2,072 research outputs found

    Response-theory for nonresonant hole burning: Stochastic dynamics

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    Using non-linear response theory the time signals relevant for nonresonant spectral hole burning are calculated. The step-reponse function following the application of a high amplitude ac field (pump) and an intermediate waiting period is shown to be the sum of the equilibrium integrated response and a modification due to the preparation via ac irradiation. Both components are calculated for a class of stochastic dipole reorientation models. The results indicate that the method can be used for a clearcut distinction of homogeneously and heterogeneously broadened susceptibilities as they occur in the relaxation of supercooled liquids or other disordered materials. This is because only in the heterogeneous case is a frequency selective modification of the response possible.Comment: revised version, 7 pages, 2 figure

    Memory-Controlled Diffusion

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    Memory effects require for their incorporation into random-walk models an extension of the conventional equations. The linear Fokker-Planck equation for the probability density p(r,t)p(\vec r, t) is generalized to include non-linear and non-local spatial-temporal memory effects. The realization of the memory kernels are restricted due the conservation of the basic quantity pp. A general criteria is given for the existence of stationary solutions. In case the memory kernel depends on pp polynomially the transport is prevented. Owing to the delay effects a finite amount of particles remains localized and the further transport is terminated. For diffusion with non-linear memory effects we find an exact solution in the long-time limit. Although the mean square displacement shows diffusive behavior, higher order cumulants exhibits differences to diffusion and they depend on the memory strength

    Improving Fiber Alignment in HARDI by Combining Contextual PDE Flow with Constrained Spherical Deconvolution

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    We propose two strategies to improve the quality of tractography results computed from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) data. Both methods are based on the same PDE framework, defined in the coupled space of positions and orientations, associated with a stochastic process describing the enhancement of elongated structures while preserving crossing structures. In the first method we use the enhancement PDE for contextual regularization of a fiber orientation distribution (FOD) that is obtained on individual voxels from high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) data via constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD). Thereby we improve the FOD as input for subsequent tractography. Secondly, we introduce the fiber to bundle coherence (FBC), a measure for quantification of fiber alignment. The FBC is computed from a tractography result using the same PDE framework and provides a criterion for removing the spurious fibers. We validate the proposed combination of CSD and enhancement on phantom data and on human data, acquired with different scanning protocols. On the phantom data we find that PDE enhancements improve both local metrics and global metrics of tractography results, compared to CSD without enhancements. On the human data we show that the enhancements allow for a better reconstruction of crossing fiber bundles and they reduce the variability of the tractography output with respect to the acquisition parameters. Finally, we show that both the enhancement of the FODs and the use of the FBC measure on the tractography improve the stability with respect to different stochastic realizations of probabilistic tractography. This is shown in a clinical application: the reconstruction of the optic radiation for epilepsy surgery planning

    Selfconsistent Approximations in Mori's Theory

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    The constitutive quantities in Mori's theory, the residual forces, are expanded in terms of time dependent correlation functions and products of operators at t=0t=0, where it is assumed that the time derivatives of the observables are given by products of them. As a first consequence the Heisenberg dynamics of the observables are obtained as an expansion of the same type. The dynamic equations for correlation functions result to be selfconsistent nonlinear equations of the type known from mode-mode coupling approximations. The approach yields a neccessary condition for the validity of the presented equations. As a third consequence the static correlations can be calculated from fluctuation-dissipation theorems, if the observables obey a Lie algebra. For a simple spin model the convergence of the expansion is studied. As a further test, dynamic and static correlations are calculated for a Heisenberg ferromagnet at low temperatures, where the results are compared to those of a Holstein Primakoff treatment.Comment: 51 pages, Latex, 3 eps figures included, elsart and epsf style files included, also available at http://athene.fkp.physik.th-darmstadt.de/public/wolfram.html and ftp://athene.fkp.physik.th-darmstadt.de/pub/publications/wolfram

    Expansion of the Gibbs potential for quantum many-body systems: General formalism with applications to the spin glass and the weakly non-ideal Bose gas

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    For general quantum systems the power expansion of the Gibbs potential and consequently the power expansion of the self energy is derived in terms of the interaction strength. Employing a generalization of the projector technique a compact representation of the general terms of the expansion results. The general aspects of the approach are discussed with special emphasis on the effects characteristic for quantum systems. The expansion is systematic and leads directly to contributions beyond mean-field of all thermodynamic quantities. These features are explicitly demonstrated and illustrated for two non-trivial systems, the infinite range quantum spin glass and the weakly interacting Bose gas. The Onsager terms of both systems are calculated, which represent the first beyond mean-field contributions. For the spin glass new TAP-like equations are presented and discussed in the paramagnetic region. The investigation of the Bose gas leads to a beyond mean-field thermodynamic description. At the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature complete agreement is found with the results presented recently by alternative techniques.Comment: 17 pages, 0 figures; revised version accepted by Phys Rev

