1,595 research outputs found

    Stepped vitrification technique for human ovarian tissue cryopreservation

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    The advantage of stepped vitrification (SV) is avoiding ice crystal nucleation, while decreasing the toxic effects of high cryoprotectant concentrations. We aimed to test this method for human ovarian tissue cryopreservation. Ovarian cortex was taken from 7 fertile adult women. Samples were subjected to an SV protocol performed in an automatic freezer, which allowed sample transfer to ever higher concentrations of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as the temperature was reduced. Histological evaluation of the vitrified-warmed tissue showed large numbers of degenerated follicles after 24 hours of in vitro culture. We therefore evaluated DMSO perfusion rates by X-ray computed tomography, ice crystal formation by freeze-substitution, and cell toxicity by transmission electron microscopy, seeking possible reasons why follicles degenerated. Although cryoprotectant perfusion was considered normal and no ice crystals were formed in the tissue, ultrastructural analysis detected typical signs of DMSO toxicity, such as mitochondria degeneration, alterations in chromatin condensation, cell vacuolization and extracellular matrix swelling in both stromal and follicular cells. The findings indicated that the method failed to preserve follicles due to the high concentrations of DMSO used. However, adaptations can be made to avoid toxicity to follicles caused by elevated levels of cryoprotectants.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) 2016/22947-

    Reactive oxygen species, antioxidant mechanisms and serum cytokine levels in cancer patients: impact of an antioxidant treatment

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    Objective. So far, it is not well established whether oxidative stress found in cancer patients results from an increased production of oxidants in the body or from a failure of physiological antioxidant systems. To further investigate this question we have assessed the blood levels of reactive oxygen species as a marker of free radicals producing oxidative stress and the most relevant of the physiological body enzymes counteracting reactive oxygen species, namely glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase. Serum levels of proinflammatory cytokines and IL-2 were also investigated. All these parameters were studied in relation to the clinically most important index of disease progression, namely Performance Status (ECOG PS). We also tested the reducing ability of different antioxidant agents on reactive oxygen species levels by measuring the increase in glutathione peroxidase activity, and the reduction of serum levels of IL-6 and TNF. Design, setting and subjects. We carried out an open non randomized study on 28 advanced stage cancer patients (stage III, 10.7%, and stage IV, 89.3%) with tumours at different (8) sites: all were hospitalized in the Medical Oncology Dept, University of Cagliari Interventions. The patients were divided into 5 groups and a different antioxidant treatment was administered to each group. The selected antioxidants were: alpha lipoic acid 200 mg/day orally, N-acetylcysteine 1800 mg/day i.v. or carboxycysteine-lysine salt 2.7 g/day orally, amifostine 375 mg/day i.v., reduced glutathione 600 mg/day i.v., vitamin A 30000 IU/day orally plus vitamin E 70 mg/day orally plus Vitamin C 500 mg/day orally. The antioxidant treatment was administered for 10 consecutive days. Results. Our results show that all but one of the antioxidants tested were effective in reducing reactive oxygen species levels and 2 of them (cysteine-containing compounds and amifostine) had the additional effect of increasing glutathione peroxidase activity. Comprehensively, the “antioxidant treatment” was found to have an effect both on reactive oxygen species levels and glutathione peroxidase activity. The antioxidant treatment also reduced serum levels of IL-6 and TNF. Patients in both ECOG PS 0-1 and ECOG PS 2-3 responded to antioxidant treatment

    Criticality in diluted ferromagnet

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    We perform a detailed study of the critical behavior of the mean field diluted Ising ferromagnet by analytical and numerical tools. We obtain self-averaging for the magnetization and write down an expansion for the free energy close to the critical line. The scaling of the magnetization is also rigorously obtained and compared with extensive Monte Carlo simulations. We explain the transition from an ergodic region to a non trivial phase by commutativity breaking of the infinite volume limit and a suitable vanishing field. We find full agreement among theory, simulations and previous results.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    A Two-populations Ising model on diluted Random Graphs

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    We consider the Ising model for two interacting groups of spins embedded in an Erd\"{o}s-R\'{e}nyi random graph. The critical properties of the system are investigated by means of extensive Monte Carlo simulations. Our results evidence the existence of a phase transition at a value of the inter-groups interaction coupling J12CJ_{12}^C which depends algebraically on the dilution of the graph and on the relative width of the two populations, as explained by means of scaling arguments. We also measure the critical exponents, which are consistent with those of the Curie-Weiss model, hence suggesting a wide robustness of the universality class.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Clinical and pharmacological phase I study with accelerated titration design of a daily times five schedule of BBR3464, a novel cationic triplatinum complex

