6,208 research outputs found

    Journalists' collective representation and editorial content in British newspapers- never the twain shall meet?

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    This article examines the propensity for journalists to contest the determination of the editorial content of the newspapers they work for and write for. It finds that such instances are relatively infrequent and suggests that not only is stronger workplace union organisation required to provide for the capability for journalists to do so but that a heightened level of trade union consciousness and abnormal occurrences in management practice are also required

    Agricultural Producer Cooperatives as Strategic Alliances

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    In this paper we examine the linkages between four bodies of business-to-business relationship theory (transaction cost analysis, the resource-based theory of the firm (RBV), social network theory and theories of trust and cooperation) to the design and governance of agricultural cooperatives. Defining a cooperative broadly as any type of alliance formed by producers for their mutual benefit, we base the discussion on three types of cooperative; traditional, "new generation" and learning networks. Our main focus is on cooperatives as an alliance between members, but we also discuss alliances between cooperatives We find that there is a gap in the literature relating to the analysis of alliances with more than two members (such as cooperatives), so the linkages between the theories and cooperative types must be seen as being somewhat tentative. We hypothesise that the RBV, social network theory and trust and cooperation theories are in fact, applicable to multiple-member alliances, but their relevance is likely to become less as the number of members increase.agricultural cooperatives, strategic alliances, transaction cost analysis, the resource-based view, social network theory, trust and cooperation, new generation cooperatives, learning networks., Agribusiness,

    Are physical performance and injury risk in a professional soccer team in match-play affected over a prolonged period of fixture congestion?

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    In this study, the effects of a prolonged period of fixture congestion (8 successive official matches in 26-days) on physical performance and injury risk and severity in a professional soccer team were investigated. Computerised motion-analysis was used to analyse the overall distance covered and that run at light- (0.0-11.0 km‱h-1); low- (11.1-14.0 km‱h-1); moderate- (14.1-19.7 km‱h-1) and high-intensities (≄19.8 km‱h-1) for the team as a whole. Distances were measured in metres per minute. Information on match injuries was recorded prospectively. The overall distance covered varied across successive matches (p<0.001) as more distance was run in games 4 and 7 compared to 2 and 3 respectively (126.6±12.3 m‱min-1 and 125.0±13.2 m‱min-1 vs. 116.0±8.0 m‱min-1 and 115.5±11.0 m‱min-1). Distance run in light-intensity exercise also varied (p<0.001) as more distance was covered in game 4 versus 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 (75.5±3.8 m‱min-1 vs. 70.6±2.4 m‱min-1, 71.8±3.4 m‱min-1, 69.3±2.6 m‱min-1, 71.5±3.1 m‱min-1, and 70.3±2.8 m‱min-1) and in game 8 versus game 3 (73.1±3.8 vs. 69.3±2.6 m‱min-1) respectively. When comparing match halves, there were no differences across games in overall or high-intensity distance covered and performance in these measures was similar for matches played before, during and after this period. Globally, no difference over the 8 games combined was observed between the reference team and opponents in any of the performance measures whereas the overall distance covered and that in low- (both p<0.001) and high-intensity running (p=0.040) differed in individual games. The incidence of match injury during the congested fixture period was similar to rates reported outside this period but the mean layoff duration of injuries was substantially shorter during the former (p<0.05). In summary, while the overall distance run and that covered at lower intensities varied across games, high-intensity running performance and injury risk were generally unaffected during a prolonged period of fixture congestion. These results might be linked to squad rotation and post-match recovery strategies in place at the present club

    Taylorism, targets and the pursuit of quantity and quality by call centre management

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    The paper locates the rise of the call centre within the context of the development of Taylorist methods and technological change in office work in general. Managerial utilisation of targets to impose and measure employees' quantitative and qualitative performance is analysed in four case-study organisations. The paper concludes that call centre work reflects a pardigmic re-configuration of customer servicing operations, and that the continuing application of Taylorist methods appears likely

    Caddisfly Larvae (Limnephilidae) As Predators of Newt (Taricha Granulosa) Eggs: Another Player in the Coevolutionary Arms Race Revolving Around Tetrodotoxin?

