1,566 research outputs found

    Notes on the ambient approach to boundary values of AdS gauge fields

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    The ambient space of dimension d+2 allows to formulate both fields on AdS(d+1) and conformal fields in d dimensions such that the symmetry algebra o(d,2) is realized linearly. We elaborate an ambient approach to the boundary analysis of gauge fields on anti de Sitter spacetime. More technically, we use its parent extension where fields are still defined on AdS or conformal space through arbitrary intrinsic coordinates while the ambient construction works in the target space. In this way, a manifestly local and o(d,2)-covariant formulation of the boundary behaviour of massless symmetric tensor gauge fields on AdS(d+1) spacetime is obtained. As a byproduct, we identify some useful ambient formulation for Fronsdal fields, conformal currents and shadow fields along with a concise generating-function formulation of the Fradkin-Tseytlin conformal fields somewhat similar to the one obtained by Metsaev. We also show how this approach extends to more general gauge theories and discuss its relation to the unfolded derivation of the boundary dynamics recently proposed by Vasiliev.Comment: Slightly expanded version of the invited contribution to the J.Phys.A special volume on "Higher Spin Theories and AdS/CFT" edited by Matthias Gaberdiel and Mikhail Vasiliev; version 2: addition of 2 references, some comparisons with the standard AdS/CFT framework and comments on the scalar singleton cas

    Consistent interactions of dual linearized gravity in D=5: couplings with a topological BF model

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    Under some plausible assumptions, we find that the dual formulation of linearized gravity in D=5 can be nontrivially coupled to the topological BF model in such a way that the interacting theory exhibits a deformed gauge algebra and some deformed, on-shell reducibility relations. Moreover, the tensor field with the mixed symmetry (2,1) gains some shift gauge transformations with parameters from the BF sector.Comment: 63 pages, accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Surface charges and dynamical Killing tensors for higher spin gauge fields in constant curvature spaces

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    In the context of massless higher spin gauge fields in constant curvature spaces, we compute the surface charges which generalize the electric charge for spin one, the color charges in Yang-Mills theories and the energy-momentum and angular momentum for asymptotically flat gravitational fields. We show that there is a one-to-one map from surface charges onto divergence free Killing tensors. These Killing tensors are computed by relating them to a cohomology group of the first quantized BRST model underlying the Fronsdal action.Comment: 21 pages Latex file, references and comment adde

    Higher spin interactions with scalar matter on constant curvature spacetimes: conserved current and cubic coupling generating functions

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    Cubic couplings between a complex scalar field and a tower of symmetric tensor gauge fields of all ranks are investigated on any constant curvature spacetime of dimension d>2. Following Noether's method, the gauge fields interact with the scalar field via minimal coupling to the conserved currents. A symmetric conserved current, bilinear in the scalar field and containing up to r derivatives, is obtained for any rank r from its flat spacetime counterpart in dimension d+1, via a radial dimensional reduction valid precisely for the mass-square domain of unitarity in (anti) de Sitter spacetime of dimension d. The infinite collection of conserved currents and cubic vertices are summarized in a compact form by making use of generating functions and of the Weyl/Wigner quantization on constant curvature spaces.Comment: 35+1 pages, v2: two references added, typos corrected, enlarged discussions in Subsection 5.2 and in Conclusion, to appear in JHE

    Spin 3 cubic vertices in a frame-like formalism

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    Till now most of the results on interaction vertices for massless higher spin fields were obtained in a metric-like formalism using completely symmetric (spin-)tensors. In this, the Lagrangians turn out to be very complicated and the main reason is that the higher the spin one want to consider the more derivatives one has to introduce. In this paper we show that such investigations can be greatly simplified if one works in a frame-like formalism. As an illustration we consider massless spin 3 particle and reconstruct a number of vertices describing its interactions with lower spin 2, 1 and 0 ones. In all cases considered we give explicit expressions for the Lagrangians and gauge transformations and check that the algebra of gauge transformations is indeed closed.Comment: 17 pades, no figure