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    Objectives To define the maximum tolerated dose (MTD), the toxicity and pharmacokinetic profile of BBR3464, a novel triplatinum complex. Patients and methods Fourteen patients with advanced solid tumors not responsive to previous antitumor treatments received BBR 3464 on a daily × 5 schedule every twenty-eighth day. The drug was given as a one-hour infusion with pre-and post-treatment hydration (500 ml in one hour) and no antiemetic prophylaxis. The starting dose was 0.03 mg/m2/day. A modified accelerated titration escalation design was used. Total and free platinum (Pt) concentrations in plasma and urine were assessed by ICP-MS on days 1 and 5 of the first cycle. Results Dose was escalated four times up to 0.17 mg/m2/ day. Short-lasting neutropenia and diarrhea of late onset were dose-limiting and defined the MTD at 0.12 mg/m2 Nausea and vomiting were rare, neither neuro- nor renal toxic effects were observed. BBR3464 showed a rapid distribution phase of 1 hour and a terminal half-life of several days. At 0.17 mg/m2 plasma Cmax and AUC on day 5 were higher than on day 1, indicating drug accumulation. Approximately 10% of the equivalent dose of BBR3464 (2.2%-13.4%) was recovered in a 24-hour urine collection. Conclusions The higher than expected incidence of neutropenia and GI toxicity might be related to the prolonged half-life and accumulation of total and free Pt after daily administrations. Lack of nephrotoxicity and the low urinary excretion support the use of the drug without hydration. The single intermittent schedule has been selected for clinical developmen

    Distribution of ermB, ermF, tet(W), and tet(M) resistance genes in the vaginal ecosystem of women during pregnancy and puerperium

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    The inhabitants of the vaginal ecosystem can harbor genetic determinants conferring antimicrobial resistance. However, detailed data about the distribution of resistance genes in the vaginal microbiome of pregnant women are still lacking. Therefore, we assessed the presence of macrolide (i.e., erm genes) and tetracycline (i.e., tet genes) resistance markers in the vaginal environment of Caucasian women at different gestational ages. Furthermore, the detection of resistance genes was related to the composition of the vaginal microbiota. A total of 228 vaginal samples, collected at different trimesters of pregnancy or during the puerperium, were tested for the presence of ermB, ermF, tet(W), and tet(M) by in-house end-point PCR assays. The composition of the vaginal microbiota was assessed through a microscopic evaluation (i.e., Nugent score) and by means of sequencing V3–V4 hypervariable regions of the bacterial 16 rRNA gene. Overall, the most detected resistance gene was tet(M) (76.7%), followed by ermB (55.2%). In 17% of women, mainly with a ‘normal’ vaginal microbiota, no resistance genes were found. Except for tet(W), a significant correlation between the positivity of resistance genes and a dysbiotic vaginal status (i.e., bacterial vaginosis (BV)) was noticed. Indeed, samples positive for at least one resistance determinant were characterized by a decrease in Lactobacillus spp. and an increase of BV-related genera (Prevotella, Gardnerella, Atopobium, Sneathia). A high predominance of vaginal Lactobacillus spp. (>85%) was associated with a lower risk of tet(W) gene detection, whereas the presence of Megasphaera (>1%) increased the risk of positivity for all analyzed genes. Different types of vaginal microbiota are associated with peculiar resistance profiles, being a lactobacilli-dominated ecosystem poor in or free of resistance genes. These data could open new perspectives for promoting maternal and neonatal health

    Seedless hydrothermal growth of ZnO nanorods as a promising route for flexible tactile sensors

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    Hydrothermal growth of ZnO nanorods has been widely used for the development of tactile sensors, with the aid of ZnO seed layers, favoring the growth of dense and vertically aligned nanorods. However, seed layers represent an additional fabrication step in the sensor design. In this study, a seedless hydrothermal growth of ZnO nanorods was carried out on Au-coated Si and polyimide substrates. The effects of both the Au morphology and the growth temperature on the characteristics of the nanorods were investigated, finding that smaller Au grains produced tilted rods, while larger grains provided vertical rods. Highly dense and high-aspect-ratio nanorods with hexagonal prismatic shape were obtained at 75 °C and 85 °C, while pyramid-like rods were grown when the temperature was set to 95 °C. Finite-element simulations demonstrated that prismatic rods produce higher voltage responses than the pyramid-shaped ones. A tactile sensor, with an active area of 1 cm2, was fabricated on flexible polyimide substrate and embedding the nanorods forest in a polydimethylsiloxane matrix as a separation layer between the bottom and the top Au electrodes. The prototype showed clear responses upon applied loads of 2–4 N and vibrations over frequencies in the range of 20–800 Hz

    Endoscopic Tactile Capsule for Non-Polypoid Colorectal Tumour Detection

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    An endoscopic tactile robotic capsule, embedding miniaturized MEMS force sensors, is presented. The capsule is conceived to provide automatic palpation of non-polypoid colorectal tumours during colonoscopy, since it is characterized by high degree of dysplasia, higher invasiveness and lower detection rates with respect to polyps. A first test was performed employing a silicone phantom that embedded inclusions with variable hardness and curvature. A hardness-based classification was implemented, demonstrating detection robustness to curvature variation. By comparing a set of supervised classification algorithms, a weighted 3-nearest neighbor classifier was selected. A bias force normalization model was introduced in order to make different acquisition sets consistent. Parameters of this model were chosen through a particle swarm optimization method. Additionally, an ex-vivo test was performed to assess the capsule detection performance when magnetically-driven along a colonic tissue. Lumps were identified as voltage peaks with a prominence depending on the total magnetic force applied to the capsule. Accuracy of 94 % in hardness classification was achieved, while a 100 % accuracy is obtained for the lump detection within a tolerance of 5 mm from the central path described by the capsule. In real application scenario, we foresee our device aiding physicians to detect tumorous tissues