159 research outputs found

    Bridging the gap of storage ring light sources and linac-driven free-electron lasers

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    High-gain free-electron lasers (FELs) are driven by short, high-charge density electron beams as only produced at dedicated single pass or recirculating linear accelerators. We describe new conceptual, technical, and modeling solutions to produce subpicosecond, up to 100 \u3bcJ energy extreme ultra-violet and soft x-ray FEL pulses at high- and tunable repetition rates, from diffraction-limited storage ring light source. In contrast to previously proposed schemes, we show that lasing can be simultaneous to the standard multibunch radiation emission from short insertion devices, and that it can be obtained with limited impact on the storage ring infrastructure. By virtue of the high-average power but moderate pulse energy, the storage ring-driven high-gain FEL would open the door to unprecedented accuracy in time-resolved spectroscopic analysis of matter in the linear response regime, in addition to inelastic scattering experiments

    VUV and X-ray coherent light with tunable polarization from single-pass free-electron lasers

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    Tunable polarization over a wide spectral range is a required feature of light sources employed to investigate the properties of local symmetry in both condensed and low-density matter. Among new-generation sources, free-electron lasers possess a unique combination of very attractive features, as they allow to generate powerful and coherent ultra-short optical pulses in the VUV and X-ray spectral range. However, the question remains open about the possibility to freely vary the light polarization of a free-electron laser, when the latter is operated in the so-called nonlinear harmonic-generation regime. In such configuration, one collects the harmonics of the free-electron laser fundamental emission, gaining access to the shortest possible wavelengths the device can generate. In this letter we provide the first experimental characterization of the polarization of the harmonic light produced by a free-electron laser and we demonstrate a method to obtain tunable polarization in the VUV and X-ray spectral range. Experimental results are successfully compared to those obtained using a theoretical model based on the paraxial solution of Maxwell's equations. Our findings can be expected to have a deep impact on the design and realization of experiments requiring full control of light polarization to explore the symmetry properties of matter samples

    Nocardiosis in a Kidney-Pancreas Transplant

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    34-year-old man with chronic renal and pancreas failure in complicated diabetic disease received a kidney-pancreas transplantation. On the 32nd postoperative day, an acute kidney rejection occurred and resolved with OKT3 therapy. The patient also presented refractory urinary infection by E. Fecalis and M. Morganii, and a focal bronchopneumonia in the right-basal lobe resolved with elective chemotherapy. During the 50th post-operative day, an intense soft tissue inflammation localized in the first left metatarsal-phalangeal articulation occurred (Figure 1) followed by an abscess with a cutaneous fistula and extension to the almost totality of foot area. The radiological exam revealed a small osteo-lacunar image localized in the proximal phalanx head of the first finger foot. From the cultural examination of the purulent material, N. Asteroides was identified. An amoxicillin-based treatment was started and continued for three months, with the complete resolution of infection This case is reported for its rarity in our casuistry, and for its difficult differential diagnosis with other potentially serious infections

    In Search of New Imaging For Historical Earthquakes: A New Geophysical Survey Offshore Western Calabria (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

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    During the summer of 2010 we carried out a survey to acquire a multidisciplinary dataset within the Gulf of Sant'Eufemia (SE Tyrrhenian sea, Italy), with the aim of studying the active tectonics affecting the region, including that potentially responsible for key, elusive earthquakes such as the to-date unexplained 8 September 1905 (Mw 7 - 7.5) earthquake. The data here analysed highlight the presence of several tectonic and morphologic features characterizing the investigated area. We have recognized the Angitola Channel, a deep and wide canyon showing a straight trend in its coastward segment, and a meandering trend in the seaward segment. Based on morpho-structural elements, we maintain that the Angitola Channel could be tectonically controlled. Moreover, several gravitational instabilities as slumps and collapses affect the flanks of the morpho-structural high, detected offshore Capo Vaticano. Very high resolution seismic data have unveiled the presence of numerous fluid escape features and several mud volcanoes straddling the sector from the coastline to seaward.INOGS (RIMA Department) supported the acquisition of the entire dataset.Published385-4013.2. Tettonica attivaJCR Journalrestricte

    Tunability experiments at the FERMI@Elettra free-electron laser

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    FERMI@Elettra is a free electron-laser (FEL)-based user facility that, after two years of commissioning, started preliminary users' dedicated runs in 2011. At variance with other FEL user facilities, FERMI@Elettra has been designed to deliver improved spectral stability and longitudinal coherence. The adopted scheme, which uses an external laser to initiate the FEL process, has been demonstrated to be capable of generating FEL pulses close to the Fourier transform limit. We report on the first instance of FEL wavelength tuning, both in a narrow and in a large spectral range (fine- and coarse-tuning). We also report on two different experiments that have been performed exploiting such FEL tuning. We used fine-tuning to scan across the 1s–4p resonance in He atoms, at ≈23.74 eV (52.2 nm), detecting both UV–visible fluorescence (4p–2s, 400 nm) and EUV fluorescence (4p–1s, 52.2 nm). We used coarse-tuning to scan the M4,5 absorption edge of Ge (∌29.5 eV) in the wavelength region 30–60 nm, measured in transmission geometry with a thermopile positioned on the rear side of a Ge thin foil

    Interatomic Coulombic Decay Processes after Multiple Valence Excitations in Ne Clusters

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    We present a comprehensive analysis of autoionization processes in Ne clusters (~5000 atoms) after multiple valence excitations by free electron laser radiation. The evolution from 2-body interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD) to 3-body ICD is demonstrated when changing from surface to bulk Frenkel exciton excitation. Super Coster-Kronig type 2-body ICD is observed at Wannier exciton which quenches the main ICD channel
