901 research outputs found

    Marketing Politik Di Media Massa Dalam Pemilu 2009

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    The phenomena of general election in 2009 shows that political marketing is an important part of winning thecompetition. This marketing approach has been transparently used since 1999 and continued to 2004. However, its more intensive usecould be seen in the last general election in 2009. It was probably the era of an image industry which force an individual and a party toconstruct their best image in mass media. The more democracy following the fall of New Order enables all political power to competefairly. This condition is in line with the wind of press independence which grows as a developing industry. In relation to the generalelection, mass media can be synergetic with political agents or the candidates. For the media, politics is considered as a product orservice which has a high economical value; and for the politicians, mass media is a means of political communication to raise theirpopularit

    Model Hubungan Politik Era Pemerintahan Jokowi: Mengkaji Peran Media dan Partisipasi Publik

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    Phenomenon of governance Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is about a model of political relations between actors. Interaction takes place between the ruling elite (state actors) and the community (society actors). Therefore, it is difficult to avoid when the then competition between the interests of the ruling elite and society become dominant in the political process, both at the decision-making and policy implementation. In the exercise of power, it is used to turn up and gained four patterns of political interaction that is complementary patterns, accommodate, compete with and replace. Is asymmetrical relationship model that is not too clear who the opponent and friend. Political cooperation often take the option koopsi the cause potential swingers in the coalition. This, due to the lack of a dominant winning party in the middle of a strong fragmented multiparty system (a highly fragmented Multiparty system) so that all parties would prefer a consensus democracy. In the midst of the crush various issues, public participation is often expressed through mass media and social media. This can be understood as non-conventional forms of political participation

    Pemetaan Distribusi Biomassa Hutan Dan Kaitannya Dengan Suhu Dan Intensitas Cahaya Melalui Pendekatan Sistem Informasi Geografi

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    Informasi mengenai distribusi vegetasi dan kandungan biomassa dalam penyerapan karbon sangat penting dalam mendukung proyek Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) melalui perdagangan karbon dan tujuan lainnya. Studi mengenai distribusi biomassa hutan dengan Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG) telah dilaksanakan pada areal hutan Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Pattimura Ambon. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui distribusi vegetasi, biomassa hutan, suhu udara, dan intensitas cahaya matahari serta menyusun pangkalan data vegetasi hutan berikut kandungan biomassanya serta suhu udara dan intensitas cahaya matahari melalui pendekatan SIG. Tesedianya pangkalan data dimaksud akan bermanfaat dalam mendukung proyek CDM atau REDD dan efisiensi penggunaan energi berbagai gedung yang dikelilingi dengan vegetasi. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa distribusi biomassa pada areal hutan seluas 0,85 ha telah berhasil diklasifikasikan kedalam 3 (tiga) kelas yaitu sebaran biomasa tinggi 0,39 ha (46%), sedang 0,31 ha (37%), dan rendah 0,15 ha (17%). Melalui penggunaan SIG, distribusi biomassa hutan tersebut telah dapat disajikan dalam peta distribusi biomassa, termasuk peta distribusi vegetasi, suhu udara, intensitas penyinaran matahari dan data non spasialnya

    Search for exact local Hamiltonians for general fractional quantum Hall states

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    We report on our systematic attempts at finding local interactions for which the lowest-Landau-level projected composite-fermion wave functions are the unique zero energy ground states. For this purpose, we study in detail the simplest non-trivial system beyond the Laughlin states, namely bosons at filling ν=23\nu=\frac{2}{3} and identify local constraints among clusters of particles in the ground state. By explicit calculation, we show that no Hamiltonian up to (and including) four particle interactions produces this state as the exact ground state, and speculate that this remains true even when interaction terms involving greater number of particles are included. Surprisingly, we can identify an interaction, which imposes an energetic penalty for a specific entangled configuration of four particles with relative angular momentum of 6ℏ6\hbar, that produces a unique zero energy solution (as we have confirmed for up to 12 particles). This state, referred to as the λ\lambda-state, is not identical to the projected composite-fermion state, but the following facts suggest that the two might be topologically equivalent: the two sates have a high overlap; they have the same root partition; the quantum numbers for their neutral excitations are identical; and the quantum numbers for the quasiparticle excitations also match. On the quasihole side, we find that even though the quantum numbers of the lowest energy states agree with the prediction from the composite-fermion theory, these states are not separated from the others by a clearly identifiable gap. This prevents us from making a conclusive claim regarding the topological equivalence of the λ\lambda state and the composite-fermion state. Our study illustrates how new candidate states can be identified from constraining selected many particle configurations and it would be interesting to pursue their topological classification.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Konstruksi Citra Partai Islam pada Pemilu 2014 Pendekatan Fikih-siyasah

