4,676 research outputs found

    The X-ray emission of the Crab-like pulsar PSR J0537-6910

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    In this paper we present some preliminary result on the spectral and timing analysis of the X-ray pulsed emission from the 16 ms pulsar PSR J0537-6910 in the energy range 0.1--30 keV, based on archival BeppoSAX and RossiXTE observations. This pulsar, discovered by Marshall et al.(1998) in the LMC field with RXTE, is the fastest spinning pulsar associated with a supernova remnant. It is characterized by strong glitch activity with the highest rate of all known Crab-like system.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of "The Restless High-Energy Universe", Amsterdam, May 5-8, 2003. Editors: E.P.J. van den Heuvel, J.J.M. in't Zand, R.A.M.J. Wijer

    The optical to gamma-ray emission of the Crab pulsar: a multicomponent model

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    We present a multicomponent model to explain the features of the pulsed emission and spectrum of the Crab Pulsar, on the basis of X and gamma-ray observations obtained with BeppoSAX, INTEGRAL and CGRO. This model explains the evolution of the pulse shape and of the phase-resolved spectra, ranging from the optical/UV to the GeV energy band, on the assumption that the observed emission is due to more components. The first component, C_O, is assumed to have the pulsed double-peaked profile observed at the optical frequencies, while the second component, C_X, is dominant in the interpeak and second peak phase regions. The spectra of these components are modelled with log-parabolic laws and their spectral energy distributions have peak energies at 12.2 and 178 keV, respectively. To explain the properties of the pulsed emission in the MeV-GeV band, we introduce two more components, C_Ogamma and C_Xgamma, with phase distributions similar to those of C_O and C_X and log-parabolic spectra with the same curvature but peak energies at about 300 MeV and 2 GeV. This multicomponent model is able to reproduce both the broadband phase-resolved spectral behaviour and the changes of the pulse shape with energy. We also propose some possible physical interpretations in which C_O and C_X are emitted by secondary pairs via a synchrotron mechanism while C_Ogamma and C_Xgamma can originate either from Compton scattered or primary curvature photons.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures; accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    New blazars from the cross-match of recent multi-frequency catalogs

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    Blazars are radio-loud active galactic nuclei well known for their non thermal emission spanning a wide range of frequencies. The Roma-BZCAT is, to date, the most comprehensive list of these sources. We performed the cross-match of several catalogs obtained from recent surveys at different frequencies to search for new blazars. We cross-matched the 1st^{st} Swift-XRT Point Source catalog with the spectroscopic sample of the 9th^{th} Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Then, we performed further cross-matches with the catalogs corresponding to the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty cm survey and to the AllWISE Data release, focusing on sources with infrared colors similar to those of confirmed Îł\gamma-ray blazars included in the Second Fermi-LAT catalog. As a result, we obtained a preliminary list of objects with all the elements needed for a proper blazar classification according to the prescriptions of the Roma-BZCAT. We carefully investigated additional properties such as their morphology and the slope of their spectral energy distribution in the radio domain, the features shown in their optical spectrum, and the luminosity in the soft X rays to exclude generic active galactic nuclei and focus on authentic blazar-like sources. At the end of our screening we obtained a list of 15 objects with firmly established blazar properties.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science on 2015 April 25. Corrected typo in Section

    CLaSPS: a new methodology for Knowledge extraction from complex astronomical dataset

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    In this paper we present the Clustering-Labels-Score Patterns Spotter (CLaSPS), a new methodology for the determination of correlations among astronomical observables in complex datasets, based on the application of distinct unsupervised clustering techniques. The novelty in CLaSPS is the criterion used for the selection of the optimal clusterings, based on a quantitative measure of the degree of correlation between the cluster memberships and the distribution of a set of observables, the labels, not employed for the clustering. In this paper we discuss the applications of CLaSPS to two simple astronomical datasets, both composed of extragalactic sources with photometric observations at different wavelengths from large area surveys. The first dataset, CSC+, is composed of optical quasars spectroscopically selected in the SDSS data, observed in the X-rays by Chandra and with multi-wavelength observations in the near-infrared, optical and ultraviolet spectral intervals. One of the results of the application of CLaSPS to the CSC+ is the re-identification of a well-known correlation between the alphaOX parameter and the near ultraviolet color, in a subset of CSC+ sources with relatively small values of the near-ultraviolet colors. The other dataset consists of a sample of blazars for which photometric observations in the optical, mid and near infrared are available, complemented for a subset of the sources, by Fermi gamma-ray data. The main results of the application of CLaSPS to such datasets have been the discovery of a strong correlation between the multi-wavelength color distribution of blazars and their optical spectral classification in BL Lacs and Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars and a peculiar pattern followed by blazars in the WISE mid-infrared colors space. This pattern and its physical interpretation have been discussed in details in other papers by one of the authors.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Slow and fast components in the X-ray light curves of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    Gamma-ray burst light curves show quite different patterns: from very simple to extremely complex. We present a temporal and spectral study of the light curves in three energy bands (2-5, 5-10, 10-26 keV) of ten GRBs detected by the Wide Field Cameras on board BeppoSAX. For some events the time profiles are characterized by peaks superposed on a slowly evolving pedestal, which in some cases becomes less apparent at higher energies. We describe this behaviour with the presence of two components (slow and fast) having different variability time scales. We modelled the time evolution of slow components by means of an analytical function able to describe asymmetric rising and decaying profiles. The residual light curves, after the subtraction of the slow components, generally show structures more similar to the original curves in the highest energy band. Spectral study of these two components was performed evaluating their hardness ratios, used also to derive photon indices. Slow components are found generally softer than the fast ones suggesting that their origin is likely different. Being typical photon indices lower than those of the afterglows there is no evidence that the emission processes are similar. Another interesting possibility is that slow components can be related to the presence of a hot photosphere having a thermal spectrum with kT around a few keV superposed to a rapid variable non-thermal emission of the fast component.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figures (18 color, 2 B&W), accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Recovery trends of commercial fish: the case of an underperforming Mediterranean marine protected area

