239 research outputs found

    Magnetohydrodynamic Slow Mode with Drifting He++^{++}: Implications for Coronal Seismology and the Solar Wind

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    The MHD slow mode wave has application to coronal seismology, MHD turbulence, and the solar wind where it can be produced by parametric instabilities. We consider analytically how a drifting ion species (e.g. He++^{++}) affects the linear slow mode wave in a mainly electron-proton plasma, with potential consequences for the aforementioned applications. Our main conclusions are: 1. For wavevectors highly oblique to the magnetic field, we find solutions that are characterized by very small perturbations of total pressure. Thus, our results may help to distinguish the MHD slow mode from kinetic Alfv\'en waves and non-propagating pressure-balanced structures, which can also have very small total pressure perturbations. 2. For small ion concentrations, there are solutions that are similar to the usual slow mode in an electron-proton plasma, and solutions that are dominated by the drifting ions, but for small drifts the wave modes cannot be simply characterized. 3. Even with zero ion drift, the standard dispersion relation for the highly oblique slow mode cannot be used with the Alfv\'en speed computed using the summed proton and ion densities, and with the sound speed computed from the summed pressures and densities of all species. 4. The ions can drive a non-resonant instability under certain circumstances. For low plasma beta, the threshold drift can be less than that required to destabilize electromagnetic modes, but damping from the Landau resonance can eliminate this instability altogether, unless Te/Tp≫1T_{\mathrm e}/T_{\mathrm p}\gg1.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophys.

    Alfven Wave Reflection and Turbulent Heating in the Solar Wind from 1 Solar Radius to 1 AU: an Analytical Treatment

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    We study the propagation, reflection, and turbulent dissipation of Alfven waves in coronal holes and the solar wind. We start with the Heinemann-Olbert equations, which describe non-compressive magnetohydrodynamic fluctuations in an inhomogeneous medium with a background flow parallel to the background magnetic field. Following the approach of Dmitruk et al, we model the nonlinear terms in these equations using a simple phenomenology for the cascade and dissipation of wave energy, and assume that there is much more energy in waves propagating away from the Sun than waves propagating towards the Sun. We then solve the equations analytically for waves with periods of hours and longer to obtain expressions for the wave amplitudes and turbulent heating rate as a function of heliocentric distance. We also develop a second approximate model that includes waves with periods of roughly one minute to one hour, which undergo less reflection than the longer-period waves, and compare our models to observations. Our models generalize the phenomenological model of Dmitruk et al by accounting for the solar wind velocity, so that the turbulent heating rate can be evaluated from the coronal base out past the Alfven critical point - that is, throughout the region in which most of the heating and acceleration occurs. The simple analytical expressions that we obtain can be used to incorporate Alfven-wave reflection and turbulent heating into fluid models of the solar wind.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Dissipation in intercluster plasma

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    We discuss dissipative processes in strongly gyrotropic, nearly collisionless plasma in clusters of galaxies (ICM). First, we point out that Braginsky theory, which assumes that collisions are more frequent that the system's dynamical time scale, is inapplicable to fast, sub-viscous ICM motion. Most importantly, the electron contribution to collisional magneto-viscosity dominates over that of ions for short-scale Alfvenic motions. Thus, if a turbulent cascade develops in the ICM and propagates down to scales ≀1\leq 1 kpc, it is damped collisionally not on ions, but on electrons. Second, in high beta plasma of ICM, small variations of the magnetic field strength, of relative value ∌1/ÎČ\sim 1/\beta, lead to development of anisotropic pressure instabilities (firehose, mirror and cyclotron). Unstable wave modes may provide additional resonant scattering of particles, effectively keeping the plasma in a state of marginal stability. We show that in this case the dissipation rate of a laminar, subsonic, incompressible flows scales as inverse of plasma beta parameter. We discuss application to the problem of ICM heating.Comment: 4 pages, accepted by ApJ Let

    Deceleration of Alpha Particles in the Solar Wind by Instabilities and the Rotational Force: Implications for Heating, Azimuthal Flow, and the Parker Spiral Magnetic Field

