233 research outputs found

    Nervous system characterization during the development of a basal echinoderm, the feather star Antedon mediterranea

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    Neural development of echinoderms has always been difficult to interpret, as larval neurons degenerate at metamorphosis and a tripartite nervous system differentiates in the adult. Despite their key phylogenetic position as basal echinoderms, crinoids have been scarcely studied in developmental research. However, since they are the only extant echinoderms retaining the ancestral body plan of the group, crinoids are extremely valuable models to clarify neural evolution in deuterostomes. Antedon mediterranea is a feather star, endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. Its development includes a swimming lecithotrophic larva, the doliolaria, with basiepithelial nerve plexus, and a sessile filter-feeding juvenile, the pentacrinoid, whose nervous system has never been described in detail. Thus, we characterized the nervous system of both these developmental stages by means of immunohistochemistry and, for the first time, in situ hybridization techniques. The results confirmed previous descriptions of doliolaria morphology and revealed that the larval apical organ contains two bilateral clusters of serotonergic cells while GABAergic neurons are localized under the adhesive pit. This suggested that different larval activities (e.g., attachment and metamorphosis) are under the control of different neural populations. In pentacrinoids, the analysis showed the presence of a cholinergic entoneural system while the ectoneural plexus appeared more composite, displaying different neural populations. The expression of three neural-related microRNAs was described for the first time, suggesting that these are evolutionarily conserved also in basal echinoderms. Overall, our results set the stage for future investigations that will reveal new information on echinoderm evo-devo neurobiology

    Worldwide diffusion of Fig latent virus 1 in fig accessions and its detection by serological and molecular tools

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    A virus with filamentous particles ca. 700 nm long, denoted Fig latent virus 1 (FLV-1) is widespread in Apulian (southern Italy) fig orchards, in trees showing or not mosaic symptoms and in symptomless seedlings. The virus was transmitted by sap inoculation to a very restricted range of herbaceous hosts without inducing apparent symptoms and was transmitted through fig seeds to a very high percentage (80 to 100 %). It was successfully purified from root tissues of infected figs. A virus-specific antiserum raised in rabbits, proved useful for its detection in fig leaf dips by immunosorbent electron microscopy (ISEM), Western Blot, dot immuno-binding (DIBA), ELISA. The viral genome structure resembles that of members of the genus Trichovirus in the family Flexiviridae. Keywords: fig latent virus, Trichovirus, serology, ISEM, Western blot, DIBA, ELIS

    Polystyrene microplastics ingestion induced behavioral effects to the cladoceran Daphnia magna

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    Microplastic (\u3bcPs) contamination represents a dramatic environmental problem threatening both aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Although several studies have highlighted the presence of \u3bcPs in aquatic environments, the information regarding their toxicity towards organisms is still scant. Moreover, most of the ecotoxicological studies of \u3bcPs have focused on marine organisms, largely neglecting the effects on freshwater species. The present study aimed at exploring the effects caused by 21-days exposure to three concentrations (0.125, 1.25 and 12.5 \u3bcg/mL) of two differently sized polystyrene microplastics (P\u3bcPs; 1 and 10 \u3bcm) to the Cladoceran Daphnia magna. The ingestion/egestion capability of daphnids (<24 h) and adults, the changes in individual growth and behavior, in terms of changes in swimming activity, phototactic behavior and reproduction, were investigated. Both particles filled the digestive tract of daphnids and adults within 24 h of exposure at all the tested concentrations. Ingested P\u3bcPs remained in the digestive tract even after 96 h in a clean medium. For both particles, an overall increase in body size of adults was noted at the end of the exposure to the highest tested concentrations, accompanied by a significant increase in swimming activity, in terms of distance moved and swimming velocity, and by an alteration of the phototactic behavior. A significant increase in the mean number of offspring after the exposure to the highest P\u3bcPs concentrations of different size was recorded. Polystyrene \u3bcPs can affect behavioral traits of D. magna leading to potentially harmful consequences on population dynamics of this zooplanktonic species

    Schizophrenia spectrum disorders: Focus on social cognition and empathy

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    Background Schizophrenic patients show deficits in social cognition, functioning and in interpreting facial expressions. These disabilities contribute to global impairment in social and relational skills. Data started being collected in the context of the Italian Network of Research on Psychosis headed by Prof. Maj and Prof. Galderisi (Galderisi S et al. The influence of illness-related variables, personal resources and context-related factors on real-life functioning of people with schizophrenia. World Psychiatry 2014:275\u201387. Mucci A et al. The Specific Level of Functioning Scale: Construct validity, internal consistency and factor structure in a large Italian sample of people with schizophrenia living in the community. Schizophr Res 2014;159(1):144-50); collection in our centre went on also after the conclusion of the national project. Aims To identify the correlations among social inference, facial emotion identification and clinical history and therapies in schizophrenic patients. Material and methods We recruited patients with Schizophrenia referring to our Psychiatry Ward, AOU Maggiore della Carit\ue0, Novara, Italy. Socio-demographic characteristics were gathered; assessment of patients included The Awareness of Social Inference Test (TASIT), the Facial Emotion Identification Test (FEIT), the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and the Brief Negative Symptom Scale (BNSS). Results Data collection is still ongoing. In a previous study we pointed out that schizophrenic patients showed social skills deficits and difficulties in identifying facial emotions. These features underlie poor and limited social relationships proper to schizophrenia. Our preliminary results revealed thatidentification of facial emotions is influenced by psychopathological symptoms especially by avolition, blunted affect and alogia. Implication will be discussed

    Phase I/II study of single-agent bortezomib for the treatment of patients with myelofibrosis. Clinical and biological effects of proteasome inhibition.

