1,277 research outputs found

    Federal Government Held Accountable for Damages on Theory of Breach of Trust

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    "Do it All by Myself": A Salutogenic Approach of Masculine Health Practice Among Farming Men Coping With Stress.

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    Farming is often considered one of the most stressful occupations. At the same time, farming men symbolically represent a strong, traditional or hegemonic form of masculinity based on stoicism, resourcefulness and resilience to adversity. A contrast is observed between this social representation and their health status, marked by higher levels of stress, social isolation, psychological distress and suicide than many other subgroups of men. A salutogenic approach was taken in this study to enable the investigation of the social contexts in which farming men positively engage in health-promoting behaviors that may prevent or ameliorate mental health problems. A focus was placed on how farming men cope with stress on their own, and the relationship of this to their popular image of being resourceful and resilient. Thirty-two individual in-depth interviews with farming men and a focus group with five key informants working in rural areas within the Province of Quebec, Canada were carried out. Self-distraction and cognitive strategies emerged as the most relevant for participants. Notably, taking work breaks conflicted with the discourse of the ‘relentless worker’ that farmers are expected to be. Pathways to positive coping and recovery implied an ambivalence between contemplation of strategies aligned with negative aspects of traditional masculinity norms in North America and strategies aligned with more positive, progressive aspects of these norms based on the importance of family and work life balance. Health promotion and future research should investigate how various positive masculine practices can be aligned with farmers’ health and wellbeing and that of their family

    L'effet du pays d'origine des entreprises multinationales sur les pratiques de relations du travail dans leurs opérations canadiennes

