1,345 research outputs found

    Airborne measurements of cloud forming nuclei and aerosol particles at Kennedy Space Center, Florida

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    Results of airborne measurements of the sizes and concentrations of aerosol particles, ice nuclei, and cloud condensation nuclei that were taken at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, are presented along with a detailed description of the instrumentation and measuring capabilities of the University of Washington airborne measuring facility (Douglas B-23). Airborne measurements made at Ft. Collins, Colorado, and Little Rock, Arkansas, during the ferry of the B-23 are presented. The particle concentrations differed significantly between the clean air over Ft. Collins and the hazy air over Little Rock and Kennedy Space Center. The concentrations of cloud condensation nuclei over Kennedy Space Center were typical of polluted eastern seaboard air. Three different instruments were used to measure ice nuclei: one used filters to collect the particles, and the others used optical and acoustical methods to detect ice crystals grown in portable cloud chambers. A comparison of the ice nucleus counts, which are in good agreement, is presented

    Measurements of the light-absorbing material inside cloud droplets and its effect on cloud albedo

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    Most of the measurements of light-absorbing aerosol particles made previously have been in non-cloudy air and therefore provide no insight into aerosol effects on cloud properties. Here, researchers describe an experiment designed to measure light absorption exclusively due to substances inside cloud droplets, compare the results to related light absorption measurements, and evaluate possible effects on the albedo of clouds. The results of this study validate those of Twomey and Cocks and show that the measured levels of light-absorbing material are negligible for the radiative properties of realistic clouds. For the measured clouds, which appear to have been moderately polluted, the amount of elemental carbon (EC) present was insufficient to affect albedo. Much higher contaminant levels or much larger droplets than those measured would be necessary to significantly alter the radiative properties. The effect of the concentrations of EC actually measured on the albedo of snow, however, would be much more pronounced since, in contrast to clouds, snowpacks are usually optically semi-infinite and have large particle sizes

    The Foreign Direct Investment Location Decision: A Contingency Model of the Foreign Direct Investment Location Decision-Making Process

