507 research outputs found

    Tests of star formation metrics in the low metallicity galaxy NGC 5253 using ALMA observations of H30α\alpha line emission

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    We use Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of H30α\alpha (231.90 GHz) emission from the low metallicity dwarf galaxy NGC 5253 to measure the star formation rate (SFR) within the galaxy and to test the reliability of SFRs derived from other commonly-used metrics. The H30α\alpha emission, which originates mainly from the central starburst, yields a photoionizing photon production rate of (1.9±\pm0.3)×\times1052^{52} s1^{-1} and an SFR of 0.087±\pm0.013 M_\odot yr1^{-1} based on conversions that account for the low metallicity of the galaxy and for stellar rotation. Among the other star formation metrics we examined, the SFR calculated from the total infrared flux was statistically equivalent to the values from the H30α\alpha data. The SFR based on previously-published versions of the Hα\alpha flux that were extinction corrected using Paα\alpha and Paβ\beta lines were lower than but also statistically similar to the H30α\alpha value. The mid-infrared (22 μ\mum) flux density and the composite star formation tracer based on Hα\alpha and mid-infrared emission give SFRs that were significantly higher because the dust emission appears unusually hot compared to typical spiral galaxies. Conversely, the 70 and 160 μ\mum flux densities yielded SFR lower than the H30α\alpha value, although the SFRs from the 70 μ\mum and H30α\alpha data were within 1-2σ\sigma of each other. While further analysis on a broader range of galaxies are needed, these results are instructive of the best and worst methods to use when measuring SFR in low metallicity dwarf galaxies like NGC 5253.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Mechanical Reliability of Implantable Polyimide-Based Magnetic Microactuators for Biofouling Removal

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    Hydrocephalus is a neurological disorder that typically requires a long-term implantation of a shunt system to manage its symptoms. These shunt systems are notorious for their extremely high failure rate. More than 40% of all implanted shunt systems fail within the first year of implantation. On average, 85% of all hydrocephalus patients with shunt systems undergo at least two shunt-revision surgeries within 10 years of implantation. A large portion of this high failure rate can be attributed to biofouling-related obstructions and infections. Previously, we developed flexible polyimide-based magnetic microactuators to remove obstructions formed on hydrocephalus shunts. To test the long-term reliability of these magnetic microactuators, here we evaluate the impact of actuation cycle on mechanical stability of these microdevices. Over 50 minutes, 8 devices were actuated at 100 Hz at 37 °C continuously in phosphate buffered solution. By measuring the primary resonant frequency of each device, we were able to quantify changes in the structural integrity of each actuator. On average, the devices showed a drop of 2.15% in resonant frequencies. Although additional evaluations are necessary to ascertain appropriate actuation duty cycles, preliminary results suggest that our polyimide-based devices have good mechanical reliability, which bodes well for our ultimate goal of improving quality of life and care for hydrocephalus using our MEMS-enabled self-clearing catheters

    The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies - II. Morphological refinement

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    We present a complete POSS II-based refinement of the optical morphologies for galaxies in the Karatchenseva's Catalog of Isolated Galaxies that forms the basis of the AMIGA project. Comparison with independent classifications made for an SDSS overlap sample of more than 200 galaxies confirms the reliability of the early vs. late-type discrimination and the accuracy of spiral subtypes within DeltaT = 1-2. CCD images taken at the OSN were also used to solve ambiguities. 193 galaxies are flagged for the presence of nearby companions or signs of distortion likely due to interaction. This most isolated sample of galaxies in the local Universe is dominated by 2 populations: 1) 82% spirals (Sa-Sd) with the bulk being luminous systems with small bulges (63% between types Sb-Sc) and 2) a significant population of early-type E-S0 galaxies (14%). Most of the types later than Sd are low luminosity galaxies concentrated in the local supercluster where isolation is difficult to evaluate. The late-type spiral majority of the sample spans a luminosity range M_B-corr = -18 to -22 mag. Few of the E/S0 population are more luminous than -21.0 marking an absence of, an often sought, super L* merger (eg fossil elliptical) population. The rarity of high luminosity systems results in a fainter derived M* for this population compared to the spiral optical luminosity function (OLF). The E-S0 population is from 0.2 to 0.6 mag fainter depending how the sample is defined. This marks the AMIGA sample as almost unique among samples that compare early and late-type OLFs separately. In other samples, which always involve galaxies in higher density environments, M*(E/S0) is almost always 0.3-0.5 mag brighter than M*(S), presumably reflecting a stronger correlation between M* and environmental density for early-type galaxies.Comment: A&A accepted, 13 pages, 9 figures, 8 tables. Higher resolution Fig. 1 and full tables are available on the AMIGA (Analysis of the interstellar Medium of Isolated GAlaxies) website at http://www.iaa.es/AMIGA.htm

    Disentangling the circumnuclear environs of Centaurus A: II. On the nature of the broad absorption line

