4,815 research outputs found

    p-Wave Polaron

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    We consider the properties of a single impurity immersed in a Fermi sea close to an interspecies p-wave Feshbach resonance. We calculate its dispersion and spectral response to a radiofrequency pulse. In the presence of a magnetic field, dipolar interactions split the resonance and lead to the appearance of two novel features with respect to the s-wave case: a third polaron branch in the excitation spectrum, in addition to the usual attractive and repulsive ones; and an anisotropic dispersion of the impurity characterized by different effective masses perpendicular and parallel to the magnetic field. The anisotropy can be tuned as a function of the field strength and the two effective masses may have opposite signs, or become smaller than the bare mass

    Thermal diagnostic of the Optical Window on board LISA Pathfinder

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    Vacuum conditions inside the LTP Gravitational Reference Sensor must comply with rather demanding requirements. The Optical Window (OW) is an interface which seals the vacuum enclosure and, at the same time, lets the laser beam go through for interferometric Metrology with the test masses. The OW is a plane-parallel plate clamped in a Titanium flange, and is considerably sensitive to thermal and stress fluctuations. It is critical for the required precision measurements, hence its temperature will be carefully monitored in flight. This paper reports on the results of a series of OW characterisation laboratory runs, intended to study its response to selected thermal signals, as well as their fit to numerical models, and the meaning of the latter. We find that a single pole ARMA transfer function provides a consistent approximation to the OW response to thermal excitations, and derive a relationship with the physical processes taking place in the OW. We also show how system noise reduction can be accomplished by means of that transfer function.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures; accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Gra

    On-ground tests of LISA PathFinder thermal diagnostics system

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    Thermal conditions in the LTP, the LISA Technology Package, are required to be very stable, and in such environment precision temperature measurements are also required for various diagnostics objectives. A sensitive temperature gauging system for the LTP is being developed at IEEC, which includes a set of thermistors and associated electronics. In this paper we discuss the derived requirements applying to the temperature sensing system, and address the problem of how to create in the laboratory a thermally quiet environment, suitable to perform meaningful on-ground tests of the system. The concept is a two layer spherical body, with a central aluminium core for sensor implantation surrounded by a layer of polyurethane. We construct the insulator transfer function, which relates the temperature at the core with the laboratory ambient temperature, and evaluate the losses caused by heat leakage through connecting wires. The results of the analysis indicate that, in spite of the very demanding stability conditions, a sphere of outer diameter of the order one metre is sufficient. We provide experimental evidence confirming the model predictions.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX2e (compile with pdflatex), sumbitted to CQG. This paper is a significant extension of gr-qc/060109

    Análise multivariada de características de carcaça e qualidade da carne de ovinos.

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    Resumo: Técnicas de análise multivariada foram utilizadas para avaliação de características de carcaça e qualidade da carne de cordeiros: Morada Nova (MN), Somalis Brasileira (SB), Santa Inês (SI) e ½ Dorper x ½ Morada Nova (F1). Na análise fatorial, os cinco primeiros fatores extraídos por componentes principais explicaram 80 % da variância total dos dados. Os escores calculados para cada fator foram utilizados na análise de variância. Houve efeito significativo do grupo genético para os fatores 1, 3 e 4. O primeiro fator é o processo que representa às características morfométricas da carcaça, os pesos ao abate e da carcaça, os pesos dos cortes comerciais e a área de olho de lombo, sendo a raça SI superior às raças SB e MN, porém similar ao genótipo F1. Esse fator explica 52,65 % da variância total dos dados. Quanto ao terceiro (espessura de gordura e intensidade de vermelho da carne) e ao quarto fator (índice de quebra por resfriamento e perda de peso por cocção) a raça SB apresentou maior especificidade, diferindo dos demais grupos. Para o segundo fator (pH medido 24 horas post mortem, luminosidade da carne e intensidade de amarelo) e para o quinto (força de cisalhamento) não houve diferença entre os grupos genéticos. Através da análise exploratória dos dados foi possível reduzir a dimensionalidade do conjunto de informações e identificar diferenças entre grupos considerando o processo formado pelas combinações lineares das características mais associadas entre si (fatores). [Multivariate analysis of carcass and meat quality traits in sheep]. Abstract: Multivariate analyzes were used for evaluation of carcass and meat quality traits of lambs: Morada Nova (MN), Brazilian Somalis (BS), Santa Inês (SI) and ½Dorper x ½Morada Nova (F1). In the factor analysis, the first five factors extracted by principal components explained 80 % of total variance. The factor scores were used in the analysis of variance. The first factor is the process that represents the carcass morphometric traits, to slaughter weights and commercial cuts weights and loin eye area, and SI breed similar to genotype F1, but higher than the races SB and MN. This factor explained 52.65% of the total variance. The third (fat thickness and redness of meat) and the fourth factor (drip loss and cooking loss), SB genotype showed higher specificity, differing from other groups. For the second factor (pH measured 24 hours post mortem, lightness of meat and yellowness of meat) and the fifth factor (shear force) there was no difference between genotypes. Through exploratory analysis of the data was possible to reduce the dimensionality of the information and identify differences among genotypes considering the process formed by linear combinations of the traits more associated with each other (factors)

