199 research outputs found

    Formation and evolution of dwarf early-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster II. Kinematic Scaling Relations

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    We place our sample of 18 Virgo dwarf early-type galaxies (dEs) on the V-K - velocity dispersion, Faber-Jackson, and Fundamental Plane (FP) scaling relations for massive early-type galaxies (Es). We use a generalized velocity dispersion, which includes rotation, to be able to compare the location of both rotationally and pressure supported dEs with those of early and late-type galaxies. We find that dEs seem to bend the Faber-Jackson relation of Es to lower velocity dispersions, being the link between Es and dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs). Regarding the FP relation, we find that dEs are significantly offset with respect to massive hot stellar systems, and re-casting the FP into the so-called kappa-space suggests that this offset is related to dEs having a total mass-to-light ratio higher than Es but still significantly lower than dSph galaxies. Given a stellar mass-to-light ratio based on the measured line indices of dEs, the FP offset allows us to infer that the dark matter fraction within the half light radii of dEs is on average >~ 42% (uncertainties of 17% in the K band and 20% in the V band), fully consistent with an independent estimate in an earlier paper in this series. We also find that dEs in the size-luminosity relation in the near-infrared, like in the optical, are offset from early-type galaxies, but seem to be consistent with late-type galaxies. We thus conclude that the scaling relations show that dEs are different from Es, and that they further strengthen our previous findings that dEs are closer to and likely formed from late-type galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 2 appendixes. Accepted for publication in A&

    Stellar Populations in Bulges of Spiral Galaxies

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    We have conducted a spectroscopic analysis of the bulges of a sample of 31 spiral galaxies, spanning the Hubble sequence from S0 to Scd type, in order to study the radial distribution of their stellar population properties.Comment: To be published in "The Evolution of Galaxies. II. Basic Building Blocks", ed. M. Sauvage et al., Kluwe

    Spatially resolved spectroscopy of Coma cluster early-type galaxies IV. Completing the dataset

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    The long-slit spectra obtained along the minor axis, offset major axis and diagonal axis are presented for 12 E and S0 galaxies of the Coma cluster drawn from a magnitude-limited sample studied before. The rotation curves, velocity dispersion profiles and the H_3 and H_4 coefficients of the Hermite decomposition of the line of sight velocity distribution are derived. The radial profiles of the Hbeta, Mg, and Fe line strength indices are measured too. In addition, the surface photometry of the central regions of a subsample of 4 galaxies recently obtained with Hubble Space Telescope is presented. The data will be used to construct dynamical models of the galaxies and study their stellar populations.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Stellar population gradients in Fornax Cluster S0 galaxies: connecting bulge and disk evolution

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    We present absorption-line index gradients for a sample of S0 galaxies in the Fornax Cluster. The sample has been selected to span a wide range in galaxy mass, and the deep VLT-FORS2 spectroscopy allows us to explore the stellar populations all the way to the outer disk-dominated regions of these galaxies. We find that globally, in both bulges and disks, star formation ceased earliest in the most massive systems, as a further manifestation of downsizing. However, within many galaxies, we find an age gradient which indicates that star formation ended first in the outermost regions. Metallicity gradients, when detected, are always negative such that the galaxy centres are more metal-rich. This finding fits with a picture in which star formation continued in the central regions, with enriched material, after it had stopped in the outskirts. Age and metallicity gradients are correlated, suggesting that large differences in star formation history between the inner and outer parts of S0 galaxies yield large differences in their chemical enrichment. In agreement with previous results, we conclude that the radial variations in the stellar populations of S0 galaxies are compatible with the hypothesis that these galaxies are the descendants of spiral galaxies whose star formation has ceased. With the addition of radial gradient information, we are able to show that this shutdown of star formation occurred from the outside inward, with the later star formation in the central regions offering a plausible mechanism for enhancing the bulge light in these systems, as the transformation to more bulge-dominated S0 galaxies requires.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures and Appendix, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Stellar Population Diagnostics of Elliptical Galaxy Formation

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    Major progress has been achieved in recent years in mapping the properties of passively-evolving, early-type galaxies (ETG) from the local universe all the way to redshift ~2. Here, age and metallicity estimates for local cluster and field ETGs are reviewed as based on color-magnitude, color-sigma, and fundamental plane relations, as well as on spectral-line indices diagnostics. The results of applying the same tools at high redshifts are then discussed, and their consistency with the low-redshift results is assessed. Most low- as well as high-redshift (z~1) observations consistently indicate 1) a formation redshift z>~3 for the bulk of stars in cluster ETGs, with their counterparts in low-density environments being on average ~1-2 Gyr younger, i.e., formed at z>~1.5-2, 2) the duration of the major star formation phase anticorrelates with galaxy mass, and the oldest stellar populations are found in the most massive galaxies. With increasing redshift there is evidence for a decrease in the number density of ETGs, especially of the less massive ones, whereas existing data appear to suggest that most of the most-massive ETGs were already fully assembled at z~1. Beyond this redshift, the space density of ETGs starts dropping significantly, and as ETGs disappear, a population of massive, strongly clustered, starburst galaxies progressively becomes more and more prominent, which makes them the likely progenitors to ETGs.Comment: To appear on Annual Review of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 44 (2006). 46 pages with 16 figures. Replaced version includes updated references, few typos less, and replaces Fig. 11 and Fig. 16 which had been skrewed u

