84 research outputs found

    In the eye of the storm : the Italian economy and the eurozone crisis

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    The eurozone crisis had a more significant and longer-lasting impact on Italy than on virtually any other member state, with the effects still visible a decade after. The extent of the shock was surprising in view of progress Italy had apparently made in the 1990s in terms of enhancing its capacity to meet the demands of European Monetary Union. The explanation for this traumatic economic experience lies in Italy’s deep, long-term, structural tensions which were placed under severe pressure during the 1990s and which were cracked open by the 2011 sovereign debt crisis. These have had long-standing economic effects as well as political ramifications in terms of a significant change in the Italy–EU relationship

    Phosphorylation adjacent to the nuclear localization signal of human dUTPase abolishes nuclear import: Structural and mechanistic insights

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    Phosphorylation adjacent to nuclear localization signals (NLSs) is involved in the regulation of nucleocytoplasmic transport. The nuclear isoform of human dUTPase, an enzyme that is essential for genomic integrity, has been shown to be phosphorylated on a serine residue (Ser11) in the vicinity of its nuclear localization signal; however, the effect of this phosphorylation is not yet known. To investigate this issue, an integrated set of structural, molecular and cell biological methods were employed. It is shown that NLS-adjacent phosphorylation of dUTPase occurs during the M phase of the cell cycle. Comparison of the cellular distribution of wild-type dUTPase with those of hyperphosphorylation- and hypophosphorylation-mimicking mutants suggests that phosphorylation at Ser11 leads to the exclusion of dUTPase from the nucleus. Isothermal titration microcalorimetry and additional independent biophysical techniques show that the interaction between dUTPase and importin-alpha, the karyopherin molecule responsible for 'classical' NLS binding, is weakened significantly in the case of the S11E hyperphosphorylation-mimicking mutant. The structures of the importin-alpha-wild-type and the importin-alpha-hyperphosphorylation-mimicking dUTPase NLS complexes provide structural insights into the molecular details of this regulation. The data indicate that the posttranslational modification of dUTPase during the cell cycle may modulate the nuclear availability of this enzyme

    Transcriptional Activity and Nuclear Localization of Cabut, the Drosophila Ortholog of Vertebrate TGF-β-Inducible Early-Response Gene (TIEG) Proteins

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    BackgroundCabut (Cbt) is a C2H2-class zinc finger transcription factor involved in embryonic dorsal closure, epithelial regeneration and other developmental processes in Drosophila melanogaster. Cbt orthologs have been identified in other Drosophila species and insects as well as in vertebrates. Indeed, Cbt is the Drosophila ortholog of the group of vertebrate proteins encoded by the TGF-ß-inducible early-response genes (TIEGs), which belong to Sp1-like/Krüppel-like family of transcription factors. Several functional domains involved in transcriptional control and subcellular localization have been identified in the vertebrate TIEGs. However, little is known of whether these domains and functions are also conserved in the Cbt protein.Methodology/Principal FindingsTo determine the transcriptional regulatory activity of the Drosophila Cbt protein, we performed Gal4-based luciferase assays in S2 cells and showed that Cbt is a transcriptional repressor and able to regulate its own expression. Truncated forms of Cbt were then generated to identify its functional domains. This analysis revealed a sequence similar to the mSin3A-interacting repressor domain found in vertebrate TIEGs, although located in a different part of the Cbt protein. Using β-Galactosidase and eGFP fusion proteins, we also showed that Cbt contains the bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) previously identified in TIEG proteins, although it is non-functional in insect cells. Instead, a monopartite NLS, located at the amino terminus of the protein and conserved across insects, is functional in Drosophila S2 and Spodoptera exigua Sec301 cells. Last but not least, genetic interaction and immunohistochemical assays suggested that Cbt nuclear import is mediated by Importin-α2.Conclusions/SignificanceOur results constitute the first characterization of the molecular mechanisms of Cbt-mediated transcriptional control as well as of Cbt nuclear import, and demonstrate the existence of similarities and differences in both aspects of Cbt function between the insect and the vertebrate TIEG proteins

    Cytoplasmic TAF2-TAF8-TAF10 complex provides evidence for nuclear holo-TFIID assembly from preformed submodules

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    General transcription factor TFIID is a cornerstone of RNA polymerase II transcription initiation in eukaryotic cells. How human TFIID-a megadalton-sized multiprotein complex composed of the TATA-binding protein (TBP) and 13 TBP-associated factors (TAFs)-assembles into a functional transcription factor is poorly understood. Here we describe a heterotrimeric TFIID subcomplex consisting of the TAF2, TAF8 and TAF10 proteins, which assembles in the cytoplasm. Using native mass spectrometry, we define the interactions between the TAFs and uncover a central role for TAF8 in nucleating the complex. X-ray crystallography reveals a non-canonical arrangement of the TAF8-TAF10 histone fold domains. TAF2 binds to multiple motifs within the TAF8 C-terminal region, and these interactions dictate TAF2 incorporation into a core-TFIID complex that exists in the nucleus. Our results provide evidence for a stepwise assembly pathway of nuclear holo-TFIID, regulated by nuclear import of preformed cytoplasmic submodules

    Miracolo e declino, l’Italia tra concorrenza e protezione

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    Quarant’anni fa il miracolo. Oggi il declino e la crisi di competitività della nostra industria. Perché? Questa la domanda da cui prende spunto l’analisi proposta che ripercorre le vicende che hanno segnato l’economia italiana dal dopoguerra a oggi. Il filo conduttore è costituito dalla concorrenza, la forza che spinge a sfruttare al meglio le risorse disponibili. L’Italia non ha risorse naturali a supporto della sua crescita economica. La sua ricchezza dipende particolarmente dalla capacità di fare, di “industriarsi” a produrre beni da vendere al mondo. Questa sua condizione ha aguzzato l’ingegno imprenditoriale, una risorsa decisiva per il progresso economico, abbondante nella nostra penisola. Ma la capacità di realizzare, di tradurre in vantaggio nazionale questo ingegno dipende dalla pressione che si esercita nel suo impiego, dalla dinamica della concorrenza che spinge l’intera economia a essere competitiva. L’analisi svolta individua negli anni Sessanta del secolo scorso il periodo decisivo del venir meno dello slancio competitivo del Paese e del riemergere di varie forme di protezionismi che indeboliscono la struttura produttiva caricando il capitalismo nascente delle piccole imprese e dei distretti del compito di ridare dinamismo all’economia. Si rilevano i limiti di queste forme d’impresa nel nuovo contesto della globalizzazione auspicando una “scossa” che inverta la tendenza all’arretramento del nostro benessere. Una “scossa” che non può venire solo dall’industria proiettata verso il mondo ma deve pervadere l’intero sistema e l’amministrazione pubblica