641 research outputs found

    Sources, fate, and pathways of Leeuwin Current water in the Indian Ocean and Great Australian Bight: A Lagrangian study in an eddy-resolving ocean model

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    The Leeuwin Current is the dominant circulation feature in the eastern Indian Ocean, transporting tropical and subtropical water southward. While it is known that the Leeuwin Current draws its water from a multitude of sources, existing Indian Ocean circulation schematics have never quantified the fluxes of tropical and subtropical source water flowing into the Leeuwin Current. This paper uses virtual Lagrangian particles to quantify the transport of these sources along the Leeuwin Current's mean pathway. Here the pathways and exchange of Leeuwin Current source waters across six coastally bound sectors on the south-west Australian coast are analyzed. This constitutes the first quantitative assessment of Leeuwin Current pathways within an offline, 50 year integration time, eddy-resolving global ocean model simulation. Along the Leeuwin Current's pathway, we find a mean poleward transport of 3.7 Sv in which the tropical sources account for 60-78% of the transport. While the net transport is small, we see large transports flowing in and out of all the offshore boundaries of the Leeuwin Current sectors. Along the Leeuwin Current's pathway, we find that water from the Indonesian Throughflow contributes 50-66% of the seasonal signal. By applying conditions on the routes particles take entering the Leeuwin Current, we find particles are more likely to travel offshore north of 30°S, while south of 30°S, particles are more likely to continue downstream. We find a 0.2 Sv pathway of water from the Leeuwin Current's source regions, flowing through the entire Leeuwin Current pathway into the Great Australian Bight

    Separation of <sup>3</sup>He and CH<sub>4</sub> signals on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 5°N and 51°N

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    Abiogenic methane may be produced in submarine hydrothermal systems by degassing of basalts or serpentinization of ultramafic outcrops. The latter process presumably releases little primordial helium and is therefore implicated by high CH4/3He ratios in vent fluids from the ultramafic-hosted Rainbow field and in methane plumes near ultramafic outcrops. We report the existence of depth-separated CH4 and 3He plumes in two segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, at 5.4°N and 51°N. In both cases, the helium plume was deeper, near the valley floor, and the methane carbon isotope ratio was heavy (d13C ˜ -14%). The plumes may issue from separate vents, where the helium is discharged near the volcanic axis and the methane is generated by serpentinization higher on the valley wall. However, at the present time the locations of the vents that produce these plumes are not known. Using a one-pass model, we investigated whether separate venting could arise from heat conduction from a primary, helium-carrying, hydrothermal circulation to a second, shallower fracture loop intersecting ultramafic rock. The model results indicate that the flow rate through the secondary loop would have to be relatively low in order for it to stay warm enough for serpentinization to proceed. In this case, some of the exothermic heat production is lost by conduction, and the temperature increase in the circulating fluid is only a fraction of that expected from a water/rock ratio of 1:1

    Learning causal networks from systems biology time course data: an effective model selection procedure for the vector autoregressive process

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    Background: Causal networks based on the vector autoregressive (VAR) process are a promising statistical tool for modeling regulatory interactions in a cell. However, learning these networks is challenging due to the low sample size and high dimensionality of genomic data. Results: We present a novel and highly efficient approach to estimate a VAR network. This proceeds in two steps: (i) improved estimation of VAR regression coefficients using an analytic shrinkage approach, and (ii) subsequent model selection by testing the associated partial correlations. In simulations this approach outperformed for small sample size all other considered approaches in terms of true discovery rate (number of correctly identified edges relative to the significant edges). Moreover, the analysis of expression time series data from Arabidopsis thaliana resulted in a biologically sensible network. Conclusion: Statistical learning of large-scale VAR causal models can be done efficiently by the proposed procedure, even in the difficult data situations prevalent in genomics and proteomics. Availability: The method is implemented in R code that is available from the authors on request

    The role of well-child visits in detecting developmental delay in preschool children

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    Background: Early detection of developmental delay (DD) in preschool children is crucial for counselling parents, initiating diagnostic work-up, and starting early intervention (EI). Methods: We conducted a register study of all preschool children referred for EI in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, in 2017 (N = 1,785) and used an online survey among primary care physicians (PCPs, N = 271) to evaluate the care service of DD children. Results: PCPs accounted for 79.5% of all referrals by physicians and had correctly referred over 90% of the children in need of EI at an average age of 39.3 months (SD 8.9). In the survey, which represents 59.2% of all pediatricians and 11.3% of all general practitioners in the Canton, PCPs reported performing a mean of 13.5 (range 0-50, SD 10.7) well-child visits per week to preschool children and estimated well-child visits to be the most frequent type of consultation (66.7%) for the identification of DD. Parents' hesitancy in accepting further evaluation or support were reported by 88.7%. Conclusions: Most preschool children with DD are identified in well-child visits. These visits represent an ideal opportunity for early detection of developmental impairment and initiation of EI. Carefully addressing parents' reservations could reduce the rate of refusal, thus improving early support for children with DD

