548 research outputs found

    Analisa Proteksi Arus Lebih Gangguan Tanah pada Feeder Gardu Induk Garuda Sakti

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    There are a lot of disruption in the distribution of electrical energy which can result in interruption of the power supply to the load. It is necessary for the protection or security system that is reliable to anticipate when an interruption occurs. Protection system serves to separate the problematic parts with which is not for the system to remain operational.Usually 20 KV feeder outages caused by short circuit. Total blackout (black out) can occur when setting the relay or in this study were discussed Ground Fault Relay (GFR) on the incoming or outgoing unfavorable. For that one effort that can be done is to analyze the protection relay settings, so that mutually coordinated well and is expected if an interruption in one of the feeder it will not make black out the other.From the research, the high short-circuit fault current is influenced by the distance of the point of interruption, the greater the distance the point of interruption, the smaller the short circuit fault current and vice versa. Where it is known from the analysis set Ground Fault Relay (GFR) at 20 KV incoming side has a delay of work, so do resetting on the incoming side by setting the delay time becomes 0.28 seconds

    Implementation of performance assessment in STEM-based science learning to improve students’ habits of mind

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    This study described the implementation of STEM-based science learning and performance assessment to the improvement of students’ thinking skill in Aceh, Indonesia. The purposive sampling technique was employed in this descriptive research. The respondents were 300 students at grade 11th academic year 2019/2020 which representing five public high schools in Aceh, Indonesia. The instruments used to measure the effectiveness of the implementation of STEM-based science learning were the rubric of habits of mind, observation sheets of performance assessments, and questionnaires. The finding presented the implementation of STEM-based science learning was able to habituate and develop students' habits of mind with an average score of 0.71 which included into high category. The average value of the overall STEM-based science learning implementation for the formation of habits of mind is 95.98% which categorized as good. It can be concluded that there is the success of researchers in implementing STEM-based science learning to form students' habits of mind


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    This study aims to analyze the response of cattle/buffalo farmers and the factors influencing the participation of cattle/buffalo farmers in the Livestock Insurance Program for Cattle and Buffalo in Tanah Laut Regency. This research was conducted in Tanah Laut Regency. The study was planned to be carried out from February to April 2023. The analytical tool used was simple tabulation analysis (univariate analysis) presented descriptively, as well as binary logistic regression analysis. The research findings indicate that the average score of farmers' response to the Livestock Insurance Program for Cattle and Buffalo in Pelaihari District, Tanah Laut Regency, falls within the good category, with a percentage of 69%. The factors of farmers' education duration, ease of livestock insurance claim procedures for cattle and buffalo, and ease of registration procedures for livestock insurance for cattle and buffalo significantly influence the farmers' response and participation in the Livestock Insurance Program for Cattle and Buffalo in Pelaihari District, Tanah Laut Regency, on the other hand, factors such as farmers' participation in farmer groups, the number of livestock managed, the duration of cattle farming experience, participation in livestock insurance awareness campaigns, the risk of cattle mortality, the level of engagement by officers/extension workers in conducting livestock insurance awareness campaigns, and farmers' participation regardless of the existence of the Livestock Insurance Program for Cattle and Buffalo do not have a significant influence

    Protein phosphatase 5 regulates titin phosphorylation and function at a sarcomere-associated mechanosensor complex in cardiomyocytes.

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    Serine/threonine protein phosphatase 5 (PP5) is ubiquitously expressed in eukaryotic cells; however, its function in cardiomyocytes is unknown. Under basal conditions, PP5 is autoinhibited, but enzymatic activity rises upon binding of specific factors, such as the chaperone Hsp90. Here we show that PP5 binds and dephosphorylates the elastic N2B-unique sequence (N2Bus) of titin in cardiomyocytes. Using various binding and phosphorylation tests, cell-culture manipulation, and transgenic mouse hearts, we demonstrate that PP5 associates with N2Bus in vitro and in sarcomeres and is antagonistic to several protein kinases, which phosphorylate N2Bus and lower titin-based passive tension. PP5 is pathologically elevated and likely contributes to hypo-phosphorylation of N2Bus in failing human hearts. Furthermore, Hsp90-activated PP5 interacts with components of a sarcomeric, N2Bus-associated, mechanosensor complex, and blocks mitogen-activated protein-kinase signaling in this complex. Our work establishes PP5 as a compartmentalized, well-controlled phosphatase in cardiomyocytes, which regulates titin properties and kinase signaling at the myofilaments

    Mapping of raw materials and habitats in the Danish sector of the North Sea

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    In the summer of 2010, the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) mapped the potential raw materials and substrate types, over large parts of the Danish economic sector of the North Sea, in cooperation with Orbicon A/S. The mapping was carried out for the Danish Nature Agency; it is part of the general mapping of raw material resources within the territories of the Danish state and forms part of the input for the implementation of the European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive. The purpose was (1) to provide an overview of the distribution, volume and composition of available raw materials and (2) to identify, describe and map the distribution of the dominant marine bottom types

