96 research outputs found

    Increasing Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Mind Mapping Technique From Narrative Text

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    The objectives of this research are (1) to find out whether or not mind mapping technique can be used to increase students’ reading comprehension, and (2) to investigate the students’ respond after being thought through mind mapping technique. This research was conducted at the first grade students of SMAN 2 Kota Metro numbering of 30 students. This is a quantitative study which had intact group pre-test post-test design. The results show that the students’ mean scores in the pre-test was 58.06 and post-test was 70.46. It can be seen that the students’ mean score of post-test was increased about 12.4 point after being thought through mind mapping technique. The highest score of the pre-test was 86 and the highest score of post-test was increased to 90, in which the highest score gain was 16. The lowest score of the pre-test was 43 and the lowest score of the post-test was 50, in which the lowest score gain was increased to 7. The effectiveness could be seen from the computation which showed that t-value was 7.050 was higher than t-table (2.045). The results show that mind mapping technique was effective to increase the students’ reading comprehension of narrative text. The effectiveness was also supported by the students’ respond from the questionnaire’ result. From questionnaire’ result, 96.6% students gave positive respond toward mind mapping and 3.4% gave negative respond.

    Increasing Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability Through Think Pair Share Technique in Procedure Text

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    This research aimed at finding out whether there is any significant difference between the score of students’ reading comprehension ability in procedure text before and after being taught through Think Pair Share technique. This research was conducted based on researcher’s experience in SMAN 1 Bandar Sribhawono that the students still got low scores in reading comprehension test. The X1 class consisting of 30 students was chosen as the sample of this research. This research used one group pretest posttest design, and the result was found by comparing the differences score between pre-test and post-test by using SPSS 17.0. The differences of the scores were calculated by using Repeated Measure t-test. Then, the result showed that the mean score of students’ pre-test was 68.27 and the mean score of students’ post-test was 81.33. It means that the increase of students’ score was 13.06. It indicated that H1 is accepted because the significant (2-tailed) value was 0.000 (p=0.000, p t table (13,315 > 2,045). So, it can be concluded that Think Pair Share technique can be applied and recommended as a reference to teach English in reading class.

    Kepuasan Pasien Pengguna Kartu Jakarta Sehat di Unit Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit

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    Peluncuran Kartu Jakarta Sehat (KJS) pada bulan November 2012 mengakibatkan jumlah kunjungan pasien yang melonjak drastis di fasilitas kesehatan, khususnya rumah sakit, baik itu rumah sakit pemerintah pusat, rumah sakit pemerintahdaerah maupun rumah sakit swasta yang berkomitmen dengan Pemerintah Daerah Jakarta. KJS memberikan kemudahan akses layanan kesehatan agar pasien dapat berobat secara gratis. Namun persoalan yang muncul kemudian adalah pasien harus mengantre lama di loket pendaftaran, ruang pemeriksaan, maupun ruang pengambilan obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor sosial budaya, pribadi, dan psikologis dengan kepuasan pasien pengguna KJS pada 110 responden di Unit Rawat Jalan RSU UKI, dan telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2013. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepuasan pasien KJS sebesar 40,9%. Akses ke rumah sakit, motivasi, informasi baik dan informasi tidak baik berhubungan signifikan dengan kepuasan pasien KJS, tetapi motivasi adalah hal yang paling dominan berhubungan. Selain itu, kepuasan pasien KJS juga berhubungan bermakna dengan pemanfaatan kembali layanan dan minat merekomendasikan layanan pada orang lain.Jakarta Health Card (JHC) was launched on November 2012, followed by sudden increase number of patient in any hospital accordingly. Jakarta Health Card ease the patient to afford health care without payment. We conducted study on the relation among socio-culture, demographic characteristics, and psychology factors toward patient satisfaction in using JHC. The study subjects were 110 outpatient of UKI Hospital, with study design descriptive quantitative with cross sectional approach. The result showed 40,9% of the patients were satisfied with the hospital service. Factors such as hospital access, motivation, good information and bad information were associated with patient satisfaction significantly, and motivation was the dominant factor. Besides, patient satisfaction also has significant correlation with revisiting/ reusing and recommendation of the hospital to other patients


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    Abstract. The first Taenia solium taeniasi

    Metastability in Josephson transmission lines

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    Thermal activation and macroscopic quantum tunneling in current-biased discrete Josephson transmission lines are studied theoretically. The degrees of freedom under consideration are the phases across the junctions which are coupled to each other via the inductances of the system. The resistively shunted junctions that we investigate constitute a system of N interacting degrees of freedom with an overdamped dynamics. We calculate the decay rate within exponential accuracy as a function of temperature and current. Slightly below the critical current, the decay from the metastable state occurs via a unique ("rigid") saddlepoint solution of the Euclidean action describing the simultaneous decay of the phases in all the junctions. When the current is reduced, a crossover to a regime takes place, where the decay occurs via an "elastic" saddlepoint solution and the phases across the junctions leave the metastable state one after another. This leads to an increased decay rate compared with the rigid case both in the thermal and the quantum regime. The rigid-to-elastic crossover can be sharp or smooth analogous to first- or second- order phase transitions, respectively. The various regimes are summarized in a current-temperature decay diagram.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, 3 PS-figures, revised versio

    Diet Composition and Niche Breadth of Mullet Chelon Subviridis (Valenciennes, 1836) and Moolgarda Engeli (Bleeker, 1858) in Pabean Bay, Indramayu Subdistrict, West Java Province

