189 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah bentuk-bentuk pelanggaran atas ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai label pangan, sehingga pihak yang menimbulkan kerugian harus memberikan ganti rugi dan bagaimana pemberian ganti rugi akibat melakukan pelanggaran atas ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai label pangan menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2012 Tentang Pangan, di mana dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Bentuk-bentuk pelanggaran atas ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai label pangan yang dapat mengakibatkan pelaku usaha harus memberikan ganti rugi,yaitu pelaku usaha telah memperdagangkan pangan yang tidak sesuai dengan keamanan pangan dan mutu pangan yang tercantum dalam label kemasan pangan dan melakukan produksi pangan di dalam negeri untuk diperdagangkan dengan tidak mencantumkan label di dalam dan/atau pada kemasan pangan atau mengimpor pangan untuk diperdagangkan tidak mencantumkan label di dalam dan/atau pada kemasan pangan pada saat memasuki wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia serta melanggar larangan karena menghapus, mencabut, menutup, mengganti label, melabel kembali, dan/atau menukar tanggal, bulan, dan tahun kedaluwarsa pangan yang diedarkan dan memberikan keterangan atau pernyataan yang tidak benar dan/atau menyesatkan pada label. 2. Pemberian ganti rugi akibat oleh pihak pelaku usaha karena melakukan pelanggaran atas ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai label pangan merupakan salah satu unsur dari pemberlakuan sanksi administrasi menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2012 tentang Pengan. Sanksi administrasi lainnya berupadenda; penghentian sementara dari kegiatan, produksi, dan/atau peredaran; penarikan Pangan dari peredaran oleh produsen; dan pencabutan izin. Kata kunci: ganti rugi; label pangan


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    The application of the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM) is expected to be able to assist companies in responding to consumer needs in the future. This research aims to see the mediating effect of Total Quality Management on Entrepreneurial Orientation with Firm Performance. To support this theory, this study takes data from the furniture company PT Kayan Jaya Tanjung, Surabaya. This study was analyzed using the partial least square method by using 78 workers at PT Kayan Jaya Tanjung with a minimum level of manager. Respondents were drawn based on two branch factories, namely PT Kayan Jaya Tanjung I and PT Kayan Jaya Tanjung II. The results of this study indicate that the company can gather its human resources (TQM) to formulate a proactive strategy to anticipate future customer demand (EO) so that companies can maintain the quality of their products (firm performance). This study shows that applying the concept of TQM with a good entrepreneurial orientation will form a sustainable strategy to achieve a competitive advantage for company performance. Keywords: competitive advantage, entrepreneurial orientation, furniture, total quality management, firm performanc

    Exploring ecosystem markets for the delivery of public goods in the UK

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    Environmental restoration and conservation challenges go beyond what can be financed publicly. There are significant opportunities for private investment in the delivery of public goods, benefitting both commercial organisations whose business relies on ecosystem services, as well as landowners, land managers and the general public. Thus, public-private financing of natural capital improvement presents an opportunity to increase the availability of funding for payments for ecosystem services that provide environmental and societal benefits. Though public-private partnerships for the financing of ecosystem services is in its infancy in the UK. This new report explores the voluntary ecosystem services market in the UK. This is achieved by developing an understanding of how key actors (schemes, stakeholder engagement initiatives, trading platforms and supporting modelling tools) operate, and by identifying possible synergies, examples of good practice and challenges to implementation. Topics covered include, understanding how the identified actors account for the social distribution of ecosystem services, how values are attributed to ecosystem services, and the legal obligations linked to ventures’ operation

    Using social media, machine learning and natural language processing to map multiple recreational beneficiaries

