7,246 research outputs found

    Relaxation in the XX quantum chain

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    We present the results obtained on the magnetisation relaxation properties of an XX quantum chain in a transverse magnetic field. We first consider an initial thermal kink-like state where half of the chain is initially thermalized at a very high temperature TbT_b while the remaining half, called the system, is put at a lower temperature TsT_s. From this initial state, we derive analytically the Green function associated to the dynamical behaviour of the transverse magnetisation. Depending on the strength of the magnetic field and on the temperature of the system, different regimes are obtained for the magnetic relaxation. In particular, with an initial droplet-like state, that is a cold subsystem of finite size in contact at both ends with an infinite temperature environnement, we derive analytically the behaviour of the time-dependent system magnetisation

    Derivation of some translation-invariant Lindblad equations for a quantum Brownian particle

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    We study the dynamics of a Brownian quantum particle hopping on an infinite lattice with a spin degree of freedom. This particle is coupled to free boson gases via a translation-invariant Hamiltonian which is linear in the creation and annihilation operators of the bosons. We derive the time evolution of the reduced density matrix of the particle in the van Hove limit in which we also rescale the hopping rate. This corresponds to a situation in which both the system-bath interactions and the hopping between neighboring sites are small and they are effective on the same time scale. The reduced evolution is given by a translation-invariant Lindblad master equation which is derived explicitly.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, minor revisio

    Prospects of searches for long-lived charged particles with MoEDAL

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    We study the prospects of searches for exotic long-lived particles with the MoEDAL detector at the LHC, assuming the integrated luminosity of 30 fb1^{-1} that is expected at the end of Run 3. MoEDAL incorporates nuclear track detectors deployed a few metres away from the interaction point, which are sensitive to any highly-ionizing particles. Hence MoEDAL is able to detect singly- or doubly-charged particles with low velocities β<0.15\beta < 0.15 or <0.3< 0.3, respectively, and lifetimes larger than O(1)m/c{\cal O}(1) \,{\rm m}/c. We examine the MoEDAL sensitivity to various singly-charged supersymmetric particles with long lifetimes and to several types of doubly-charged long-lived particles with different spins and SU(2) charges. We compare the prospective MoEDAL mass reaches to current limits from ATLAS and CMS, which involve auxiliary analysis assumptions. MoEDAL searches for doubly-charged fermions are particularly competitive.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    The Higgs boson in the MSSM in light of the LHC

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    We investigate the expectations for the light Higgs signal in the MSSM in different search channels at the LHC. After taking into account dark matter and flavor constraints in the MSSM with eleven free parameters, we show that the light Higgs signal in the gammaγgamma\gamma channel is expected to be at most at the level of the SM Higgs, while the hbbˉh\rightarrow b\bar{b} from W fusion and/or the hττˉh \rightarrow\tau\bar\tau can be enhanced. For the main discovery mode, we show that a strong suppression of the signal occurs in two different cases: low MAM_A or large invisible width. A more modest suppression is associated with the effect of light supersymmetric particles. Looking for such modification of the Higgs properties and searching for supersymmetric partners and pseudoscalar Higgs offer two complementary probes of supersymmetry.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Gold-plated processes at photon colliders

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    We review the most important topics and objectives of the physics program of the gamma-gamma, gamma-electron collider (photon collider) option for an e+e- linear collider.Comment: 36 pages, Latex, 11 figures(ps,eps), Talk at Intern. Workshop on High Energy Photon Colliders; June 14-17, 2000, DESY, Hamburg, Germany; to be published in Nucl. Instr. and Methods

    Data-driven structural health monitoring using feature fusion and hybrid deep learning

