7,555 research outputs found

    Vocabulary, syntax and rhetoric in Thomas Wilson's "Fourth string quartet"

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    Identifying Research Fields within Business and Management: A Journal Cross-Citation Analysis

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    A discipline such as business and management (B&M) is very broad and has many fields within it, ranging from fairly scientific ones such as management science or economics to softer ones such as information systems. There are at least three reasons why it is important to identify these sub-fields accurately. Firstly, to give insight into the structure of the subject area and identify perhaps unrecognised commonalities; second for the purpose of normalizing citation data as it is well known that citation rates vary significantly between different disciplines. And thirdly, because journal rankings and lists tend to split their classifications into different subjects – for example, the Association of Business Schools (ABS) list, which is a standard in the UK, has 22 different fields. Unfortunately, at the moment these are created in an ad hoc manner with no underlying rigour. The purpose of this paper is to identify possible sub-fields in B&M rigorously based on actual citation patterns. We have examined 450 journals in B&M which are included in the ISI Web of Science (WoS) and analysed the cross-citation rates between them enabling us to generate sets of coherent and consistent sub-fields that minimise the extent to which journals appear in several categories. Implications and limitations of the analysis are discussed

    Brownian Dynamics of a Sphere Between Parallel Walls

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    We describe direct imaging measurements of a colloidal sphere's diffusion between two parallel surfaces. The dynamics of this deceptively simple hydrodynamically coupled system have proved difficult to analyze. Comparison with approximate formulations of a confined sphere's hydrodynamic mobility reveals good agreement with both a leading-order superposition approximation as well as a more general all-images stokeslet analysis.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX with PostScript figure

    The moderating effect of brand orientation on inter-firm market orientation and performance

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    While prior research has shown that market and brand orientation are key contributors to successful business performance, research to date has not fully explored how inter firm collaboration for these two key orientations can enhance business performance. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the relationship between inter-firm market and performance; to test for the moderating role of brand orientation in that relationship. A total of 169 completed pairs of surveys were collected of small and medium enterprises operating internationally in a variety of industries in Switzerland. The results show that inter-firm market and brand orientation are two antecedents of marketing and financial performance. The impact of inter-firm market on marketing and financial performance is significant when the brand orientation is favorable. This study extends previous research by examining the moderating role of brand orientation on inter firm market orientation, which is important, especially for firms wanting to increase their brand reputation by entering into partnerships with other firms. Further research is indicated, to identify the key moderators of the driving force of inter-firm market in relation to business performance and the reason why maintaining a strong brand presence is important in the international marketplace

    Perceptions of knowledge sharing among small family firm leaders: a structural equation model

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    Small family firms have many unique relational qualities with implications for how knowledge is passed between individuals. Extant literature posits leadership approach as important in explaining differences in knowledge-sharing climate from one firm to another. This study investigates how leadership approaches interact with family influence to inform perceptions of knowledge sharing. We utilize survey data (n = 110) from owner-managers of knowledge-intensive small family firms in Scotland. Our findings present a choice in leadership intention, contrasting organization-focused participation against family-influenced guidance. Insight is offered on the implications of this leadership choice at both organizational and familial level

    Benefits of a marketing cooperative in transition agriculture: Mórakert purchasing and service co-operative

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    The paper analyses the potential benefits of marketing cooperatives in Hungary, employing a transaction cost economics framework. We found that the purchased quantity, the existence of contracts, flexibility and trust are the most important factors farmers consider when selling their products via a cooperative. The most striking result is that diversification has positive influences on the share of cooperatives in farmers’ sale. Furthermore, farmers with larger bargaining power have less willingness to sell their product to the cooperative. Surprisingly, asset specificity has rather negative effects on the share of cooperatives in members’ sales

    Human dendritic cells. Enrichment and characterization from peripheral blood

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    Previous studies demonstrated that lymphoid tissues of mice and rats contain small numbers (less than 1 percent of nucleated cells) of dendritic cells (DC) with special cytologic, surface, and functional properties. We show here that similar DC represent 0.1-0.5 percent of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. DC can be enriched to 20-60 percent purity by a multistep procedure analogous to that used in mice. Adherent peripheral blood mononuclear cells are cultured overnight, and the released cells are depleted of monocytes and B cells by readherence to plastic, rosetting with erythrocytes coated with anti-human IgG, and centrifugation in dense albumin columns. Enriched DC have similar cytologic features to rodent DC by light and electron microscopy. DC express HLA, and HLA-DR and the leukocyte-common antigens. They lack phagocytic capacity, receptors for antibody-coated and neuraminidase-treated erythrocytes, surface and intracellular Ig, esterase, peroxidase, and azurophilic granules. DC do not react with several monoclonal antibodies directed to phagocytes (OKM 1, “mac-1,” 63D3, and 61D3) and T cells (OKT 3, 6, 8). Unlike the mouse, human DC express complement receptors. When maintained in culture for 4 d, human DC did not give rise to either B cells or monocytes. Therefore, DC identified by cytologic criteria are distinct from other leukocytes. Enriched populations of DC have been compared to fractions enriched in monocytes, B cells, and T cells in three functional assays: stimulation of the primary allogeneic mixed leukocyte reaction, stimulation of the primary syngeneic MLR, and accessory function for the proliferation of periodate- modified T cells. In each case, the DC fraction was 10-fold or more active than other cell fractions. We conclude that DC circulate in man, and represent the principal cell type required for the initiation of several immune responses

    Perencanaan Instalasi Air Bersih Desa Lembangloe Kabupaten Gowa

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    Instalasi air bersih merupakan perencanaan pembangunan alur air bersih dari sumber air melalui komponen penyalur dan penyambungnya ke bak – bak penampungan air maupun kran-kran yang berfungsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk setiap tahun, maka Desa Lembangloe setiap tahun harus meningkatkan jumlah ketersediaan air bersihnya dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakatnya. Di mana Desa Lembangloe ini jauh dari jangkauan proiritas pemenuhan air yag disediakan Pemerintah, dalam hal ini PDAM, sehingga diperlukan adanya perencanaan instalasi air bersih. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui berapa proyeksi jumlah kebutuhan air selama 10 tahun mendatang dan kapasitas tampungan yang dibutuhkan berapa kubik dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan air serta jarak dan alur pipa yang akan dilalui. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pengambilan data secara secara langsung kemudian menghitung proyeksi kebutuhan dengan metode aritmetik dan metode geometric. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proyeksi kebutuhan air di Desa Lembangloe meningkat 1% setiap tahun, kapasitas tampungan Reservoir/PMA sebesar 9,44 m3 serta jarak pipa yang dilalui dari PMA sampai ke rumah-rumah warga yaitu sejauh 2000 meter