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    A phase I/II trial was undertaken to determine maximum tolerated dose (MTD), toxicity, clinical efficacy and biological activity of bortezomib in patients with advanced stage primary or post-polycythemia vera/post-essential thrombocythemia myelofibrosis (MF). Bortezomib (0.8, 1.0, or 1.3 mg/m(2)) was administered on days 1, 4, 8, and 11 by intravenous push to patients previously resistant to at least one line of therapy, or with an intermediate/high risk IWG’s score [1]. Therapy was repeated every 28 days for 6 cycles. At 1.3 mg/m(2) dose, one of six patients experienced a dose limiting toxicity, and this was determined to be the MTD. Neither remissions or clinical improvements were recorded in 16 patients treated at this dose level, fulfilling the early stopping rule in the Simon two-stage study design. Major toxicity was on thrombocytopenia. In 9 out of 15 patients bortezomib proved able to reduce bone marrow vessel density. However, the agent was associated with worsening of markers of disease activity, like enhancement of hematopoietic CD34-positive progenitor cell mobilization, WT-1 gene expression in mononuclear cells, and down-regulation of CXCR4 expression on CD34-positive cells. Occurrence of both beneficial and detrimental biological effects claims further investigation on the mechanisms of the drug in MF

    Anxiety and Expressed Emotion in a Sample of Obese Patients

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    INTRODUCTION Expressed Emotion (EE) is a measure of the intensity of the affective family climate and plays a role in disease course and outcome. Especially in urban settings, obesity is a severe problem with serious implications as far as health risks are concerned. Having a high EE caregiver has been suggested to correlate with a worse treatment compliance in obese patients. OBJECTIVES To measure level of EE, stressful events and anxiety in obese patients and their caregivers; to investigate the possible correlations between compliance with treatment and emotional temperature of families. METHODS We have already recruited more than 150 obese patients and their caregivers. Assessment included: Level of Expressed Emotion Scale (LEE), one version for patients and one for relatives in order to evaluate 4 dimensions: intrusiveness, emotional response, attitude toward disease, tolerance and expectation; the Paykel\u2019s Interview for Recent Life Events; STAI Y1 concerning state anxiety and STAI Y2 concerning trait anxiety. Furthermore we collected demographic characteristics and BMI (Body Mass Index). RESULTS Data collection and analyses are still ongoing. Preliminary results suggest a correlation between obesity and level of anxiety. We expect to find a correlation between level of EE and variation of BMI. CONCLUSIONS Levels of EE and anxiety should be considered when planning treatment interventions to enhance compliance in obese patients and to support change in their life-style

    No correlation among expressed emotion, anxiety, stress and weight loss in patients with overweight and obesity

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    The onset of some types of obesity may correlate with specific familial relational patterns, and expressed emotion (EE). The aim of this study is to address the current gap in the literature about EE and obesity, assessing EE in a sample of patients with overweight or obesity and their relatives. A further objective is to assess patients' weight loss, patients' and relatives' anxiety, perceived stress and their possible correlation with EE and diet compliance. A total of 220 patients with overweight or obesity and 126 relatives were recruited. Patients' baseline body mass index (BMI) was negatively correlated with educational level, but we failed to find any correlation between BMI and the other variables assessed. We found a positive correlation between EE median and stressful life events, as well as between median EE and state and trait anxiety. Our results seem to suggest that other factors than the psychological ones we investigated may play a role in treatment adherence and outcome in patients with overweight and obesity

    Establishment of a national network of cetacean monitoring within the marine strategy

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    CONISMA, CNR and CIRCE, involved Italian research units (RUs) working on cetaceans to joina National Network answering the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requirements by sharing monitoring data. Data obtained during the 2016 monitoring campaigns by 13 RUs are presented here

    Mid-term Psychiatric Outcomes of Patients Recovered From COVID-19 From an Italian Cohort of Hospitalized Patients

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    Background: Although the usual primary clinical manifestation of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is respiratory, several non-respiratory symptoms have been described, including neuropsychiatric ones. The aim of this study was to investigate the mid-term mental health outcomes in patients recovered from COVID-19, 3\u20134 months after discharge from the University Hospital Maggiore della Carit\ue0, Novara, Italy. Furthermore, we investigated the possible association of the mid-term mental health consequences of the COVID-19 infection with patients' clinical current status, persistent physical impairment and severity of acute phase of the disease. Methods: Prospective study involving 238 individuals recovered from COVID-19. In the context of a multi-disciplinary approach, patients' assessment included both a clinical interview performed by an experienced psychiatrist, trained in the use of the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview to assess the presence of anxiety and depressive symptoms and self-administered questionnaires: Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA), Impact of Event Scale (IES). Results: At the psychiatric assessment 32.9 and 29.5% of participants showed anxiety and depressive symptoms, respectively. Changes in appetite and sleep patterns emerged for 15.6 and 31.2% of patients. According to the self-administered questionnaires, 7.1% of participants had moderate-severe anxiety levels (BAI), while 10.5% had mild to severe depression (BDI-II). Twenty-six (11%) participants were referred to further psychiatric consultation. Psychiatric symptoms showed no correlation with acute COVID-19 severity; in our sample patients with depressive symptoms at the clinical interview, as well as those with mild to severe levels of depression according to BDI-II scores, had lower forced expiratory volume in the 1st second (FEV1) values than those without and greater odds for persistent, poor tolerance for physical efforts. Conclusions: As could be expected, an approach including both a psychiatric interview and the use of self-administered questionnaires is likely to capture the psychiatric outcome of patients recovered from COVID-19 better than questionnaires alone. Anxiety and depressive symptoms at follow-up had no correlation with the severity of COVID acute manifestations, but rather with ongoing and persistent physical symptoms. Further studies and longer follow-up duration will allow a better understanding of the complex relationship between residual physical symptoms, quality of life and psychological health
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