509 research outputs found

    Metal Abundance Calibration of the Ca II Triplet Lines in RR Lyrae Stars

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    The GAIA satellite is likely to observe thousands of RR Lyrae stars within a small spectral window, between 8470A and 8750A, at a resolution of 11,500. In order to derive the metallicity of RR Lyrae stars from Gaia, we have obtained numerous spectra of RR Lyrae stars at a resolution of 35,000 with the Apache Point Observatory 3.5 m echelle spectrograph. We have correlated the Ca II triplet line strengths with metallicity as derived from Fe II abundances, analogous to Preston's (1959) use of the Ca II K line to estimate the metallicity of RR Lyrae stars. The Ca II line at 8498A is the least blended with neighboring Paschen lines and thus provides the best correlation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    The Age and Structure of the Galactic Bulge from Mira Variables

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    We report periods and JHKL observations for 648 oxygen-rich Mira variables found in two outer bulge fields at b=-7 degrees and l=+/-8 degrees and combine these with data on 8057 inner bulge Miras from the OGLE, Macho and 2MASS surveys, which are concentrated closer to the Galactic centre. Distance moduli are estimated for all these stars. Evidence is given showing that the bulge structure is a function of age. The longer period Miras (log P > 2.6, age about 5 Gyr and younger) show clear evidence of a bar structure inclined to the line of sight in both the inner and outer regions. The distribution of the shorter period (metal-rich globular cluster age) Miras, appears spheroidal in the outer bulge. In the inner region these old stars are also distributed differently from the younger ones and possibly suggest a more complex structure. These data suggest a distance to the Galactic centre, R0, of 8.9 kpc with an estimated uncertainty of 0.4 kpc. The possible effect of helium enrichment on our conclusions is discussed.Comment: Accepted for MNRAS, 12 pages, 12 figure

    Radio Emission Associated with Ultraluminous X-ray Sources in the Galaxy Merger NGC 3256

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    We present new 6, 3.6, and 2 cm VLA radio observations of the nearby merger system NGC 3256, with resolutions of ~100 pc, which reveal compact radio sources embedded in more diffuse emission at all three wavelengths. The two radio nuclei are partially resolved, but the two dominant compact sources that remain coincide with the two most powerful compact Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) recently reported by Lira et al. The radio/X-ray ratios for these two sources are too high by factors of >100-1000 to be normal X-ray binaries. However, their radio and X-ray powers and ratios are consistent with low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (LLAGNs), and optical emission lines suggest the presence of a nuclear disk around the northern nucleus. If the two nuclear ULXs are LLAGNs, their associated black holes are separated by only \~1kpc, about 6 times closer to one another than those found recently in the merger galaxy NGC 6240. A third ULX on the outskirts of the merger is also a radio source, and probably is a collection of supernova remnants. The remaining ULXs are not coincident with any source of compact radio emission, and are consistent with expectations for beamed X-ray binaries or intermediate-mass black holes.Comment: Accepted for ApJ (10 pages, 5 figures

    Reprocessing the Hipparcos data for evolved giant stars II. Absolute magnitudes for the R-type carbon stars

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    The Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data for carbon stars have been reprocessed using an algorithm which provides an objective criterion for rejecting anomalous data points and constrains the parallax to be positive. New parallax solutions have been derived for 317 cool carbon stars, mostly of types R and N. In this paper we discuss the results for the R stars. The most important result is that the early R stars (i.e., R0 - R3) have absolute magnitudes and V-K colors locating them among red clump giants in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Stars with subtypes R4 - R9 tend to be cooler and have similar luminosity to the N-type carbon stars, as confirmed by their position in the (J-H, H-K) color-color diagram. The sample of early R-type stars selected from the Hipparcos Catalogue appears to be approximately complete to magnitude K_0 ~ 7, translating into a completeness distance of 600 pc if all R stars had M_K= -2 (400 pc if M_K= -1). With about 30 early R-type stars in that volume, they comprise about 0.04% (0.14% for M_K= -1) of the red clump stars in the solar neighborhood. Identification with the red clump locates these stars at the helium core burning stage of stellar evolution, while the N stars are on the asymptotic giant branch, where helium shell burning occurs. The present analysis suggests that for a small fraction of the helium core burning stars (far lower than the fraction of helium shell-burning stars), carbon produced in the interior is mixed to the atmosphere in sufficient quantities to form a carbon star.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, A&A Latex. To appear in A&