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    Some populations of newts (Taricha granulosa) possess large quantities of the neurotoxin tetrodotoxin (TTX) in their skin and eggs. Many populations of garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) are resistant to this toxin and can consume large numbers of newts with no negative effects. Despite the wealth of information acquired on the interaction between newts and their predator, garter snakes, very little research has been conducted on possible interactions between newts and other predators. I conducted a suite of experiments examining for the presence of other predators on newts, specifically focusing on predators of their eggs and larvae. I found a single predator, caddisfly larvae were capable of consuming the toxic eggs. Larval caddisflies are extremely abundant at one study site (775,000 caddisfly larvae per pond), and appear to be resistant to the negative effects of ingesting tetrodotoxin. After hatching, larval newts retain substantial quantities of TTX and most are unpalatable to predatory dragonfly naiads. Ovipositing female newts respond to the presence of caddisflies by depositing their eggs at the top of the water column where they are out of the reach of most predatory caddisflies. When caddisflies do consume a newt egg, some of the toxin is retained in their body tissues. Finally, caddisflies consume more newt eggs when those eggs contain less toxin versus eggs that contain large amounts of TTX. This may cause newt eggs that contain low quantities of TTX to more likely to die of predation which could ultimately drive an increase in toxicity of the adult population over time. Collectively, these findings indicate an additional player, caddisfly larvae, is a major predator of newts and could be involved in the evolution of tetrodotoxin toxicity in newts

    Are aerobic fitness and repeated sprint ability linked to fatigue in professional soccer match-play? A pilot study

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    This investigation examined the association between aerobic fitness and repeated sprint ability and match-related fatigue in 9 professional outfield soccer players. Aerobic fitness using maximal aerobic speed (MAS) was determined via a continuous progressive incremental running test conducted on a motorised treadmill. A repeated sprint ability test (6 successive 6 s sprints separated by 20 s passive recovery) was performed on a non-motorised treadmill to determine mean and best sprint times and a percentage decrement score (%PD). A total of 114 observations of physical performance derived using computerised time motion analyses were collected from 33 matches. Correlations between fitness test and match-play measures were examined for 1) accumulated fatigue: percentage difference between halves for total distance covered per minute, distance run at high-intensities (HIR, actions for 1s duration, >19.1 km/h) per minute, mean recovery time between high-intensity runs, and percentage difference between the distance covered in HIR in the first 5- and 15-minute periods versus the final 5- and 15-minute periods respectively in normal time; and for 2) transient fatigue: percentage difference between the distance covered in HIR in a peak 5-minute period and the subsequent 5-minute period and for the latter compared to the mean for all other 5-minute periods. No significant relationships were observed between MAS and fatigue scores (magnitude of associations: trivial to large). For mean and best sprint times and %PD, the only reported significant correlation (r=0.77, magnitude of association: very large, p<0.05) was between %PD and the % difference across halves for mean recovery time between high-intensity runs (magnitude of other associations: small to large). Criterion measures from tests of aerobic fitness and repeated sprint ability might not accurately depict a player’s capacity to resist fatigue during professional soccer competition

    Squad management, injury and match performance in a professional soccer team over a Championship-winning season

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    Squad management, injury and physical, tactical and technical match performance were investigated in a professional soccer team across five consecutive league seasons (2008–2013, 190 league games) with specific focus on a championship-winning season (2010/11). For each player, match participation and time-loss injuries were recorded, the latter prospectively diagnosed by the team's physician. Defending and attacking tactical and technical performance indicators investigated included ball possession and possession in opponents' half, passes, forward passes, completed passes and forward passes, crosses and completed crosses, goal attempts and goal attempts on target, successful final third entries, free-kicks and 50/50 duels won/lost. Physical performance measures included total distance and distance covered at high-speeds (≄19.1 km/h). Results showed that during the 2010/11 season, squad utilisation was lowest potentially owing to the observed lower match injury occurrence and working days lost to injury thereby increasing player availability. In 2010/11, the team won both its highest number of points and conceded its lowest number of goals especially over the second half of this season. The team also won its highest number of games directly via a goal from a substitute and scored and conceded a goal first on the highest and lowest number of occasions, respectively. While multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) detected a significant difference in some attacking and defensive performance indicators across the five seasons, these were generally not distinguishing factors in 2010/11. Similarly, univariate ANOVAs showed a significant difference in running distances covered across seasons, but the trend was for less activity in 2010/11

    Erectile dysfunction due to ectopic penile vein

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    A total of 86/260 patients with erectile dysfunction had venous leakage as (joint) etiology. In 5 of 86 patients cavernosography showed pathologic cavernosal drainage only via an ectopic penile vein into the femoral vein. After ligation of this pathologic draining vessel, 4 of 5 patients regained spontaneous erectability. One patient with pathologic bulbocavernosus reflex latencies needed intracavernosal injection of vasoactive drugs for full rigidity

    Induction of circadian conidiation by rubidium chloride

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    Induction of circadian conidiation by rubidium chlorid
