534 research outputs found

    An analysis of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) traffic collisions in the Belluno province, eastern Italian Alps

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    Data of roe deer traffic collisions from 1989 to 2004 in the Belluno province were analyzed to describe patterns of road kills by zone, season and sex and to compare resulting annual trends and sex ratios with those estimated for roe deer population. The province was divided in 2 districts on the base of differences in climate, landscape and roe deer population status. Pearson's simple correlation was used to investigate the associations, in the two districts, among road kills data, year, population density, traffic index, and snow depth. Bonferroni's confidential intervals to 95% of significance were used to compare the monthly distributions of collisions between sexes and between districts. In conclusion, the analysis of car accidents may not reflect population trends and sex ratios when traffic rates change and when different ecological factors, others from deer density, influence the probability of deer to incur in a car accident. In addition, differences of accident probability between sexes and months can be found in areas with different landscapes, climates and population structures. These factors should be evaluated in order to manage accident risk and to understand the potential of car accidents records as a tool for monitoring population status

    Wild boar (Sus scrofa) damages to mountain grassland. A case study in the Belluno province, eastern Italian Alps

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    Five alpine pastures (34±14ha) of the Belluno province, patchily damaged by wild boar, were chosen to investigate on main environmental parameters that might influence the rooting sites selection. Eighty damage sites were examined. For each damage surrounding type of grassland and distance from woodland were recorded and mapped using a G.I.S. software. Proportional availability (% of total pasture surface) of grassland types (rough grass, rich grass, degraded, shrubs and trees) and classes of distance from woodland (120m), and the respective use (% of total damage events) were estimated and compared with Chi-square test. A selection index was calculated as use/availability and Bonferroni confidence intervals (95%) were used to test significance. Degraded pastures and areas closer to woodland blocks were preferred. A vegetational analysis inside and outside the damaged areas showed a reduction in frequency of species producing bulbs and rhizomes, and in Poaceae as respect to other families of lower forage value. Future studies should investigate the role of different root forms, and invertebrate richness, on rooting site selection. Longer term studies are also needed to better define the evolution of pasture botanical composition of damaged areas

    Identification of Contradictory Patterns in Experimental Datasets for the Development of Models for Electrical Cables Diagnostics

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    International audienceThe state of health of an electrical cable may be difficult to know, without destructive or very expensive tests. To overcome this, partial discharge (PD) measurements have been proposed as a relatively economic and simple-to-apply experimental technique for retrieving information on the state of health of an electrical cable. The retrieval is based on a relationship between PD measurements and the health of the cable. Given the difficulties in capturing such relationship by analytical models, empirical modeling techniques based on experimental data have been propounded. In this view, a set of PD measurements have been collected by Enea Ricerca sul Sistema Elettrico-ERSE during past campaigns, for building a diagnostic system of electrical cable health state. These experimental data may contain contradictory information which remarkably reduces the performance of the state classifier, if not a priori identified and possibly corrected. In the present paper, a novel technique based on the Adaboost algorithm is proposed for identifying contradictory PD patterns within an a priori analysis aimed at improving the diagnostic performance. Adaboost is a bootstrap-inspired, ensemble-based algorithm which has been effectively used for addressing classification problems

    Risk assessment of a bulk cryogenic tank: Beyond the Leak-Before-Break criterion

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    International audienceThe increase in the size and production capacity of air separation plants has boosted the need of developing methodologies to properly assess the risk related to major releases of liquefied gas. In this respect, the Leak-Before-Break (LBB) assessment is currently adopted to demonstrate the safety of the structures containing liquefied gas, under the assumption that the tank is always operated in nominal conditions. This assumption is questioned in this paper, which proposes a new methodology for the assessment of the risks related to cryogenic tank catastrophic rupture. The methodology provides a comprehensive understanding of the issues associated to the worst case rupture scenario: from the investigation of the causes of the undesirable operating conditions up to the analysis of the associated structural consequences, within a probabilistic framewo

    Quality of Life and Its Psychosocial Predictors among Patients with Disorders of Gut–Brain Interaction: A Comparison with Age- and Sex-Matched Controls

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    The disorders of gut–brain interaction (DGBIs) are a heterogeneous group of chronic conditions that greatly reduce patients’ quality of life (QoL). To date, biopsychosocial factors (such as gastrointestinal symptoms, alexithymia, and interpersonal problems) are believed to contribute to the development and maintenance of DGBIs, but their role in affecting patients’ QoL is still under investigation. Out of 141 patients seeking treatment for their gastrointestinal symptoms, 71 were diagnosed with a DGBI (47 females, 66.2%; Mage: 41.49 ± 17.23 years) and were age- and sex-matched to 71 healthy controls (47 females, 66.2%; Mage: 40.45 ± 16.38 years) without any current gastrointestinal symptom or diagnosis. Participants completed a sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire and a survey investigating several psychosocial risk factors. We found greater symptom severity and difficulties in identifying feelings among patients compared to controls. Further, multiple linear regression analyses evidenced that, among patients, higher expressive suppression of emotions, difficulties in identifying feelings and interpersonal problems, and a lower cognitive reappraisal of emotions predicted lower QoL. Data suggest that the QoL of patients with DGBIs is affected not only by common risk factors (e.g., interpersonal problems) but also by specific difficulties in processing and regulating emotions. The implications of these findings are discussed

