliferation of IoT, both the amount and type of data items captured have increased dramatically. The data generated by IoT devices reside in different organizations and systems, and a major barrier to utilizing the data is the lack of interoperability among the standards used to capture the data. To reduce this barrier, two major standards have emerged: the Global Standards One (GS1) Electronic Product Code Information Service (EPCIS) and the FIWARE Next Generation Services Interface (NGSI). However, the two standards differ not only in the data encoding but also in the underlying philosophy of representing IoT data; namely, EPCIS is event-based, and NGSI is entity-based. Interoperability between FIWARE and EPCIS is essential for system integration. This paper presents OLIOT Mediation Gateway, now one of the incubated generic enablers offered by the FIWARE Foundation, that realizes the required interoperability between NGSI and EPCIS systems. It also demonstrates the applicability and feasibility of the Gateway by applying it to a real-life case study of integrating transparency systems used in a meat supply chain

    Presentation of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) at Lions Sight First Eye Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi

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    ObjectivePrimary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is the most common type of glaucoma in Africa. We carried out a study to  determine the clinical presentation pattern of patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) at a tertiary  hospital in Malawi.DesignA cross-sectional studySettingLions Sight First Eye Hospital—a major referral and teaching state eye hospital in Blantyre, MalawiSubjectsStudy participants were newly diagnosed POAG patients at specialist eye clinic during study period.ResultsA total of 60 POAG patients were recruited into the study. The mean age was 58.7 years (SD= 16.6, range 18 - 86). There were more male (44, 73.3%) than female (16, 27.7%) patients. The majority of patients (73%) presented  one year after onset of visual symptoms. Twenty-six patients (43%) had unilateral blindness (visual acuity < 3/60; WHO classification), while nine patients (15%) presented with bilateral blindness. A vertical cup-to-disc ratio (CDR) of 0.8 or worse was seen in 92 eyes (79%). The mean intraocular pressure (IOP) reading was 35.5 mmHg (SD 13.30). Of the thirty-three eyes that successfully underwent visual field analysis, very advanced defects were recorded in 12 eyes (36%).ConclusionThis study demonstrates delayed presentation and male predominance among POAG patients at a tertiary eye hospital in Malawi. Glaucoma intervention programmes should aim at identifying patients with treatable glaucoma with particular attention to women

    Low-Mass Pre-Main Sequence Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud - III: Accretion Rates from HST-WFPC2 Observations

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    We have measured the present accretion rate of roughly 800 low-mass (~1-1.4 Mo) pre-Main Sequence stars in the field of Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC, Z~0.3 Zo). It is the first time that this fundamental parameter for star formation is determined for low-mass stars outside our Galaxy. The Balmer continuum emission used to derive the accretion rate positively correlates with the Halpha excess. Both these phenomena are believed to originate from accretion from a circumstellar disk so that their simultaneous detection provides an important confirmation of the pre-Main Sequence nature of the Halpha and UV excess objects, which are likely to be the LMC equivalent of Galactic Classical TTauri stars. The stars with statistically significant excesses are measured to have accretion rates larger than 1.5x10^{-8}Mo/yr at an age of 12-16 Myrs. For comparison, the time scale for disk dissipation observed in the Galaxy is of the order of 6 Myrs. Moreover, the oldest Classical TTauri star known in the Milky Way (TW Hydrae, with 10 Myrs of age) has a measured accretion rate of only 5x10^{-10} Mo/yr, ie 30 times less than what we measure for stars at a comparable age in the LMC. Our findings indicate that metallicity plays a major role in regulating the formation of low-mass stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (10 June 2004), 28 pages, 9 figures. Typo corrected in the abstract on 21 February 200

    Detection of Cold Atomic Clouds in the Magellanic Bridge

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    We report a detection of cold atomic hydrogen in the Magellanic Bridge using 21-cm absorption spectroscopy toward the radio source B0312-770. With a column density of N_HI=1.2E20 cm^-2, a maximum absorption optical depth of tau=0.10 and a maximum 21-cm emission brightness temperature of 1.4 K, this line of sight yields a spin temperature, T_s, between 20 K and 40 K. H I 21-cm absorption and emission spectroscopy toward 7 other low column density sightlines on the periphery of the LMC and SMC reveal absorption toward one additional background radio source behind the SMC with tau=0.03. The data have typical sensitivities of sigma_tau=0.005 to 0.070 in absorption and sigma_{T_B}=0.03 K in emission. These data demonstrate the presence of a cold atomic phase which is probably accompanied by molecular condensations in the tenuous interstellar medium of the Bridge region. Young OB stars observed in the Magellanic Bridge could form "in situ" from these cold condensations rather than migrate from regions of active star formation in the main body of the SMC. The existence of cold condensations and star formation in the Magellanic Bridge might be understood as a small scale version of the mechanism that produces star formation in the tidal tails of interacting galaxies.Comment: 25 pages, uses AASTeX and psfig; Accepted for Publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Het tijdelijk spenen van biggen

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    Het tijdelijk spenen van biggen tijdens de zoogperiode is geen goede methode om de voeropname van biggen tijdens de zoogperiode te verhogen

    Bloedplasma en bloedcellen in voer voor biggen

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    Speenvoer met 5% bloedplasma, dat gedurende de eerste acht dagen van de opfokperiode verstrekt wordt, verbetert in die periode de technische resultaten van de biggen