283 research outputs found

    Deity worship in Ganapathiraman's works

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    Man has undergone various development since he appeared in the world. When man thought about the environment he lived in, about himself, the thoughts about the appearance of the world, the appearance of life, birth and death he understood that there is something beyond man’s power and that is God. He began to think about it deeply with nature and as a result worship of God arose based on feelings of fear, struggle and gratitude. The worship that emerged thus tended to worship nature first and then from first sense to sixth sense things. In this case, the Tamil community divided land and time according to the environment they lived in and created a mythology that predicts life and worshiped different deities. Then they built temple for these deities, followed proper rituals and worshipped them

    People’s Belief in Idol Worship

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    Every people have a faith that the ups and downs they face in their life is because of God. People who worship idols belief that the reason for a particular event in their life is the work of the deities they worship, which are announced in advance through different objects. Before doing an event in their life they worship the deities. This article examines Professor Ganapathiraman’s view about the worship of idol in Tirunelveli district

    Impact Of Workplace Ethics On Job Satisfaction And Job Commitment Of Self Financing College Professors - A Study With Special Reference To Thoothukudi District

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    Ethics is a moral philosophy concerned with the study of what is good and what is bad. The ethical culture prevailing in the organization leads to the emergence of new humanity of responsible leaders driven by values, virtues and wisdom which transform the working environment amicable. Healthy workplace culture motivates the employees to function beyond organizational expectations. Employees are motivated and their performance improves as they work under good culture. A strong employee culture has a positive impact on employee behavior and performance. The concept of ethics is of critical importance to all the professions that serve society. It plays an important role in a teacher’s personal and professional life. Identifying the ethical climate would provide the college with the evidence to support the need to make improving their colleges. The professional ethics, the values and virtues practiced in colleges heavily influence the future leaders. Given this background, an attempt was made to carry out the research on the title “Impact of Workplace Ethics on Job Satisfaction and Job Commitment of Self Financing College Professors”. The researcher has collected data from both primary and secondary sources. The primary data were collected directly from the respondents through questionnaire. The secondary data were collected from books, journals and websites. 20 professors from six self financing Arts and Science Colleges were selected at random. Hence 120 was the sample size. To analyse the data ‘t’ test, Weighted arithmetic mean score and Karl Pearson’s Co-efficient of Correlation were applied

    A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards in Health Drinks in Theni District

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    This research is mainly dealt with the mindset of the consumers buying health drinks. The study on the Brand Loyalty on Consumer Health Drink explains the Taste, Preference. Essential also of the consumers consuming health drinks in their day to day life. This research also focuses on the changing preference of the customers because, in today\u27s time, there are much more options in choosing the health drinks according to the consumers taste. To increase the customer\u27s satisfaction, marketers have developed various marketing programs

    Prevalence of depression among people who attempt suicide

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    Background: This is a study aimed at assessing the prevalence of major depressive disorder among persons who attempted suicide.Methods: The study involved 30 persons above 18years of age of both sexes who has attempted suicide in the recent past. An informed consent was obtained from all of them. The prevalence of depression among those suicide attempters was studied based on major ICD- 10 depression inventory. Also, intent rating based on Beck’s suicide intent scale was done to assess the severity of suicide attempt. Questionnaire was given and the details were collected.Results: The prevalence of depression is estimated to be 20%. Regarding the suicidal intent, 13 cases (43.33%) showed high intent for suicide.Conclusions: Prevalence of depression is common among people who attempt suicide. Early diagnosis and intervention will reduce suicide attempts

    A study to evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding cardiac rehabilitation among post myocardial infarction patients admitted in Cardiac in-patient department at selected Cardiac Hospital, Erode (dt)

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    A study to evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding cardiac rehabilitation among post myocardial infarction patients admitted in cardiac inpatient department at selected cardiac hospital, Erode (Dt). OBJECTIVE