    Spatial Resolution with Time-and-Polarization-Resolved Acoustic Microscopy

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    Spatial resolution is an important factor in ultrasonic materials characterization. Scanning acoustic microscopy [1–2] has proved to be a useful tool for materials evaluation with micrometer-scale spatial resolution. Point-focus-beam (PFB) acoustic microscopy has high spatial resolution and is often used to produce images as well as to probe material inhomogeneity. However, a disadvantage of the PFB technique lies in its insensitivity to material anisotropy. In contrast, line-focus-beam (LFB) acoustic microscopy can provide a directional ultrasonic velocity measurement and is employed for characterization of anisotropic materials [3–5]. But the LFB technique, with its unidirectional spatial resolution, is generally incapable of producing images, and is therefore disadvantageous for probing inhomogeneous materials. In response to this need, a variety of lens designs [6–9] in acoustic microscopy have been proposed for measuring materials, which are both inhomogeneous and anisotropic

    Microscopic Theory for the Markovian Decay of Magnetization Fluctuations in Nanomagnets

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    We present a microscopic theory for the phonon-driven decay of the magnetization fluctuations in a wide class of nanomagnets where the dominant energy is set by isotropic exchange and/or uniaxial anisotropy. Based on the Zwanzig-Mori projection formalism, the theory reveals that the magnetization fluctuations are governed by a single decay rate ωc\omega_c, which we further identify with the zero-frequency portion of the associated self-energy. This dynamical decoupling from the remaining slow degrees of freedom is attributed to a conservation law and the discreteness of the energy spectrum, and explains the omnipresent mono-exponential decay of the magnetization over several decades in time, as observed experimentally. A physically transparent analytical expression for ωc\omega_c is derived which highlights the three specific mechanisms of the slowing down effect which are known so far in nanomagnets.Comment: 7 page

    Hall effect in quasi one-dimensional organic conductors

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    We study the Hall effect in a system of weakly coupled Luttinger Liquid chains, using a Memory function approach to compute the Hall constant in the presence of umklapp scattering along the chains. In this approximation, the Hall constant decomposes into two terms: a high-frequency term and a Memory function term. For the case of zero umklapp scattering, where the Memory function vanishes, the Hall constant is simply the band value, in agreement with former results in a similar model with no dissipation along the chains. With umklapp scattering along the chains, we find a power-law temperature dependance of the Hall constant. We discuss the applications to quasi 1D organic conductors at high temperatures.Comment: Proceedings of the ISCOM conference "Sixth International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors, and Ferromagnets", Key West, Florida, USA (Sept. 2005), to be plublished in the Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    Density-operator approaches to transport through interacting quantum dots: Simplifications in fourth-order perturbation theory

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    Various theoretical methods address transport effects in quantum dots beyond single-electron tunneling while accounting for the strong interactions in such systems. In this paper we report a detailed comparison between three prominent approaches to quantum transport: the fourth-order Bloch-Redfield quantum master equation (BR), the real-time diagrammatic technique (RT), and the scattering rate approach based on the T-matrix (TM). Central to the BR and RT is the generalized master equation for the reduced density matrix. We demonstrate the exact equivalence of these two techniques. By accounting for coherences (nondiagonal elements of the density matrix) between nonsecular states, we show how contributions to the transport kernels can be grouped in a physically meaningful way. This not only significantly reduces the numerical cost of evaluating the kernels but also yields expressions similar to those obtained in the TM approach, allowing for a detailed comparison. However, in the TM approach an ad hoc regularization procedure is required to cure spurious divergences in the expressions for the transition rates in the stationary (zero-frequency) limit. We show that these problems derive from incomplete cancellation of reducible contributions and do not occur in the BR and RT techniques, resulting in well-behaved expressions in the latter two cases. Additionally, we show that a standard regularization procedure of the TM rates employed in the literature does not correctly reproduce the BR and RT expressions. All the results apply to general quantum dot models and we present explicit rules for the simplified calculation of the zero-frequency kernels. Although we focus on fourth-order perturbation theory only, the results and implications generalize to higher orders. We illustrate our findings for the single impurity Anderson model with finite Coulomb interaction in a magnetic field.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures; revised published versio