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    Information and numbers on the use and appreciation of nature are valuable information for protected area (PA) managers. A promising direction is the utilisation of social media, such as the photo-sharing website Flickr. Here we demonstrate a novel approach, borrowing techniques from machine learning (image analysis), natural language processing (Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)) and self-organising maps (SOM), to collect and interpret >20,000 photos from the Camargue region in Southern France. From the perspective of Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES), we assessed the relationship between the use of the Camargue delta and the presence of natural elements by consulting local managers. Clustering algorithms applied to results of the LSA data revealed six distinct user groups, which included those interested in nature, ornithology, religious pilgrimage, general tourists and aviation enthusiasts. For each group, we produced high-resolution spatial and seasonal maps, which matched known recreational attractions and annual festivals in the Camargue. The accuracy of the group identification, and the spatial and temporal patterns of photo activity, in the Camargue delta were evaluated by local managers of the Camargue regional park. This study demonstrates how PA managers can harness social-media to monitor recreation and improve their management decision making

    Landscape aesthetics: Spatial modelling and mapping using social media images and machine learning

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    Cultural ecosystem services such as aesthetic value are highly context-specific and often present difficulties in their assessment. Here we present a case study in the northern English Protected Area of the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Utilising publicly available images, paired-comparison surveys, probability modelling, machine-learning based text annotations, natural language processing and regression analysis, we developed a spatial model to predict and map landscape aesthetics across the whole site. The predictive model found eighteen significant variables, including the positive role of rural areas, mountainous landforms and vegetation for aesthetic value. Finally, we demonstrate the potential of our approach to varying size datasets and partial paired-comparison matrices, finding a very good agreement with only 20% of paired comparisons. This study demonstrates the use of freely available data and mostly open source tools to ascertain landscape aesthetic value in a large Protected Area

    Delineating the spatial drivers of agri-environment scheme adoption at field and farm levels

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    Agri-environment schemes (AES), introduced by the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), aim to compensate land owners for implementing environmentally-friendly practices. Whilst literature has examined their effectiveness and how farmer characteristics govern AES adoption, there is a lack of knowledge about the spatial drivers of AES, particularly structural, biophysical and landscape factors in the UK. Using the Humber region as a case study, this paper explores how the uptake of Countryside Stewardship options has varied from 2016 to 2021. It also examines 2500 farms from the field- and farm-level data of 2019 to better understand what type of land British farmers are adopting AES on. Logistic regression analysis is used to identify the factors (including farm and landscape characteristics, designated sites and land quality) that best explain overall AES adoption, as well as specific scheme adoption, at the field- and farm-level. Our analysis reveals that ‘buffer strips’, ‘hedgerow management’, ‘permanent grassland’, and ‘winter bird food’ are the most commonly adopted schemes of 2019. AES are generally adopted on larger fields and farms that feature marginalised, unproductive and vulnerable land, except for ‘buffer strips’ which showed a larger tendency to appear on fields with more profitable, higher quality land. This study, therefore, supports the notion that AES are generally placed on lower quality land and that large proportions of agricultural land owners are not effectively targeted. With the expected loss of direct payments to farmers in the UK as a result of the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) post-Brexit re-evaluation of rural policy, these results call for the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) to be made more accessible and inclusive to a broader diversity of farmers

    Integrating ecosystem markets to co-ordinate landscape-scale public benefits from nature

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    Ecosystem markets are proliferating around the world in response to increasing demand for climate change mitigation and provision of other public goods. However, this may lead to perverse outcomes, for example where public funding crowds out private investment or different schemes create trade-offs between the ecosystem services they each target. The integration of ecosystem markets could address some of these issues but to date there have been few attempts to do this, and there is limited understanding of either the opportunities or barriers to such integration. This paper reports on a comparative analysis of eleven ecosystem markets in operation or close to market in Europe, based on qualitative analysis of 25 interviews, scheme documentation and two focus groups. Our results indicate three distinct types of markets operating from the regional to national scale, with different modes of operation, funding and outcomes: regional ecosystem markets, national carbon markets and green finance. The typology provides new insights into the operation of ecosystem markets in practice, which may challenge traditionally held notions of Payment for Ecosystem Services. Regional ecosystem markets, in particular, represent a departure from traditional models, by using a risk-based funding model and aggregating both supply and demand to overcome issues of free-riding, ecosystem service trade-offs and land manager engagement. Central to all types of market were trusted intermediaries, brokers and platforms to aggregate supply and demand, build trust and lower transaction costs. The paper outlines six options for blending public and private funding for the provision of ecosystem services and proposes a framework for integrating national carbon markets and green finance with regional ecosystem markets. Such integration may significantly increase funding for regenerative agriculture and conservation across multiple habitats and services, whilst addressing issues of additionality and ecosystem service trade-offs between multiple schemes