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    Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous nous penchons sur les relations du travail (RT) dans les entreprises multinationales (EMs) ayant des opérations au Canada. Notre question de recherche est la suivante: « Le pays d’origine d’une entreprise multinationale a-t-il un impact sur les pratiques de relations du travail dans ses opérations canadiennes? » Deux thèses principales ont été élaborées afin d’expliquer les choix des EMs dans l’adoption et l’implantation de pratiques. La première thèse, celle de la diversité, tient pour acquis que plusieurs déterminants endogènes et exogènes à l’EM influencent ses pratiques (Mcgraw et Harley, 2003). Tant les caractéristiques du pays hôte que celles du pays d’origine influenceraient les choix de pratiques des EMs contribuant ainsi à leur diversité (Almond et al., 2005). Par exemple, certains chercheurs avancent que les EMs sont littéralement imprégnées des caractéristiques provenant du pays qui les a vues naître, qu’elles feraient littéralement partie de leur ADN affectant ainsi les pratiques qu’elles mettent en place dans leurs filiales à l’étranger (Berger, 2006). Par ailleurs, la thèse de la convergence soutient que les EMs auraient tendance à utiliser les mêmes pratiques en cette ère de mondialisation et d’hégémonie économique américaine (Mcgraw et Harley, 2003). Les tenants de cette thèse croient plutôt à une convergence des pratiques à travers les EMs en raison notamment de la vaste diffusion du modèle anglo-saxon de gestion, de l’approche des best pratices et du one best way (Mcgraw et Harley, 2003; Royle, 2006). Convergence ou divergence des pratiques? Le débat demeure entier dans la littérature. Outre sa contribution à ce débat, notre recherche permet d’en apprendre davantage sur le comportement des EMs étrangères au Canada, mais aussi d’examiner les spécificités des EMs canadiennes. Le modèle conceptuel développé par ce mémoire se base sur la thèse de la diversité en examinant plus particulièrement l’effet du pays d’origine. Selon la littérature, plusieurs variables influencent les pratiques des EMs, soit le pays d’origine (Almond et al., 2005; Kvinge et Ulrichsen, 2008; Marginson, 2008; Edwards et Ferner, 2002; Collings, 2003; Ferner, 1997, Moore et Rees, 2008; etc.) et les caractéristiques propres à l’EM (Bartlett et Ghosal, 1998; Kidger, 2002; Perlmutter, 1969; Edwards, 2003). Aux fins de notre recherche, notre variable dépendante, les pratiques de RT, comporte cinq dimensions, soit la reconnaissance syndicale des nouveaux établissements, la politique d’implication du syndicat, la perception à l’égard des représentants syndicaux, la structure de la négociation collective et l’autonomie de la filiale dans l’élaboration de politiques en matière de RT (Bélanger et al., 2006). L’hypothèse principale de notre recherche est : le pays d’origine d’une EM a un impact sur le choix des pratiques de RT dans ses opérations canadiennes. Cinq sous-hypothèses, touchant cinq dimensions du concept de RT, ont été testées : 1) les EMs américaines reconnaissent moins souvent le syndicat dans leurs nouveaux établissements que les EMs d’autres pays; 2) les EMs américaines ont une moins bonne perception patronale du syndicat que celles provenant d’autres pays; 3) les négociations collectives sont plus décentralisées dans les EMs américaines que dans celles d’autres pays; 4) les EMs américaines impliquent moins les syndicats dans la prise de décision que celles provenant d’autres pays; 5) l’autonomie dans l’élaboration de politiques concernant la représentation syndicale est plus faible dans les EMs américaines que dans les EMs d’autres pays. Sur le plan méthodologique, cette étude utilise des données secondaires provenant de l’Enquête sur la gestion des ressources humaines, les politiques publiques et la chaîne de valeur mondiale menée par Bélanger, Harvey, Jalette, Lévesque et Murray (2006). Nous étudions un sous-échantillon de la base de données, soit une centaine d’EMs dont les employés sont syndiqués. Les résultats indiquent que les opérations canadiennes des EMs canadiennes se différencient de celles des EMs américaines par une meilleure perception patronale des syndicats et une plus grande implication syndicale. De plus, les EMs européennes reconnaissent plus le syndicat dans leurs nouveaux établissements, perçoivent davantage de la collaboration de la part du syndicat et octroient une plus grande autonomie en matière de RT à leurs opérations canadiennes que les EMs américaines. Enfin, les opérations canadiennes des EMs du reste du monde se distinguent de celles des EMs américaines par une meilleure perception patronale de collaboration de la part du syndicat.The purpose of this research is to study labour relations in multinational corporations (MNCs) operating in Canada. Our research question is : “Does the country of origin of an MNC have an impact on the labour relations practices in its Canadian operations? ». Two main theses are put forward in the literature in order to explain the choices of MNCs in the adoption and the establishment of practices. The first one is the diversity thesis, which takes for granted that several endogenous and exogenous determinants of the MNC influence its practices (Mcgraw and Harley, 2003). The characteristics of the host country as well as those of the country of origin influence the choices of practices of MNCs, which are contributing to their diversity (Almond and al., 2005). For example, some researchers explain that MNCs are literally impregnated with characteristics coming from the country from which they originated, that it would be literally part of their DNA affecting the practices that they set up in their abroad subsidiaries (Shepherd, 2006). At the opposite, the convergence thesis asserts that MNCs tend all to use the same practices because of globalisation and American economic hegemony (Mcgraw and Harley, 2003). The supporters of this thesis believe in a convergence of the practices through MNCs because of the vast diffusion of the Anglo-Saxon model of management, the best practices and the one best way approaches (Mcgraw and Harley, 2003; Royle, 2006). Is there a convergence or a diversity of the practices? The debate remains strong in the literature. In addition to contributing to this debate, our research further explores the behaviour of foreign MNCs in Canada, and the particularities of Canadian MNCs. The conceptual model developed here is based on the diversity thesis, more specifically the effect of the country of origin. According to the literature, several variables influence the practices of MNCs: the country of origin (Almond and al., 2005; Kvinge and Ulrichsen, 2008; Marginson, 2008; Edwards and Ferner, 2002; Collings, 2003; Ferner, 1997, Moore and Rees, 2008; etc) and the characteristics specific to the MNCs (Bartlett and Ghosal, 1998; Kidger, 2002; Perlmutter, 1969; Edwards, 2003). In this research, the dependent variable, the labour relations practices, has five dimensions: union recognition in the new establishments, the trade union implication policy, management perception of the trade union representatives, the collective bargaining structure and the autonomy of the subsidiary in the development of labour relations policies (Bélanger and al., 2006). The principal assumption of our research is: the country of origin of a MNC has an impact on the choice of the practices of labour relations in its Canadian operations. Five sub-assumptions, corresponding to the dimensions of the concept of labour relations, were tested: 1) American MNCs less often recognize trade unions in their new establishments than MNCs of other countries; 2) American MNCs have a worse managerial perception of the trade union than those coming from other countries; 3) Collective bargaining is more decentralized in American MNCs than in those of other countries; 4) American MNCs are less likely to include trade unions in their decision-making than those coming from other countries; 5) There is less autonomy in the development of policies concerning trade union representation in American MNCs than in MNCs from other countries. The methodology of this study uses secondary data coming from the Survey on Employment Practices, Public Policy and the Global Value Chain carried out by Bélanger, Harvey, Jalette, Lévesque and Murray (2006). We study a subsample of the data base, composed of one hundred MNCs whose employees are unionised. The results show that Canadian operations of Canadian MNCs differ from those of American MNCs. Canadian MNCs have a better perception of the unions and involve more unions in decision-making. European MNCs are more likely to recognize trade unions in new establishments, perceive greater union collaboration and grant greater autonomy regarding labour relations to their Canadian operations, as compared to American MNCs. The Canadian operations of MNCs of the rest of the world are distinguished from American MNCs by a stronger perception of union collaboration

