3,255 research outputs found

    The Host Galaxy of GRB 990123

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    We present deep images of the field of gamma-ray burst (GRB) 990123 obtained in a broad-band UV/visible bandpass with the Hubble Space Telescope, and deep near-infrared images obtained with the Keck-I 10-m telescope. Both the HST and Keck images show that the optical transient (OT) is clearly offset by 0.6 arcsec from an extended object, presumably the host galaxy. This galaxy is the most likely source of the metallic-line absorption at z = 1.6004 seen in the spectrum of the OT. With magnitudes V_{C} ~ 24.6 +/- 0.2 and K = 21.65 +/- 0.30 mag this corresponds to an L ~ 0.7 L_* galaxy, assuming that it is located at z = 1.6. The estimated unobscured star formation rate is SFR ~ 6 M_sun/yr, which is not unusually high for normal galaxies at comparable redshifts. The strength of the observed metallic absorption lines is suggestive of a relatively high metallicity of the gas, and thus of a chemically evolved system which may be associated with a massive galaxy. It is also indicative of a high column density of the gas, typical of damped Ly-alpha systems at high redshifts. We conclude that this is the host galaxy of GRB 990123. No other obvious galaxies are detected within the same projected radius from the OT. There is thus no evidence for strong gravitational lensing magnification of this burst, and some alternative explanation for its remarkable energetics may be required. The observed offset of the OT from the center of its apparent host galaxy, 5.5 +/- 0.9 proper kpc (projected) in the galaxy's rest-frame, both refutes the possibility that GRBs are related to galactic nuclear activity and supports models of GRBs which involve the death and/or merger of massive stars. Further, the HST image suggests an intimate connection of GRB 990123 and a star-forming region.Comment: Updated references. 12 pages including 3 Postscript figures. Camera- ready reproductions of the figures can be found at http://astro.caltech.edu/~jsb/GRB/grb990123.htm

    Continuous optical monitoring during the prompt emission of GRB 060111B

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    We present the time-resolved optical emission of GRB 060111B during its prompt phase, measured with the TAROT robotic observatory. This is the first time that the optical emission from a gamma-ray burst has been continuously monitored with a temporal resolution of a few seconds during the prompt gamma-ray phase. The temporal evolution of the prompt optical emission at the level of several seconds is used to provide a clue to the origin of this emission. The optical emission was found to decay steadily from our first measure, 28s after the trigger, in contrast to the gamma-ray emission, which exhibits strong variability at the same time. This behaviour strongly suggests that the optical emission is due to the reverse shock

    Locating very high energy gamma ray sources with arc minute accuracy

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    The angular accuracy of gamma-ray detectors is intrinsically limited by the physical processes involved in photon detection. Although a number of point-like sources were detected by the COS-B satellite, only two were unambiguously identified by time signature with counterparts at longer wavelengths. By taking advantage of the extended longitudinal structure of Very High Energy gamma-ray showers, measurements in the TeV energy range can pinpoint source coordinates to arc minute accuracy. This was demonstrated using Cerenkov air shower imaging techniques. With two telescopes in coincidence, the individual event circular probable error will be 0.13 deg. The half-cone angle of the field of view is effectively 1 deg

    ROTSE All Sky Surveys for Variable Stars I: Test Fields

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    The ROTSE-I experiment has generated CCD photometry for the entire Northern sky in two epochs nightly since March 1998. These sky patrol data are a powerful resource for studies of astrophysical transients. As a demonstration project, we present first results of a search for periodic variable stars derived from ROTSE-I observations. Variable identification, period determination, and type classification are conducted via automatic algorithms. In a set of nine ROTSE-I sky patrol fields covering about 2000 square degrees we identify 1781 periodic variable stars with mean magnitudes between m_v=10.0 and m_v=15.5. About 90% of these objects are newly identified as variable. Examples of many familiar types are presented. All classifications for this study have been manually confirmed. The selection criteria for this analysis have been conservatively defined, and are known to be biased against some variable classes. This preliminary study includes only 5.6% of the total ROTSE-I sky coverage, suggesting that the full ROTSE-I variable catalog will include more than 32,000 periodic variable stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ 4/00. LaTeX manuscript. (28 pages, 11 postscript figures and 1 gif