    ProKinO: An Ontology for Integrative Analysis of Protein Kinases in Cancer

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    Protein kinases are a large and diverse family of enzymes that are genomically altered in many human cancers. Targeted cancer genome sequencing efforts have unveiled the mutational profiles of protein kinase genes from many different cancer types. While mutational data on protein kinases is currently catalogued in various databases, integration of mutation data with other forms of data on protein kinases such as sequence, structure, function and pathway is necessary to identify and characterize key cancer causing mutations. Integrative analysis of protein kinase data, however, is a challenge because of the disparate nature of protein kinase data sources and data formats., where the mutations are spread over 82 distinct kinases. We also provide examples of how ontology-based data analysis can be used to generate testable hypotheses regarding cancer mutations.

    Characterization of Oligomers of Heterogeneous Size as Precursors of Amyloid Fibril Nucleation of an SH3 Domain: An Experimental Kinetics Study

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    Correction: Characterization of Oligomers of Heterogeneous Size as Precursors of Amyloid Fibril Nucleation of an SH3 Domain: An Experimental Kinetics Study. PLoS ONE 9(1): 10.1371/annotation/dbb84118-9ada-43e4-8734-8f8322be1a59. doi: 10.1371/annotation/dbb84118-9ada-43e4-8734-8f8322be1a59Understanding the earliest molecular events during nucleation of the amyloid aggregation cascade is of fundamental significance to prevent amyloid related disorders. We report here an experimental kinetic analysis of the amyloid aggregation of the N47A mutant of the α-spectrin SH3 domain (N47A Spc-SH3) under mild acid conditions, where it is governed by rapid formation of amyloid nuclei. The initial rates of formation of amyloid structures, monitored by thioflavine T fluorescence at different protein concentrations, agree quantitatively with high-order kinetics, suggesting an oligomerization pre-equilibrium preceding the rate-limiting step of amyloid nucleation. The curves of native state depletion also follow high-order irreversible kinetics. The analysis is consistent with the existence of low-populated and heterogeneous oligomeric precursors of fibrillation that form by association of partially unfolded protein monomers. An increase in NaCl concentration accelerates fibrillation but reduces the apparent order of the nucleation kinetics; and a double mutant (K43A, N47A) Spc-SH3 domain, largely unfolded under native conditions and prone to oligomerize, fibrillates with apparent first order kinetics. On the light of these observations, we propose a simple kinetic model for the nucleation event, in which the monomer conformational unfolding and the oligomerization of an amyloidogenic intermediate are rapidly pre-equilibrated. A conformational change of the polypeptide chains within any of the oligomers, irrespective of their size, is the rate-limiting step leading to the amyloid nuclei. This model is able to explain quantitatively the initial rates of aggregation and the observed variations in the apparent order of the kinetics and, more importantly, provides crucial thermodynamic magnitudes of the processes preceding the nucleation. This kinetic approach is simple to use and may be of general applicability to characterize the amyloidogenic intermediates and oligomeric precursors of other disease-related proteins.This work was financed by the Andalucía Government (grant FQM-02838), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant BIO2009-07317), and the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union. D. Ruzafa is recipient of a research fellowship from the F.P.U. program of the Spanish Ministry of Education. L. Varela is financed by the G.R.E.I.B. program of the University of Granada
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