388 research outputs found

    Perceptions and images of “typical” Australian dishes: An exploratory study

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    The research investigates the perceived images that ‘typical’ Australian dishes evoke in the minds of consumers, including words they associate to describe typical Australian dishes. A questionnaire designed and distributed among undergraduate students at various universities yielded 561 usable responses. Three predominant responses, grilled/barbequed meats, steaks, and meat pies associated typical Australian dishes with; in addition, Australian dishes evoked four different images among respondents: positive, related to specific images (e.g., barbequed foods), neutral, negative, and food related. Overall, the findings underline limited knowledge. Consumer education could help broaden understanding, with resulting enhanced images of the country’s culinary attributes

    Role of cell migration in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis: in vivo studies in SCID mice transplanted with human synovial membrane

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    Objective: adhesion mechanisms play a central role in the recruitment of leukocytes which characteristically infiltrate rheumatoid synovium. Therefore, we adapted an animal model, in which human rheumatoid synovium was transplanted into severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice, to study the effects of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) in modulating leukocyte migration and to investigate the chemotactic potential of Stromal Derived Factor-1α (SDF-1α). Materials and Methods: human synovium samples, obtained from patients undergoing joint replacement, were divided into two parts. One was analysed by immunohistology and the other was implanted subcutaneously into SCID mice under general anaesthesia. Four weeks post-transplantation, grafts were injected with optimal dose of SDF-1, TNF-α or saline (negative control). At the same time, animals were injected iv with fluorescently labelled cells. 48 hours later mice were sacrificed and grafts removed for cryo-hystology. The number of cells migrating to the grafts was determined by UV-microscopy and the results expressed as cells per high power field. Results and Conclusions: in these studies we provide the evidence that: 1) the animal model, in which human tissues are grafted into SCID mice, can be used to study cell migration under controlled experimental conditions (1); 2) direct intragraft injection of TNF-α increases lymphocytes migration and up-regulates the expression of human adhesion molecules (CAMs) (1) and 3) SDF-1α injected intragraft increases the migration of the pro-myelo-monocytic U937 cells to synovial transplants, even more efficiently than TNF-α, but without modifications of CAMs' expression (2)

    Sox1 is required for the specification of a novel p2-derived interneuron subtype in the mouse ventral spinal cord

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    During mouse development, the ventral spinal cord becomes organized into five progenitor domains that express different combinations of transcription factors and generate different subsets of neurons and glia. One of these domains, known as the p2 domain, generates two subtypes of interneurons, V2a and V2b. Here we have used genetic fate mapping and loss-of-function analysis to show that the transcription factor Sox1 is expressed in, and is required for, a third type of p2-derived interneuron, which we named V2c. These are close relatives of V2b interneurons, and, in the absence of Sox1, they switch to the V2b fate. In addition, we show that late-born V2a and V2b interneurons are heterogeneous, and subsets of these cells express the transcription factor Pax6. Our data demonstrate that interneuron diversification in the p2 domain is more complex than previously thought and directly implicate Sox1 in this proces

    Commentaire ECJ-TF 1/2023 sur la décision de la CJUE du 16 février 2023 dans l'affaire Gallaher Limited (aff. C-707/20), sur la taxation des plus-values dans les transferts intra-groupes

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    peer reviewedIn this CFE Opinion Statement, submitted to the EU Institutions in June 2023, the CFE ECJ Task Force comments on the ECJ decision in Gallaher Limited (Case C-707/20), which provides further clarity on the scope of the fundamental freedoms, the correct comparator in establishing discrimination and the proportionality of discriminatory taxation of capital gains

    Obligations fiscales complémentaires sur les fournisseurs de services digitaux, Commentaire ECJ-TF 2/2023 de l'arrêt de la CJUE du 22 décembre 2022 (Airbnb Ireland and Airbnb Payments UK (Case C-83/21) )

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    peer reviewedIn this CFE Opinion Statement, submitted to the EU Institutions in June 2023, the CFE ECJ Task Force comments on the ECJ decision in Airbnb Ireland and Airbnb Payments UK (Case C-83/21), wherein the Court decided, inter alia, that it was compatible with the freedom to provide services for the Italian tax authorities to impose tax obligations on service providers offering their intermediation services regarding real estate located in Italy, including the obligation to collect and report data and to withhold tax on the intermediated payments. It held, however, that it was disproportionate to request that they appoint a tax representative resident in Italy.16. Peace, justice and strong institution

    Wavelength Assignment in Hybrid Quantum-Classical Networks

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    Optimal wavelength assignment in dense-wavelength-division-multiplexing (DWDM) systems that integrate both quantum and classical channels is studied. In such systems, weak quantum key distribution (QKD) signals travel alongside intense classical signals on the same fiber, where the former can be masked by the background noise induced by the latter. Here, we investigate how optimal wavelength assignment can mitigate this problem. We consider different DWDM structures and various sources of crosstalk and propose several near-optimal wavelength assignment methods that maximize the total secret key rate of the QKD channels. Our numerical results show that the optimum wavelength assignment pattern is commonly consisted of several interspersed quantum and classical bands. Using our proposed techniques, the total secret key rate of quantum channels can substantially be improved, as compared to conventional assignment methods, in the noise dominated regimes. Alternatively, we can maximize the number of QKD users supported under certain key rate constraints

    Droit d'obtenir des intérêts sur les restitutions d'impôt perçus en violation du droit européen - Commentaire ECJ-TF 3/2023 de l'arrêt de la CJUE du 8 juin 2023 ( E. v. Dyrektor Izby Administracji Skarbowej we Wrocławiu (Case C-322/22))

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    peer reviewedIn this CFE Opinion Statement, submitted to the EU Institutions on 4 October 2023, the CFE ECJ Task Force comments on the CJEU’s decision of 8 June 2023 in E. v Dyrektor Izby Administracji Skarbowej we Wrocławiu (Case C-322/22), which addressed a Polish domestic rule limiting the right to the interest on overpayments of corporate income tax in breach of EU law, to the period running from the 30th day following the publication, in the Official Journal of the European Union, of a ruling of the Court of Justice finding that the collection of the tax was incompatible with EU law.16. Peace, justice and strong institution

    Commentaire ECJ TF 2/2022 de la décision du 27 janvier dans l'affaire Commission c. Espagne (formulaire 720) (Case C-788/19)

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    peer reviewedIn this CFE Opinion Statement, the CFE ECJ Task Force comments on the decision of 27 January 2022 in European Commission v. Kingdom of Spain (Form 720) (Case C-788/19) on the lack of proportionality of the consequences derived from the failure to provide information concerning assets or rights held in other Member States of the European Union or the European Economic Area

    Commentaire ECJ TF 3/2021 de l'arrêt de la CJUE du 19 mars 2021 dans l'affaire MK v. Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (Case C-388/19) concernant l'option des contribuables pour éviter une taxation discriminatoire des plus-values

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    peer reviewedIn this CFE opinion statement, the CFE ECJ Task Force comments on the ECJ decision in MK v. Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (Case C-388/19) of 18 March 2021. The Court confirmed its previous case law and held that the Portuguese (optional) regime for taxation of capital gains from immovable property of non-residents was contrary to the free movement of capital under article 63 of the TFEU since non-residents were taxed less favourably than residents