3,989 research outputs found

    Particle Propagator of Spin Calogero-Sutherland Model

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    Explicit-exact expressions for the particle propagator of the spin 1/2 Calogero-Sutherland model are derived for the system of a finite number of particles and for that in the thermodynamic limit. Derivation of the expression in the thermodynamic limit is also presented in detail. Combining this result with the hole propagator obtained in earlier studies, we calculate the spectral function of the single particle Green's function in the full range of the energy and momentum space. The resultant spectral function exhibits power-law singularity characteristic to correlated particle systems in one dimension.Comment: 43 pages, 6 figure

    Utilizando R para manipular dados de projeção climática.

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    O Laboratório de Modelagem Agroambiental (LMA) da Embrapa Informática Agropecuária utiliza dados de projeção climática para realização de simulações de cenários agrícolas futuros. Grande parte desses dados é disponibilizada no formato NetCDF. A NetCDF é uma biblioteca livre, que possui funções de manipulação de dados armazenados em matrizes que contêm dimensões, variáveis e metadados. É utilizada em linguagens como C, C++, Fortran, Java, R entre outras. Essa combinação entre linguagem, biblioteca e arquivo possibilita criação, acesso e compartilhamento de dados científicos. Os arquivos NetCDF possuem informações descritivas sobre os dados que contêm (os chamados metadados). Podem armazenar diferentes tipos de variáveis numéricas e caracteres. Além disso, o formato é eficiente, permitindo ao usuário acessar um pequeno subconjunto de uma grande base de dados, visualizar simultaneamente o mesmo arquivo por mais de um leitor e anexar dados a um arquivo NetCDF, sem ter que copiar sua base de dados ou redefinir sua estrutura. Antes de serem utilizados, esses dados passam por diversos processamentos, tais como recorte temporal e espacial, reamostragem de grade e extração de dados. O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar como tais processamentos podem ser realizados utilizando o R

    A New High Resolution CO Map of the inner 2.'5 of M51 I. Streaming Motions and Spiral Structure

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    [Abridged] The Owens Valley mm-Array has been used to map the CO 1--0 emission in the inner 2'.5 of the grand design spiral galaxy M51 at 2''-3'' resolution. The molecular spiral arms are revealed with unprecedented clarity: supermassive cloud complexes, Giant Molecular Associations, are for the first time resolved both along and perpendicular to the arms. Major complexes occur symmetrically opposite each other in the two major arms. Streaming motions can be studied in detail along the major and minor axes of M51. The streaming velocities are very large, 60-150 km/s. For the first time, sufficient resolution to resolve the structure in the molecular streaming motions is obtained. Our data support the presence of galactic shocks in the arms of M51. In general, velocity gradients across arms are higher by a factor of 2-10 than previously found. They vary in steepness along the spiral arms, becoming particularly steep in between GMAs. The steep gradients cause conditions of strong reverse shear in several regions in the arms, and thus the notion that shear is generally reduced by streaming motions in spiral arms will have to be modified. Of the three GMAs studied on the SW arm, only one shows reduced shear. We find an expansion in the NE molecular arm at 25'' radius SE of the center. This broadening occurs right after the end of the NE arm at the Inner Lindblad Resonance. Bifurcations in the molecular spiral arm structure, at a radius of 73'', may be evidence of a secondary compression of the gas caused by the 4/1 ultraharmonic resonance. Inside the radius of the ILR, we detect narrow (~ 5'') molecular spiral arms possibly related to the K-band arms found in the same region. We find evidence of non-circular motions in the inner 20'' which are consistent with gas on elliptical orbits in a bar.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figures, uses latex macros for ApJ; accepted for publication in Ap

    The Distribution of H2O Maser Emission in the Nucleus of NGC 4945

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    We present the first interferometer map of the water maser emission in the active nucleus of NGC 4945. Although the declination of the galaxy is about -49 degrees, we were able to make the observations with the southernmost antennas of the Very Long Baseline Array. Strong maser emission is present in three velocity ranges, one near the systemic velocity and two shifted roughly symmetrically by +/-(100-150) km/s. This is the first detection of highly blue-shifted water emission in NGC 4945. We determined the position of the maser to be RA(B1950)= 13 02 32.28 +/- 0.02 ; Dec(B1950)= -49 12 01.9 +/- 0.1. The uncertainties in earlier estimates are at least several arcseconds. The maser lies within 2'' (36 pc at a distance of 3.7 Mpc) of the peaks in 1.4 GHz continuum and 1.6 micron emission from the nucleus. The mappable maser emission is distributed roughly linearly over about 40 milliarcseconds (0.7 pc) at a position angle of about 45 degrees, which is close to the 43 +/- 2 degree position angle of the galactic disk. The red and blue-shifted emission symmetrically stradle the systemic emission on the sky, which suggests material in edge-on circular motion around a central object. The position-velocity structure indicates a binding mass of about one million Suns, within a volume of radius about 0.3 pc. This implies that the central engine radiates on the order of 10% of its Eddington luminosity.Comment: 18 pages, including 5 Postscript figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Non-magnetic pair-breaking effect on La(Fe_{1-x}Zn_{x})AsO_{0.85} studied by NMR and NQR

