56 research outputs found

    Mode of Ca2+ action on ciliary beat frequency in single ovine airway epithelial cells

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    We analysed the kinetics of coupling between cytoplasmic calcium ([Ca2+]i) and ciliary beat frequency (CBF) using simultaneous single cilium recording and single cell [Ca2+]i measurements from cultured ovine tracheal epithelial cells.CBF and [Ca2+]i (indicated by fura-2) were measured at rest and in response to activation of the G-protein coupled M3 muscarinic receptor by 10 Ī¼M acetylcholine (ACh).Fourier transform analysis of 3 s data segments of light intensity from phase-contrast microscopy showed no significant delay between changes in [Ca2+]i and CBF during a 2 min exposure to ACh and subsequent washout.CBF time resolution was improved by computing instantaneous beat frequency. This revealed that CBF lagged the rapid increase in [Ca2+]i in response to ACh with a delay of less than 1 beat cycle (143 ms at 7 Hz). When CBF was estimated by an improved Fourier method, this delay was observed to be 70 Ā± 30 ms (mean Ā± s.e.m.; n = 20 cilia). During the slower return to baseline, a lag of 8 Ā± 3.2 s was observed, indicative of hysteresis.While calmodulin inhibitors (calmidazolium and W-7; each n = 5) decreased baseline CBF by an average of 1.1 Ā± 0.1 Hz, they did not alter the kinetic relationship between [Ca2+]i and CBF. Similarly, phosphatase inhibitors (okadaic acid and cyclosporin A; each n = 5), changed neither baseline CBF nor the kinetic coupling between [Ca2+]i and CBF.These data suggest that the timing of Ca2+ action on CBF in ovine airway epithelial cells, is unlikely to be determined by phosphorylation reactions involving calmodulin or kinase/phosphatase reactions.A simple model for Ca2+ stimulation of CBF is presented. Fits of the model to the data suggest four or more Ca2+ ions bind cooperatively to speed up CBF
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