1,332 research outputs found


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    Nanocomposite MFI-alumina and FAU-alumina Membranes: Synthesis, Characterization and Application to Paraffin Separation and CO2 Capture

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    Rouleau, L. Pirngruber, G. Guillou, F. Barrere-Tricca, C. Omegna, A. Valtchev, V. Pera-Titus, M. Miachon, S. Dalmon, J. A.International audienceIn this work, we report the preparation of thermally and mechanically resistant high-surface (24-cm2) nanocomposite MFI-alumina and FAUalumina membranes by pore-plugging synthesis inside the macropores of α-alumina multilayered tubular supports. The MFI membranes were prepared from a clear solution precursor mixture being able to easily penetrate into the pores of the support. The MFI membranes were evaluated in the separation of n-/i-butane mixtures. The synthesis reliability was improved by mild stirring. The most selective MFI membranes were obtained for supports with mean pore sizes of 0.2 and 0.8 μm. The MFI effective thickness could be reduced to less than 10 μm by impregnating the support with water prior to synthesis and by diluting the synthesis mixture. The best MFI membrane offered an excellent tradeoff between selectivity and permeance at 448 K, with separation factors for equimolar n-butane/i-butane mixtures up to 18 and n-butane mixture permeances as high as 0.7 μmol⋅\cdots-1⋅\cdotm-2⋅\cdotPa-1.Furthermore, a novel nanocomposite FAU membrane architecture has been obtained by an original synthesis route including in situ seeding using a cold gel-like precursor mixture, followed by growth of the FAU material by hydrothermal synthesis in two steps using a clear solution of low viscosity. This new membrane showed interesting performance in the separation of an equimolar CO2/N2 mixture at 323 K, with CO2/N2 separation factors and mixture CO2 permeances up to 12 and 0.4 μmol⋅\cdots-1⋅\cdotm-2⋅\cdotPa-1,respectively

    Detection of antihydrogen annihilations with a Si-micro-strip and pure CsI detector

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    In 2002, the ATHENA collaboration reported the creation and detection of cold (~15 K) antihydrogen atoms [1]. The observation was based on the complete reconstruction of antihydrogen annihilations, simultaneous and spatially correlated annihilations of an antiproton and a positron. Annihilation byproducts are measured with a cylindrically symmetric detector system consisting of two layers of double sided Si-micro-strip modules that are surrounded by 16 rows of 12 pure CsI crystals (13 x 17.5 x 17 mm^3). This paper gives a brief overview of the experiment, the detector system, and event reconstruction. Reference 1. M. Amoretti et al., Nature 419, 456 (2002).Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; Proceedings for the 8th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications (Como, Italy October 2003) to be published by World Scientific (style file included

    Improvement in the molecular diagnosis of Machado-Joseph disease

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Direct detection of the gene mutation allows for the confirmation of the clinical diagnosis of Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), the most frequent cause of autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia worldwide. OBJECTIVE: To address the main difficulties in our national MJD predictive testing program. The first was the emergence of intermediate alleles, for which it is not yet possible to determine whether they will cause disease. The second was the issue of homoallelism, ie, homozygosity for 2 normal alleles with exactly the same (CAG)(n) length, which occurs in about 10% of all test results. METHODS: A large pedigree with 1 affected patient carrying a 71 and a 51 CAG repeat and 2 asymptomatic relatives carrying the 51 CAG repeat and normal-size alleles underwent clinical and molecular studies. Intragenic haplotypes for these alleles were determined. A representative sample of the healthy population in the region was obtained to assess the distribution of the normal (CAG)(n) length. We established the genotype for 4 intragenic polymorphisms in the gene for MJD (MJD1) in 21 homoallelic individuals, to distinguish their 2 normal chromosomes. In addition, we developed a new Southern blot method to completely exclude cases of nonamplification of expanded alleles in the homoallelic individuals. RESULTS: The study of the family in which the 51 CAG repeat was found suggests that the allele is apparently not associated with disease. These intermediate alleles were not present in a large sample of the healthy population from the same region. Intragenic polymorphisms allowed distinction of the 2 different normal alleles in all cases of homoallelism. The absence of an expanded allele was also confirmed by Southern blot. CONCLUSIONS: We propose an improved protocol for molecular testing for MJD. These strategies, developed to overcome the practical difficulties mostly in the presymptomatic and prenatal diagnosis of MJD, should prove useful for other polyglutamine-related disorders

    Inherited cavernous malformations of the central nervous system: clinical and genetic features in 19 Swiss families

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    Cavernous malformations (CCMs) are benign, well-circumscribed, and mulberry-like vascular malformations that may be found in the central nervous system in up to 0.5% of the population. Cavernous malformations can be sporadic or inherited. The common symptoms are epilepsy, hemorrhages, focal neurological deficits, and headaches. However, CCMs are often asymptomatic. The familiar form is associated with three gene loci, namely 7q21-q22 (CCM1), 7p13-p15 (CCM2), and 3q25.2-q27 (CCM3) and is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with incomplete penetrance. The CCM genes are identified as Krit 1 (CCM1), MGC4607 (CCM2), and PDCD10 (CCM3). Here, we present the clinical and genetic features of CCMs in 19 Swiss families. Furthermore, surgical aspects in such families are also discusse

