1,054 research outputs found

    Pengawasan Petugas Operasional Kebersihan Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Keselamatan Tenaga Kerja di Kecamatan Tampan)

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    The Operational hygiene officer is a person who is a charge to sweeping the road,containing garbage,cleaning up the canal and the road culverts and also treating plants along the side walk and city park. Bassed on operational standars at Departement of Hygiene in Pekanbaru, there are still same problem which became a phenomenom that has mot implemented the surveillance of the operational hygiene officer safety on HR.Subrantas streets,Tampan sub-District which is accident in the street while sweeping and the officer that doesnt wear their uniform and work attribute well.This research aims to knowing and analysing the survelillance of the operational hygiene officer in pekanbaru city (study case officers safety in sub-District Tampan). This research use descriptive qualitative method with collecting data technique such like interviews,observation and literature study.The result of this research are the opperational hygiene officers surveillance by Departement of Hygiene doesnt running as well this is because the disobediance of the operational hygiene officer against the rules that have been set the factor that influence the operational hygiene officers surveillance are the lack of human resource from Departement of Hygiene,in this matter,the foreman and also lack of awareners of the operational hygiene officers of their safety while work.Keyword: surveillance,Operational Hygiene Office

    Analisis Pengaruh Corporate Governance terhadap Praktik Manajemen Laba (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Indonesia)

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of corporate governance mechanism towards earning management. The independent variables in this research, which represent the corporate governance mechanism are independent commissionaire, audit committee, external auditor quality and also managerial ownersip with control variables including leverage and company size. Earning management, as the dependent variable, in this research is measured by discretionary accrual as the proxy of earning management. Data used in this research is annual report and audited financial report from each company, published through website www.idx.co.id The sample used in this research are manufacturing companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange during 2008 up to 2011. The data collection method used in this research is purposive sampling, resulted 140 obseravtions during four years from 35 companies. This research conclude that independent commissionaire, external auditor quality and managerial ownership have the significant and negative impact towards earning management. On the other contrary, audit committee doesn't significantly influence earning management. Generally, from this research, good corporate governance mechanisms significantly affect the earning management

    Hubungan Antara Konsep Diri Dengan Kesepian Pada Remaja (Studi Korelasi Pada Siswa Kelas IX SMP Negeri 2 Semarang)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara konsep diri dengan kesepian pada remaja awal. Konsep diri adalah pandangan, evaluasi, dan penilaian mengenai diri sendiri oleh individu yang bersangkutan. Kesepian merupakan keadaan psikologis yang timbul akibat adanya ketidaksesuaian ideal dengan Kenyataan dalam membina hubungan dengan orang lain. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik cluster random sampling. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 2 Semarang. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 150 siswa. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah skala konsep diri dan skala kesepian. Kedua skala disusun berdasarkan teori psikologi yang ada dan melalui proses uji coba. Proses tersebut menunjukkan koefisien reliabilitas skala konsep diri sebesar α=0,884 dan skala kesepian sebesar α=0,907. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah ada hubungan yang negatif signifikan antara konsep diri dengan kesepian yang ditunjukkan oleh koefisien korelasi (rxy) sebesar 0,765 dan p=0,000 (p<0,05). Semakin tinggi konsep diri maka semakin rendah kesepian, demikian pula sebaliknya semakin rendah konsep diri maka semakin tinggi kesepian pada siswa. Sumbangan efektif konsep diri terhadap kesepian sebesar 58,5% dan sisanya 41,5% dijelaskan oeh faktor-faktor lain

    Measurement models for time-resolved spectroscopy: a comment

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    We present an exactly solvable model for photon emission, which allows us to examine the evolution of the photon wavefunction in space and time. We apply this model to coherent phenomena in three-level systems with a special emphasis on the photon detection process.Comment: 14 pages RevTex, 4 figure

    Thermodynamics of the ATPase Cycle of GlcV, the Nucleotide-Binding Domain of the Glucose ABC Transporter of Sulfolobus solfataricus