    Weight loss and clinical characteristics of young adults patients seeking treatment at medical centers: Data from the QUOVADIS Study

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare clinical characteristics, attrition, weight loss, and psychological changes of obese young adults and obese adults seeking treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 1530 individuals seeking treatment in 18 Italian medical centers were evaluated. 382 cases (25%) were classified as young adults (age≤35 years), 1148 (75%) as adults (>35 years). Psychological distress, binge eating, body uneasiness, and attitude towards eating were evaluated, at baseline and after a 12-month weight-loss program, together with BMI changes. Weight-loss expectations and primary motivation for seeking treatment were also recorded. RESULTS: At baseline, young adults reported significantly higher BMI at age 20, weight loss expectations and body uneasiness scores than adults. A significantly higher percentage of young adults also reported improving appearance as primary reason for seeking treatment. The attrition rate was significantly larger in young adults. Among completers, the mean percent weight loss at 12 months and improvement of psychosocial variables were significantly higher in young adults than in adults. By intention to treat, BMI changes were no longer significant between groups. DISCUSSION: Obese young adults lose more weight and considerably improve psychological distress, but show a higher attrition rate after 12 months of continuous care in a real world medical setting

    Italian validation of the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-10 (CORE-10): a short measure for routine outcome monitoring in clinical practice

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    The customization of the intervention using patient feedback is an evidence based practice aimed at the continuous evaluation, during treatment, of the patient’s change at a clinical level. There are few easy to use tools for common assessment of psychological distress, designed to be used for screening and during treatment to monitor progress. The Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-10 (CORE-10) is definitely one of them. Thus, the aim of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the CORE-10. A sample of 548 participants was recruited in the study and filled out a battery of measures. The internal validity of the CORE 10 was investigated through a confirmatory factor analysis which evidenced a good fit to the data, suggesting a unidimensional factorial structure of the measure. Further, the scale had a good internal reliability and was significantly associated with other measures of distress, interpersonal problems, well-being, and insecure attachment. Fi- nally, it showed excellent diagnostic accuracy, as well as intrinsic and post test diagnostics. Given its validity and reliability, the CORE 10 may be adopted by Italian speaking psychotherapists and researchers to evaluate the outcomes of mental health interventions as well as to track the changes over time in psychological distress among patients

    Gastric normal adjacent mucosa versus healthy and cancer tissues: Distinctive transcriptomic profiles and biological features

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    Gastric cancer (GC) is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the world. Molecular heterogeneity is a major determinant for the clinical outcomes and an exhaustive tumor classification is currently missing. Histologically normal tissue adjacent to the tumor (NAT) is commonly used as a control in cancer studies, nevertheless a recently published paper described the unique characteristics of the NAT in several tumor types. Little is known about the global gene expression profile of gastric NAT (gNAT) which could be an effective tool for a more realistic definition of GC molecular signature. Here, we integrated data of 512 samples from the Genotype- Tissue Expression project (GETx) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) to analyze the transcriptome of healthy gastric tissues, gNAT, and GC samples. We validated TCGA-GETx data mining through inHouse gNAT and GC expression dataset. Differential gene expression together with pathway enrichment analyses, indeed, led to different results when using the gNAT or the healthy tissue as control. Based on our analyses, gNAT showed a peculiar gene signature and biological features, like the estrogen receptor pathways activation, suggesting a molecular behavior partially different from both healthy and GC tissues. Therefore, using gNAT as healthy control tissue in the characterization of tumor associated biological processes and pathways could lead to suboptimal results

    PsyCARE study: assessing impact, cost-effectiveness, and transdiagnostic factors of the Italian ministry of health’s “psychological bonus” policy

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    Background: The prevalence of anxiety and depression disorders is surging worldwide, prompting a pressing demand for psychological interventions, especially in less severe cases. Responding to this need, the Italian government implemented the “Psychological Bonus” (PB) policy, allotting 25 million euros for mental health support. This policy entitles individuals to a minimum of four to twelve psychological sessions. In collaboration with the National Board of Italian Psychologists, our study assesses this policy’s effectiveness. Indeed, the PsyCARE study aims to examine the utilization of the Psychological Bonus, evaluate its impact on adult and adolescent participants’ psychological well-being through pre- and post-intervention assessments and six-month follow-up, and conduct a longitudinal cost-effectiveness analysis of this policy. A secondary aim is to investigate the influence of these interventions on transdiagnostic factors, including emotion regulation and epistemic trust. Methods: The study involves licensed psychotherapists and their patients, both adults and adolescents, benefiting from the Psychological Bonus. Data collection is underway and set to conclude in December 2023. Psychotherapists will provide diagnostic information and assess patient functioning. In addition, patients will be evaluated on mental health aspects such as clinical symptoms, emotion regulation, epistemic trust, and quality of life. We will employ linear mixed-effects models to analyze the outcomes, accounting for both fixed and random effects to capture the hierarchical structure of the data. Discussion: We anticipate the study’s findings will highlight reduced psychological distress and improved quality of life for participants and demonstrate the Psychological Bonus policy’s cost-effectiveness. The study will gather data on the role of specific versus nonspecific therapeutic factors in psychotherapy while adopting a patient-tailored approach to identify effective therapeutic elements and examine transdiagnostic factors. Overall, this study’s findings will guide future measures within the Italian healthcare system, fostering a psychological health culture and providing valuable insights to the broader public. Study registration: https://osf.io/6zk2j
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