118 research outputs found

    Reciclando la salud bucal

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    La Facultad de Odontología representada por la Asignatura Odontología Preventiva y Social se encuentra realizando un Programa de Trabajos Extramurales en la zona de influencia en Unidades Operativas distribuidas por la Ciudad de La Plata dirigidos por un Docente a cargo y alumnos de 1° a 5º Año desde el Año 1996 hasta la fecha. De los diagnósticos de la Comunidad y en base a los resultados concluimos, que el 68 % de las familias de la zona no tiene, no conoce o no recambia los Cepillos Dentales que son indispensables en Programas de Educación para la Salud Bucal. Por otro lado se detectaron basurales con gran cantidad de botellas de plástico que no son biodegrada- bles (lo cual produce un problema ecológico ambiental) pero si son, reciclables. Esta condición nos llevó a concluir que era necesario, en base a los dos problemas planteados realizar un Proyecto de Extensión que nos permita reciclar los plásticos y obtener a cambio Cepillos de Dientes que nos ayuden a poner en marcha Programas de Educación para la Salud en Escuelas de La Plata y el Gran La Plata.The School of Dentistry represented by the Subject Preventive and Social Dentistry is conducting a Program of Extramural Activities in the area of influence in Operational Units distributed over the City of La Plata led by a teacher in charge and 1st year to 5th year students since 1996 to date. From the diagnostics of the Community and based on the results, we conclude that 68% of the families of the area has not got, does not know or does not change toothbrushes which are essential in Education Programs for Oral Health. On the other hand rubbish dumps containing a lot of plastic bottles that are not biodegradable were detected (which cause an environmental ecological problem), but they do are recyclable. From this condition and based on the two issues raised we arrived to the conclusion that it was necessary to make an Extension Project that allowed us to recycle plastics and get in return Toothbrushes to help us implement Programs for Health Education in Schools from La Plata and Gran La Plata.Facultad de Odontologí

    National-local land-use conflicts in floodways of the Mississippi River system

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    Conflicts between national and local governments over land use in floodplains have been well documented in the US and elsewhere. The US National Flood Insurance Program offers subsidized flood insurance to communities that agree to prevent further development in floodplains, but the requirements are poorly enforced and local governments are commonly reluctant to restrain development on flood-prone lands. In this paper we highlight this problem in particularly sensitive areas: the floodways (or flood bypasses) that are essential components of the Mississippi River flood control system. To properly operate the flood control system, the US Army Corps of Engineers must be able to divert flow from the mainstem Mississippi into the bypasses, thereby lowering stage in the main river, and thus minimizing flooding of cities and other vulnerable areas. However, operation of the Birds-Point-New Madrid Floodway in Missouri was compromised in 2011 by local opposition (and a legal challenge ultimately rejected by the US Supreme Court), and it was finally used to accommodate floodwaters. The West Atchafalaya Floodway in Louisiana experienced a threefold increase in the number of structures within the floodway from about 1970 to 2010. Because of the pattern of flooding, the West Atchafalaya Floodway was not needed in 2011, but if it is needed in the future, its operation may be compromised by the extensive encroachments within the floodway. Thus, operation of critical national infrastructure, designed to deal with floods on an interstate, river-basin scale, is compromised by land-use decisions made at the local level

    Efficacy of the dipeptide N(2)-L-Alanyl-Lglutamine in traumatic patiiens admitted to the ICU; a prospective, randomized, double-blind, multicentre study

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    Hipótesis: La suplementación endovenosa con el dipéptido N(2)-L-alanil-L-glutamina, en pacientes traumáticos ingresado en la UCI puede ejercer un efecto beneficioso en cuanto a reducción de la incidencia de infecciones, de la estancia en UCI y de la mortalidad, independientemente del tipo de nutrición (enteral o parenteral) administrada. Objetivos: El objetivo principal es medir la eficacia de la suplementación con el dipéptido, administrado de forma endovenosa, en reducir la incidencia de las complicaciones infecciosas, la mortalidad y la estancia en UCI de los pacientes traumáticos ingresados en la UCI. Otros objetivos secundarios son: 1) Evaluar la eficacia de L-alanil-L-glutamina en diferentes grupos de gravedad y en relación con los niveles plasmáticos de glutamina. 2) Recoger los posibles efectos adversos del dipéptido administrado de forma endovenosa. Metodología: Ensayo clínico prospectivo, multicéntrico, aleatorizado y doble ciego, con dos grupos paralelos de tratamiento, para evaluar eficacia frente a placebo. Los pacientes traumáticos ingresados en la UCI que cumplan los criterios de inclusión/no exclusión, serán aleatorizados para recibir L-alanil-L-glutamina o placebo, independientemente del tipo de nutrición que reciba el paciente (enteral o parenteral) El dipéptido será administrado como un farmaconutriente en forma de perfusión continua durante 24 horas y durante 5 días a 0,5 g/kg/díaHypothesis: the endovenous administration of glutamine, independently of the type of nurtrition received, can reduce the ICU length of stay, the incidence of infections and the mortality in the traumatic patients admitted to the ICU. Objectives: The main objective is to assess the efficacy of glutamine suplementation, given intravenously, to reduce the incidence of infectious complications, mortality and ICU length of stay in the traumatic patients admitted to the ICU. Other objectives are: 1) to assess the efficacy of glutamine in different groups of patients according to the severity and the plasma levels of glutamine. 2) Record all the adverse events due to the intravenous administration of glutamine. Methods: prospective, randomized, doble-blind and multicenter study with two parallel groups: placebo and treatment group. The patients who fulfill the inclusion criteria will receive either glutamine or placebo, independently of the type on nutrition. Glutamine will be administered as a pharmaconutrient at 0.5 g/kg/day during 5 days as a continous perfusion