756 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric black holes in 2D dilaton supergravity: baldness and extremality

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    We present a systematic discussion of supersymmetric solutions of 2D dilaton supergravity. In particular those solutions which retain at least half of the supersymmetries are ground states with respect to the bosonic Casimir function (essentially the ADM mass). Nevertheless, by tuning the prepotential appropriately, black hole solutions may emerge with an arbitrary number of Killing horizons. The absence of dilatino and gravitino hair is proven. Moreover, the impossibility of supersymmetric dS ground states and of nonextremal black holes is confirmed, even in the presence of a dilaton. In these derivations the knowledge of the general analytic solution of 2D dilaton supergravity plays an important role. The latter result is addressed in the more general context of gPSMs which have no supergravity interpretation. Finally it is demonstrated that the inclusion of non-minimally coupled matter, a step which is already nontrivial by itself, does not change these features in an essential way.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, v2: mayor revision (rearranged title, shortened abstract, revised introduction, inserted section from appendix to main text, added subsection with new material on non-SUGRA gPSMs, added clarifying remarks at some places, updated references); v3: corrected minor misprints, added note with a new referenc

    Chemical-physical and ecological characterisation in the environmental project of a polluted coastal area: the Bagnoli case study

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    The Bagnoli Bay (southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Naples, Italy) has been impacted for about one century by heavy anthropogenic pollution due to an important steel plant. A multidisciplinary environmental research, aimed at the reclamation of the marine contaminated area, was planned in order to evaluate, through quantitative data, the chemical-physical and ecological characteristics of marine sediments; the latter ones are strictly related to the composition and structure of benthic foraminiferal assemblages. A comprehensive statistical approach, considering all data, was attempted in order to single out the influence of pollutants on the single species distribution. The results show strong heavy metal pollution (Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn) in the vicinity of the industrial plant. Many foraminiferal species (Haynesina germanica, Miliolinella subrotunda,Quinqueloculina parvula), have a good tolerance to some trace metals while, Bulimina sublimbata, Elphidiummacellum and Miliolinella dilatata show a good tolerance to PAHs pollution

    A machine learning resource allocation solution to improve video quality in remote education

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    The current global pandemic crisis has unquestionably disrupted the higher education sector, forcing educational institutions to rapidly embrace technology-enhanced learning. However, the COVID-19 containment measures that forced people to work or stay at home, have determined a significant increase in the Internet traffic that puts tremendous pressure on the underlying network infrastructure. This affects negatively content delivery and consequently user perceived quality, especially for video-based services. Focusing on this problem, this paper proposes a machine learning-based resource allocation solution that improves the quality of video services for increased number of viewers. The solution is deployed and tested in an educational context, demonstrating its benefit in terms of major quality of service parameters for various video content, in comparison with existing state of the art. Moreover, a discussion on how the technology is helping to mitigate the effects of massively increasing internet traffic on the video quality in an educational context is also presented

    Piscicultura familiar: primeiros olhares e oportunidades de ação no Tocantins.

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    Nos últimos anos a piscicultura vem se consolidando como atividade de destaque no sistema de produção da agricultura familiar. A visão dos produtores sobre a atividade vem se modificando, deixando de ser uma atividade marginalizada na propriedade e se tornando uma alternativa de diversificação da produção. Contudo, o acesso dos produtores à extensão aquícola ainda é deficiente. O acesso às tecnologias ainda é considerado um elemento fraco na cadeia produtiva da aquicultura, sobretudo na piscicultura familiar. Apesar destes gargalos, a produção piscícola oriunda da agricultura familiar tem aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos, em especial no estado de Tocantins. O crescimento da piscicultura familiar neste estado levou a Embrapa Pesca e Aquicultura a desenvolver uma ação denominada Projeto Divinópolis, que visa identificar demandas e propor ações relacionadas à geração de tecnologias para a piscicultura familiar, além de fornecer subsídios para políticas públicas e ações de fomento. Tais ações vislumbram o fortalecimento da cadeia produtiva da piscicultura nos municípios de Divinópolis e Abreulândia, área de abrangência do projeto.Organizado por: Sílvio Ricardo Maurano; AQUACIÊNCIA 2012

    Composição proximal em filés, rendimento de carcaça e de cortes de jundiá (rhamdia quelen) alimentados com rações contendo diferentes óleos vegetais.