    "Pi of the Sky" - all-sky, real-time search for fast optical transients

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    An apparatus to search for optical flashes in the sky is described. It has been optimized for gamma ray bursts (GRB) optical counterparts. It consists of 2x16 cameras covering all the sky. The sky is monitored continuously and the data are analysed on-line. It has self-triggering capability and can react to external triggers with negative delay. The prototype with two cameras has been installed at Las Campanas (Chile) and is operational from July 2004. The paper presents general idea and describes the apparatus in detail. Performance of the prototype is briefly reviewed and perspectives for the future are outlined

    Inflation dynamics and the output-inflation trade-off: international panel data evidence

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    We explore the impact of inflation and its variability on the output-inflation trade-off using a unified single-step approach in a panel data context. A limitation of earlier empirical approaches is that they focus on either cross-country or country-by-country time-series analyses. This paper employs a dynamic heterogeneous panel data specification and uses an all-encompassing estimation framework that accounts for parameter heterogeneity, cross-sectional dependence, dynamics, and non-stationarity. Our sample covers 60 countries from 1970 to 2010. While inflation variability reduces the trade-off for specific periods and country groups, an unambiguous and more pronounced negative relation emerges between the inflation rate and the responsiveness of real output to nominal shocks. The findings are in line with the New Keynesian view of a negative association between the rate of inflation and the output-inflation trade-off, as well as with the observed flattening of the Phillips curve over the past decades

    The Combinatorial World (of Auctions) According to GARP

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    Revealed preference techniques are used to test whether a data set is compatible with rational behaviour. They are also incorporated as constraints in mechanism design to encourage truthful behaviour in applications such as combinatorial auctions. In the auction setting, we present an efficient combinatorial algorithm to find a virtual valuation function with the optimal (additive) rationality guarantee. Moreover, we show that there exists such a valuation function that both is individually rational and is minimum (that is, it is component-wise dominated by any other individually rational, virtual valuation function that approximately fits the data). Similarly, given upper bound constraints on the valuation function, we show how to fit the maximum virtual valuation function with the optimal additive rationality guarantee. In practice, revealed preference bidding constraints are very demanding. We explain how approximate rationality can be used to create relaxed revealed preference constraints in an auction. We then show how combinatorial methods can be used to implement these relaxed constraints. Worst/best-case welfare guarantees that result from the use of such mechanisms can be quantified via the minimum/maximum virtual valuation function

    SN 2006bp: Probing the Shock Breakout of a Type II-P Supernova

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    HET optical spectroscopy and unfiltered ROTSE-III photometry spanning the first 11 months since explosion of the Type II-P SN 2006bp are presented. Flux limits from the days before discovery combined with the initial rapid brightening suggest the supernova was first detected just hours after shock breakout. Optical spectra obtained about 2 days after breakout exhibit narrow emission lines corresponding to HeII 4200, HeII 4686, and CIV 5805 in the rest frame, and these features persist in a second observation obtained 5 hours later; however, these emission lines are not detected the following night nor in subsequent observations. We suggest that these lines emanate from material close to the explosion site, possibly in the outer layers of the progenitor that have been ionized by the high energy photons released at shock breakout. A P-Cygni profile is observed around 4450 A in the +2 and +3 day spectra. Previous studies have attributed this feature to high velocity H-beta, but we discuss the possibility that this profile is instead due to HeII 4687. Further HET observations (14 nights in total) covering the spectral evolution across the photometric plateau up to 73 days after breakout and during the nebular phase around day +340 are presented, and expansion velocities are derived for key features. The measured decay slope for the unfiltered light curve is 0.0073 +/- 0.0004 mag/day between days +121 and +335, which is significantly slower than the decay of rate 56Co. We combine our HET measurements with published X-ray, UV, and optical data to obtain a quasi-bolometric light curve through day +60. We see a slow cooling over the first 25 days, but no sign of an early sharp peak; any such feature from the shock breakout must have lasted less than ~1 day.[ABRIDGED]Comment: ApJ accepted, 43 page

    The ROTSE-III Robotic Telescope System

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    The observation of a prompt optical flash from GRB990123 convincingly demonstrated the value of autonomous robotic telescope systems. Pursuing a program of rapid follow-up observations of gamma-ray bursts, the Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment (ROTSE) has developed a next-generation instrument, ROTSE-III, that will continue the search for fast optical transients. The entire system was designed as an economical robotic facility to be installed at remote sites throughout the world. There are seven major system components: optics, optical tube assembly, CCD camera, telescope mount, enclosure, environmental sensing & protection and data acquisition. Each is described in turn in the hope that the techniques developed here will be useful in similar contexts elsewhere.Comment: 19 pages, including 4 figures. To be published in PASP in January, 2003. PASP Number IP02-11