    Optimization of microesclerotia production by Trichoderma asperellum.

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    The Trichoderma genus, despite its widespread use for decades as a biological control in agriculture, has only recently been gaining a share in the biopesticide market, thanks to its versatility in controlling diseases and acting as a plant growth enhancer. Most Trichoderma's commercial products have aerial conidia as active ingredient, but recent studies report the production of another propagule, more robust for formulation and application under field conditions - the microsclerotia (MS). Thus, our objective was to evaluate the nutritional conditions that favor the greater production of MS, using two cultures of T. asperellum with known antagonistic activity. For this, we used the fractional factorial design approach in which we evaluated 5 variables: Carbon source, Carbon concentration, C:N ratio, Strain, Nitrogen source, all influencing the production of MS. The results indicated that all variables were statistically significant to MS production. In the best condition tested, we obtained values higher than 104 MS mL-1. In conclusion that the conditions found for the production of MS, using sucrose and lyscell, with carbon concentration 20 g L-1 and C:N ratio (10:1) and isolate TR 356, are inexpensive carbon and nitrogen sources may allow us to scale-up this biofungicide

    Is accounting enforcement related to risk-taking in the banking industry?

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    Using a sample of banks from 36 countries, we document that accounting enforcement is negatively related to bank risk-taking. We also provide evidence that accounting enforcement enhances bank stability during the crisis. In addition, we show that banks assume less risk through more conservative lending decisions and a reduction in complexity in jurisdictions with higher accounting enforcement. Our results show that formal institutions such as accounting enforcement are associated with bank financial decisions and risk-taking behavior

    Thermal and back-action noises in dual-sphere gravitational-waves detectors

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    We study the sensitivity limits of a broadband gravitational-waves detector based on dual resonators such as nested spheres. We determine both the thermal and back-action noises when the resonators displacements are read-out with an optomechanical sensor. We analyze the contributions of all mechanical modes, using a new method to deal with the force-displacement transfer functions in the intermediate frequency domain between the two gravitational-waves sensitive modes associated with each resonator. This method gives an accurate estimate of the mechanical response, together with an evaluation of the estimate error. We show that very high sensitivities can be reached on a wide frequency band for realistic parameters in the case of a dual-sphere detector.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Caracterização parcial de geminivirus de feijoeiro e de plantas daninhas coletadas em campo de feijoeiro.

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    O feijoeiro continua sendo severamente afetado pela presença do mosaico dourado, causado pelo Bean Golden mosaic virus (BGMV). Epidemias de mosca branca (Bemisia tabaci) 2012/2013 causou grandes perdas principalmente devido ao BGMV. Foram coletadas amostras de plantas com sintomas de geminiviroses em Phaseolus vulgaris de Ponte Nova - PN (MG), Sida sp, e Nicandra physaloides, em Santo Antônio de Goiás (GO)

    Solar system tests of brane world models

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    The classical tests of general relativity (perihelion precession, deflection of light, and the radar echo delay) are considered for the Dadhich, Maartens, Papadopoulos and Rezania (DMPR) solution of the spherically symmetric static vacuum field equations in brane world models. For this solution the metric in the vacuum exterior to a brane world star is similar to the Reissner-Nordstrom form of classical general relativity, with the role of the charge played by the tidal effects arising from projections of the fifth dimension. The existing observational solar system data on the perihelion shift of Mercury, on the light bending around the Sun (obtained using long-baseline radio interferometry), and ranging to Mars using the Viking lander, constrain the numerical values of the bulk tidal parameter and of the brane tension.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity. V2, minor corrections and references adde
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