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    Despite considerable prior research into foreign direct investment (FDI) location decisions, our understanding of the processes underlying such decisions is still limited. Findings from work based in the economics and behavioral theories of the multinational enterprise (MNE) both acknowledge that FDI is not a point-of-time decision but a gradual process that yields important changes over its duration. However, these competing traditions both fall short when attempting to portray the actual process by which FDI location decisions are made by managers in MNEs. This gap has been recently attributed to two interrelated limitations. Firstly, level of analysis concerns have artificially separated managerial decision-making processes from the organizational and environmental structures within which they are made. Secondly, because of the complexity inherent in the FDI location decision environment, the study of these decisions has not taken contextual factors into consideration. This study addresses three important questions in order to build our understanding of the FDI location decision-making processes: (1) What are the decision-making processes that lead to FDI location choice? (2) What is the impact of contextual variables on FDI location decision-making processes at different levels of analysis, and are there any patterns of variation in decision processes under different decision conditions? (3) What factors drive final FDI location choice, and can a useful framework or theory be developed that links FDI location decision-making processes and context to drivers of FDI location choice? In order to address level of analysis concerns, the study places the manager at the center of the FDI location decision in modeling and in research, a strategy recommended by an emerging stream of behavioral-focused international business research (Aharoni, 2010; Buckley et al., 2007; Devinney, 2011). By examining FDI location decisions from the perspective of the managers who implement them, it is possible to clarify the nature of processes that lead to FDI location choice, and identify the impact of different elements of decision maker, firm and environmental context on such processes. The conceptual framework builds on Aharoni’s (1966) pivotal research while incorporating findings from broader behavioral managerial decision models and international business research. The framework is based on the assumption that FDI location decision-making processes and final choice are contingent upon interactions between the environmental, firm and decision maker context under which the decision is made. The research was undertaken in three phases. Phase 1 included a literature review that covered research on the MNE, internationalization, and decision making. The findings of the review identified key aspects of FDI location decision context and led to the development of an initial contingency framework of strategic decision making. Phase 2 consisted of an exploratory case study of twenty four FDI location decisions. The initial contingency framework developed during the literature review was used during this stage to identify the relationship between decision-making processes and contextual variables at the case decisions. By drawing on results from the exploratory research, an initial conceptual model and a set of propositions were developed. In Phase 3, twenty case studies were theoretically sampled from a pool of MNEs of varying size and parent-country nationality within the knowledge-based industries. The data collection and analysis followed a process, event-driven approach to case study research involving the mapping of key sequences of events as well as within- and cross-case analysis. The results identify the key elements of the decision process that explain FDI location behavior and develop a framework that links them together and makes them sensible. The four key elements of the FDI location decision that comprise the framework include: (i) the process, (ii) the context, (iii) patterns, and (iv) location. Research findings show the FDI location decision process as comprising of five broad stages, the content of each driven by a dynamic and evolving interpretation of maximum subjective expected utility. Utility preferences are identified as the consequence of shifting and opaque goals, founded upon imperfect information, operating in an environment marked by uncertainty. Five variations in the overall orientation of utility at case decisions, classified in the study as ‘decision rules,’ proved to be more useful predictors of decision-making behavior than traditional notions of bounded rationality seeking rent extraction and profitability. Decision processes were found to vary in five prototypical patterns, according to clusters of contextual variables that together moderated the level of decision-maker autonomy, hierarchical centralization, rule formalization, commitment to strategy, and politicization of the decision. Patterns are described as FDI location decision-making models, and proposed as an initial step towards the development of a taxonomy of FDI location decision-making processes. Because of the dynamic and staged nature of the process, findings showed that factors that were important at one stage of the decision were not as important at the next. As such, the task of identifying universal drivers of FDI location was deemed an unfeasible one. In place of universal drivers, the initiating force of the investment, the purpose of investment and information sources and networks are identified as the key context-specific determinants of location in FDI decisions. Bounded by uncertainty, chance, the dynamics of the process and decision-maker effects, each of these aspects of the decision served to limit the possible consideration set for investment, and formed the value basis and measures from which to select the most attractive location choice. Despite the contextual differences in these drivers, however, the study revealed a strong pattern that showed that the importance of specific location considerations differed in much the same way across case decisions. During the first stage of case decisions primarily strategic aspects of locations were considered; during the second, considerations relating to the system; operational concerns in the third; implementation concerns in the fourth; and added value factors in the final choice. How each of these concerns was interpreted to reach final location choice differed according to the drivers mentioned previously, although the patterns were the same. This study develops a contingency framework for examining the FDI location decision-making processes of MNEs under different operating conditions. By identifying the four key components of the FDI location decision, their interrelationships and many sources of variance, this thesis shows that despite its complexity, the FDI location decision is amenable to useful conceptual structuring. From an academic standpoint, the framework answers Aharoni’s most recent call to action in ‘Behavioral Elements in Foreign Direct Investment’ (2010) by developing a replicable structure within which to think about incorporating managerial decision models and context into the theory of the MNE. These findings enhance understandings of decision making at MNEs, reconcile a number of inconsistencies between opposing perspectives of MNE theory, and thereby update extant theory so that it has greater relevance in today’s diverse international business environment. From a managerial standpoint, the thesis helps managers to recognize the opportunities and limitations posed by different aspects of decision context so that they are able to tailor their FDI location decision strategies to best suit their needs. Finally, from the perspective of policy markers, research findings provide great support for the use of investment attraction schemes through the use of targeted location marketing and investment incentives.