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    ATP-binding cassette transporters drive the transport of substrates across the membrane by the hydrolysis of ATP. They typically have a conserved domain structure with two membrane-spanning domains that form the transport channel and two cytosolic nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) that energize the transport reaction. Binding of ATP to the NBD monomer results in formation of a NBD dimer. Hydrolysis of the ATP drives the dissociation of the dimer. The thermodynamics of distinct steps in the ATPase cycle of GlcV, the NBD of the glucose ABC transporter of the extreme thermoacidophile Sulfolobus solfataricus, were studied by isothermal titration calorimetry using the wild-type protein and two mutants, which are arrested at different steps in the ATP hydrolytic cycle. The G144A mutant is unable to dimerize, while the E166A mutant is defective in dimer dissociation. The ATP, ADP, and AMP-PNP binding affinities, stoichiometries, and enthalpies of binding were determined at different temperatures. From these data, the thermodynamic parameters of nucleotide binding, NBD dimerization, and ATP hydrolysis were calculated. The data demonstrate that the ATP hydrolysis cycle of isolated NBDs consists of consecutive steps where only the final step of ADP release is energetically unfavorable.

    Relationship between sport level competition and serving skill in female beach volleyball

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    El objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar el saque empleado por las jugadoras de vóley playa femenino, para determinar si existen diferencias en función del nivel de juego. Se analizaron 1.100 acciones de saque. Las variables del saque estudiadas fueron: tipo, profundidad de golpeo, lateralidad, trayectoria, destino, y técnica de golpeo. Se realizó un estudio de confiabilidad, para determinar el grado de concordancia inter e intraobservadores, llegando a alcanzar una concordancia entre los observadores >0,80. Los resultados del análisis correlacional mostraron una diferencia en el patrón de saque utilizado tras el cruce de variables criterio estudiadas, mostrando el test de Chi-cuadrado de Pearson significación en el cruce (p .80. The results obtained by the correlation analysis showed a difference in the pattern of the service employed after crossing the studied criterion variables. Pearson’s Chi-square test showed a significance (p <.05). The serve pattern identified for international competitive level couples showed a greater difficulty on the execution and precision of the service, becoming the first element of attack; while for the national competitive level ones, the technical difficulty in execution and precision was lowe

    Effects of random localizing events on matter waves: formalism and examples

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    A formalism is introduced to describe a number of physical processes that may break down the coherence of a matter wave over a characteristic length scale l. In a second-quantized description, an appropriate master equation for a set of bosonic "modes" (such as atoms in a lattice, in a tight-binding approximation) is derived. Two kinds of "localizing processes" are discussed in some detail and shown to lead to master equations of this general form: spontaneous emission (more precisely, light scattering), and modulation by external random potentials. Some of the dynamical consequences of these processes are considered: in particular, it is shown that they generically lead to a damping of the motion of the matter-wave currents, and may also cause a "flattening" of the density distribution of a trapped condensate at rest.Comment: v3; a few corrections, especially in Sections IV and

    Dynamical localization simulated on a few qubits quantum computer

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    We show that a quantum computer operating with a small number of qubits can simulate the dynamical localization of classical chaos in a system described by the quantum sawtooth map model. The dynamics of the system is computed efficiently up to a time t≥ℓt\geq \ell, and then the localization length ℓ\ell can be obtained with accuracy ν\nu by means of order 1/ν21/\nu^2 computer runs, followed by coarse grained projective measurements on the computational basis. We also show that in the presence of static imperfections a reliable computation of the localization length is possible without error correction up to an imperfection threshold which drops polynomially with the number of qubits.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Analisis Kepuasan Penumpang Atas Kualitas Layanan Jasa CV. Indah Travel Terayek Tembilahan Pekanbaru

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    This study aims to find out the level of passenger satisfaction for the quality of service which includes tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, andempathy on the CV. Indah Travel route of Tembilahan - Pekanbaru. This study uses Importance - Performance Analysis with Cartesian diagram. In this study, the populations were all passengers of CV. Indah Travel route of Tembilahan - Pekanbaru, which made 100 respondents who were sampled by Purposive Sampling Method that is taking samples to passengers with a minimum of 3 timeshave used the services of CV. Indah Travel. From the research and discussion of the analysis of satisfaction,then gained the value of variablefrom passenger satisfaction over the quality of the service -dimensional tangible / physical evidence amounted equal to 77.98 %, the dimensions of reliability of 66.41 %, dimensions responsiveness of 76.97 %, the dimension of assurance of 65 , 97 % and dimensions of empathy of 77.19 % . From the results of Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA), can be seen that the total average of all indicators of the five (5) service dimensions is 3.25 < 4.46 (P < E). It means the passengers are not satisfied with the service provided which is expectation exceed the performance.Keywords: Quality of Service and Passenger Satisfactio
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