    Using spectroscopic data to disentangle stellar population properties

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    It is well known that, when analyzed in the light of current synthesis model predictions, variations in the physical properties of single stellar populations (e.g. age, metallicity, initial mass function, element abundance ratios) may have a similar effect in their integrated spectral energy distributions. The confusion is even worsened when more realistic scenarios, i.e. composite star formation histories, are considered. This is, in fact, one of the major problems when facing the study of stellar populations in star clusters and galaxies. Typically, the observational efforts have aimed to find the most appropriate spectroscopic indicators in order to avoid, as far as possible, degeneracies in the parameter space. However, from a practical point of view, the most suited observables are not, necessarily, those that provide more orthogonality in that parameter space, but those that give the best balance between parameter degeneracy and sensitivity to signal-to-noise ratio per Angstrom, S/N(Angstrom). In order to achieve the minimum combined total error in the derived physical parameters, this work discusses how the functional dependence of typical line-strength indices and colors on S/N(Angstrom) allows to define a suitability parameter which helps to obtain more realistic combinations of spectroscopic data. As an example, we discuss in more detail the problem of breaking the well known age-metallicity degeneracy in relatively old stellar populations, comparing the suitability of different spectroscopic diagrams for a simple stellar population of solar metallicity and of 12 Gyr in age

    Spatially resolved spectroscopy of Coma cluster early-type galaxies - II:the minor axis dataset

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    We present minor axis, off set major axis and one diagonal long slit spectra for 10 E and S0 galaxies of the Coma cluster drawn from a magnitude-limited sample studied before. We derive rotation curves, velocity dispersion profiles and the H-3 and H-4 coefficients of the Hermite decomposition of the line of sight velocity distribution. Moreover, we derive the line index profiles of Mg, Fe and Hbeta line indices and assess their errors. The data will be used to construct dynamical models of the galaxies and study their stellar populations

    Line-strengths in early-type galaxies

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    We have analysed Mg, Hβ and Fe line-strengths in a sample of elliptical, SO and brightest cluster galaxies. For 15 galaxies, our spectra extend to approximately the half-light radius(r_e), and we are able to measure radial line-strength gradients. The metallic line-strength gradients vary markedly from object to object, and do not correlate strongly with parameters such as total luminosity and rotation, though we find sorne evidence that gradients in the Mg_2 index correlate with central velocity dispersion and central line-strength. The highly variable line-strength gradients in early-type galaxies shows that they have experienced different star formation histories. We suggest that this may be explained if they formed by the mergers of subunits in which star formation had proceeded to varying degrees of completion. We find that the line-strengths at r~r_e in elliptical galaxies are slightly larger than those of metal­ rich galactic globulars, suggesting that typical elliptical galaxies have roughly solar abundance at r~r_e and therefore that most ellipticals have relatively weak abundance gradients. The relative line-strengths in the outer parts of ellipticals differ from those in the nuclei of low-luminosity ellipticals, indicating that these stellar populations do not represent a simple one-parameter family governed by mean metal abundance. We find no significant differences in the central Mg and Fe line-strengths of the brightest cluster galaxies and normal ellipticals with the same central velocity dispersion. How­ ever, we find that two cD galaxies show Hβ in emission and are also at the centres of the prodigious cooling flows with mass-deposition rates of ≥ 100 M_⨀ yr^-1. Galaxies with cooling flows have identical Mg and Fe line-strengths to galaxies without cooling flows. We show that this implies that only a small fraction of the total luminosity of cooling flow galaxies could come from ongoing star formation with a normal stellar initial mass function

    Near-Infrared Imaging of Early-Type Galaxies IV. The Physical Origins of the Fundamental Plane Scaling Relations

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    The physical origins of the Fundamental Plane (FP) scaling relations are investigated for early-type galaxies observed at optical and near-infrared wavelengths. The slope for the FP is shown to increase systematically with wavelength from the U-band through the K-band. A distance-independent construction of the observables is described which provides an accurate measurement of the change in the FP slope between any pair of bandpasses. The variation of the FP slope with wavelength is strong evidence of systematic variations in stellar content along the elliptical galaxy sequence. The intercept of the diagnostic relationship between log(D_K/D_V) and log(sigma_0) shows no significant dependence on environment within the uncertainties of the Galactic extinction corrections, demonstrating the universality of the stellar populations contributions at the level of Delta(V-K)=0.03 mag to the zero-point of the global scaling relations. Several other constraints on the properties of early-type galaxies --- the slope of the Mg_2-sigma_0 relation, the effects of stellar populations gradients, and deviations of early-type galaxies from a dynamically homologous family --- are included to construct an empirical, self-consistent model which provides a complete picture of the underlying physical properties which are varying along the early-type galaxy sequence. This empirical approach demonstrates that there are significant systematic variations in both age and metallicity along the elliptical galaxy sequence, and that a small, but systematic, breaking of dynamical homology (or a similar, wavelength independent effect) is required. Predictions for the evolution of the slope of the FP with redshift are described. [abriged]Comment: to appear in The Astronomical Journal; 40 pages, including 10 Postscript figures and 3 tables; uses AAS LaTeX style file