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    75^{75}As and 139^{139}La NMR and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) studies on Zn-substituted LaFeAsO0.85_{0.85} have been performed to investigate the Zn-impurity effects microscopically. Although superconductivity in LaFeAsO0.85_{0.85} disappears by 3% Zn substitution, we found that NMR/NQR spectra and NMR physical quantities in the normal state are hardly changed, indicating that the crystal structure and electronic states are not modified by Zn substitution. Our results suggest that the suppression of superconductivity by Zn substitution is not due to the change of the normal-state properties, but due to strong non-magnetic pair-breaking effect to superconductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, This paper was chosen as "Paper of Editors' Suggestion

    Bipolar-Hyper-Shell Galactic Center Statrburst Model: Further Evidence from ROSAT Data and New Radio and X-ray Simulations

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    Using the all-sky ROSAT soft X-ray and 408-MHz radio continuum data, we show that the North Polar Spur and its western and southern counter-spurs draw a giant dumbbell-shape necked at the galactic plane. We interpret these features as due to a shock front originating from a starburst 15 million years ago with a total energy of the order of 1056\sim 10^{56} ergs or 10510^5 type II supernovae. We simulate all-sky distributions of radio continuum and soft X-ray intensities based on the bipolar-hyper-shell galactic center starburst model. The simulations can well reproduce the radio NPS and related spurs, as well as radio spurs in the tangential directions of spiral arms. Simulated X-ray maps in 0.25, 0.75 and 1.5 keV bands reproduce the ROSAT X-ray NPS, its western and southern counter-spurs, and the absorption layer along the galactic plane. We propose to use the ROSAT all-sky maps to probe the physics of gas in the halo-intergalactic interface, and to directly date and measure the energy of a recent Galactic Center starburst.Comment: To appear in ApJ, Latex MS in ApJ macro, 8 figures in jpg (original quality ps figs available on request

    Reentrant vortex lattice transformation in four-fold symmetric superconductors

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    The physics behind the rhombic\tosquare\torhombic flux line lattice transformation in increasing fields is clarified on the basis of Eilenberger theory. We demonstrate that this reentrance observed in LuNi2_2B2_2C is due to intrinsic competition between superconducting gap and Fermi surface anisotropies. The calculations reproduce not only it but also predict yet not found lock-in transition to a square lattice with different orientation in higher field. In view of physical origin given, this sequence of transitions is rather generic to occur in four-fold symmetric superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures,submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Kinematics of Spiral Arm Streaming in M51

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    We use CO and H alpha velocity fields to study the gas kinematics in the spiral arms and interarms of M51 (NGC 5194), and fit the 2D velocity field to estimate the radial and tangential velocity components as a function of spiral phase (arm distance). We find large radial and tangential streaming velocities, which are qualitatively consistent with the predictions of density wave theory and support the existence of shocks. The streaming motions are complex, varying significantly across the galaxy as well as along and between arms. Aberrations in the velocity field indicate that the disk is not coplanar, perhaps as far in as 20\arcsec\ (800 pc) from the center. Velocity profile fits from CO and H alpha are typically similar, suggesting that most of the H alpha emission originates from regions of recent star formation. We also explore vortensity and mass conservation conditions. Vortensity conservation, which does not require a steady state, is empirically verified. The velocity and density profiles show large and varying mass fluxes, which are inconsistent with a steady flow for a single dominant global spiral mode. We thus conclude that the spiral arms cannot be in a quasi-steady state in any rotating frame, and/or that out of plane motions may be significant.Comment: 50 pages, including 20 figures; Accepted for publication in ApJ. PDF version with high resolution figures available at http://www.astro.umd.edu/~shetty/Research

    Maximal, potential and singular operators in the local "complementary" variable exponent Morrey type spaces

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    We consider local "complementary" generalized Morrey spaces M-c({x0})p(.).omega (Omega) in which the p-means of function are controlled over Omega \ B(x(0), r) instead of B(x(0), r), where Omega subset of R-n is a bounded open set, p(x) is a variable exponent, and no monotonicity type condition is imposed onto the function omega(r) defining the "complementary" Morrey-type norm. In the case where omega is a power function, we reveal the relation of these spaces to weighted Lebesgue spaces. In the general case we prove the boundedness of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator and Calderon-Zygmund singular operators with standard kernel, in such spaces. We also prove a Sobolev type M-c({x0})p(.).omega (Omega) -> M-c({x0})p(.).omega (Omega)-theorem for the potential operators I-alpha(.), also of variable order. In all the cases the conditions for the boundedness are given it terms of Zygmund-type integral inequalities-on omega(r), which do not assume any assumption on monotonicity of omega(r).Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan [EIF-2010-1(1)-40/06-1]; Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [110T695]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Commensurate Itinerant Antiferromagnetism in BaFe2As2: 75As-NMR Studies on a Self-Flux Grown Single Crystal

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    We report results of 75As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments on a self-flux grown single crystal of BaFe2As2. A first-order antiferromagnetic (AF) transition near 135 K was detected by the splitting of NMR lines, which is accompanied by simultaneous structural transition as evidenced by a sudden large change of the electric field gradient tensor at the As site. The NMR results lead almost uniquely to the stripe spin structure in the AF phase. The data of spin-lattice relaxation rate indicate development of anisotropic spin fluctuations of the stripe-type with decreasing temperature in the paramagnetic phase.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp