2,181 research outputs found

    Graded Hecke algebras for disconnected reductive groups

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    We introduce graded Hecke algebras H based on a (possibly disconnected) complex reductive group G and a cuspidal local system L on a unipotent orbit of a Levi subgroup M of G. These generalize the graded Hecke algebras defined and investigated by Lusztig for connected G. We develop the representation theory of the algebras H. obtaining complete and canonical parametrizations of the irreducible, the irreducible tempered and the discrete series representations. All the modules are constructed in terms of perverse sheaves and equivariant homology, relying on work of Lusztig. The parameters come directly from the data (G,M,L) and they are closely related to Langlands parameters. Our main motivation for considering these graded Hecke algebras is that the space of irreducible H-representations is canonically in bijection with a certain set of "logarithms" of enhanced L-parameters. Therefore we expect these algebras to play a role in the local Langlands program. We will make their relation with the local Langlands correspondence, which goes via affine Hecke algebras, precise in a sequel to this paper.Comment: Theorem 3.4 and Proposition 3.22 in version 1 were not entirely correct as stated. This is repaired in a new appendi

    On the elliptic nonabelian Fourier transform for unipotent representations of p-adic groups

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    In this paper, we consider the relation between two nonabelian Fourier transforms. The first one is defined in terms of the Langlands-Kazhdan-Lusztig parameters for unipotent elliptic representations of a split p-adic group and the second is defined in terms of the pseudocoefficients of these representations and Lusztig's nonabelian Fourier transform for characters of finite groups of Lie type. We exemplify this relation in the case of the p-adic group of type G_2.Comment: 17 pages; v2: several minor corrections, references added; v3: corrections in the table with unipotent discrete series of G

    Impact of Grazing Management Strategies on Carbon Sequestration in a Semi-Arid Rangeland, USA

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    The effects of 12 years of grazing management strategies on carbon (C) distribution and sequestration were assessed on a semi-arid mixed-grass prairie in Wyoming, USA. Five grazing treatments were evaluated: non-grazed exclosures; continuous, season-long grazing at a light (22 steer-days ha-1) stocking rate; and, rotationally-deferred, short-duration rotation, and continuous, season-long grazing, all three at a heavy stocking rate (59 steer-days ha-1). Non-grazed exclosures exhibited a large buildup of dead plant material (72% of total aboveground plant matter) and forb biomass represented a large component (35%) of the plant community. Stocking rate, but not grazing strategy, changed plant community composition and decreased surface litter. Light grazing decreased forbs and increased cool-season mid-grasses, resulting in a highly diversified plant community and the highest total production of grasses. Heavy grazing increased warm-season grasses at the expense of the cool-season grasses, which decreased total forage production and opportunity for early season grazing. Compared to the exclosures, all grazing treatments resulted in significantly higher levels of C (6000-9000 kg ha-1) in the surface 15 cm of the soil. Higher levels of soil C with grazing are likely the result of faster litter decomposition and recycling, and redistribution of C within the 0-60 cm plant-soil system. Grazing at an appropriate stocking rate had beneficial effects on plant composition, forage production, and soil C sequestration. Without grazing, deterioration of the plant-soil system is indicated

    Extensions of tempered representations

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    Let π,π′\pi, \pi' be irreducible tempered representations of an affine Hecke algebra H with positive parameters. We compute the higher extension groups ExtHn(π,π′)Ext_H^n (\pi,\pi') explicitly in terms of the representations of analytic R-groups corresponding to π\pi and π′\pi'. The result has immediate applications to the computation of the Euler-Poincar\'e pairing EP(π,π′)EP(\pi,\pi'), the alternating sum of the dimensions of the Ext-groups. The resulting formula for EP(π,π′)EP(\pi,\pi') is equal to Arthur's formula for the elliptic pairing of tempered characters in the setting of reductive p-adic groups. Our proof applies equally well to affine Hecke algebras and to reductive groups over non-archimedean local fields of arbitrary characteristic. This sheds new light on the formula of Arthur and gives a new proof of Kazhdan's orthogonality conjecture for the Euler-Poincar\'e pairing of admissible characters.Comment: This paper grew out of "A formula of Arthur and affine Hecke algebras" (arXiv:1011.0679). In the second version some minor points were improve

    High- and low-affinity PEGylated hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers: differential oxidative stress in a Guinea pig transfusion model

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    Hemoglobin (Hb)-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs) are an investigational replacement for blood transfusions and are known to cause oxidative damage to tissues. To investigate the correlation between their oxygen binding properties and these detrimental effects, we investigated two PEGylated HBOCs endowed with different oxygen binding properties - but otherwise chemically identical - in a Guinea pig transfusion model. Plasma samples were analyzed for biochemical markers of inflammation, tissue damage and organ dysfunction; proteins and lipids of heart and kidney extracts were analyzed for markers of oxidative damage. Overall, both HBOCs produced higher oxidative stress in comparison to an auto-transfusion control group. Particularly, tissue 4-hydroxynonenal-adducts, tissue malondialdehyde adducts and plasma 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine exhibited significantly higher levels in comparison with the control group. For malondialdehyde adducts, a higher level in the renal tissue was observed for animals treated with PEG-Hboxy, hinting at a correlation between the HBOCs oxygen binding properties and the oxidative stress they produce. Moreover, we found that the high-affinity HBOC produced greater tissue oxygenation in comparison with the low affinity one, possibly correlating with the higher oxidative stress it induced

    Intravascular ultrasound imaging: In vitro validation and pathologic correlation

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    AbstractIntravascuiar ultrasound imaging is a new method in which high resolution images of the arterial wall are obtained with use of a catheter placed within an artery. An in vitro Plexiglas well model was used to validate measurements of the luminal area, and an excellent correlation was obtained. One hundred thirty segments of fresh peripheral arteries underwent ultrasound imaging and the findings were compared with the corresponding histopathologic sections. luminal areas determined with ultrasound imaging correlated well with those calculated from microscopic slides (r = 0.98).Three patterns were identified on the ultrasound images: 1) distinct interface between media and adventitia, 2) indistinct interface between media and adventitia but different echo density layers, and 3) diffuse homogeneous appearance. The types of patterns depended on the relative composition of the and adventitia. Calcification of intimal plaque obscured underlying structures. Atherosclerotic plaque was readily visualized but could not always be differentiated from the underlying media

    3D acoustic propagation through an estuarine salt wedge at low-to-mid-frequencies: Modeling and measurement

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146(3),(2019): 1888-1902, doi:10.1121/1.5125258.The estuarine salt wedge presents a dynamic and highly refractive waveguide, the acoustic propagation characteristics of which are controlled by the water column sound speed gradient and boundary interactions. Acoustically, the salt wedge consists of two isospeed layers separated by a thin, three-dimensional (3D), high-gradient layer. The behavior of a broadband (500–2000 Hz) acoustic field under the influence of an estuarine salt wedge in the Columbia River estuary is explored using two 3D acoustic propagation models: 3D rays and 3D parabolic equation. These model results are compared to data collected during the field experiment. Results demonstrate that the dominant physical mechanism controlling acoustic propagation in this waveguide shifts from 3D bottom scatter in a non-refractive waveguide (before the entrance of the salt wedge) to 3D acoustic refraction with minimal bottom interaction in a refractive waveguide (when the salt wedge occupies the acoustic transect). Vertical and horizontal refraction in the water column and out-of-plane scattering by the bottom are clearly evident at specific narrowband frequencies; however, these mechanisms contribute to, but do not account for, the total observed broadband transmission loss.Environmental input to the acoustic models included high resolution bathymetric survey data provided by Guy Gelfenbaum (USGS), and modeled temperature and salinity profiles of the water column provided by Antonio Baptista, Charles Seaton, and Paul Turner at CMOP. The authors thank Derek Olson (NPS) for invaluable assistance with running the 3DPE model on NPS HPC resources. This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research.2020-03-3

    Thermodynamically Consistent Force Field for Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Alkaline-Earth Carbonates and Their Aqueous Speciation

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    In recent years atomistic simulations have become increasingly important in providing molecular insight to complement experiments. Even for the seemingly simple case of ion-pair formation a detailed atomistic picture of the structure and relative stability of the contact, solvent-shared and solvent-separated ion pairs can only be readily achieved by computer simulation. Here a new force field parametrization for the alkaline-earth carbonate interactions in water has been developed by fitting against experimental thermodynamic and structural data. We demonstrate that the present force field can accurately reproduce the dynamics and thermodynamics of the ions in solution, which is the key to producing quantitatively accurate data that can be compared against experiment
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