    Higher-Spin Fermionic Gauge Fields and Their Electromagnetic Coupling

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    We study the electromagnetic coupling of massless higher-spin fermions in flat space. Under the assumptions of locality and Poincare invariance, we employ the BRST-BV cohomological methods to construct consistent parity-preserving off-shell cubic 1-s-s vertices. Consistency and non-triviality of the deformations not only rule out minimal coupling, but also restrict the possible number of derivatives. Our findings are in complete agreement with, but derived in a manner independent from, the light-cone-formulation results of Metsaev and the string-theory-inspired results of Sagnotti-Taronna. We prove that any gauge-algebra-preserving vertex cannot deform the gauge transformations. We also show that in a local theory, without additional dynamical higher-spin gauge fields, the non-abelian vertices are eliminated by the lack of consistent second-order deformations.Comment: 44 pages; references added, minor changes made, to appear in JHE

    Higher-Spin Interactions: four-point functions and beyond

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    In this work we construct an infinite class of four-point functions for massless higher-spin fields in flat space that are consistent with the gauge symmetry. In the Lagrangian picture, these reflect themselves in a peculiar non-local nature of the corresponding non-abelian higher-spin couplings implied by the Noether procedure that starts from the fourth order. We also comment on the nature of the colored spin-2 excitation present both in the open string spectrum and in the Vasiliev system, highlighting how some aspects of String Theory appear to reflect key properties of Field Theory that go beyond its low energy limit. A generalization of these results to n-point functions, fermions and mixed-symmetry fields is also addressed.Comment: 66 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, LaTex. Several statements clarified. Final version to appear in JHE

    A class of six-dimensional conformal field theories

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    We describe a class of six-dimensional conformal field theories that have some properties in common with and possibly are related to a subsector of the tensionless string theories. The latter theories can for example give rise to four-dimensional N=4N = 4 superconformal Yang-Mills theories upon compactification on a two-torus. Just like the tensionless string theories, our theories have an ADEADE-classification, but no other discrete or continuous parameters. The Hilbert space carries an irreducible representation of the same Heisenberg group that appears in the tensionless string theories, and the `Wilson surface' observables obey the same superselection rules. When compactified on a two-torus, they have the same behaviour under SS-duality as super Yang-Mills theory. Our theories are natural generalizations of the two-form with self-dual field strength that is part of the world-volume theory of a single five-brane in MM-theory, and the AN1A_{N - 1} theory can in fact be seen as arising from NN non-interacting chiral two-forms by factoring out the collective `center of mass' degrees of freedom.Comment: 8 pages. More pedagogical presentation, added section on relationship to d = 4 Yang-Mills theor

    Classification of non-Riemannian doubled-yet-gauged spacetime

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    Assuming O(D,D)\mathbf{O}(D,D) covariant fields as the `fundamental' variables, Double Field Theory can accommodate novel geometries where a Riemannian metric cannot be defined, even locally. Here we present a complete classification of such non-Riemannian spacetimes in terms of two non-negative integers, (n,nˉ)(n,\bar{n}), 0n+nˉD0\leq n+\bar{n}\leq D. Upon these backgrounds, strings become chiral and anti-chiral over nn and nˉ\bar{n} directions respectively, while particles and strings are frozen over the n+nˉn+\bar{n} directions. In particular, we identify (0,0)(0,0) as Riemannian manifolds, (1,0)(1,0) as non-relativistic spacetime, (1,1)(1,1) as Gomis-Ooguri non-relativistic string, (D1,0)(D{-1},0) as ultra-relativistic Carroll geometry, and (D,0)(D,0) as Siegel's chiral string. Combined with a covariant Kaluza-Klein ansatz which we further spell, (0,1)(0,1) leads to Newton-Cartan gravity. Alternative to the conventional string compactifications on small manifolds, non-Riemannian spacetime such as D=10D=10, (3,3)(3,3) may open a new scheme of the dimensional reduction from ten to four.Comment: 1+41 pages; v2) Refs added; v3) Published version; v4) Sign error in (2.51) correcte