484 research outputs found

    A Self Consistent Study of the Phase Transition in the Scalar Electroweak Theory at Finite Temperature

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    We propose the study of the phase transition in the scalar electroweak theory at finite temperature by a two - step method. It combines i) dimensional reduction to a 3-dimensional {\it lattice\/} theory via perturbative blockspin transformation, and ii) either further real space renormalization group transformations, or solution of gap equations, for the 3d lattice theory. A gap equation can be obtained by using the Peierls inequality to find the best quadratic approximation to the 3d action. % This method avoids the lack of self consistency of the usual treatments which do not separate infrared and UV-problems by introduction of a lattice cutoff. The effective 3d lattice action could also be used in computer simulations.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX file, contribution to Lattice 9

    Untersuchungen zum Gaswechsel der Rebe II. Einfluß langanhaltender Bodentrockenheit auf die Leistungsfähigkeit verschiedener Rebsorten

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    In zwei Versuchsjahren (1979 und 1980} wurde an Riesling, Müller-Thurgau und Trollinger, wurzelecht und gepfropft auf der Unterlage Kober 5 BB, sowie an wurzelechten Pflanzen von Kober 5 BB der Einfluß von reduzierter Wasserversorgung (30 % bzw. 45 % der Wasserkapazität} auf den Gaswechsel und das vegetative Wachstum untersucht.Durch die Herabsetzung der Wasserversorgung auf 45 % bzw. 30 % der Wasserkapazität wird die Nettophotosyntheserate von wurzelechten Pflanzen im Mittel um 33-41 % und bei Pfropfreben um 48 % reduziert, bei Trollinger mit 30 % am wenigsten, bei Kober 5 BB mit 80 % am stärksten;die Transpirationsrate von wurzel.echten Pflanzen durchschnittlich um 45 % bzw. 51 % und bei Pfropfreben um 57 % eingeschränkt, bei Trollinger mit 41 % am geringsten, bei Kober 5 BB mit 83 % am meisten;der Trockensubstanzertrag bei wurzelechten Reben im Mittel um 51-65 % und bei Pfropfreben um 66 % reduziert; bei wurzelechten Reben ist die Reduktion der Substanzproduktion durch Trockenheit bei Riesling mit 39 % (1979) bzw. mit 49,5 % (1980) am geringsten und bei Kober 5 BB mit 73,5 % (1979) bzw. Müller-Thurgau mit 55,6 % (1980) am stärksten;der Transpirationskoeffizient bei wurzelechten Reben um 31-40 % und bei Pfropfreben um 33 % vermindert; bei wurzelechten Reben ist die Verminderung mit 1,0 % (1979) bzw. mit 28,3 % (1980) bei Trollinger am geringsten und 1979 bei Müller-Thurgau mi 34,6 % bzw. 1980 bei Riesling mit 48,6 % am höchsten;das Verhältnis von Nettophotosynthese zu Transpiration um durchschnittlich 16 % gesteigert;die Trieblänge, Blattzahl und Blattfläche bei Pfropfreben stärker als bei wurzelechten Reben reduziert; diese Verminderung ist sortentypisch: Bei wurzelecht wachsenden Reben ist die Hemmung durch Trockenheit bei Riesling am geringsten und bei Kober 5 BB am stärksten.Investigations on gas exchange in grapevineII. Influence of extended soil drought on performance of several grapevine varietiesThe effects of different water supply on photosynthesis and transpiration of various own-rooted and grafted grapevine varieties were investigated. A water shortage - 45 % and 30 % of the soil water capacity - reduced the rate of net photosynthesis on the average of all varieties tested to 52-67 % of the rate measured at a high water supply - 80 % of the soil water capacity. The rate of transpiration was reduced to 43-55 %, the dry matter production to 34-49 % and the dry matter production per unit of transpired water - coefficient of transpiration - to 60-79 %, respectively. A varietal response to drought conditions could be observed, Riesling being the most tolerant variety

    Untersuchungen zum Gaswechsel der Rebe III. Einfluß vorübergehender Trockenheit auf die Leistungsfähigkeit verschiedener Rebsorten

