77 research outputs found

    The flat phase of fixed-connectivity membranes

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    The statistical mechanics of flexible two-dimensional surfaces (membranes) appears in a wide variety of physical settings. In this talk we discuss the simplest case of fixed-connectivity surfaces. We first review the current theoretical understanding of the remarkable flat phase of such membranes. We then summarize the results of a recent large scale Monte Carlo simulation of the simplest conceivable discrete realization of this system \cite{BCFTA}. We verify the existence of long-range order, determine the associated critical exponents of the flat phase and compare the results to the predictions of various theoretical models.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. LaTeX w/epscrc2.sty, combined contribution of M. Falcioni and M. Bowick to LATTICE96(gravity), to appear in Nucl. Phys. B (proc. suppl.

    The Phase Diagram of Crystalline Surfaces

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    We report the status of a high-statistics Monte Carlo simulation of non-self-avoiding crystalline surfaces with extrinsic curvature on lattices of size up to 1282128^2 nodes. We impose free boundary conditions. The free energy is a gaussian spring tethering potential together with a normal-normal bending energy. Particular emphasis is given to the behavior of the model in the cold phase where we measure the decay of the normal-normal correlation function.Comment: 9 pages latex (epsf), 4 EPS figures, uuencoded and compressed. Contribution to Lattice '9

    Phases and Transitions in Phantom Nematic Elastomer Membranes

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    Motivated by recently discovered unusual properties of bulk nematic elastomers, we study a phase diagram of liquid-crystalline polymerized phantom membranes, focusing on in-plane nematic order. We predict that such membranes should enerically exhibit five phases, distinguished by their conformational and in-plane orientational properties, namely isotropic-crumpled, nematic-crumpled, isotropic-flat, nematic-flat and nematic-tubule phases. In the nematic-tubule phase, the membrane is extended along the direction of {\em spontaneous} nematic order and is crumpled in the other. The associated spontaneous symmetries breaking guarantees that the nematic-tubule is characterized by a conformational-orientational soft (Goldstone) mode and the concomitant vanishing of the in-plane shear modulus. We show that long-range orientational order of the nematic-tubule is maintained even in the presence of harmonic thermal luctuations. However, it is likely that tubule's elastic properties are ualitatively modified by these fluctuations, that can be studied using a nonlinear elastic theory for the nematic tubule phase that we derive at the end of this paper.Comment: 12 pages, 4 eps figures. To appear in PR

    Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem for the Microcanonical Ensemble

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    A derivation of the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem for the microcanonical ensemble is presented using linear response theory. The theorem is stated as a relation between the frequency spectra of the symmetric correlation and response functions. When the system is not in the thermodinamic limit, this result can be viewed as an extension of the fluctuation-dissipation relations to a situation where dynamical fluctuations determine the response. Therefore, the relation presented here between equilibrium fluctuations and response can have a very different physical nature from the usual one in the canonical ensemble. These considerations imply that the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem is not restricted to the context of thermal equilibrium, where it is usually derived. Dispersion relations and sum rules are also obtained and discussed in the present case. Although analogous to the Kramers-Kronig relations, they are not related to the frequency spectrum but to the energy dependence of the response function.Comment: 15 pages, v3: final version, new text added, new reference

    Conformations of confined biopolymers

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    Nanoscale and microscale confinement of biopolymers naturally occurs in cells and has been recently achieved in artificial structures designed for nanotechnological applications. Here, we present an extensive theoretical investigation of the conformations and shape of a biopolymer with varying stiffness confined to a narrow channel. Combining scaling arguments, analytical calculations, and Monte Carlo simulations, we identify various scaling regimes where master curves quantify the functional dependence of the polymer conformations on the chain stiffness and strength of confinement.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, minor correction