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis dan komposisi serta luas dan tumpang tindih relung makanan ikan belanak di Teluk Pabean. Pengambilan contoh ikan dilakukan pada Juli hingga Desember 2016 dengan menggu-nakan alat tangkap sero dan jaring insang. Analisis data meliputi indeks bagian terbesar serta luas dan tumpang tindih relung makanan. Dua jenis ikan belanak, Chelon subviridis dan Moolgarda engeli, merupakan spesies yang banyak ditemukan di Teluk Pabean. Ukuran panjang tubuh C. subviridis yang diamati berkisar 73,34-185,72 mm dengan bobot 8,23-115,50 g dan panjang tubuh M. engeli berkisar 67,51-160,00 mm dengan bobot 6,91-96,70 g. Menu ma-kanan ikan belanak terdiri atas tiga kelompok besar, yaitu perifiton, larva organisme, dan detritus. Perifiton dari kelas Bacillariophyceae menjadi kelompok makanan yang banyak dimanfaatkan, khususnya Pleurosigma (35,81) oleh C. subviridis dan Nitzschia (27,89) oleh M. engeli. Perubahan komposisi jenis makanan terjadi pada setiap kelompok ukuran ikan. C. subviridis dan M. engeli memiliki relung makanan yang luas dengan nilai luas relung berturut-turut 5,995 dan 5,780. Luas relung makanan pada setiap kelompok ukuran ikan berbeda. Informasi mengenai luas relung makanan dapat menunjukkan adaptasi ikan belanak terhadap ketersediaan makanan di perairan

    Quantum Nucleation in a Ferromagnetic Film Placed in a Magnetic Field at an Arbitrary Angle

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    We study the quantum nucleation in a thin ferromagnetic film placed in a magnetic field at an arbitrary angle. The dependence of the quantum nucleation and the temperature of the crossover from thermal to quantum regime on the direction and the strength of the applied field are presented. It is found that the maximal value of the rate and that of the crossover temperature are obtained at a some angle with the magnetic field, not in the direction of the applied field opposite to the initial easy axis.Comment: 15 pages, RevTex, 3 PostScript figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Kepuasan Pasien Pengguna Kartu Jakarta Sehat di Unit Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit

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    Peluncuran Kartu Jakarta Sehat (KJS) pada bulan November 2012 mengakibatkan jumlah kunjungan pasien yang melonjak drastis di fasilitas kesehatan, khususnya rumah sakit, baik itu rumah sakit pemerintah pusat, rumah sakit pemerintahdaerah maupun rumah sakit swasta yang berkomitmen dengan Pemerintah Daerah Jakarta. KJS memberikan kemudahan akses layanan kesehatan agar pasien dapat berobat secara gratis. Namun persoalan yang muncul kemudian adalah pasien harus mengantre lama di loket pendaftaran, ruang pemeriksaan, maupun ruang pengambilan obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor sosial budaya, pribadi, dan psikologis dengan kepuasan pasien pengguna KJS pada 110 responden di Unit Rawat Jalan RSU UKI, dan telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2013. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepuasan pasien KJS sebesar 40,9%. Akses ke rumah sakit, motivasi, informasi baik dan informasi tidak baik berhubungan signifikan dengan kepuasan pasien KJS, tetapi motivasi adalah hal yang paling dominan berhubungan. Selain itu, kepuasan pasien KJS juga berhubungan bermakna dengan pemanfaatan kembali layanan dan minat merekomendasikan layanan pada orang lain.Jakarta Health Card (JHC) was launched on November 2012, followed by sudden increase number of patient in any hospital accordingly. Jakarta Health Card ease the patient to afford health care without payment. We conducted study on the relation among socio-culture, demographic characteristics, and psychology factors toward patient satisfaction in using JHC. The study subjects were 110 outpatient of UKI Hospital, with study design descriptive quantitative with cross sectional approach. The result showed 40,9% of the patients were satisfied with the hospital service. Factors such as hospital access, motivation, good information and bad information were associated with patient satisfaction significantly, and motivation was the dominant factor. Besides, patient satisfaction also has significant correlation with revisiting/ reusing and recommendation of the hospital to other patients

    Magnetic Field Dependence of Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling and Coherence of Ferromagnetic Particle

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    We calculate the quantum tunneling rate of a ferromagnetic particle of 100A˚\sim 100 \AA diameter in a magnetic field of arbitrary angle. We consider the magnetocrystalline anisotropy with the biaxial symmetry and that with the tetragonal symmetry. Using the spin-coherent-state path integral, we obtain approximate analytic formulas of the tunneling rates in the small ϵ(=1H/Hc)\epsilon (=1- H/H_c)-limit for the magnetic field normal to the easy axis (θH=π/2\theta_H = \pi/2), for the field opposite to the initial easy axis (θH=π\theta_H = \pi), and for the field at an angle between these two orientations (π/2<<θH<<π\pi/2 << \theta_H << \pi). In addition, we obtain numerically the tunneling rates for the biaxial symmetry in the full range of the angle θH\theta_H of the magnetic field (π/2<θHπ\pi/2 < \theta_H \leq \pi), for the values of \epsilon =0.01 and 0.001.Comment: 25 pages of text (RevTex) and 4 figures (PostScript files), to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum nucleation in ferromagnets with tetragonal and hexagonal symmetries

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    The phenomenon of quantum nucleation is studied in a ferromagnet in the presence of a magnetic field at an arbitrary angle. We consider the magnetocrystalline anisotropy with tetragonal symmetry and that with hexagonal symmetry, respectively. By applying the instanton method in the spin-coherent-state path-integral representation, we calculate the dependence of the rate of quantum nucleation and the crossover temperature on the orientation and strength of the field for a thin film and for a bulk solid. Our results show that the rate of quantum nucleation and the crossover temperature depend on the orientation of the external magnetic field distinctly, which provides a possible experimental test for quantum nucleation in nanometer-scale ferromagnets.Comment: 19 pages and 3 figures, Final version and accepted by Phys. Rev. B (Feb. B1 2001