3,819 research outputs found

    Распределение металлической фазы в синтетических алмазах типа «карбонадо»

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    Studying of a structural structure synthetic «carbonado» is spent by a method of electronic scanning microscopy. It is established, that the surface «carbonado» is covered by the large diamond crystals reaching 200 microns, having obviously expressed structure of growth. On a surface of these crystals observed drops of metal-catalyst (nickel) of a submicronic range. It is established, that the structure synthetic «carbonado» represents interpenetrating skeletons from diamond and ceramic-metal phases

    Термопружний стан шаруватих термочутливих циліндрів і куль за конвективно-променевого теплообміну

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    Розроблено методику розв’язування одновимірних статичних задач термопружності для шаруватих циліндрів і куль за конвективно-променевого нагрівання з урахуванням лінійної залежності коефіцієнтів теплопровідності та довільного характеру залежності інших фізико-механічних характеристик від температури. Задачі теплопровідності зведено, незалежно від кількості шарів, до розв’язування системи двох нелінійних алгебричних рівнянь. У задачах термопружності неперервні в межах кожного шару коефіцієнти рівнянь апроксимовано кусково-сталими функціями. Проведено числовий аналіз температурних полів і напружень у двошарових тілах.The method for solving one-dimensional static thermoelasticity problems is developed for layered cylinders and spheres under convective and radiation heating, taking into account linear dependence of heat conductivity coefficients and arbitrary character of dependence of other physical and mechanical characteristics on a temperature. Problems of heat conductivity have been reduced to the system of two nonlinear algebraic equations regardless of the number of layers. In the thermoelasticity problems the continuous within every layer coefficients of equations are approximated by piecewise constant functions. The numerical analysis of the temperature fields and stresses is conducted for two-layered bodies.Разработана методика решения одномерных статических задач термоупругости для слоистых цилиндров и сфер при конвективно-лучевом нагреве с учетом линейной зависимости коэффициентов теплопроводности и произвольного характера зависимости других физико-механических характеристик от температуры. Задачи теплопроводности сведены, независимо от количества слоев, к решению системы двух нелинейных алгебраических уравнений. В задачах термоупругости непрерывные в пределах каждого слоя коэффициенты уравнений аппроксимированы кусочно-постоянными функциями. Проведен численный анализ температурных полей и напряжений в двухслойных телах

    GoeddoorGrond : Introductie bodemkwaliteit en biodiversiteit in de landbouwpraktijk van Noord-Holland : eindverslag 1 januari 2009 – 30 juni 2012

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    In 2010 is het project Goed door Grond van start gegaan, een initiatief van 10 bollentelers in Noord-Holland. In dit project zetten de betrokken bloembollenbedrijven een passend bodemmanagementsysteem op dat gedurende 3 jaar op een deel van het perceel wordt toegepast. Centrale vraagstelling is: Leidt een dubbele dosering compost en de teelt van groenbemesters tot verhoging van de biodiversiteit en bodemweerbaarheid? De nadruk ligt hierbij op drie bodemgerelateerde ziekten: Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium en wortellesieaaltjes (Pratylenchus penetrans)

    The clinical effectiveness of evidence-based interventions for depression: A pragmatic trial in routine practice

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Controversy persists about how effectively empirically-supported treatments for major depression work in actual clinical practice as well as how patients choose among them. We examined the acute phase effectiveness of cognitive therapy (CT), interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), and combined psychotherapy-pharmacotherapy (PHT) in a naturalistic setting, allowing patients their choice of treatment. METHODS: The study compared CT (n=63), IPT (n=56), CT-PHT (n=34), and IPT-PHT (n=21) for 174 subjects with major depression in a secondary care mood disorders clinic. Patient preference, rather than randomization, determined treatment selection. The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI) was the primary outcome variable. Exclusion criteria were minimal. RESULTS: All treatments were associated with a reduction in depressive symptoms, with a 35% remission rate by week 26. Overall improvement was well within ranges reported in efficacy trials. On average, treatment effects of the different interventions straddled the same range, but moderation analyses revealed that BDI scores dropped faster in the first 16 weeks in patients who received CT alone than patients who received CT and pharmacotherapy, a pattern not found in patients who received IPT (with or without pharmacotherapy). LIMITATIONS: Limitations consist of a modest sample size, choice of treatment was made by participants which may have been influenced by many sources, and the absence of a non-active control group. CONCLUSIONS: This study supports the effectiveness of empirically-supported antidepressant treatments selected by patients in routine settings, and provides an indication that speed of therapeutic response may vary amongst treatments

    Lung cancer symptom appraisal, help-seeking and diagnosis - rapid systematic review of differences between patients with and without a smoking history

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    BACKGROUND: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the world. A significant minority of lung cancer patients have never smoked (14% in the UK, and ranging from 10% to 25% worldwide). Current evidence suggests that never-smokers encounter delays during the diagnostic pathway, yet it is unclear how their experiences and reasons for delayed diagnoses differ from those of current and former smokers. This rapid review assessed literature about patient experiences in relation to symptom awareness and appraisal, help-seeking, and the lung cancer diagnostic pathway, comparing patients with and without a smoking history. METHODS: MEDLINE, PsychINFO and Google Scholar were searched for studies (2010-2020) that investigated experiences of the pathway to diagnosis for patients with and without a smoking history. Findings are presented using a narrative synthesis. RESULTS: Analysis of seven quantitative and three qualitative studies revealed that some delays during symptom appraisal and diagnosis are unique to never-smokers. Due to the strong link between smoking and lung cancer, and low awareness of non-smoking related lung cancer risk factors and symptoms, never-smokers do not perceive themselves to be at risk. Never-smokers are also likely to evaluate their experiences in comparison with other non-smoking related cancers, where prognosis is likely better, potentially leading to lower satisfaction with healthcare. CONCLUSION: Never-smokers appear to have different experiences in relation to symptom appraisal and diagnosis. However, evidence in relation to help-seeking, and what is driving diagnostic delays for never-smoker patients specifically is lacking

    The 20-year longitudinal trajectories of social functioning in individuals with psychotic disorders

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    Objective: Social impairment is a long-recognized core feature of schizophrenia and is common in other psychotic disorders. Still, to date the long-term trajectories of social impairment in psychotic disorders have rarely been studied systematically. Methods: Data came from the Suffolk County Mental Health Project, a 20-year prospective study of first-admission patients with psychotic disorders. A never-psychotic comparison group was also assessed. Latent class growth analysis was applied to longitudinal data on social functioning from 485 respondents with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and psychotic mood disorders, and associations of the empirically derived trajectories with premorbid social adjustment, diagnosis, and 20-year outcomes were examined. Results: Four mostly stable trajectories of preserved (N=82; 59th percentile of comparison group sample distribution), moderately impaired (N=148; 17th percentile), severely impaired (N=181; 3rd percentile), and profoundly impaired (N=74; 1st percentile) functioning best described the 20-year course of social functioning across diagnoses. The outcome in the group with preserved functioning did not differ from that of never-psychotic individuals at 20 years, but the other groups functioned significantly worse. Differences among trajectories were already evident in childhood. The two most impaired trajectories started to diverge in early adolescence. Poorer social functioning trajectories were strongly associated with other real-world outcomes at 20 years. Multiple trajectories were represented within each disorder. However, more participants with schizophrenia spectrum disorders had impaired trajectories, and more with mood disorders had better functioning trajectories. Conclusions: The results highlight substantial variability of social outcomes within diagnoses—albeit overall worse social outcomes in schizophrenia spectrum disorders—and show remarkably stable long-term impairments in social functioning after illness onset across all diagnoses