203 research outputs found

    Biomaterial-mediated factor delivery for spinal cord injury treatment

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) is an injurious process that begins with immediate physical damage to the spinal cord and associated tissues during an acute traumatic event. However, the tissue damage expands in both intensity and volume in the subsequent subacute phase. At this stage, numerous events exacerbate the pathological condition, and therein lies the main cause of post-traumatic neural degeneration, which then ends with the chronic phase. In recent years, therapeutic interventions addressing different neurodegenerative mechanisms have been proposed, but have met with limited success when translated into clinical settings. The underlying reasons for this are that the pathogenesis of SCI is a continued multifactorial disease, and the treatment of only one factor is not sufficient to curb neural degeneration and resulting paralysis. Recent advances have led to the development of biomaterials aiming to promote in situ combinatorial strategies using drugs/biomolecules to achieve a maximized multitarget approach. This review provides an overview of single and combinatorial regenerative-factor-based treatments as well as potential delivery options to treat SCIs

    Environmental temperature variation affects brain protein expression and cognitive abilities in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio): A proteomic and behavioural study.

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    Water temperature is an important environmental parameter influencing the distribution and the health of fishes and it plays a central role in ectothermic animals. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of environmental temperature on the brain proteome and the behavioural responses in zebrafish, a widely used animal model for environmental "omics" studies. Adult specimens of wild-type zebrafish were kept at 18 Ā°C, 34 Ā°C and 26 Ā°C (control) for 21 days. Proteomic data revealed that several proteins involved in cytoskeletal organization, mitochondrial regulation and energy metabolism are differently regulated at the extreme temperatures. In particular, the expression of proteins associated to synapses and neurotransmitter release is down-regulated at 18 Ā°C and 34 Ā°C. In both thermal conditions, fish exhibited a reduced interest for the novel environment and an impairment of cognitive abilities during Y-Maze behavioural tests. The observed pathways of protein expression are possibly associated to functional alterations of the synaptic transmission that may result in cognitive functions impairment at central nervous system level as those revealed by behavioural tests. This study indicates that temperature variations can elicit biochemical changes that may affect fish health and behaviour. This combined approach provides insights into mechanisms supporting thermal acclimation and plasticity in fishes. SIGNIFICANCE: Environmental temperature variation may impact on all levels of biological life. Understanding the impact of thermal variation on the nervous system and animal behaviour is of primary importance since the results obtained can be applied from the ecological to the biomedical fields

    Compton-Thick AGN in the NuSTAR Era X: Analysing seven local CT-AGN candidates

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    Context. We present the broad-band X-ray spectral analysis (0.6a-50 keV) of seven Compton-Thick active galactic nuclei (CT-AGN; line-of-sight (LOS) column density > 1024 cma-2) candidates selected from the Swift-BAT 100 month catalogue using archival NuSTAR data. Aims. We aim to obtain a complete census of the heavily obscured AGN in the local Universe (za-0.05). Methods. This work is in continuation of the ongoing research of the Clemson-INAF group to classify CT-AGN candidates at redshift za-0.05 using physically motivated torus models. Results. Our results confirm that three out of seven targets are bona fide CT-AGN. Adding our results to the previously analysed sources using NuSTAR data, we increase the population of bona fide CT-AGN by a9%, bringing the total number to 35 out of 414 AGN. We also performed a comparative study using MYTorus and borus02 on the spectra in our sample, finding that both physical models are strongly consistent in the parameter space of LOS column density and photon index. Furthermore, we also investigate the clumpiness of the torus clouds by separately computing the LOS and average torus column densities in each of the seven sources. Adding our results to all the previous 48 CT-AGN candidates analysed by the Clemson-INAF research team for which NuSTAR observations are available, we find that 78% of the sources are likely to have a clumpy distribution of the obscuring material surrounding the accreting supermassive black hole

    Compton-thick AGN in the NuSTAR Era. VIII. A joint NuSTAR-XMM-Newton Monitoring of the Changing-look Compton-thick AGN NGC 1358

