1,949 research outputs found

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    Melt-induced buoyancy may explain the elevated rift-rapid sag paradox during breakup of continental plates

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    The division of the earth’s surface into continents and oceans is a consequence of plate tectonics but a geological paradox exists at continent-ocean boundaries. Continental plate is thicker and lighter than oceanic plate, floating higher on the mantle asthenosphere, but it can rift apart by thinning and heating to form new oceans. In theory, continental plate subsides in proportion to the amount it is thinned and subsequently by the rate it cools down. However, seismic and borehole data from continental margins like the Atlantic show that the upper surface of many plates remains close to sea-level during rifting, inconsistent with its thickness, and subsides after breakup more rapidly than cooling predicts. Here we use numerical models to investigate the origin and nature of this puzzling behaviour with data from the Kwanza Basin, offshore Angola. We explore an idea where the continental plate is made increasingly buoyant during rifting by melt produced and trapped in the asthenosphere. Using finite element simulation, we demonstrate that partially molten asthenosphere combined with other mantle processes can counteract the subsidence effect of thinning plate, keeping it elevated by 2-3 km until breakup. Rapid subsidence occurs after breakup when melt is lost to the embryonic ocean ridge

    The Economics of Boxing Regulation in California

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    Boxing was legalized in California through a statewide referendum in 1924that simultaneously set up a regulatory authority with broad powers to control the industry. This study examines the economic performance of the boxing industry, the case for regulatory intervention, and the effects of the specific kinds of regulatory rules that have been imposed. While regulation in California is widely believed to be an important factor explaining the unusually low rates of death and injury in boxing matches in the state, it is also shown to have anticompetitive effects. Several changes in regulatory procedures are proposed that would not reduce the extent to which regulation protects boxers, but would serve to enhance the competitive performance of the industry

    Exhaust of Underexpanded Jets from Finite Reservoirs

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    We examine the response of an underexpanded jet to a depleting, finite reservoir with experiments and simulations. An open-ended shock tube facility with variable reservoir length is used to obtain images of nitrogen and helium jet structures at successive instances during the blowdown from initial pressure ratios of up to 250. The reservoir and ambient pressures are simultaneously measured to obtain the instantaneous pressure ratio. We estimate the time-scales for jet formation and reservoir depletion as a function of the specific heat ratio of the gas and the initial pressure ratio. The jet structure formation time-scale is found to become approximately independent of pressure ratio for ratios greater than 50. In the present work, no evidence of time-dependence in the Mach disk shock location is observed for rates of pressure decrease associated with isentropic blowdown of a finite reservoir while the pressure ratio is greater than 15. The shock location in the finite- reservoir jet can be calculated from an existing empirical fit to infinite-reservoir jet data evaluated at the instantaneous reservoir pressure. For pressure ratios below 15, however, the present data deviate from a compilation of data for infinite-reservoir jets. A new fit is obtained to data in the lower pressure regime. The self-similarity of the jet structure is quantified and departure from similarity is noted to begin at pressure ratios lower than about 15, approximately the same ratio which limits existing empirical fits

    Modelling the evolution of distributions : an application to major league baseball

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    We develop Bayesian techniques for modelling the evolution of entire distributions over time and apply them to the distribution of team performance in Major League baseball for the period 1901-2000. Such models offer insight into many key issues (e.g. competitive balance) in a way that regression-based models cannot. The models involve discretizing the distribution and then modelling the evolution of the bins over time through transition probability matrices. We allow for these matrices to vary over time and across teams. We find that, with one exception, the transition probability matrices (and, hence, competitive balance) have been remarkably constant across time and over teams. The one exception is the Yankees, who have outperformed all other teams

    Ignition of thermally sensitive explosives between a contact surface and a shock

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    The dynamics of ignition between a contact surface and a shock wave is investigated using a one-step reaction model with Arrhenius kinetics. Both large activation energy asymptotics and high-resolution finite activation energy numerical simulations are employed. Emphasis is on comparing and contrasting the solutions with those of the ignition process between a piston and a shock, considered previously. The large activation energy asymptotic solutions are found to be qualitatively different from the piston driven shock case, in that thermal runaway first occurs ahead of the contact surface, and both forward and backward moving reaction waves emerge. These waves take the form of quasi-steady weak detonations that may later transition into strong detonation waves. For the finite activation energies considered in the numerical simulations, the results are qualitatively different to the asymptotic predictions in that no backward weak detonation wave forms, and there is only a weak dependence of the evolutionary events on the acoustic impedance of the contact surface. The above conclusions are relevant to gas phase equation of state models. However, when a large polytropic index more representative of condensed phase explosives is used, the large activation energy asymptotic and finite activation energy numerical results are found to be in quantitative agreement

    Optimisation of patch distribution strategies for AMR applications

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    As core counts increase in the world's most powerful supercomputers, applications are becoming limited not only by computational power, but also by data availability. In the race to exascale, efficient and effective communication policies are key to achieving optimal application performance. Applications using adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) trade off communication for computational load balancing, to enable the focused computation of specific areas of interest. This class of application is particularly susceptible to the communication performance of the underlying architectures, and are inherently difficult to scale efficiently. In this paper we present a study of the effect of patch distribution strategies on the scalability of an AMR code. We demonstrate the significance of patch placement on communication overheads, and by balancing the computation and communication costs of patches, we develop a scheme to optimise performance of a specific, industry-strength, benchmark application

    Ethnic Differences in Physiological Responses to Fear Conditioned Stimuli

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    The idea that emotional expression varies with ethnicity is based largely on questionnaires and behavioral observations rather than physiological measures. We therefore compared the skin conductance responses (SCR) of Hispanic (Puerto Rican) and White non-Hispanic subjects in a fear conditioning and fear extinction task. Subjects were recruited from two sites: San Juan, Puerto Rico (PR), and Boston, Massachusetts (MA), using identical methods. A total of 78 healthy subjects (39 from PR, 39 from MA) were divided by sex and matched for age and educational level. Females from the two sites did not differ in their SCRs during any experimental phase of fear conditioning (habituation, conditioning, or extinction). In contrast, PR males responded significantly to the conditioned stimulus than MA males or PR females. Subtracting ethnic differences observed during the habituation phase (prior to conditioning) eliminated differences from subsequent phases, suggesting that PR males are elevated in their response to novelty rather than fear learning. Our findings suggest that, in addition to sex differences, there are ethnic differences in physiological responses to novel stimuli at least in males, which could be relevant for the assessment and treatment of anxiety disorders

    Revenue divergence and competitive balance in a divisional sports league

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    The North American model of resource allocation in professional sports leagues is adapted for English (association) football. The theoretical relationship between revenue and competitive balance is shown to be robust with respect to changes in teams’ objectives and labour market conditions. Empirical revenue functions are reported for 1926-1999. These indicate a shift in the composition of demand favouring big-city teams and an increase in the sensitivity of revenue to performance. An analysis of match results in the FA Cup competition suggests an increase in competitive imbalance between teams at different levels of the league’s divisional hierarchy, as the theory suggests