    Amyloid-beta Leads to Impaired Cellular Respiration, Energy Production and Mitochondrial Electron Chain Complex Activities in Human Neuroblastoma Cells

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    Evidence suggests that amyloid-beta (Aβ) protein is a key factor in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and it has been recently proposed that mitochondria are involved in the biochemical pathway by which Aβ can lead to neuronal dysfunction. Here we investigated the specific effects of Aβ on mitochondrial function under physiological conditions. Mitochondrial respiratory functions and energy metabolism were analyzed in control and in human wild-type amyloid precursor protein (APP) stably transfected human neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y). Mitochondrial respiratory capacity of mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) in vital cells was measured with a high-resolution respirometry system (Oxygraph-2k). In addition, we determined the individual activities of mitochondrial complexes I-IV that compose ETC and ATP cellular levels. While the activities of complexes I and II did not change between cell types, complex IV activity was significantly reduced in APP cells. In contrast, activity of complex III was significantly enhanced in APP cells, as compensatory response in order to balance the defect of complex IV. However, this compensatory mechanism could not prevent the strong impairment of total respiration in vital APP cells. As a result, the respiratory control ratio (state3/state4) together with ATP production decreased in the APP cells in comparison with the control cells. Chronic exposure to soluble Aβ protein may result in an impairment of energy homeostasis due to a decreased respiratory capacity of mitochondrial electron transport chain which, in turn, may accelerate neurons demis

    Validation of DNA probes for molecular cytogenetics by mapping onto immobilized circular DNA

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fluorescence <it>in situ </it>hybridization (FISH) is a sensitive and rapid procedure to detect gene rearrangements in tumor cells using non-isotopically labeled DNA probes. Large insert recombinant DNA clones such as bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) or P1/PAC clones have established themselves in recent years as preferred starting material for probe preparations due to their low rates of chimerism and ease of use. However, when developing probes for the quantitative analysis of rearrangements involving genomic intervals of less than 100 kb, careful probe selection and characterization are of paramount importance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe a sensitive approach to quality control probe clones suspected of carrying deletions or for measuring clone overlap with near kilobase resolution. The method takes advantage of the fact that P1/PAC/BAC's can be isolated as circular DNA molecules, stretched out on glass slides and fine-mapped by multicolor hybridization with smaller probe molecules. Two examples demonstrate the application of this technique: mapping of a gene-specific ~6 kb plasmid onto an unusually small, ~55 kb circular P1 molecule and the determination of the extent of overlap between P1 molecules homologous to the human NF-κB2 locus.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The relatively simple method presented here does not require specialized equipment and may thus find widespread applications in DNA probe preparation and characterization, the assembly of physical maps for model organisms or in studies on gene rearrangements.</p

    Resource Availability and Entrainment Are Driven by Offsets Between Nutriclines and Winter Mixed‐Layer Depth

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    While phytoplankton play a key role in ocean biogeochemical cycles, the availability and supply pathways of resources that support their growth remain poorly constrained. Here, we show that the availability of various resources varies over several orders of magnitude throughout the Atlantic Ocean, causing regional contrasts in resource deficiency. Regional variations in the relative availability of nitrogen, phosphorous, silicon, iron, zinc, manganese, cobalt, and cadmium are important and result from the contrasts between winter mixing depths and differences in vertical profiles of the different resources. The winter-time thickening of the mixed layer may replenish or deplete resources via entrainment, depending on the vertical nutrient profile. For nutrients like nitrate, phosphate, and cadmium, entrainment is a consistent source term. While for others, such as manganese and iron, entrainment can reduce ocean resource availability, particularly in subtropical regions. Any future change to the depth of winter-time mixing will cause region-specific changes in relative availability of different resources that may have important ecological consequences

    Sensitivity of the Southern Ocean to enhanced regional Antarctic ice sheet meltwater input

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    Despite advances in our understanding of the processes driving contemporary sea level rise, the stability of the Antarctic ice sheets and their contribution to sea level under projected future warming remains uncertain due to the influence of strong ice-climate feedbacks. Disentangling these feedbacks is key to reducing uncertainty. Here we present a series of climate system model simulations that explore the potential effects of increased West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) meltwater flux on Southern Ocean dynamics. We project future changes driven by sectors of the WAIS, delivering spatially and temporally variable meltwater flux into the Amundsen, Ross and Weddell embayments over future centuries. Focusing on the Amundsen Sea sector of the WAIS over the next 200 years, we demonstrate that the enhanced meltwater flux rapidly stratifies surface waters, resulting in a significant decrease in the rate of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) formation. This triggers rapid pervasive ocean warming (>1°C) at depth due to advection from the original site(s) of meltwater input. The greatest warming predicted along sectors of the ice sheet that are highly sensitized to ocean forcing, creating a feedback loop that could enhance basal ice shelf melting and grounding line retreat. Given that we do not include the effects of rising CO2 - predicted to further reduce AABW formation - our experiments highlight the urgent need to develop a new generation of fully-coupled ice sheet climate models, that include feedback mechanisms such as this, to reduce uncertainty in climate and sea level projections