444 research outputs found

    Education for Sustainable Development: Research overview

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    This discussion paper outlines some of the main characteristics of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), particularly in the context of ‘development’ and ‘globalization’. It addresses the various interpretations and meanings of ESD, shows how these relate to environmental education and emerging educations that overlap with SD-issues and introduces sustainability competence as a key outcome of ESD. The paper also outlines some regional trends that affect the way ESD manifests itself in the various countries and regions around the world. Some key developments affecting ESD are introduced, including globalization, the rise of the information and knowledge society, the utilization of diversity and the need for the inclusion of marginalized groups and perspectives

    Autonomous four-dimensional mapping and tracking of a coastal upwelling front by an autonomous underwater vehicle

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Journal of Field Robotics 33 (2016): 67-81, doi:10.1002/rob.21617Coastal upwelling is a wind-driven ocean process that brings cooler, saltier, and nutrient-rich deep water upward to the surface. The boundary between the upwelling water and the normally stratified water is called the “upwelling front.” Upwelling fronts support enriched phytoplankton and zooplankton populations, thus they have great influences on ocean ecosystems. Traditional ship-based methods for detecting and sampling ocean fronts are often laborious and very difficult, and long-term tracking of such dynamic features is practically impossible. In our prior work, we developed a method of using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) to autonomously detect an upwelling front and track the front's movement on a fixed latitude, and we applied the method in scientific experiments. In this paper, we present an extension of the method. Each time the AUV crosses and detects the front, the vehicle makes a turn at an oblique angle to recross the front, thus zigzagging through the front to map the frontal zone. The AUV's zigzag tracks alternate in northward and southward sweeps, so as to track the front as it moves over time. This way, the AUV maps and tracks the front in four dimensions—vertical, cross-front, along-front, and time. From May 29 to June 4, 2013, the Tethys long-range AUV ran the algorithm to map and track an upwelling front in Monterey Bay, CA, over five and one-half days. The tracking revealed spatial and temporal variabilities of the upwelling front.This work was supported by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation

    Theory and particle tracking simulations of a resonant radiofrequency deflection cavity in TM110_{110} mode for ultrafast electron microscopy

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    We present a theoretical description of resonant radiofrequency (RF) deflecting cavities in TM110_{110} mode as dynamic optical elements for ultrafast electron microscopy. We first derive the optical transfer matrix of an ideal pillbox cavity and use a Courant-Snyder formalism to calculate the 6D phase space propagation of a Gaussian electron distribution through the cavity. We derive closed, analytic expressions for the increase in transverse emittance and energy spread of the electron distribution. We demonstrate that for the special case of a beam focused in the center of the cavity, the low emittance and low energy spread of a high quality beam can be maintained, which allows high-repetition rate, ultrafast electron microscopy with 100 fs temporal resolution combined with the atomic resolution of a high-end TEM. This is confirmed by charged particle tracking simulations using a realistic cavity geometry, including fringe fields at the cavity entrance and exit apertures

    Detection of unanticipated faults for autonomous underwater vehicles using online topic models

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    © The Author(s), 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Journal of Field Robotics 35 (2018): 705-716, doi:10.1002/rob.21771.For robots to succeed in complex missions, they must be reliable in the face of subsystem failures and environmental challenges. In this paper, we focus on autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) autonomy as it pertains to self‐perception and health monitoring, and we argue that automatic classification of state‐sensor data represents an important enabling capability. We apply an online Bayesian nonparametric topic modeling technique to AUV sensor data in order to automatically characterize its performance patterns, then demonstrate how in combination with operator‐supplied semantic labels these patterns can be used for fault detection and diagnosis by means of a nearest‐neighbor classifier. The method is evaluated using data collected by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute's Tethys long‐range AUV in three separate field deployments. Our results show that the proposed method is able to accurately identify and characterize patterns that correspond to various states of the AUV, and classify faults at a high rate of correct detection with a very low false detection rate.Office of Naval Research Grant Number: N00014‐14‐1‐0199; David and Lucile Packard Foundatio

    Autonomous tracking of salinity-intrusion fronts by a long-range autonomous underwater vehicle