    Intercropping Promotes the Ability of Legume and Cereal to Facilitate Phosphorus and Nitrogen Acquisition through Root- Induced Processes

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    Intercropping of cereal and legume can improve the use of resources for crop growth compared to cropping system. An increase in soil phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) acquisition by root-induced biochemical changes of intercropped species has been reported as key processes of facilitation and complementarily between both intercropping legumes and cereals. Indeed, the functional facilitation prevails over interspecific competition under nutrients limiting for crop growth. Results showed that P availability significantly increased in the rhizosphere of both species, especially in intercropping under the P-deficient soil conditions. This increase was associated with high efficiency efficiency in use of rhizobial, plant growth and resource use efficiency as indicated by higher land equivalent ratio (LER) and N nutrition index. In addition, the rhizosphere P availability and nodule biomass were positively correlated (r2 = 0.71**, and r2 = 0.62**) in the intercropped common bean grown at P-deficient soil. The increased P availability presumably improved biomass and yield in intercropping, although it mainly enhanced intercropped maize grain yield. Exploiting belowground parameters in a legume-cereal intercropping is likely necessary to maximize rhizosphere-interspecific interactions as a strategy to improve the symbiotic rhizobial efficiency and microbial activities, as a result of root-induced pH and N availability changes under low P soils

    Adapting an evidence-based intervention for autism spectrum disorder for scaling up in resource-constrained settings: the development of the PASS intervention in South Asia.

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    Evidence-based interventions for autism spectrum disorders evaluated in high-income countries typically require highly specialised manpower, which is a scarce resource in most low- and middle-income settings. This resource limitation results in most children not having access to evidence-based interventions. This paper reports on the systematic adaptation of an evidence-based intervention, the Preschool Autism Communication Therapy (PACT) evaluated in a large trial in the United Kingdom for delivery in a low-resource setting through the process of task-shifting. The adaptation process used the Medical Research Council framework for the development and adaptation of complex interventions, focusing on qualitative methods and case series and was conducted simultaneously in India and Pakistan. The original intervention delivered by speech and language therapists in a high-resource setting required adaptation in some aspects of its content and delivery to enhance contextual acceptability and to enable the intervention to be delivered by non-specialists. The resulting intervention, the Parent-mediated intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder in South Asia (PASS), shares the core theoretical foundations of the original PACT but is adapted in several respects to enhance its acceptability, feasibility, and scalability in low-resource settings

    Earthshine observation of vegetation and implication for life detection on other planets - A review of 2001 - 2006 works

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    The detection of exolife is one of the goals of very ambitious future space missions that aim to take direct images of Earth-like planets. While associations of simple molecules present in the planet's atmosphere (O2O_2, O3O_3, CO2CO_2 etc.) have been identified as possible global biomarkers, we review here the detectability of a signature of life from the planet's surface, i.e. the green vegetation. The vegetation reflectance has indeed a specific spectrum, with a sharp edge around 700 nm, known as the "Vegetation Red Edge" (VRE). Moreover vegetation covers a large surface of emerged lands, from tropical evergreen forest to shrub tundra. Thus considering it as a potential global biomarker is relevant. Earthshine allows to observe the Earth as a distant planet, i.e. without spatial resolution. Since 2001, Earthshine observations have been used by several authors to test and quantify the detectability of the VRE in the Earth spectrum. The egetation spectral signature is detected as a small 'positive shift' of a few percents above the continuum, starting at 700 nm. This signature appears in most spectra, and its strength is correlated with the Earth's phase (visible land versus visible ocean). The observations show that detecting the VRE on Earth requires a photometric relative accuracy of 1% or better. Detecting something equivalent on an Earth-like planet will therefore remain challenging, moreover considering the possibility of mineral artifacts and the question of 'red edge' universality in the Universe.Comment: Invited talk in "Strategies for Life Detection" (ISSI Bern, 24-28 April 2006) to appear in a hardcopy volume of the ISSI Space Science Series, Eds, J. Bada et al., and also in an issue of Space Science Reviews. 13 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Effect of HF Concentration on the PS Structures Prepared by Photoelectrochemical Etching

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    Porous silicon was fabricated at p-n junction wafer byphotoelectrochemical (PEC) etching. Silicon wafer with various electrolytecontaining different HF concentrations was used to explain PS formation by thereaction at the Si/ electrolyte interface. An investigation of the dependence on HFconcentration to formed PS layer was made. The surface morphology of PS layerwas study as a function of HF concentration. Pillar like structures are formed atlow HF concentration and pores structures are obtained a at higher HFconcentration (40%). The etching rate increases with increasing HF concentrationcausing faster silicon dissolution. Thus the total pillar volume would increase byincreasing the HF concentration
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