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    We present the multi-epoch monitoring with NuSTAR and XMM-Newton of NGC 1358, a nearby Seyfert 2 galaxy whose properties made it a promising candidate X-ray changing-look active galactic nucleus (AGN), i.e., a source whose column density could transition from its 2017 Compton-thick (having LOS hydrogen column density NH,LOS> 1024cmāˆ’2) state to a Compton-thin (NH,LOS< 1024cmāˆ’2) one. The multi-epoch X-ray monitoring confirmed the presence of significant NH,LOSvariability over timescales of weeks to years, and allowed us to confirm the changing-look nature of NGC 1358, which has most recently been observed in a Compton-thin status. Multi-epoch monitoring with NuSTAR and XMM-Newton is demonstrated to be highly effective in simultaneously constraining three otherwise highly degenerate parameters: the torus average column density and covering factor, and the inclination angle between the torus axis and the observer. We find a tentative anticorrelation between column density and luminosity, which can be understood under the framework of chaotic cold accretion clouds driving recursive AGN feedback. The monitoring campaign of NGC 1358 has proven the efficiency of our newly developed method to select candidate NH,LOS-variable, heavily obscured AGN, which we plan to soon extend to a larger sample to better characterize the properties of the obscuring material surrounding accreting supermassive black holes, as well as to constrain AGN feeding models

    The right to food and food diversity in the Italian Constitution

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    Il contributo analizza la tutela apprestata dalla Costituzione italiana al diritto al cibo che, pur non essendo espressamente menzionato, viene ricavato attraverso l'analisi di principi ed azioni sottese alla nostra Carta che ne riconoscono il valore: il principio lavorista, la lotta alla povertĆ , la retribuzione del lavoratore...

    The High-Energy X-ray Probe (HEX-P): the circum-nuclear environment of growing supermassive black holes

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    Ever since the discovery of the first active galactic nuclei (AGN), substantial observational and theoretical effort has been invested into understanding how massive black holes have evolved across cosmic time. Circum-nuclear obscuration is now established as a crucial component, with almost every AGN observed known to display signatures of some level of obscuration in their X-ray spectra. However, despite more than six decades of effort, substantial open questions remain: how does the accretion power impact the structure of the circum-nuclear obscurer? What are the dynamical properties of the obscurer? Can dense circum-nuclear obscuration exist around intrinsically weak AGN? How many intermediate mass black holes occupy the centers of dwarf galaxies? In this paper, we showcase a number of next-generation prospects attainable with the High-Energy X-ray Probe (HEX-P1) to contribute toward solving these questions in the 2030s. The uniquely broad (0.2ā€“80 keV) and strictly simultaneous X-ray passband of HEX-P makes it ideally suited for studying the temporal co-evolution between the central engine and circum-nuclear obscurer. Improved sensitivities and reduced background will enable the development of spectroscopic models complemented by current and future multi-wavelength observations. We show that the angular resolution of HEX-P both below and above 10 keV will enable the discovery and confirmation of accreting massive black holes at both low accretion power and low black hole masses even when concealed by thick obscuration. In combination with other next-generation observations of the dusty hearts of nearby galaxies, HEX-P will be pivotal in paving the way toward a complete picture of black hole growth and galaxy co-evolution

    Incidence of post myocardial infarction left ventricular thrombus formation in the era of primary percutaneous intervention and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors. A prospective observational study

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    BACKGROUND: Before the widespread use of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors (GP IIb/IIIa) left ventricular (LV) thrombus formation had been reported to complicate up to 20% of acute myocardial infarctions (AMI). The incidence of LV thrombus formation with these treatment modalities is not well known. METHODS: 92 consecutive patients with ST-elevation AMI treated with PCI and GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors underwent 2-D echocardiograms, with and without echo contrast agent, within 24ā€“72 hours. RESULTS: Only 4/92 (4.3%) had an LV thrombus, representing a significantly lower incidence than that reported in the pre-PCI era. Use of contrast agents did not improve detection of LV thrombi in our study. CONCLUSION: The incidence of LV thrombus formation after acute MI, in the current era of rapid reperfusion, is lower than what has been historically reported
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