    Interplanetary Consequences of a Large CME

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    We analyze a coronal mass ejection (CME) which resulted from an intense flare in active region AR486 on November 4, 2003. The CME propagation and speed are studied with interplanetary scintillation images, near-Earth space mission data, and Ulysses measurements. Together, these diverse diagnostics suggest that the internal magnetic energy of the CME determines its interplanetary consequences.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figures, To appear in "Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and the Atmosphere of the Sun", eds. S.S. Hasan and R.J. Rutten, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, 200

    Effectiveness of betadine Versus chlorhexidine perineal care on reducing the occurrence of urinary tract infection among mothers with indwelling catheter at Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai

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    STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: A study to evaluate effectiveness of betadine Vs chlorhexidine perineal care on reducing the occurrence of urinary tract infection among mothers with indwelling catheter in post operative caesarean ward at Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai-20. OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the level of urinary tract infection among mothers with indwelling catheters in post operative caesarean ward at Government Rajaji hospital, Madurai. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of betadine perineal care in interventional group I and chlorhexidine perineal care in interventional group II among mothers with indwelling catheter. 3. To compare the effectiveness between betadine perineal care in interventional group I and chlorhexidine perineal care in interventional group II among mothers with indwelling catheter. 4. To associate the level of urinary tract infection among mothers with indwelling catheter in post operative caesarean ward with their selected socio demographic variables and obstetric variables. METHODOLOGY: True experimental pretest and post test design was used. 60 subjects were selected (30 in each group) by simple random sampling. Perineal care was given twice daily for 3 consecutive days from 1st Post-operative day. Results: The findings reveals that, after intervention level of UTI was reduced and its confirmed with ‘t’ value 2.27 at 0.001 level. CONCLUSION: The study concluded that chlorhexidine perineal care was effective on reducing UTI among mothers with indwelling catheter

    Entrepreneurial Climate in India, China and the USA

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    Entrepreneurship plays a vital role in the process of wealth creation and improving the standard of living of the people through large-scale employment generation. So this study aims to identify the critical factors among the entrepreneurial framework conditions (EFC) and entrepreneurial behaviour and attitudes (EBAA) in enhancing the entrepreneurship climate in the United States of America (USA), China and India. The data for the study is collected from GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) on EBAA and EFC. Exploratory factor analysis was attempted initially to reduce the EBAA and EFC data into manageable factors. Further, confirmatory factor analysis was attempted to cross-validate the results. Key Points: • The results unveil that the Public conditions and Business Promotions (EFC) in the USA are superior to India and China. At the same time, India lags behind both the USA and China. • Indian entrepreneurs are more optimistic and audacious than their Chinese counterparts. • The future of entrepreneurship in India depends on what measures the Government adopts today to strengthen the entrepreneurship framework conditions

    Effect of exercise on diastasis recti abdominis among the primiparous women: a quasi-experimental study

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    Background: Diastatis recti abdominis (DRA) occurs most commonly in pregnant women owing to weakness of the abdominal musculature resulting from maternal hormone influences and increased stretch of the rectus abdominis induced by the expanding uterus. As there are musculoskeletal complications following DRA, there is a need to implement DRA corrective exercises in preventing or treating DRA following child birth. The objective of the study was to investigate the effects of Diastasis rectus abdominis corrective exercises in reducing DRA among the primiparous women.Methods: Primiparous women who had DRA of more than 2 finger width at their umbilical level or a bulging rectus abdominis on contraction following a vaginal delivery (VD) or cesarean section (LSCS) were included as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria.Results: Fifty four and forty two women in the VD and LSCS group respectively participated in the study. Among them only 12 and 9 women from each group respectively performed the DRA corrective exercises for 6 weeks. There was a significant improvement in the reduction of DRA within the groups at p 0.05 which indicated that both the groups showed the same level of improvement.Conclusions: DRA corrective exercises performed by the primiparous women with DRA in their postpartum period immediately following ND or a month after the LSCS for 6 weeks were found to be effective in reducing DRA