    A New Phase of Tethered Membranes: Tubules

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    We show that fluctuating tethered membranes with {\it any} intrinsic anisotropy unavoidably exhibit a new phase between the previously predicted ``flat'' and ``crumpled'' phases, in high spatial dimensions dd where the crumpled phase exists. In this new "tubule" phase, the membrane is crumpled in one direction but extended nearly straight in the other. Its average thickness is RGLνtR_G\sim L^{\nu_t} with LL the intrinsic size of the membrane. This phase is more likely to persist down to d=3d=3 than the crumpled phase. In Flory theory, the universal exponent νt=3/4\nu_t=3/4, which we conjecture is an exact result. We study the elasticity and fluctuations of the tubule state, and the transitions into it.Comment: 4 pages, self-unpacking uuencoded compressed postscript file with figures already inside text; unpacking instructions are at the top of file. To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. November (1995

    The shape of invasion perclation clusters in random and correlated media

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    The shape of two-dimensional invasion percolation clusters are studied numerically for both non-trapping (NTIP) and trapping (TIP) invasion percolation processes. Two different anisotropy quantifiers, the anisotropy parameter and the asphericity are used for probing the degree of anisotropy of clusters. We observe that in spite of the difference in scaling properties of NTIP and TIP, there is no difference in the values of anisotropy quantifiers of these processes. Furthermore, we find that in completely random media, the invasion percolation clusters are on average slightly less isotropic than standard percolation clusters. Introducing isotropic long-range correlations into the media reduces the isotropy of the invasion percolation clusters. The effect is more pronounced for the case of persisting long-range correlations. The implication of boundary conditions on the shape of clusters is another subject of interest. Compared to the case of free boundary conditions, IP clusters of conventional rectangular geometry turn out to be more isotropic. Moreover, we see that in conventional rectangular geometry the NTIP clusters are more isotropic than TIP clusters

    Effects of Self-Avoidance on the Tubular Phase of Anisotropic Membranes

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    We study the tubular phase of self-avoiding anisotropic membranes. We discuss the renormalizability of the model Hamiltonian describing this phase and derive from a renormalization group equation some general scaling relations for the exponents of the model. We show how particular choices of renormalization factors reproduce the Gaussian result, the Flory theory and the Gaussian Variational treatment of the problem. We then study the perturbative renormalization to one loop in the self-avoiding parameter using dimensional regularization and an epsilon-expansion about the upper critical dimension, and determine the critical exponents to first order in epsilon.Comment: 19 pages, TeX, uses Harvmac. Revised Title and updated references: to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Fluctuating Nematic Elastomer Membranes: a New Universality Class

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    We study the flat phase of nematic elastomer membranes with rotational symmetry spontaneously broken by in-plane nematic order. Such state is characterized by a vanishing elastic modulus for simple shear and soft transverse phonons. At harmonic level, in-plane orientational (nematic) order is stable to thermal fluctuations, that lead to short-range in-plane translational (phonon) correlations. To treat thermal fluctuations and relevant elastic nonlinearities, we introduce two generalizations of two-dimensional membranes in a three dimensional space to arbitrary D-dimensional membranes embedded in a d-dimensional space, and analyze their anomalous elasticities in an expansion about D=4. We find a new stable fixed point, that controls long-scale properties of nematic elastomer membranes. It is characterized by singular in-plane elastic moduli that vanish as a power-law eta_lambda=4-D of a relevant inverse length scale (e.g., wavevector) and a finite bending rigidity. Our predictions are asymptotically exact near 4 dimensions.Comment: 18 pages, 4 eps figures. submitted to PR

    Folding of the Triangular Lattice with Quenched Random Bending Rigidity

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    We study the problem of folding of the regular triangular lattice in the presence of a quenched random bending rigidity + or - K and a magnetic field h (conjugate to the local normal vectors to the triangles). The randomness in the bending energy can be understood as arising from a prior marking of the lattice with quenched creases on which folds are favored. We consider three types of quenched randomness: (1) a ``physical'' randomness where the creases arise from some prior random folding; (2) a Mattis-like randomness where creases are domain walls of some quenched spin system; (3) an Edwards-Anderson-like randomness where the bending energy is + or - K at random independently on each bond. The corresponding (K,h) phase diagrams are determined in the hexagon approximation of the cluster variation method. Depending on the type of randomness, the system shows essentially different behaviors.Comment: uses harvmac (l), epsf, 17 figs included, uuencoded, tar compresse