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    Temporal trends in the recovery of exploited species in marine protected areas (MPAs) are useful for a proper assessment of the efficacy of protection measures. The effects of protection on the fish assemblages of the sublittoral rocky reefs in the \u201cPenisola del Sinis-Isola di Mal di Ventre\u201d MPA (W. Sardinia, Italy) were evaluated using a multi-year series of data. Four surveys, conducted 7, 10, 13 and 15 years after the area was designated as an MPA and carried out in the period spanning June and July, were used to estimate the abundance and biomass of commercial species. The surveys were carried out in zones with decreasing levels of fishing restrictions within the MPA (zones A, B, C) and in unprotected zones (OUT1 and OUT2), and underwater video visual census techniques were used. Protected zones only occasionally showed higher levels of abundance or biomass, and the trajectories of those metrics were not consistent across the years. In addition, the zone with the highest level of protection (zone A) never presented levels of abundance and biomass higher than those in zones B and C. This study shows that even 15 years after designation, protection has had no appreciable effect in the MPA studied. It is argued that this is emblematic of several shortcomings in the planning, regulation and enforcement frameworks of the MPA

    The WISE gamma-ray strip parametrization: the nature of the gamma-ray Active Galactic Nuclei of Uncertain type

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    Despite the large number of discoveries made recently by Fermi, the origins of the so called unidentified gamma-ray sources remain unknown. The large number of these sources suggests that among them there could be a population that significantly contributes to the isotropic gamma-ray background and is therefore crucial to understand their nature. The first step toward a complete comprehension of the unidentified gamma-ray source population is to identify those that can be associated with blazars, the most numerous class of extragalactic sources in the gamma-ray sky. Recently, we discovered that blazars can be recognized and separated from other extragalactic sources using the infrared (IR) WISE satellite colors. The blazar population delineates a remarkable and distinctive region of the IR color-color space, the WISE blazar strip. In particular, the subregion delineated by the gamma-ray emitting blazars is even narrower and we named it as the WISE Gamma-ray Strip (WGS). In this paper we parametrize the WGS on the basis of a single parameter s that we then use to determine if gamma-ray Active Galactic Nuclei of the uncertain type (AGUs) detected by Fermi are consistent with the WGS and so can be considered blazar candidates. We find that 54 AGUs out of a set 60 analyzed have IR colors consistent with the WGS; only 6 AGUs are outliers. This result implies that a very high percentage (i.e., in this sample about 90%) of the AGUs detected by Fermi are indeed blazar candidates.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, Astrophysical Journal in pres

    An original control strategy of storage systems for the frequency stability of autonomous grids with renewable power generation

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    This work examines the operation of the autonomous power system of a geographical island assuming the integration of significant generation shares from renewable energy sources and the installation of the required storage systems. The frequency stability of the system is investigated considering different operating conditions, in terms of load demand and renewable power generation. The main focus of the work is an original control strategy specifically designed for power converters interfacing storage units to the grid. The proposed strategy is based on an extended frequency droop control, which selects specific droop settings depending on the operating mode—charge or discharge—of the storage unit. A simulation model of the whole electrical system is developed for dynamic analysis. The model also implements the possibility of including specific auxiliary frequency controls for synthetic inertia and primary reserve. The results of the simulation and analysis indicate that the proposed control strategy has a significant positive effect, making the storage units able to provide a fundamental and more effective support to the frequency stability of the system. The application of the proposed control strategy to storage units also reduces the need for a contribution to the frequency control from intermittent and variable sources, making the whole system more robust, stable and reliable

    Rare diseases of the anterior segment of the eye: update on diagnosis and management

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    This special issue is focused on the current approaches used to identify and manage rare diseases of the anterior segment of the eye, which range from congenital to acquired disorders that are caused by ocular or systemic conditions and often have consequences that extend beyond the anterior segment of the eye
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