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    We report on atomic gas (HI) and molecular gas (as traced by CO(2-1)) redshifted absorption features toward the nuclear regions of the closest powerful radio galaxy, Centaurus A (NGC 5128). Our HI observations using the Very Long Baseline Array allow us to discern with unprecedented sub-parsec resolution HI absorption profiles toward different positions along the 21 cm continuum jet emission in the inner 0."3 (or 5.4 pc). In addition, our CO(2-1) data obtained with the Submillimeter Array probe the bulk of the absorbing molecular gas with little contamination by emission, not possible with previous CO single-dish observations. We shed light with these data on the physical properties of the gas in the line of sight, emphasizing the still open debate about the nature of the gas that produces the broad absorption line (~55 km/s). First, the broad H I line is more prominent toward the central and brightest 21 cm continuum component than toward a region along the jet at a distance ~ 20 mas (or 0.4 pc) further from it. This suggests that the broad absorption line arises from gas located close to the nucleus, rather than from diffuse and more distant gas. Second, the different velocity components detected in the CO(2-1) absorption spectrum match well other molecular lines, such as those of HCO+(1-0), except the broad absorption line that is detected in HCO+(1-0) (and most likely related to that of the H I). Dissociation of molecular hydrogen due to the AGN seems to be efficient at distances <= 10 pc, which might contribute to the depth of the broad H I and molecular lines.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. V. Quantification of the isolation

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    The AMIGA project aims to build a well defined and statistically significant reference sample of isolated galaxies in order to estimate the environmental effects on the formation and evolution of galaxies. The goal of this paper is to provide a measure of the environment of the isolated galaxies in the AMIGA sample, quantifying the influence of the candidate neighbours identified in our previous work and their potential effects on the evolution of the primary galaxies. Here we provide a quantification of the isolation degree of the galaxies in this sample. Our starting sample is the Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies (CIG). We used two parameters to estimate the influence exerted by the neighbour galaxies on the CIG galaxy: the local number density of neighbour galaxies and the tidal strength affecting the CIG galaxy. We show that both parameters together provide a comprehensive picture of the environment. For comparison, those parameters have also been derived for galaxies in denser environments such as triplets, groups and clusters. The CIG galaxies show a continuous spectrum of isolation, as quantified by the two parameters, from very isolated to interacting. The fraction of CIG galaxies whose properties are expected to be influenced by the environment is however low (159 out of 950 galaxies). The isolated parameters derived for the comparsion samples gave higher values than for the CIG and we found clear differences for the average values of the 4 samples considered, proving the sensitivity of these parameters. The environment of the galaxies in the CIG has been characterised, using two complementary parameters quantifying the isolation degree, the local number density of the neighbour galaxies and the tidal forces affecting the isolated galaxies. (Abridged)Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, proposed for acceptance A&

    Síndrome Inflamatorio Multi Sistémico Asociado a COVID 19 en Pediatría

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    Si bien la pandemia global por coronavirus pareció afectar en forma leve a los niños, y así fue reportado en marzo del 2020, por el centro de Control y Prevención (CDC) de China, (epicentro de la pandemia) que describió solo el 1 % del total de la población afectada   eran infantes. La transmisión a niños ha sido inicialmente descripta a partir de adultos o contactos cercanos portadores de la infección y alguna evidencia de transmisión de la ruta oro-fecal. El periodo de incubación de la enfermedad en niños es entre 2 y 10 días. Si bien la mayoría de ellos son asintomáticos, u oligosintomáticos, los síntomas más comunes reportados en enfermedad aguda han sido fiebre, tos, rinorrea, conjuntivitis y dolor de cabeza. Diarrea, dolor abdominal también pueden presentarse asociados o no a síntomas respiratarios; esto fue descripto en todas las edades de 0 a 19 años. Sólo en el 0.6% ha sido reportada la ocurrencia de una enfermedad severa

    Effects of the environment on galaxies in the Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies: physical satellites and large scale structure

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    We aim to identify and quantify the effects of the satellite distribution around a sample of galaxies in the Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies (CIG), as well as the effects of the Large Scale Structure (LSS) using the SDSS-DR9. To recover the physically bound galaxies we focus on the satellites which are within the escape speed of each CIG galaxy. We also propose a more conservative method using the stacked Gaussian distribution of the velocity difference of the neighbours. The tidal strengths affecting the primary galaxy are estimated to quantify the effects of the local and LSS environments. We also define the projected number density parameter at the 5th^{\rm th} nearest neighbour to characterise the LSS around the CIG galaxies. Out of the 386 CIG galaxies considered in this study, at least 340 (88\% of the sample) have no physically linked satellite. Out of the 386 CIG galaxies, 327 (85\% of the sample) have no physical companion within a projected distance of 0.3 Mpc. The CIG galaxies are distributed following the LSS of the local Universe, although presenting a large heterogeneity in their degree of connection with it. A clear segregation appears between early-type CIG galaxies with companions and isolated late-type CIG galaxies. Isolated galaxies are in general bluer, with likely younger stellar populations and rather high star formation with respect to older, redder CIG galaxies with companions. Reciprocally, the satellites are redder and with an older stellar populations around massive early-type CIG galaxies, while they have a younger stellar content around massive late-type CIG galaxies. This suggests that the CIG is composed of a heterogeneous population of galaxies, sampling from old to more recent, dynamical systems of galaxies.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic