3,681 research outputs found


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    A brief summary of the most important physics results obtained with the Sp[MATH]S collider at CERN is given. The emphasis is put on the limitations due to the fact that both proton and antiproton beams are unpolarised

    The ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter : construction, commissioning and selected test beam results

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    04 - ATLASThe construction of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter is finished. The barrel calorimeter is undergoing a cooling test. One end cap is already inserted in its cryostat and awaiting its cooling test and the second one will be inserted soon. The key parameters and qualification tests are summarized and the most important test beam results are given

    Post processing of differential images for direct extrasolar planet detection from the ground

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    The direct imaging from the ground of extrasolar planets has become today a major astronomical and biological focus. This kind of imaging requires simultaneously the use of a dedicated high performance Adaptive Optics [AO] system and a differential imaging camera in order to cancel out the flux coming from the star. In addition, the use of sophisticated post-processing techniques is mandatory to achieve the ultimate detection performance required. In the framework of the SPHERE project, we present here the development of a new technique, based on Maximum A Posteriori [MAP] approach, able to estimate parameters of a faint companion in the vicinity of a bright star, using the multi-wavelength images, the AO closed-loop data as well as some knowledge on non-common path and differential aberrations. Simulation results show a 10^-5 detectivity at 5sigma for angular separation around 15lambda/D with only two images.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, This paper will be published in the proceedings of the conference Advances in Adaptive Optics (SPIE 6272), part of SPIE's Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation, 24-31 May 2006, Orlando, F

    Decomposition process in a FeAuPd alloy nanostructured by severe plastic deformation

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    The decomposition process mechanisms have been investigated in a Fe50Au25Pd25 (at.%) alloy processed by severe plastic deformation. Phases were characterized by X-ray diffraction and microstructures were observed using transmission electron microscopy. In the coarse grain alloy homogenized and aged at 450circC450 ^{circ}\mathrm{C}, the bcc \alpha-Fe and fcc AuPd phases nucleate in the fcc supersaturated solid solution and grow by a discontinuous precipitation process resulting in a typical lamellar structure. The grain size of the homogenized FeAuPd alloy was reduced in a range of 50 to 100nm by high pressure torsion. Aging at 450circC450 ^{circ}\mathrm{C} this nanostructure leads to the decomposition of the solid solution into an equi-axed microstructure. The grain growth is very limited during aging and the grain size remains under 100nm. The combination of two phases with different crystallographic structures (bcc \alpha-Fe and fcc AuPd) and of the nanoscaled grain size gives rise to a significant hardening of the allo

    Non-equilibrium intermixing and phase transformation in severely deformed Al/Ni multilayers

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    Al/Ni multilayers have been prepared by repeated folding and cold rolling (F&R) of elemental foils. The thickness of Al and Ni foils is reduced down to less than 50 nm after fifty F&R cycles. Three-dimensional atom probe analyses clearly reveal the presence of supersaturated solid solutions and give the evidence of deformation-induced intermixing. The formation of the solid solutions and their transformation into the Al3Ni phase upon annealing is discussed.Comment: 4 page

    Dust in an extremely metal-poor galaxy: mid-infrared observations of SBS 0335-052

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    The metal deficient (Z = Z_sun/41) Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy (BCD) SBS 0335-052 was observed with ISOCAM between 5 and 17 mic. With a L_12mic/L_B ratio of 2.15, the galaxy is unexpectedly bright in the mid-infrared for such a low-metallicity object. The mid-infrared spectrum shows no sign of the Unidentified Infrared Bands, which we interpret as an effect of the destruction of their carriers by the very high UV energy density in SBS 0335-052. The spectral energy distribution (SED) is dominated by a very strong continuum which makes the ionic lines of [SIV] and [NeIII] very weak. From 5 to 17 mic, the SED can be fitted with a grey-body spectrum, modified by an extinction law similar to that observed toward the Galactic Center, with an optical depth of A_V~19-21 mag. Such a large optical depth implies that a large fraction (as much as ~ 75%) of the current star-formation activity in SBS 0335-052 is hidden by dust with a mass between 3x10^3 M_sun and 5x10^5 M_sun. Silicate grains are present as silicate extinction bands at 9.7 and 18 mic can account for the unusual shape of the MIR spectrum of SBS 0335-052. It is remarkable that such a nearly primordial environment contains as much dust as galaxies which are 10 times more metal-rich. If the hidden star formation in SBS 0335-052 is typical of young galaxies at high redshifts, then the cosmic star formation rate derived from UV/optical fluxes would be underestimated.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, requires aaspp4.sty, accepted in Ap

    Atomic scale characterization of deformation induced interfacial mixing in a Cu/V nanocomposite wire

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    The microstructure of a Cu/V nanocomposite wire processed by cold drawing was investigated by high resolution transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography. The experimental data clearly reveal some deformation induced interfacial mixing where the vanadium filaments are nanoscaled. The mixed layer is a 2nm wide vanadium gradient in the fcc Cu phase. This mechanical mixing leads to the local fragmentation and dissolution of the filaments and to the formation of vanadium super saturated solid solutions in fcc Cu

    Morphological Dependence of MIR Properties of SDSS Galaxies in the Spitzer SWIRE Survey

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    We explore the correlation between morphological types and mid-infrared (MIR) properties of an optically flux-limited sample of 154 galaxies from the Forth Data Release (DR4) of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), cross-correlated with Spitzer SWIRE (Spitzer Wide-Area InfraRed Extragalactic Survey) fields of ELAIS-N1, ELAIS-N2 and Lockman Hole. Aperture photometry is performed on the SDSS and Spitzer images to obtain optical and MIR properties. The morphological classifications are given based on both visual inspection and bulge-disk decomposition on SDSS g- and r-band images. The average bulge-to-total ratio (B/T) is a smooth function over different morphological types. Both the 8um(dust) and 24um(dust) luminosities and their relative luminosity ratios to 3.6um (MIR dust-to-star ratios) present obvious correlations with both the Hubble T-type and B/T. The early-type galaxies notably differ from the late-types in the MIR properties, especially in the MIR dust-to-star ratios. It is suggested that the MIR dust-to-star ratio is an effective way to separate the early-type galaxies from the late-type ones. Based on the tight correlation between the stellar mass and the 3.6um luminosity, we have derived a formula to calculate the stellar mass from the latter. We have also investigated the MIR properties of both edge-on galaxies and barred galaxies in our sample. Since they present similar MIR properties to the other sample galaxies, they do not influence the MIR properties obtained for the entire sample.Comment: Accepted for publication by AJ. 18 pages, 14 figures, and 4 table
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