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    Protons and alpha particles in the fast solar wind are only weakly collisional and exhibit a number of non-equilibrium features, including relative drifts between particle species. Two non-collisional mechanisms have been proposed for limiting differential flow between alpha particles and protons: plasma instabilities and the rotational force. Both mechanisms decelerate the alpha particles. In this paper, we derive an analytic expression for the rate QflowQ_{\mathrm{flow}} at which energy is released by alpha-particle deceleration, accounting for azimuthal flow and conservation of total momentum. We show that instabilities control the deceleration of alpha particles at r<rcritr< r_{\mathrm{crit}}, and the rotational force controls the deceleration of alpha particles at r>rcritr> r_{\mathrm{crit}}, where rcrit≃2.5 AUr_{\mathrm{crit}} \simeq 2.5 \,\mathrm{AU} in the fast solar wind in the ecliptic plane. We find that QflowQ_{\mathrm{flow}} is positive at r<rcritr<r_{\mathrm{crit}} and Qflow=0Q_{\mathrm{flow}} = 0 at r≄rcritr\geq r_{\mathrm{crit}}, consistent with the previous finding that the rotational force does not lead to a release of energy. We compare the value of~QflowQ_{\mathrm{flow}} at r<rcritr< r_{\mathrm{crit}} with empirical heating rates for protons and alpha particles, denoted QpQ_{\mathrm{p}} and QαQ_{\alpha}, deduced from in-situ measurements of fast-wind streams from the \emph{Helios} and \emph{Ulysses} spacecraft. We find that QflowQ_{\mathrm{flow}} exceeds QαQ_{\alpha} at r<1 AUr < 1\,\mathrm{AU}, and that Qflow/QpQ_{\mathrm{flow}}/Q_{\rm p} decreases with increasing distance from the Sun from a value of about one at r=0.29−0.42 AUr=0.29 - 0.42\,\mathrm{AU} to about 1/4 at 1 AU. We conclude that the continuous energy input from alpha-particle deceleration at r<rcritr< r_{\mathrm{crit}} makes an important contribution to the heating of the fast solar wind.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Astrophys.

    Coronal heating distribution due to low-frequency wave-driven turbulence

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    The heating of the lower solar corona is examined using numerical simulations and theoretical models of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in open magnetic regions. A turbulent energy cascade to small length scales perpendicular to the mean magnetic field can be sustained by driving with low-frequency Alfven waves reflected from mean density and magnetic field gradients. This mechanism deposits energy efficiently in the lower corona, and we show that the spatial distribution of the heating is determined by the mean density through the Alfven speed profile. This provides a robust heating mechanism that can explain observed high coronal temperatures and accounts for the significant heating (per unit volume) distribution below two solar radius needed in models of the origin of the solar wind. The obtained heating per unit mass on the other hand is much more extended indicating that the heating on a per particle basis persists throughout all the lower coronal region considered here.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Resonantly damped surface and body MHD waves in a solar coronal slab with oblique propagation

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    The theory of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in solar coronal slabs in a zero-ÎČ\beta configuration and for parallel propagation of waves does not allow the existence of surface waves. When oblique propagation of perturbations is considered both surface and body waves are able to propagate. When the perpendicular wave number is larger than a certain value, the body kink mode becomes a surface wave. In addition, a sausage surface mode is found below the internal cut-off frequency. When non-uniformity in the equilibrium is included, surface and body modes are damped due to resonant absorption. In this paper, first, a normal-mode analysis is performed and the period, the damping rate, and the spatial structure of eigenfunctions are obtained. Then, the time-dependent problem is solved, and the conditions under which one or the other type of mode is excited are investigated.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    Signatures of Alfven waves in the polar coronal holes as seen by EIS/Hinode