    Confirmation that variants in TTI2 are responsible for autosomal recessive intellectual disability

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    TTI2 (MIM 614126) has been described as responsible for autosomal recessive intellectual disability (ID; MRT39, MIM:615541) in only two inbred families. Here, we give an account of two individuals from two unrelated outbred families harbouring compound heterozygous TTI2 pathogenic variants. Together with severe ID, progressive microcephaly, scoliosis and sleeping disorder are the most striking features in the two individuals concerned. TTI2, together with TTI1 and TELO2, encode proteins that constitute the triple T heterotrimeric complex. This TTT complex interacts with the HSP90 and R2TP to form a super-complex that has a chaperone function stabilising and maturing a number of kinases, such as ataxia-telangiectasia mutated and mechanistic target of rapamycin, which are key regulators of cell proliferation and genome maintenance. Pathogenic variants in TTI2 logically result in a phenotype close to that caused by TELO2 variants

    Family Medicine needs assessment: Studying the clinical work of general practitioners in Ethiopia

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    Background and Objective: Some universities in sub-Saharan Africa have initiated Family Medicine (FM) residency programs. This study was conducted by FM colleagues at Addis Ababa University (AAU) in Ethiopia and the University of Toronto, Canada to inform the FM residency curriculum at AAU. It was designed to determine the clinical problems that family physicians in Ethiopia may encounter.Methods: We used a mixed methods approach: Modified time-motion study and brief interviews. We observed 46 general practitioners (GPs) across ten sites in Ethiopia. Trained observers recorded time-motion data while GPs conducted their daily work. This data was supplemented by brief interviews with the GPs.Findings: Clinical encounters occupied 82% of GP work. The common symptoms were digestive-abdominal pain (21% visits), respiratory-cough (16%), and general-fever and chills (16%). The common diagnoses were infectious (22% visits), genitourinary (12%), circulatory (10%), and endocrine (10%). Challenges identified were lack of clinical resources (57% of GPs), difficulties in communication (48%) and excessive workload (33%). Most common requests were for information technology (78%) and HIV (46%) training.Conclusion: The profile of common symptoms and diagnoses indicated the competencies family physicians in the regions should have. This information will be used to develop an appropriate FM curriculum at AAU

    Familiäre Kavernome des Zentralnervensystems: Eine klinische und genetische Studie an 15 deutsche Familien

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    Zusammenfassung: 1928 beschrieb Hugo Friedrich Kufs erstmalig eine Familie mit zerebralen, retinalen und kutanen Kavernomen. Mittlerweile wurden über 300 weitere Familien beschrieben. Ebenfalls wurden drei Genloci 7q21-q22 (mit dem Gen CCM1), 7p15-p13 (Gen CCM2) und 3q25.2-q27 (Gen CCM3) beschrieben, in denen Mutationen zu Kavernomen führen. Das Genprodukt von CCM1 ist das Protein Krit1 (Krev Interaction Trapped 1), das über verschiedene Mechanismen mit der Angiogenese interagiert. Das neu entdeckte CCM2-Gen enkodiert ein Protein, das möglicherweise eine dem Krit1 ähnliche Funktion in der Regulation der Angiogenese hat. Das CCM3-Gen wurde noch nicht beschrieben. In dieser Arbeit werden sowohl die klinischen und genetischen Befunde bei 15 deutschen Familien beschriebe

    Loss of neuronal potassium/chloride cotransporter 3 (KCC3) is responsible for the degenerative phenotype in a conditional mouse model of hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy associated with agenesis of the corpus callosum

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    Disruption of the potassium/chloride cotransporter 3 (KCC3), encoded by the SLC12A6 gene, causes hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy associated with agenesis of the corpus callosum (HMSN/ACC), a neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorder affecting both the peripheral nervous system and CNS. However, the precise role of KCC3 in the maintenance of ion homeostasis in the nervous system and the pathogenic mechanisms leading to HMSN/ACC remain unclear. We established two Slc12a6 Cre/LoxP transgenic mouse lines expressing C-terminal truncated KCC3 in either a neuron-specific or ubiquitous fashion. Our results suggest that neuronal KCC3 expression is crucial for axon volume control. We also demonstrate that the neuropathic features of HMSN/ACC are predominantly due to a neuronal KCC3 deficit, while the auditory impairment is due to loss of non-neuronal KCC3 expression. Furthermore, we demonstrate that KCC3 plays an essential role in inflammatory pain pathways. Finally, we observed hypoplasia of the corpus callosum in both mouse mutants and a marked decrease in axonal tracts serving the auditory cortex in only the general deletion mutant. Together, these results establish KCC3 as an important player in both central and peripheral nervous system maintenance
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