626 research outputs found

    Upper Limits in the Case That Zero Events are Observed: An Intuitive Solution to the Background Dependence Puzzle

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    We compare the ``unified approach'' for the estimation of upper limits with an approach based on the Bayes theory, in the special case that no events are observed. The ``unified approach'' predicts, in this case, an upper limit that decreases with the increase in the expected level of background. This seems absurd. On the other hand, the Bayesian approach leads to a result which is background independent. An explanation of the Bayesian result is presented, together with suggested reasons for the paradoxical result of the ``unified approach''.Comment: Latex file (compiled with cernrep.cls included) 5 pages, no figures. To appear in the Proceed. of the workshop on ''Confidence limits'' (CERN, Jan 2000). This paper and related papers also available at http://grwav3.roma1.infn.it

    Energy spectrums for proton /200 eV + or = E + or = 1 MeV/ intensities in the outer radiation zone

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    Energy spectrums for proton intensities in outer radiation zon

    Note on the Electron Energy Spectrum in the Inner Van Allen Belt

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    Electron energy spectrum in the inner van allen bel

    Measuring Propagation Speed of Coulomb Fields

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    The problem of gravity propagation has been subject of discussion for quite a long time: Newton, Laplace and, in relatively more modern times, Eddington pointed out that, if gravity propagated with finite velocity, planets motion around the sun would become unstable due to a torque originating from time lag of the gravitational interactions. Such an odd behavior can be found also in electromagnetism, when one computes the propagation of the electric fields generated by a set of uniformly moving charges. As a matter of fact the Li\'enard-Weichert retarded potential leads to a formula indistinguishable from the one obtained assuming that the electric field propagates with infinite velocity. Feyman explanation for this apparent paradox was based on the fact that uniform motions last indefinitely. To verify such an explanation, we performed an experiment to measure the time/space evolution of the electric field generated by an uniformely moving electron beam. The results we obtain on such a finite lifetime kinematical state seem compatible with an electric field rigidly carried by the beam itself.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figure

    New analysis for the correlation between gravitational waves and neutrino detectors during SN1987A

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    Two major problems, still associated with the SN1987A, are: a) the signals observed with the gravitational waves detectors, b) the duration of the collapse. Indeed, a) the sensitivity of the gravitational wave detectors seems to be small for detecting gravitational waves and, b) while some experimental data indicate a duration of order of hours, most theories assume that the collapse develops in a few seconds. Since recent data of the X-ray NuSTAR satellite show a clear evidence of an asymmetric collapse, we have revisited the experimental data recorded by the underground and gravitational wave detectors running during the SN1987A. New evidence is shown that con rms previous results, namely that the data recorded by the gravitational wave detectors running in Rome and in Maryland are strongly correlated with the data of both the Mont Blanc and the Kamiokande detectors, and that the correlation extends over a long period of time (one or two hours) centered at the Mont Blanc time. This result indicates that also Kamiokande detected neutrinos at the Mont Blanc time, and these interactions were not identi ed because not grouped in a burst

    Studying the coincidence excess between EXPLORER and NAUTILUS during 1998

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    The coincidences between EXPLORER and NAUTILUS during 1998 (Astone et al. 2001) are more deeply studied. It is found that the coincidence excess is greater in the ten-day period 7-17 September 1998 and it occurs at the sidereal hour 4, when the detectors axes are perpendicular to the Galactic Disk. The purpose of this paper is to bring our results with the GW detectors to the attention of scientists working in the astrophysical field, and ask them whether are they aware of any special phenomenon occurring when EXPLORER and NAUTILUS showed a coincidence excess.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, submitted to A &

    SN1987A: Revisiting the Data and the Correlation between Neutrino and Gravitational Detectors

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    We re-examine the data taken by the neutrino detectors during the supernova SN1987A. It is found that the Kamiokande data, in addition to the well known burst at 7:35 hours UT, show another one at 7:54 hours, with seven pulses in 6.2 seconds. This second burst supports the idea that the duration of the collapse was much longer than a few seconds, as already suggested by the LSD detection at 2:56 hours the same day, i.e. four and a half hours earlier. The correlations between the gravitational wave detectors (Rome and Maryland) and the neutrino detectors are also revisited. It is shown that the g.w. detectors exhibit significant correlations with both the LSD and the Kamiokande detectors over periods of one-two hours that are centered, in both cases, at the LSD time.Comment: Presented at the VULCANO WOKSHOP 2008, Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, May 26-3
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