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Zhang, Y., Yoder, N., Kieft, B., Kukulya, A., Hobson, B. W., Ryan, S., & Gawarkiewicz, G. G. Autonomous tracking of salinity-intrusion fronts by a long-range autonomous underwater vehicle. Ieee Journal of Oceanic Engineering, (2022): 1-9, https://doi.org/10.1109/JOE.2022.3146584.Shoreward intrusions of anomalously salty water along the continental shelf of the Middle Atlantic Bight are often observed in spring and summer. Exchange of heat, nutrients, and carbon across the salinity-intrusion front has a significant impact on the marine ecosystem and fisheries. In this article, we developed a method of using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) to detect a salinity-intrusion front and track the front's movement. Autonomous front detection is based on the different vertical structures of salinity in the two distinct water types: the vertical difference of salinity is large in the intruding saltier water because of the salinity “tongue” at mid-depth, but is small in the nearshore fresher water due to absence of the salinity anomaly. Every time the AUV crosses and detects the front, the vehicle makes a turn at an oblique angle to cross the front, thus zigzagging through the front to map the frontal zone. The AUV's zigzags sweep back and forth to track the front as it moves over time. From June 25 to 30, 2021, a Tethys-class long-range AUV mapped and tracked a salinity-intrusion front on the southern New England shelf. The frontal tracking revealed the salinity intrusion's 3-D structure and temporal evolution with unprecedented detail.This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant OCE-1851261 and in part by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation

    Prokaryotic responses to a warm temperature anomaly in northeast subarctic Pacific waters

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    Recent studies on marine heat waves describe water temperature anomalies causing changes in food web structure, bloom dynamics, biodiversity loss, and increased plant and animal mortality. However, little information is available on how water temperature anomalies impact prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) inhabiting ocean waters. This is a nontrivial omission given their integral roles in driving major biogeochemical fluxes that influence ocean productivity and the climate system. Here we present a time-resolved study on the impact of a large-scale warm water surface anomaly in the northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean, colloquially known as the Blob, on prokaryotic community compositions. Multivariate statistical analyses identified significant depth- and season-dependent trends that were accentuated during the Blob. Moreover, network and indicator analyses identified shifts in specific prokaryotic assemblages from typically particle-associated before the Blob to taxa considered free-living and chemoautotrophic during the Blob, with potential implications for primary production and organic carbon conversion and export. Traving et al. use small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequencing to examine spatial and temporal trends in bacterial and archaeal community structure during a large marine warm water surface anomaly, the Blob. Their findings suggest that community structure shifted during the Blob, with taxa considered free-living and chemoautotrophic prevailing under these unusual conditions

    The TgsGP gene is essential for resistance to human serum in Trypanosoma brucei gambiense

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    Trypanosoma brucei gambiense causes 97% of all cases of African sleeping sickness, a fatal disease of sub-Saharan Africa. Most species of trypanosome, such as T. b. brucei, are unable to infect humans due to the trypanolytic serum protein apolipoprotein-L1 (APOL1) delivered via two trypanosome lytic factors (TLF-1 and TLF-2). Understanding how T. b. gambiense overcomes these factors and infects humans is of major importance in the fight against this disease. Previous work indicated that a failure to take up TLF-1 in T. b. gambiense contributes to resistance to TLF-1, although another mechanism is required to overcome TLF-2. Here, we have examined a T. b. gambiense specific gene, TgsGP, which had previously been suggested, but not shown, to be involved in serum resistance. We show that TgsGP is essential for resistance to lysis as deletion of TgsGP in T. b. gambiense renders the parasites sensitive to human serum and recombinant APOL1. Deletion of TgsGP in T. b. gambiense modified to uptake TLF-1 showed sensitivity to TLF-1, APOL1 and human serum. Reintroducing TgsGP into knockout parasite lines restored resistance. We conclude that TgsGP is essential for human serum resistance in T. b. gambiense

    Determination of the coefficients of Langevin models for inhomogeneous turbulent flows by three-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry and direct numerical simulation

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    A promising and, in terms of computer power, low-cost way of describing flow properties such as turbulent diffusion is by Langevin models. The development of such models requires knowledge of Lagrangian statistics of turbulent flows. Our aim is to det. Lagrangian statistics of inhomogeneous flows, as most turbulent flows found in practical applications are inhomogeneous. The present paper describes how a Lagrangian measurement technique, three-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry, has been developed and applied to the most common example of inhomogeneous flows: turbulent pipe flow. A new direct numerical simulation (DNS) code has been developed and exptl. results have been compared with results of this DNS code. The results concern Eulerian and Lagrangian velocity statistics at two Reynolds nos. Based on these, coeffs. of the Langevin model have been detd. and phys. consequences for Langevin modeling and turbulent dispersion have been explained. [on SciFinder (R)