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    Context. We diagnose the properties of the plume and interplume regions in a polar coronal hole and the role of waves in the acceleration of the solar wind. Aims. We attempt to detect whether Alfven waves are present in the polar coronal holes through variations in EUV line widths. Methods. Using spectral observations performed over a polar coronal hole region with the EIS spectrometer on Hinode, we study the variation in the line width and electron density as a function of height. We use the density sensitive line pairs of Fe xii 186.88 A & 195.119 A and Fe xiii 203.82 A & 202.04 A . Results. For the polar region, the line width data show that the nonthermal line-of-sight velocity increases from 26 km/s at 1000 above the limb to 42 km/s some 15000 (i.e. 110,000 km) above the limb. The electron density shows a decrease from 3:3 10^9 cm^-3 to 1:9 10^8 cm^-3 over the same distance. Conclusions. These results imply that the nonthermal velocity is inversely proportional to the quadratic root of the electron density, in excellent agreement with what is predicted for undamped radially propagating linear Alfven waves. Our data provide signatures of Alfven waves in the polar coronal hole regions, which could be important for the acceleration of the solar wind.Comment: 5 pages, 11 figures. Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters (accepted) http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/forth/aa12242-09.pd

    Doppler shift oscillations in solar spicules

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    Consecutive height series of Ha spectra in solar limb spicules taken on the 53 cm coronagraph of Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory at the heights of 3800-8700 km above the photosphere have been analyzed. The aim is to observe oscillatory phenomena in spicules and consequently to trace wave propagations through the chromosphere. The Discrete Fourier Transform analysis of Ha Doppler shift time series constructed from the observed spectra at each height is used. Doppler velocities of solar limb spicules show oscillations with periods of 20-55 and 75-110 s. There is also the clear evidence of 3-min oscillations at the observed heights. The oscillations can be caused by wave propagations in thin magnetic flux tubes anchored in the photosphere. We suggest the granulation as a possible source for the wave excitation. Observed waves can be used as a tool for spicule seismology; the magnetic field strength in spicules at the height of about 6000 km above the photosphere is estimated as 12-15 G.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted in A&

    The effect of twisted magnetic field on the resonant absorption of MHD waves in coronal loops

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    The standing quasi modes in a cylindrical incompressible flux tube with magnetic twist that undergoes a radial density structuring is considered in ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The radial structuring is assumed to be a linearly varying density profile. Using the relevant connection formulae, the dispersion relation for the MHD waves is derived and solved numerically to obtain both the frequencies and damping rates of the fundamental and first-overtone modes of both the kink (m=1) and fluting (m=2,3) waves. It was found that a magnetic twist will increase the frequencies, damping rates and the ratio of the oscillation frequency to the damping rate of these modes. The period ratio P_1/P_2 of the fundamental and its first-overtone surface waves for kink (m=1) and fluting (m=2,3) modes is lower than 2 (the value for an untwisted loop) in the presence of twisted magnetic field. For the kink modes, particularly, the magnetic twists B_{\phi}/B_z=0.0065 and 0.0255 can achieve deviations from 2 of the same order of magnitude as in the observations. Furthermore, for the fundamental kink body waves, the frequency bandwidth increases with increasing the magnetic twist.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    The role of damped Alfven waves on magnetospheric accretion models of young stars

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    We examine the role of Alfven wave damping in heating the plasma in the magnetic funnels of magnetospheric accretion models of young stars. We study four different damping mechanisms of the Alfven waves: nonlinear, turbulent, viscous-resistive and collisional. Two different possible origins for the Alfven waves are discussed: 1) Alfven waves generated at the surface of the star by the shock produced by the infalling matter; and 2) Alfven waves generated locally in the funnel by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. We find that, in general, the damping lengths are smaller than the tube length. Since thermal conduction in the tube is not efficient, Alfven waves generated only at the star's surface cannot heat the tube to the temperatures necessary to fit the observations. Only for very low frequency Alfven waves ~10^{-5} the ion cyclotron frequency, is the viscous-resistive damping length greater than the tube length. In this case, the Alfven waves produced at the surface of the star are able to heat the whole tube. Otherwise, local production of Alfven waves is required to explain the observations. The turbulence level is calculated for different frequencies for optically thin and thick media. We find that turbulent velocities varies greatly for different damping mechanisms, reaching \~100 km s^{-1} for the collisional damping of small frequency waves.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa