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    In 2jährigen Untersuchungen wurde an Reben der Sorten Riesling, Müller-Thurgau und Trollinger, wurzelecht und gepfropft auf die Unterlage Kober 5 BB, der Einfluß von Trockep.perioden auf Gaswechsel und Wachstum in der anschließenden Periode ausreichender Wasserversorgung untersucht.Die Photosyntheserate erholte sich nach 4wöchiger Trockenperiode 14 d nach Wiederbefeuchtung vollständig und lag dann im Mittel 10 % über jener der ständig feucht kultivierten Variante. Nach 8 Wochen Trockenheit war eine anhaltende Hemmung feststellbar: Die Photosyntheserate war im Mittel 22 % geringer.Die Transpirationsrate war in der Erholungsphase nach einer 4wöchigen Trockenperiode deutlich geringer (15 % ) als die der Feuchtvariante, was zu einer Steigerung des Verhältnisses Photosynthese : Transpiration um durchschnittlich 29 % führte.Nach 4wöchiger Trockenperiode nahm die Blattfläche in der anschließenden Feuchtperiode bei Riesling und Müller-Thurgau etwa in der gleichen Intensität wie bei der Feuchtvariante ·zu; dagegen war nach Bwöchiger Trockenperiode die Blattflächenzunahme von Müller-Thurgau deutlich geringer als die von Riesling.Bei einem Vergleich wurzelechter mit gepfropften Reben zeigte sich, daß nach 9wöchiger Trockenperiode in der anschließenden Feuchtperiode die Zunahme der Blattfläche/Pflanze bei Pfropfreben deutlich stärker war als bei wurzelecht wachsenden Reben.Während die Trockensubstanzbildung von Riesling und Müller-Thurgau in der Feuchtkultur gleich hoch war; war sie bei Müller-Thurgau in den Trockenkulturen wesentlich stärker reduziert als bei Riesling. Dieser sortenspezifische Trockeneffekt war auch nach einer Wiederanfeuchtung erkennbar, wenn die vorangegangene Trockenperiode 8 Wochen andauerte.Ein Vergleich von wurzelechten und gepfropften Reben zeigte, daß die Trockensubstanzzunahme von Pfropfreben nach 9wöchiger Trockenheit im Mittel 35 % größer war als die von Wurzelreben, obwohl nach dem Ende der Trockenperiode die Pfropfreben 38 % kleiner waren und Pfropfreben bei anhaltender Trockenheit deutlich schlechter wuchsen als wurzelechte Reben.Investigations on gas exchange in grapevineIII. Influence of temporary drought on performance of several grapevine varietiesThe influence of drought periods on gas exchange and growth of three grapevine varieties (Riesling, Müller-Thurgau and Trollinger) during a following well-watered period was measured.A rewatering process of 14 d resulted in a complete recovery of photosynthesis rate after a drought period of 4 weeks and exceeded the photosynthesis of the permanent well-watered treatment by 10 %. A permanent inhibition was found after a drought period of 8 weeks, the rate of photosynthesis then being 22 % lower.The rate of transpiration proved to be distinctly lower in the period of recovery after a drought period of 4 weeks {15 %) compared with the rate of the permanent well-watered plants, thus increasing the ratio photosynthesis : transpiration on an average by 29 %.The leaf area of Riesling and Müller-Thurgau plants increased in the well-watered period which followed a drought period of 4 weeks in about the same intensity as did the permanent well-watered plants, whereas the increase of leaf area of Müller-Thurgau was much lower after a drought period of 8 weeks than of Riesling.Dry matter production of Riesling and Müller-Thurgau remained at the same level within the period of well-watering, whereas the Müller-Thurgau vines showed a more reduced dry matter production during the drought period compared with Riesling. This variety-specific drought effect was also found after rewatering at the termination of a drought period of 8 weeks.When comparing ungrafted and grafted vines it could be found that the increase of leaf area per plant of grafted vines was distinctly higher in the well-watering period which followed the drought period of 9 weeks than that of ungrafted vines. Furthermore, grafted vines showed a more rapid dry matter production during the rewatering phase (an average of +35 %). However, after termination of a 9-week drought period, extension growth of grafted vines was less than that of own-rooted vines. Obviously, grafted vines suffered more during the drought period than own-rooted vines

    Steroid concentrations in atopic dermatitis patients: Reduced plasma DHEAS and increased cortisone levels.