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar a influência de óleos vegetais no desenvolvimento corporal de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen, Heptapteridae) e sua relação com o rendimento de carcaça, partes comestíveis e composição química do filé. Testaram-se seis rações com 32% de proteína bruta, sendo avaliados óleos de arroz, canola ou soja com 5 e 10% de inclusão durante 90 dias. Foram utilizados 180 peixes (peso inicial=71±0,81g) distribuídos ao acaso em 18 caixas de 280L (10 peixes/caixa) em um sistema de recirculação de água, com temperatura controlada (25,9±0,9ºC). Não houve diferenças para os parâmetros produtivos entre os tratamentos testados ao final do experimento (P<0,05). Os peixes alimentados com maiores níveis de óleo nas dietas depositaram maior porcentagem de gordura no filé. Conclui-se que os óleos de canola, arroz e soja utilizados como alternativas em dietas na recria de jundiá proporcionam bom rendimento de carcaça e de partes comestíveis. E, as rações contendo óleo de canola possibilitam menor deposição de gordura no filé de juvenis de jundiá em nível de 5%

    Improved quality of online education using prioritized multi-agent reinforcement learning for video traffic scheduling

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    The recent global pandemic has transformed the way education is delivered, increasing the importance of videobased online learning. However, this puts a significant pressure on the underlying communication networks and the limited available bandwidth needs to be intelligently allocated to support a much higher transmission load, including video-based services. In this context, this paper proposes a Machine Learning (ML)-based solution that dynamically prioritizes content viewers with heterogeneous video services to increase their Quality of Service (QoS) and perceived Quality of Experience (QoE). The proposed approach makes use of the novel Prioritized Multi- Agent Reinforcement Learning solution (PriMARL) to decide the prioritization order of the video-based services based on networking conditions. However, the performance in terms of QoS and QoE provisioning to learners with different profiles and networking conditions depends on the type of scheduler employed in the frequency domain to conduct the scheduling and the radio resource allocation. To decide the best approach to be followed, we employ the proposed PriMARL solution with different types of scheduling rules and compare them with other state-of-theart solutions in terms of throughput, delay, packet loss, Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), and Mean Opinion Score (MOS) for different traffic loads and characteristics. We show that the proposed solution achieves the best user QoE results

    Benthic foraminifera as environmental indicators in extreme environments. The marine cave of Bue Marino (Sardinia, Italy)

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    The coast of the Gulf of Orosei (Sardinia, Italy) consists of impressive cliffs set up on dolostones and limestones characterized by wide karst systems connected to the sea. Marine caves, which are part of these system flooded by seawater through marine entrances, may be considered as extreme environments because of wide spatial and temporal environmental variability due to changing marine and terrestrial contributions. This study presents the results of the third survey carried out in summer 2016 in the Bue Marino cave, as part of a research project started in 2014 aimed at the application of Benthic Foraminifera (BF) as ecological indicators in Mediterranean marine caves for the identification of different habitats and their environmental interpretation. Sediment and water samples were collected from a total of 25 stations from two distinct sectors of the cave (North Branch and Middle Branch); sediments were analysed for living and dead BF and grain size, while Temperature, Salinity, pH and Dissolved Oxygen were measured in water samples collected close to sediment water interface. Two main foraminiferal assemblages, with distinct characteristics with respect to the typical Mediterranean shallow-water ones, were recognized by means of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling, and a Canonical Correspondence Analysis deduced their environmental significance. A well oxygenated, less saline environment with coarse bottom sediment, correlated with a mixed calcareous-agglutinated assemblage (Gavelinopsis praegeri, Rosalina spp., Eggerelloides advenus and Reophax dentaliniformis) with high species diversity (H-index 2.32–3.57) and low foraminiferal density, was exclusive of the North Branch. A scarcely oxygenated, more saline environment with fine bottom sediment enriched in vegetal debris was related to a prevalently agglutinated assemblage characterized by low species diversity (H-index 1.60–2.68), with high dominance of E. advenus (up to 83.6%) associated to Ammonia tepida, and high foraminiferal density, recognized in the Middle Branch. These different environments were interpreted considering the different modes of feeding the karst systems of the two branches. They also corresponded to two distinct ecozones, Entrance and Confluence, already recognized in earlier studies. The environmental significance of the foraminiferal ecozones recognized in this study and their comparison with the ones identified in the previous years, helped to consider the ecological zonation as a tool for detecting seasonal and, possibly, long term annual environmental variability in the marine system

    Classical and Quantum Integrability of 2D Dilaton Gravities in Euclidean space

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    Euclidean dilaton gravity in two dimensions is studied exploiting its representation as a complexified first order gravity model. All local classical solutions are obtained. A global discussion reveals that for a given model only a restricted class of topologies is consistent with the metric and the dilaton. A particular case of string motivated Liouville gravity is studied in detail. Path integral quantisation in generic Euclidean dilaton gravity is performed non-perturbatively by analogy to the Minkowskian case.Comment: 27 p., LaTeX, v2: included new refs. and a footnot

    Desempenho de jundiás alimentados com fontes proteicas submetidas ou não a tratamento para remoção de antinutrientes.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de jundiás alimentados com diferentes fontes proteicas de origem vegetal, submetidas ou não a tratamento químico (lavagem com solução ácida, seguida de lavagem com etanol) para a remoção de fatores antinutricionais.Organizado por: Sílvio Ricardo Maurano; AQUACIÊNCIA 2012