    Comparative Analysis of Program Development Processes in Six Professions

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    This study was designed to examine and describe planning strategies used by persons developing continuing professional edu cation (CPE) programs for six professional fields. From the descrip tion of practice in the six professions, a general model portraying the program development process was developed. The research methods used to guide the inquiry were those of grounded theory. Results indicate planners attend to at least six clusters of activities in their program development processes in a fairly con sistent sequence. Results also indicate that there is limited use of knowledge resources available in the literature. Planners did, however, use a wide variety of resources available inside the uni versity and outside the university to plan programs. Differences in strategies of program development in various professional fields did exist, most often in the order of activities and the emphasis given to specific activities in the program devel opment clusters.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66957/2/10.1177_074171367602700102.pd

    Maximum sustainable yield from interacting fish stocks in an uncertain world: two policy choices and underlying trade-offs

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    The case of fisheries management illustrates how the inherent structural instability of ecosystems can have deep-running policy implications. We contrast ten types of management plans to achieve maximum sustainable yields (MSY) from multiple stocks and compare their effectiveness based on a management strategy evaluation (MSE) that uses complex food webs in its operating model. Plans that target specific stock sizes (BMSYB_{\text{MSY}}) consistently led to higher yields than plans targeting specific fishing pressures (FMSYF_{\text{MSY}}). A new self-optimising control rule, introduced here for its robustness to structural instability, led to intermediate yields. Most plans outperformed single-species management plans with pressure targets set without considering multispecies interactions. However, more refined plans to "maximise the yield from each stock separately", in the sense of a Nash equilibrium, produced total yields comparable to plans aiming to maximise total harvested biomass, and were more robust to structural instability. Our analyses highlight trade-offs between yields, amenability to negotiations, pressures on biodiversity, and continuity with current approaches in the European context. Based on these results, we recommend directions for developments of EU fisheries policy.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, plus supplementary material (substantial textual revision of v5

    LDReg: Local Dimensionality Regularized Self-Supervised Learning

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    Representations learned via self-supervised learning (SSL) can be susceptible to dimensional collapse, where the learned representation subspace is of extremely low dimensionality and thus fails to represent the full data distribution and modalities. Dimensional collapse also known as the "underfilling" phenomenon is one of the major causes of degraded performance on downstream tasks. Previous work has investigated the dimensional collapse problem of SSL at a global level. In this paper, we demonstrate that representations can span over high dimensional space globally, but collapse locally. To address this, we propose a method called local dimensionality regularization (LDReg)\textit{local dimensionality regularization (LDReg)}. Our formulation is based on the derivation of the Fisher-Rao metric to compare and optimize local distance distributions at an asymptotically small radius for each data point. By increasing the local intrinsic dimensionality, we demonstrate through a range of experiments that LDReg improves the representation quality of SSL. The results also show that LDReg can regularize dimensionality at both local and global levels.Comment: ICLR 202

    Is desire for social relationships mediated by the serotonergic system in the prefrontal cortex? An [18F] setoperone PET study

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    Social behavior and desire for social relationships have been independently linked to the serotonergic system, the prefrontal cortex, especially the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). The goal of this study was to explore the role of serotonin 5HT2A receptors in these brain regions in forming and maintaining close interpersonal relationships. Twenty-four healthy subjects completed the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) prior to undergoing [18F]setoperone brain positron emission tomography (PET) to measure serotonin 5HT2A receptor availability within the OFC (BA 11 and 47) and ACC (BA 32). We explored the relationship between desire for social relationships, as measured by the TCI reward dependence (RD) scale, and 5HT2A receptor non-displaceable binding potential (BPnd) in these regions. Scores of RD were negatively correlated with 5HT2A BPnd in the ACC (BA 32, r = –.528, p = .012) and OFC (BA 11, r = –.489, p = .021; BA 47, r = –.501, p = .017). These correlations were corroborated by a voxel-wise analysis. These results suggest that the serotonergic system may have a regulatory effect on the OFC and ACC for establishing and maintaining social relationships.peer-reviewe
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