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    The research of the Image Construction of Islamic Political Party at 2014 Election in Indonesia aimedat knowing the image construction of Islamic political party, especially at Republika and Sindo newspaper.The thoeries used in this research are fikih siyasat (the characteristic of muslim leader), socialconstruction of mass media and hierarchy of influence by using discourse analysis as an analyticaltechnique. The method of the research is qualitative. And the Informans as research subject are thejurnalist, redaction and management representative of both newspaper.The founds of research showedthat the news characteristic of both newspaper were almost same. From the social cognition there werea difference. Republika strived to counter every news related to the image of Islamic political party andSindo did not. From the social context, the background of this news was 2014 Election. And fromhierarchy of influence perspective, the impact of media organization level was strong as shown in thepower of the owner like Hary Tanoe in Sindo as a chairman of MNC Group. So, Sindo never producednews that contradicted to Hary or Hanura Party. The impact of ideological level also strong as we can seein the news of Republika which not only related to the profit, but also the benefit of Islamic Party

    Development Process of Watershed Partnership: a Case Study of Limboto Watershed - Gorontalo, Indonesia

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    Establishment of watershed partnership is required to achieve integrated watershed management in Indonesia. Taking “partnership of Limboto watershed” as a case study, this study aimed to explore the development process of watershed partnership and its state and role in a watershed. Data and information were collected through interviews, group discussions and questionnaire survey. The results showed that in the early stages, through a good preparation process, the partnership gained recognition and support from stakeholders. Informal, open, and voluntary processes were adopted by the coordinator of the partnership for the establishment and initial operation phases which gave the partnership the experience of being inclusive and an active period which was considered as a good success. However, in the next phase, the partnership was unable to cope with the formalization of the watershed partnership as demanded by the decentralized institution by having a new structure without a definite and responsible institution, secretariat and budget source due to lack of interest of the expected local government to take on the responsibility. Formalization resulted in the disfunction of the partnership. Though, many participants considered the partnership had a positive role, especially concerning exchange of information and improvement of concern about the community. This partnership did not yet function for integrated watershed management, but more to educate and inspire people on watershed conservation through project-based activities

    Pondok Pesantren Modern di Pekanbaru dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Tropis

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    Rapid development of Pekanbaru City requires human resources that have certain quality. In order to form a well-developed human resources that contain good intellectual and spiritual values,it requires a well-developed educational system as well. A system where both of general and religion education given to the students can be found in modern islamic boarding school. Modernislamic boarding school is a place for preparing its students to be a well-educated person who can be an islamic leader through society, education and good deeds. The transformation method was used in the design, was tropical architectural approach. Modern islamic boarding school was designed using the concept of bee hive. The bee hive concept was applied through thetransformation using the closure of analogical of the shape and characteristic of the bee hive in masses forming and landscape pattern design of the school. The Tropical Architectural principlewas applied in the design of the modern islamic boarding school through the building\u27s mass; the orientation, vegetation, opening, roof types, and colours. The tropical building principles wereapplied so that the school\u27s building can be adapted with tropical areas

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Teknologi Informasi, dan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Manajemen terhadap Kinerja Manajerial PT. Propan Raya I.c.c Cab. Bandung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh budaya organisasi, teknologi informasi dan sistem informasi akuntansi manajemen terhadap kinerja manajerial. Populasi dalam  penelitian ini manajer karyawan PT. Propan Raya I.C.C Cab. Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan jumlah responden karyawan manajer. Data penelitian merupakan data primer dan metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: 1) Budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja manajerial 2) Teknologi informasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja manajerial 3) sistem akuntansi informasi manajemen berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja manajerial
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