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronically relapsing inflammatory skin disease, which is characterized by a disrupted epidermal barrier function present both in affected skin and in non-affected skin. Mainly glucocorticosteroids were used in topical and systemic atopy treatments because of their potent anti-inflammatory effects, unfortunately with strong side effects. In this study we determined that 2 out of 16 steroids were significantly different in healthy volunteers vs AD-patients. Cortisone, which is higher in AD-patients plasma, is a direct precursor of the bioactive corticosteroid cortisol, which just displays a higher tendency and is known for its potent anti-inflammatory effects. In addition a tendency of reduced levels of the anti-inflammatory ER ligand estrone was found in AD-patients. DHEA is a precursor of testosterone, its levels just display a lower tendency in male AD-patients, while its sulfonation metabolite DHEAS is lower in male and female AD-patients. We found and conclude that altered steroid levels in the plasma of AD-patients indicate altered vitamin D signaling (based on reduced DHEA sulfonation) and increased feedback for anti-inflammatory signaling (increased levels of cortisone) present in AD-patients. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Distribution and host range of the grapevine plasmodiophorid Sorosphaera viticola

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    Sorosphaera viticola, an obligate parasite of grapevine, was first detected in 2003 in roots of Vitis berlandieri x V. riparia rootstocks in a vineyard in the German Rheingau. To estimate the distribution and the abundance of S. viticola, other German and Austrian winegrowing areas (Mosel-Saar-Ruwer, Rhineland-Palatinate, Weinviertel) were screened. Vineyards planted with different rootstocks or own-rooted V. vinifera vines were chosen to elucidate the host range of this plasmodiophorid within the genus Vitis. S. viticola was found in different V. berlandieri x V. riparia hybrids and in roots of V. vinifera. Root samples from wild V. riparia from the Niagara Peninsula (Canada) were also found to be infested by S. viticola. This is the first record of S. viticola outside of Europe

    Gravitation on a Homogeneous Domain

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    Among all plastic deformations of the gravitational Lorentz vacuum \cite{wr1} a particular role is being played by conformal deformations. These are conveniently described by using the homogeneous space for the conformal group SU(2,2)/S(U(2)x U(2)) and its Shilov boundary - the compactified Minkowski space \tilde{M} [1]. In this paper we review the geometrical structure involved in such a description. In particular we demonstrate that coherent states on the homogeneous Kae}hler domain give rise to Einstein-like plastic conformal deformations when extended to \tilde{M} [2].Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; four misprints in the original version corrected: one lacking closing parenthesis, two letters, and an overall sign in front of the primitive function on p.

    Multiple algebraisations of an elliptic Calogero-Sutherland model

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    Recently, Gomez-Ullate et al. (1) have studied a particular N-particle quantum problem with an elliptic function potential supplemented by an external field. They have shown that the Hamiltonian operator preserves a finite dimensional space of functions and as such is quasi exactly solvable (QES). In this paper we show that other types of invariant function spaces exist, which are in close relation to the algebraic properties of the elliptic functions. Accordingly, series of new algebraic eigenfunctions can be constructed.Comment: 9 Revtex pages, 3 PS-figures; Summary, abstract and conclusions extende

    Self-consistent Calculation of Real Space Renormalization Group Flows and Effective Potentials

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    We show how to compute real space renormalization group flows in lattice field theory by a self-consistent method. In each step, the integration over the fluctuation field (high frequency components of the field) is performed by a saddle point method. The saddle point depends on the block-spin. Higher powers of derivatives of the field are neglected in the actions, but no polynomial approximation in the field is made. The flow preserves a simple parameterization of the action. In this paper we treat scalar field theories as an example.Comment: 52 pages, uses pstricks macro, three ps-figure

    Variational Study of the Phase Transition at Finite T in the λϕ4\lambda \phi^4 -Theory

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    Assuming triviality of the 4-dimensional λϕ4\lambda \phi ^4-theory we compute the effective potential by means of a self consistent Feynman-Bogoliubov method. This potential UeffFBU_{eff}^{FB} depends on a UV-cutoff, which is fixed by a stability condition for the gap-equation for the plasma mass. It shows a second order phase transition at zero temperature, in agreement with a large amount of analytical and RG analysis as well as Monte Carlo numerical evidence. As the cutoff Λ\Lambda is removed the renormalized self coupling constant λR\lambda _R goes to zero consistent with the claim of triviality. At finite temperature the phase transition becomes weakly first order.Comment: 8 pages, latex, 4 figures available from author e-mail: [email protected], submitted to Phys. Lett.