    Alqueva. Changing Ecologies of the Montado Landscape. Alentejo, Portugal

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    In the past decade Alqueva Dam brought a tremendous landscape change in all three sectors-environmental, social and economic. While the dam and reservoir was a project which was carefully executed, there are certain issues which need to be monitored/rectified as the reservoir goes into 5th straight year with full capacity. The Alentejo region is currently under threats from environmental stress (drought, climate change and habitat disturbances), social stress (with declining population in nearby villages) and is also struggling to attract people to this economically backward region in Portugal. This report presents analysis and recommendations proposed by Environmental Planning Students from UC Berkeley to create and revise holistic strategies that measure the effects of the dam and future proposals to improve human access and ecological values of Alentejo region.Portuguese Studies Program, UCBerkeley ; EDI

    Interim estimates of the effectiveness of seasonal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in preventing influenza hospitalisations and primary care visits in Auckland, New Zealand, in 2014

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    We present preliminary results of influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) in New Zealand using a case test- negative design for 28 April to 31 August 2014. VE adjusted for age and time of admission among all ages against severe acute respiratory illness hospital presentation due to laboratory-confirmed influenza was 54% (95% CI: 19 to 74) and specifically against A(H1N1) pdm09 was 65% (95% CI:33 to 81). For influenza-con- firmed primary care visits, VE was 67% (95% CI: 48 to 79) overall and 73% (95% CI: 50 to 85) against A(H1N1) pdm09

    Cactus Framework: Black Holes to Gamma Ray Bursts

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    Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) are intense narrowly-beamed flashes of gamma-rays of cosmological origin. They are among the most scientifically interesting astrophysical systems, and the riddle concerning their central engines and emission mechanisms is one of the most complex and challenging problems of astrophysics today. In this article we outline our petascale approach to the GRB problem and discuss the computational toolkits and numerical codes that are currently in use and that will be scaled up to run on emerging petaflop scale computing platforms in the near future. Petascale computing will require additional ingredients over conventional parallelism. We consider some of the challenges which will be caused by future petascale architectures, and discuss our plans for the future development of the Cactus framework and its applications to meet these challenges in order to profit from these new architectures

    Hyperboloidal slices for the wave equation of Kerr-Schild metrics and numerical applications

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    We present new results from two open source codes, using finite differencing and pseudo-spectral methods for the wave equations in (3+1) dimensions. We use a hyperboloidal transformation which allows direct access to null infinity and simplifies the control over characteristic speeds on Kerr-Schild backgrounds. We show that this method is ideal for attaching hyperboloidal slices or for adapting the numerical resolution in certain spacetime regions. As an example application, we study late-time Kerr tails of sub-dominant modes and obtain new insight into the splitting of decay rates. The involved conformal wave equation is freed of formally singular terms whose numerical evaluation might be problematically close to future null infinity.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Risk as a process: a history informed hazard planning approach applied to the 2018 post-fire debris flows, Montecito, California

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    Historical information about floods is not commonly used in the US to inform land use planning decisions. Rather, the current approach to managing floods is based on static maps derived from computer simulations of the area inundated by floods of specified return intervals. These maps provide some information about flood hazard, but they do not reflect the underlying processes involved in creating a flood disaster, which typically include increased exposure due to building on flood-prone land, nor do they account for the greater hazard resulting from wildfire. We developed and applied an approach to analyze how exposure has evolved in flood hazard zones in Montecito, California, an area devastated by post-fire debris flows in January 2018. By combining historical flood records of the past 200 years, human development records of the past 100 years, and geomorphological understanding of debris flow generation processes, this approach allows us to look at risk as a dynamic process influenced by physical and human factors, instead of a static map. Results show that floods after fires, in particular debris flows and debris laden floods, are very common in Montecito (15 events in the last 200 years), and that despite policies discouraging developments in hazard areas, developments in hazard zones have increased substantially since Montecito joined the National Flood Insurance Program in 1979. We also highlight the limitation of using conventional Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) to manage land use in alluvial fan areas such as Montecito. The knowledge produced in this project can help Montecito residents better understand how they came to be vulnerable to floods and identify action they are taking now that might increase or reduce their vulnerability to the next big flood. This science-history-centric approach to understand hazard and exposure evolution using geographic information systems (GIS) and historical records, is generalizable to other communities seeking to better understand the nature of the hazard they are exposed to and some of the root causes of their vulnerabilities, in other words, both the natural and social processes producing disasters