    UBVJHKLM photometry and modeling of R Coronae Borealis

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    We present the results of UBVJHKLM photometry of R CrB spanning the period from 1976 to 2001. Studies of the optical light curve have shown no evidence of any stable harmonics in the variations of the stellar emission. In the L band we found semi-regular oscillations with the two main periods of ~3.3 yr and 11.9 yr and the full amplitude of ~0.8 mag and ~0.6 mag, respectively. The colors of the warm dust shell (resolved by Ohnaka et al. 2001) are found to be remarkably stable in contrast to its brightness. This indicates that the inner radius is a constant, time-independent characteristic of the dust shell. The observed behavior of the IR light curve is mainly caused by the variation of the optical thickness of the dust shell within the interval \tau(V)= 0.2-0.4. Anticorrelated changes of the optical brightness (in particular with P ~ 3.3 yr) have not been found. Their absence suggests that the stellar wind of R CrB deviates from spherical symmetry. The light curves suggest that the stellar wind is variable. The variability of the stellar wind and the creation of dust clouds may be caused by some kind of activity on the stellar surface. With some time lag, periods of increased mass-loss cause an increase in the dust formation rate at the inner boundary of the extended dust shell and an increase in its IR brightness. We have derived the following parameters of the dust shell (at mean brightness) by radiative transfer modeling: inner dust shell radius r_in ~ 110 R_*, temperature T_dust(r_in) ~ 860 K, dust density \rho_dust(r_in) ~ 1.1x10^{-20} g cm^-3, optical depth \tau(V) ~ 0.32 at 0.55 micron, mean dust formation rate [dM/dt]_dust ~ 3.1x10^-9 M_sun / yr, mass-loss rate [dM/dt]_gas ~ 2.1x10^-7 M_sun / yr, size of the amorphous carbon grains <(~) 0.01 micron, and B-V ~ -0.28.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Absolute Magnitudes of Red Horizontal Branch Stars in the ugriz System

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    Based on photometric data of the central parts of eight globular clusters and one open cluster presented by An and his collaborators, we select red horizontal branch (RHB) stars in the (g-r)0-g0 diagram and make a statistical study of the distributions of their colors and absolute magnitudes in the SDSS ugriz system. Meanwhile, absolute magnitudes in the Johnson VRI system are calculated through the translation formulae between gri and VRI in the literature. The calibrations of absolute magnitude as functions of metallicity and age are established by linear regressions of the data. It is found that metallicity coefficients in these calibrations decrease, while age coefficients increase, from the blue uu filter to the red zz filter. The calibration of Mi= 0.06[Fe/H]+0.040t+0.03 has the smallest scatter of 0.04 mag, and thus i is the best filter in the ugrizugriz system when RHB stars are used for distance indicators. The comparison of the MI calibration from our data with that from red clump stars indicates that the previous suggestion that the II filter is better than the V filter in distance determination may not be true because of its significant dependence on age.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Ap

    Measuring Fundamental Galactic Parameters with Stellar Tidal Streams and SIM PlanetQuest

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    Extended halo tidal streams from disrupting Milky Way satellites offer new opportunities for gauging fundamental Galactic parameters without challenging observations of the Galactic center. In the roughly spherical Galactic potential tidal debris from a satellite system is largely confined to a single plane containing the Galactic center, so accurate distances to stars in the tidal stream can be used to gauge the Galactic center distance, R_0, given reasonable projection of the stream orbital pole on the X_GC axis. Alternatively, a tidal stream with orbital pole near the Y_GC axis, like the Sagittarius stream, can be used to derive the speed of the Local Standard of Rest (\Theta_LSR). Modest improvements in current astrometric catalogues might allow this measurement to be made, but NASA's Space Interferometry Mission (SIM PlanetQuest) can definitively obtain both R_0 and \Theta_LSR using tidal streams.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters (minor text revisions). Version with high resolution figures available at http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~drlaw/Papers/GalaxyParameters.pd

    Spectropolarimetry of R Coronae Borealis in 1998--2003: Discovery of Transient Polarization at Maximum Brightness

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    We present an extended optical spectropolarimetry of R CrB from 1998 January to 2003 September. The polarization was almost constant in the phase of maximum brightness, being consistent with past observations. We detected, however, temporal changes of polarization (0.5\sim 0.5 %) in 2001 March and August, which were the first detection of large polarization variability in R CrB near maximum brightness. The amplitude and the position angle of the `transient polarization' were almost constant with wavelength in both two events. There was a difference by about 20 degrees in the position angle between the two events. Each event could be explained by light scattering due to short-lived dust puff occasionally ejected off the line of sight. The flatness of the polarization against the wavelength suggests that the scatterer is a mixture of dust grains having various sizes. The rapid growth and fading of the transient polarization favors the phenomenological model of dust formation near the stellar photosphere (e.g., within two stellar radii) proposed for the time evolution of brightness and chromospheric emission lines during deeply declining periods, although the fading timescale can hardly be explained by a simple dispersal of expanding dust puff with a velocity of 200350\sim 200-350 km s 1^{-1}. Higher expansion velocity or some mechanism to destroy the dust grains should be needed.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A