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    Smart structural health monitoring (SHM) for large-scale infrastructures is an intriguing subject for engineering communities thanks to its significant advantages such as timely damage detection, optimal maintenance strategy, and reduced resource requirement. Yet, it is a challenging topic as it requires handling a large amount of collected sensors data continuously, which is inevitably contaminated by random noises. Therefore, this study developed a practical end-to-end framework that makes use of physical features embedded in raw data and an elaborated hybrid deep learning model, namely 1DCNN-LSTM, featuring two algorithms - Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM). In order to extract relevant features from sensory data, the method combines various signal processing techniques such as the autoregressive model, discrete wavelet transform, and empirical mode decomposition. The hybrid deep learning 1DCNN-LSTM is designed based on the CNN’s capacity of capturing local information and the LSTM network’s prominent ability to learn long-term dependencies. Through three case studies involving both experimental and synthetic datasets, it is demonstrated that the proposed approach achieves highly accurate damage detection, as accurate as the powerful two-dimensional CNN, but with a lower time and memory complexity, making it suitable for real-time SHM

    Steady state fluctuations of the dissipated heat for a quantum stochastic model

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    We introduce a quantum stochastic dynamics for heat conduction. A multi-level subsystem is coupled to reservoirs at different temperatures. Energy quanta are detected in the reservoirs allowing the study of steady state fluctuations of the entropy dissipation. Our main result states a symmetry in its large deviation rate function.Comment: 41 pages, minor changes, published versio

    Frequentist Analysis of the Parameter Space of Minimal Supergravity

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    We make a frequentist analysis of the parameter space of minimal supergravity (mSUGRA), in which, as well as the gaugino and scalar soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters being universal, there is a specific relation between the trilinear, bilinear and scalar supersymmetry-breaking parameters, A_0 = B_0 + m_0, and the gravitino mass is fixed by m_{3/2} = m_0. We also consider a more general model, in which the gravitino mass constraint is relaxed (the VCMSSM). We combine in the global likelihood function the experimental constraints from low-energy electroweak precision data, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, the lightest Higgs boson mass M_h, B physics and the astrophysical cold dark matter density, assuming that the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is a neutralino. In the VCMSSM, we find a preference for values of m_{1/2} and m_0 similar to those found previously in frequentist analyses of the constrained MSSM (CMSSM) and a model with common non-universal Higgs masses (NUHM1). On the other hand, in mSUGRA we find two preferred regions: one with larger values of both m_{1/2} and m_0 than in the VCMSSM, and one with large m_0 but small m_{1/2}. We compare the probabilities of the frequentist fits in mSUGRA, the VCMSSM, the CMSSM and the NUHM1: the probability that mSUGRA is consistent with the present data is significantly less than in the other models. We also discuss the mSUGRA and VCMSSM predictions for sparticle masses and other observables, identifying potential signatures at the LHC and elsewhere.Comment: 18 pages 27 figure

    Hunting a light CP-violating Higgs via diffraction at the LHC

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    We study the central diffractive production of the (three neutral) Higgs bosons, with a rapidity gap on either side, in an MSSM scenario with CP-violation. We consider the bb-bar and tautau-bar decay for the light H_1 boson and the four b-jet final state for the heavy H_2 and H_3 bosons, and discuss the corresponding backgrounds. A direct indication of the existence of CP-violation can come from the observation of either an azimuthal asymmetry in the angular distribution of the tagged forward protons (for the exclusive pp -> p+H+p process) or of a sin(2phi) contribution in the azimuthal correlation between the transverse energy flows in the proton fragmentation regions for the process with the diffractive dissociation of both incoming protons (pp -> X+H+Y). We emphasise the advantage of reactions with the rapidity gaps (that is production by the pomeron-pomeron fusion) to probe CP parity and to determine the quantum numbers of the produced central object.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Testing the Higgs Mechanism in the Lepton Sector with multi-TeV e+e- Collisions

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    Multi-TeV e+e- collisions provide with a large enough sample of Higgs bosons to enable measurements of its suppressed decays. Results of a detailed study of the determination of the muon Yukawa coupling at 3 TeV, based on full detector simulation and event reconstruction, are presented. The muon Yukawa coupling can be determined with a relative accuracy of 0.04 to 0.08 for Higgs bosons masses from 120 GeV to 150 GeV, with an integrated luminosity of 5 inverse-ab. The result is not affected by overlapping two-photon background.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to J Phys G.: Nucl. Phy